Land Rover 3 5 3 9 4 2 V8 Engine Overhaul 1996 Rover Manual
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ENGINEOVERHAUL 25 9.Fitring clamp topiston andcompress piston rings. 10. Fitplastic tubingtoconnecting rodbolts. 11. Insert connecting rodand piston assembly into respective cylinderboreensuring domed shaped bossonconnecting rodfaces towards front ofengine onRH bank ofcylinders, and towards rearonLH bank ofcylinders. NOTE: Whenbothconnecting rodsare fitted toeach journal, bosseswillface towards eachother. 12. Pullconnecting rodontocrankshaft journal. CAUTION: Takecarenottoscratch crankshaft journals. 13. Fitbig-end bearingcapsandbearing shells. 14. Fitcylinder head(s). FLYWHEEL Flywheel- remove 1.Restrain crankshaft andremove 6bolts securing flywheel. 2. Remove flywheel. Inspect 1. Inspect flywheel faceforcracks, scoresand overheating. Theflywheel canberefaced providing thickness doesnotgobelow minimum. Flywheel minimum thickness A=39.93 mm 2. Inspect ringgear forworn, chipped andbroken teeth. 3. Renew ringgear ifnecessary.

ENGINE 26OVERHAUL Flywheel ringgear -renew 1. Drill a10 m m diameter holeaxially atbase of tooth andinner diameter ofstarter ring, sufficiently deepenough toweaken ringgear. CAUTION: Donot allow drilltoenter flywheel. 2. Secure flywheel insoft jawed vice. 3. Split ringgear using acold chisel. WARNING: Wearsafety goggles andtake precautions againstflyingfragments when splitting ringgear. 4. Remove flywheelfromvice, remove oldring gear, andplace flywheel, clutchsidedown, on a flat surface. 5.Heat newringgear uniformly tobetween 170 °and 175°C. CAUTION: Donot exceed this temperature. 6. Locate ringgear onflywheel withchamfered inner diameter towardsflywheel flange. NOTE:Ifring gear ischamfered onboth sides, itcan befitted either wayround. 7. Press ringgear ontoflywheel untilitbutts against flywheel flange. 8. Allow flywheel toair cool. Flywheel -refit 1. Fitflywheel andlocate on2dowels. 2. Fitflywheel bolts. 3. With assistance, restraincrankshaft and tighten flywheel boltstocorrect torque.

ENGINEOVERHAUL 27 DRIVE PLATE ANDRING GEAR ASSEMBLY Drive plateandring gear assembly -remove 1. Mark eachcomponent toenable reassembly in original position. 2.Remove 4bolts securing driveplate. 3. Remove clampring,flexible driveplate, hub aligner andringgear assembly. 4. Remove 6socket headscrews securing crankshaft adapterplate,remove adapter plate and selective shim. Inspect 1. Inspect flexibledriveplateforcracks and distortion. 2. Renew driveplateifnecessary. 3. Inspect ringgear forworn, chipped andbroken teeth. 4. Renew ringgear assembly ifnecessary. Drive plateandring gear assembly -refit CAUTION: Toprevent distortion toflexible drive platewhen bolted totorque converter, driveplatesetting heightmust be checked asfollows: 1. Fitexisting shimandcrankshaft adapterplate. 2. Fitsocket headscrews andlightly tighten. 3. Fitring gear assembly, hubaligner, driveplate and clamping ring,fitbolts andlightly tighten. 4. Check thesetting height. Drive platesetting heightA=8.08 to8.20 mm. 5. Remove bolts,remove clampring,flexible drive plate, hubaligner andringgear assembly. 6. Remove socketheadscrews, remove crankshaft adapterandshim.

ENGINE 28OVERHAUL 7. Measure existingshimand,ifnecessary, select appropriate shimtomaintain settingheight. Shims available: 1.20 -1.25mm 1.30 -1.35mm 1.40 -1.45mm 1.50 -1.55mm 1.60 -1.65mm 1.70 -1.75mm 1.80 -1.85mm 1.90 -1.95mm 2.00 -2.05mm 2.10 -2.15mm 8. Fitshim selected, positionadapter, ensuring marks previously madelineup,fitsocket head bolts andtighten tocorrect torque. 9. Fitring gear assembly, hubaligner, flexible drive plateandclamp ring.ensuring marks previously madelineup. 10. Apply Loctite 242tothreads ofbolts, fitbolts and tighten tocorrect torque. CRANKSHAFT, MAINANDBIG-END BEARINGS Crankshaft end-float -check 1. Set-up DTItomeasure endfloat. 2. Move crankshaft forwardsandzero gauge. 3. Move crankshaft rearwards, recordend-float reading obtained. Crankshaft end-float=0.10 to0.20mm. 4. Remove DTI. NOTE:Crankshaft end-floatiscontrolled by thrust facesonupper halfofcentre main bearing shell. Big-end bearings -remove 1. Remove sump. 2.Remove 2bolts securing oilstrainer. 3. Remove strainer,removeanddiscard gasket. 4. Suitably identifybearing capstotheir respective connecting rods. 5.Remove 2nuts securing eachbearing cap. 6. Remove bearingcapand bearing shell. CAUTION: Keepbearing capsandshells in their fitted order. 7. Fitalength ofplastic tubingovereach connecting rodbolt. 8. Push eachpiston upitsrespective boreand remove shellsfromconnecting rods. CAUTION: Keepbearing shellsintheir fitted order.

ENGINEOVERHAUL 29 Big-end bearings -Inspection 1. Check big-end bearingshellsforwear and damage. 2. Renew big-end bearingshellsasnecessary. NOTE: Big-end bearings areavailable in 0.254 mmand 0.508 mmundersizes. Big-end bearings -refit 1. Fitbearing shellstoeach connecting rod. 2. Lubricate bearingshellsandcrankshaft journals withclean engine oil. 3. Pull connecting rodsontocrankshaft journals and remove plastictubing. 4. Fitbearing shellstoeach big-end bearingcap. 5.Lubricate bearingshellsandfitbearing caps ensuring reference marksonconnecting rods and bearing capsarealigned. NOTE: Ribonedge ofbearing capmust face towards frontofengine onRH bank of cylinders andtowards rearonLH bank of cylinders. 6. Fitbearing capnuts andtighten tocorrect torque. 7. Check connecting rodsmove freelysideways on crankshaft. Tightnessindicatesinsufficient bearing clearance ormisaligned connecting rod. 8. Check clearance betweenconnecting rodson each crankshaft journal. Connecting rodclearance =0.15 to0.37 mm. 9. Clean oilstrainer. 10. Clean gasket mating facesonstrainer and cylinder block. 11. Fitgasket tostrainer, positionstrainer, fitbolts and tighten tocorrect torque. 12. Fitsump.

ENGINE 30OVERHAUL Crankshaft -remove 1. Remove flywheelordrive plateandringgear assembly. 2. Remove timingcover. 3. Remove timinggears. 4. Remove big-endbearings. 5.Starting atcentre mainbearing andworking outwards, progressively slackenthenremove 10 main bearing capbolts. 6. Remove 5main bearing capsandbearing shells, retainbearings withtheir caps. 7. Lift out crankshaft andrear oilseal. Remove and discard oilseal. 8. Remove 5bearing shellsfromcylinder block and retain intheir fitted order. 9. Remove anddiscard sideseals fromrearmain bearing cap. 10. Remove Woodruff keyfrom crankshaft. Crankshaft -inspection 1. Clean crankshaft andblow outoilpassages. 2. Support crankshaft frontandrear bearings on vee blocks, andusing aDTI, measure run-out on centre mainbearing. Maximum permittedrun-out=0.08 mm. If run-out exceeds permitted maximum, crankshaft isunsuitable forregrinding and should berenewed. 3. Measure eachjournal foroverall wearand ovality. Main bearing journaldiameter =58.409 to 58.422 mm Maximum outofround =0.040 mm. Big-end bearingjournaldiameter =50.800 to 50.812 mm Maximum outofround =0.040 mm. If measurements exceedpermitted maximum, regrind orfitnew crankshaft. NOTE: Ovality checks shouldbemade at 120 °intervals aroundeachjournal. Crankshaft mainbearings areavailable in 0.254 mmand 0.508 mmundersizes. Whenfitting 0.508 mmundersize bearings,centremain bearing, whichcontrols crankshaft end-float,has thrust facesincreased inthickness by0.254 mm. Therefore if0.508 mmundersize bearingsare fitted, 0.127mmmust bemachined offeach thrust faceofcentre mainbearing journalto maintain correctradius.

ENGINEOVERHAUL 31 Crankshaft dimensions: Bearingjournalradius-all journals exceptrearmain journal A=1.90 to2.28 mm. Rear mainbearing journalradiusB=3.04 mm. Bearing journaldiameter C: Standard =58.400 to58.413mm. 0.254 mmundersize =58.146 to58.158 mm. 0.508 mmundersize =57.892 to57.904 mm. Bearing journalwidthD: Standard =26.975 to27.026 mm. 0.254 mmundersize =26.975 to27.026 mm. 0.508 mmundersize =27.229 to27.280 mm. Bearing journaldiameter E: Standard =50.800 to50.812 mm. 0.254 mmundersize =50.546 to50.559 mm. 0.508 mmundersize =50.292 to50.305 mm. Crankshaft spigotbearing -renew 1. Carefully extractoldspigot bearing. 2. Clean bearing recessincrankshaft. 3. Fitnew bearing flushwith,ortoamaximum of 1.6 mm below endface ofcrankshaft. 4. Ream bearing tocorrect insidediameter. Spigot bearing insidediameter =19.177 + 0.025 mm. 5. Remove alltraces ofswarfe. Crankshaft -refit 1. Clean mainbearing caps,bearing shell recesses andmating surfaces ofcylinder block. 2. Fitupper mainbearing shells,withoilholes and grooves, incylinder block,ensuring flanged shellisfitted incentre position. 3. Lubricate bearingshellswithclean engine oil and position crankshaft incylinder block. 4. Fitmain bearing shellstobearing caps.

ENGINE 32 OVERHAUL 5. Apply EXP16A (Marston Lubricants) lubricant to threads ofmain bearing capbolts. 6. Lubricate mainbearing shellsandfitnumbers 1 to 4 bearing caps,fitand lightly tighten bolts. 7.Fitside seals torear main bearing cap. CAUTION: Sealsmustprotrude approximately 1.5mm above bearing cap face. 8. Apply Hylomar SQ32Mjointingcompound to bearing caprear mating faceoncylinder block. 9. Lubricate bearingshellandside seals with clean engine oil,carefully fitbearing cap assembly. 10. Fitbolts andlightly tighten. 11. Clean seallocation andrunning surfaceon crankshaft. 12. Engine numbers withoutsuffixB:Clean seal protector LRT-12-010 andlubricate withengine oil. 13. Engine numbers withsuffix B:Clean seal protector LRT-12-095 andlubricate withengine oil. 14. Lubricate oilseal lipwith engine oil. NOTE: Sealprotector LRT-12-095 illustrated. 15. Position sealprotector tocrankshaft. 16. Engine numbers withoutsuffixB:Fitoilseal squarely usinghandpressure onlyuntilfully seated inrecess. 17. Engine numbers withsuffix B:Fitseal using tool LRT-12-091. 18. Tighten mainbearing capbolts tocorrect torque. 19. FitWoodruff keytocrankshaft. 20. Check crankshaft end-float. 21. Fitbig-end bearings. 22. Fittiming coverandgears. 23. Fitflywheel ordrive plateandringgear assembly.

ENGINESERVICE TOOLS 1 SERVICE TOOLS Land Rover Number RoverNumber Description LRT-12-010* 18G1014* Protectionsleeve-crankshaft rearoilseal LRT-12-013 18G1150 Remover/replacergudgeonpin LRT-12-014 18G1150E Adaptorremover/replacer gudgeonpin LRT-12-034 18G1519 Valvespring compressor LRT-12-037 RO.274401Driftremover -valve guide LRT-12-038 RO.600959Driftreplacer -valve guide LRT-12-055 Distancepiece-valve guide LRT-12-089** Replacer-timing coveroilseal LRT-12-090** Retainer-oil pump gears LRT-12-091** Replace-crankshaft rearoilseal LRT-12-095** Protectionsleeve-crankshaft rearoilseal LRT-12-501 MS76BBasichandle set-valve seatcutters LRT-12-503 MS150-8.5Adjustablevalveseatpilot LRT-12-504 MS76-621Adjustablevalveseatcutter LRT-12-515 RO.605774ADistancepiece-valve guide * Engine numbers withoutsuffixB** Engine numbers withsuffix B Service toolsmust beobtained directfromthe manufacturers: V.L. Churchill, P.O. BoxNo3, London Road, Daventry, Northants, NN114NF. England.