Land Rover 3 5 3 9 4 2 V8 Engine Overhaul 1996 Rover Manual
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V8 ENGINE OVERHAUL MANUAL This overhaul manualisapplicable to3.5, 3.9 and 4.2Litre V8engines withorwithout suffix Badded tothe engine serialnumber. Publication PartNo.RCL Published byRover Technical Communication Ó 1996 Rover Group Limited

INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTION 1 INTRODUCTION How touse this Manual To assist inthe use ofthis Manual thesection titleis given atthe topand therelevant sub-section isgiven at the bottom ofeach page. This manual contains procedures foroverhaul ofthe V8 engine onthe bench withthegearbox, clutch, inlet manifold, exhaustmanifolds, coolantpump, starter motor,alternator, andallother ancillary equipment removed.Forinformation regarding General Information, Adjustments, removalofoil seals, engine unitsandancillary equipment, consult the Repair Manual. Each major section startswithacontents page, listing theinformation containedinthe relevant sub-sections. Toassist filingofrevised information each sub-section isnumbered frompage 1. The individual overhaulitemsaretobe followed in the sequence inwhich theyappear. Itemsnumbers in the illustrations arereferred tointhe text. Overhaul operations includereference toService tool numbers andtheassociated illustrationdepicts the tool. Where usageisnot obvious thetool is shown inuse. Land Rover toolnumbers arequoted, for the equivalent RoverCarstoolnumber referto the Service Toolsection. Operations alsoinclude reference towear limits, relevant data,andspecialist information anduseful assembly details. WARNINGS, CAUTIONSandNOTES havethe following meanings: WARNING: Procedures whichmustbe followed precisely toavoid thepossibility of injury. CAUTION: Callsattention toprocedures which mustbefollowed toavoid damage to components. NOTE: Giveshelpful information. References With theengine andgearbox assembly removed, the crankshaft pulleyendofthe engine isreferred to as the front. References toRH and LHbanks of cylinders istaken viewing fromtheflywheel endof the engine. Operations coveredinthis Manual donot include reference totesting thevehicle afterrepair. Itis essential thatwork isinspected andtested after completion andifnecessary aroad testofthe vehicle iscarried outparticularly wheresafety related itemsareconcerned. DimensionsThe dimensions quotedaretodesign engineering specification withService limitswhere applicable.

INTRODUCTION 2INTRODUCTION REPAIRS ANDREPLACEMENTS When replacement partsarerequired itis essential that only Rover recommended partsareused. Attention isparticularly drawntothe following points concerning repairsandthefitting ofreplacement parts andaccessories. Torque wrench settingfigures giveninthis Manual must beused. Locking devices, wherespecified, must befitted. Ifthe efficiency ofalocking deviceis impaired duringremoval itmust berenewed. The terms ofthe vehicle warranty maybe invalidated bythe fitting ofparts other thanRover Group recommended parts.AllRover Group recommended partshavethefullbacking ofthe vehicle warranty. Rover Group dealers areobliged tosupply only Rover Group recommended parts. SPECIFICATION Rover Group areconstantly seekingtoimprove the specification, designandproduction oftheir vehicles and alterations takeplace accordingly. Whileevery effort hasbeen made toensure theaccuracy ofthis Manual, itshould notberegarded asan infallible guide tocurrent specifications ofany particular vehicle.This Manual doesnotconstitute anoffer forsale of any particular component orvehicle. RoverGroup dealers arenotagents ofRover Group andhave no authority tobind themanufacturer byany expressed or implied undertaking orrepresentation.

INFORMATIONGENERALDATA 1 DATA Firing order 1,8,4,3,6,5,7,2 ............................... Cylinders1,3,5,7-LH side ofengine Cylinders 2,4,6,8-RH side ofengine Valve springs Free length 48.30mm ................................ Fitted length 40.40mm ................................ Load atfitted length 339±10 N .......................... Valves Valve stemdiameter: Inlet 8.664to8.679 mm ..................................... Exhaust 8.651to8.666 mm .................................. Valve headdiameter: Inlet 39.75to40.00 mm ..................................... Exhaust 34.226to34.480 mm .................................. Valve installed height-maximum 47.63mm ............... Valve stemtoguide clearance: Inlet 0.025to0.066 mm ..................................... Exhaust 0.038to0.078 mm .................................. Valve guides Valve guideinstalled height 24.13mm .................... Valve seats Valve seatangle 460°15 ............................ Valve seatwidth 1.5to2.0 mm ............................ Valve faceangle 45° ............................ Oil pump Gear tobody minimum clearance 0.05mm ............... Oil pressure reliefvalve Spring freelength 81.28mm ........................... Oil pump -Engine Noswithsuffix B Inner toouter rotorclearance -maximum 0.25mm ......... Rotors tocover plateclearance -maximum 0.1mm ....... Drive gearwear stepdepth -maximum 0.15mm ........... Oil pressure reliefvalve -Engine Noswith suffix B Spring freelength 60.0mm ........................... CamshaftMaximum run-out 0.05mm ............................

INFORMATION 2GENERAL DATA Piston rings Ring togroove clearance: Top compression 0.05to0.10 mm ........................... 2nd compression 0.05to0.10 mm ........................... Ring fitted gap: Top compression 0.44to0.57 mm ........................... 2nd compression 0.44to0.57 mm ........................... Oil control rails 0.38to1.40 mm ............................. Oil control ringwidth 3.00mm,maximum ......................... Pistons Clearance inbore, measured atbottom of skirt atright angles tobore 0.018to0.033 mm .................... Gudgeon pins Length 72.67to72.79 mm .................................... Diameter 22.215to22.220 mm .................................. Clearance inpiston 0.002to0.007 mm .......................... Connecting rods Length between centres 143.81to143.71 mm ...................... Cylinder bore Cylinder borediameter: 3.5 engine 88.90mm ................................ 3.9 engine 94.00mm ................................ 4.2 engine 94.00mm ................................ CrankshaftMain journal diameter 58.409to54.422 mm ........................ Minimum regrinddiameter 57.393to57.406 mm .................... Maximum outofround 0.040mm ....................... Big-end journaldiameter 50.800to50.812 mm ...................... Minimum regrinddiameter 49.784to49.797 mm .................... Maximum outofround 0.040mm ....................... End-float 0.10to0.20 mm .................................. Main bearings Main bearing diametrical clearance 0.010to0.048 mm .............. Undersizes 0.254mm,0.508 mm ................................ Big-end bearings Big-end bearingdiametrical clearance 0.015to0.055 mm ........... Undersizes 0.254mm,0.508 mm ................................ Endfloat onjournal 0.15to0.36 mm ........................... FlywheelFlywheel minimum thickness 39.93mm ................... Drive plate Drive platesetting height 8.08to8.20 mm ......................

INFORMATIONTORQUE WRENCH SETTINGS 1 ENGINE Crankshaft pulleybolt 270Nm ........................ Timing covertocylinder blockbolts** 22Nm ............ Camshaft gearbolt 50Nm .......................... Rocker coverbolts 8Nm ........................... Rocker shafttocylinder headbolts 38Nm .............. Cylinder headbolts: * Outer row 60Nm ................................. Centre row 90Nm ................................ Inner row 90Nm ................................. Cylinder headbolts-Engine Noswithsuffix B:* Stage 1 20 Nm .................................. Stage 2 Then90° .................................. Stage 3 Further90° .................................. Lifting eyetocylinder headbolts 25Nm ................ Connecting rodbolts 50Nm ......................... Main bearing capbolts *** 70Nm ..................... Rear mainbearing capbolts *** 90Nm ................. Flywheel bolts 80Nm .............................. Drive plateandringgear assembly bolts 40Nm .......... Drive plateadapter bolts 80Nm ...................... Oil sump drainplug 40Nm .......................... Oil sump bolts 23Nm .............................. Oil pressure reliefplug 45Nm ........................ Oil pump covertotiming cover 12Nm ................. Oil pump coverplatescrews -Engine Noswith suffix B**** 4N m ................................ Oil strainer bolts 10Nm ............................. Distributor clampbolt 20Nm ......................... Spark plug 15Nm ................................. Coolant pump/timing covertocylinder block 22Nm ....... * Lightly oilthreads priortoassembly. ** Coatfirstthree threads withLoctite 242prior toassembly. *** Coatthreads withlubricant EXP16A (Marston Lubricants) priortoassembly. **** Coatthreads withLoctite 222prior toassembly.

INFORMATION 2TORQUE WRENCH SETTINGS GENERAL For bolts andnuts nototherwise specified: METRIC M5 4Nm ...................................... M6 6Nm ...................................... M8 18Nm ...................................... M10 35Nm ..................................... M12 65Nm ..................................... M14 80Nm ..................................... M16 130Nm ..................................... UNC /UNF 1/4 8-10Nm ...................................... 5/16 25Nm ..................................... 3/8 40Nm ...................................... 7/16 75Nm ..................................... 1/2 90Nm ...................................... 5/8 135Nm ......................................

ENGINE DESCRIPTION ANDOPERATION 1 This page isintentionally leftblank