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Land Rover 3 5 3 9 4 2 V8 Engine Overhaul 1996 Rover Manual

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    valvesprings andguides -inspection
    1. Clean cylinder head,valvesprings, valvesand
    valve guide bores.
    2. Check existing valvestemandhead diameters.
    3. Check valvestemtoguide clearance using
    new valves.
    4.Renew valvesandguides asnecessary.
    Valve headdiameter A:
    Inlet =39.75 to40.00 mm
    Exhaust =34.226 to34.48 mm
    Valve stemdiameter B:
    Inlet =8.664 to8.679 mm
    Exhaust =8.651 to8.666 mm
    5. Check installed heightofeach valve.
    Valve installed heightC= 47.63 mm
    6. Renew valve/valve seatinsert asnecessary. 7.
    Check valvestemtoguide clearance.
    Valve stemtoguide clearance D:
    Inlet =0.25 to0.66 mm
    Exhaust =0.38 to0.78 mm
    8. Check condition ofvalve springs:
    Free length =48.30 mm
    Fitted length =40.40 mm
    Load atfitted length =339 ±10N
    Load atvalve openlength =736 ±22N
    CAUTION: Valvesprings mustbereplaced
    as acomplete set.
    Valve guide -renew
    1. Using valveguide remover, LRT-12-037 press
    valve guide outfrom combustion chamberside
    of cylinder head.
    NOTE:Service valveguides are0.025mm
    oversize onoutside diameter toensure
    interference fit.
    2. Lubricate newvalve guide withengine oiland
    place inposition.    
    3.Using LRT-12-038 partiallypressguideinto
    cylinder head,remove tool.
    4. FitLRT-12-515 overvalve guide andcontinue
    to press guideintocylinder headuntiltool
    contacts springseat.Remove tool.
    Valve guideinstalled heightA=24.13 mm
    Valve seatinsert -inspection
    1. Check valveseatinserts forpitting, burning
    and wear. Replace insertsasnecessary. Valve
    seatinsert -renew
    NOTE: Service valveseatinserts are
    available 0.25mmoversize onoutside
    diameter toensure interference fit.
    1.Grind acrescent inseat insert, untilthin
    enough tobreak usingacold chisel.
    CAUTION: Donot damage counterbore.
    2. Heat cylinder headevenly toapproximately
    65 °C.
    3. Using asuitable mandrel, pressnewinsert fully
    into counterbore.
    4. Allow cylinder headtoair cool.   
    1. Check condition ofvalve seats andvalves that
    are tobe reused.
    2. Remove carbonfromvalves andvalve seats.
    3.Reface valvesasnecessary. Ifa valve hasto
    be ground toaknife-edge toobtain atrue seat,
    fit anew valve.
    Valve seating faceangle A=4 5°
    4. Cut valve seats usingLRT-12-501 with
    LRT-12-503 andLRT-12-504.
    Valve seat:
    Width A:Inlet =37.03 mm
    Exhaust =31.50 mm
    Width B=1.5 -2.00 mm
    Angle C=7 0°
    Angle D=4 6°± 15
    Angle E=2 0°
    5. Ensure cutterblades arecorrectly fittedto
    cutter headwithangled endofblade
    downwards, facingwork,asillustrated. Check
    that cutter blades areadjusted sothat middle
    of blade contacts areaofmaterial tobe cut.
    Use light pressure andremove onlyminimum
    of material necessary.     
    andsprings -refit
    1. Lap each valve toits seat using finegrinding
    2. Clean valveandseat.
    3.Coat valve seatwithasmall quantity of
    engineers blue,insert valveandpress itinto
    position severaltimeswithout rotating. Remove
    valve andcheck foreven andcentral seating.
    Seating position shownbyengineers blue
    should beincentre ofvalve face.
    4.Check valveinstalled heightifvalve seats have
    been recutornew valves orvalve seatinserts
    have been fitted.
    Valve installed heightA=47.63 mm
    5. Thoroughly cleancylinder head,blowout
    oilways andcoolant passages.
    6. Fitnew valve stemoilseals, lubricate valve
    stems, fitvalves, valvesprings andcaps,
    compress valvesprings usingLRT-12-034 and
    fit collets.
    7. Using awooden dowelandmallet, lightlytap
    each valve stemtwoorthree times toseat
    valve capand collets. Cylinder
    1. Clean cylinder blockfaces usingasuitable
    release agentandplastic scraper; ensurethat
    bolt holes incylinder blockareclean anddry.
    CAUTION: Donot use metal scraper or
    machined surfacesmaybedamaged.
    Engine numbers withoutsuffixB:Thoroughly
    clean threads ofcylinder headbolts.
    CAUTION: Cylinderheadbolts -Cylinder
    head bolts fitted toengines withoutsuffix
    B added toserial number arenot
    interchangeable withthose fittedtoengines with
    suffix Badded toserial number.
    3.Fitcylinder headgasket withtheword TOP
    NOTE: Gasket mustbefitted dry.
    CAUTION: EngineswithoutsuffixBhave a
    steel gasket whilstengines withsuffix B
    have acomposite gasket.Thetwotypes of
    gasket arenot interchangeable anditis essential
    to ensure thatthecorrect typeofgasket isfitted.
    4. Carefully fitcylinder headandlocate on
    5. Lightly oilthreads ofcylinder headbolts.    
    Enginenumbers withoutsuffixB
    NOTE: RHcylinder headillustrated
    6. Fitcylinder headbolts:
    Long bolts: 1,3and 5.
    Medium bolts:2,4,6,7,8,9,and 10.
    Short bolts:11,12,13and 14.
    7. Using sequence shown,progressively tighten
    cylinder headboltstocorrect torque.
    Engine numbers withsuffix B
    NOTE: RHcylinder headillustrated
    8. Fitnew cylinder headbolts:
    Long bolts: 1,3and 5
    Short bolts:2,4,6,7, 8,9and 10
    NOTE: Therearenobolts fitted inthe four
    lower holes ineach cylinder head. 9.
    Using sequence shown,tightencylinder head
    bolts to:
    Stage 1-Correct torque
    Stage 2-90 °
    Stage 3-Further 90°
    All engines
    10. Fitrocker shaftassembly.
    Distributor -remove
    1. Remove distributor cap.
    2. Rotate crankshaft untilcentre lineofrotor arm
    is aligned withNo.1spark plugsegment in
    distributor capand No.1piston isat TDC.
    3. Scribe analignment markbetween distributor
    body andclamp.
    4. Remove nutsecuring distributor clamp.
    5. Remove distributor.
    6. Remove clamp.
    7. Remove anddiscard Oring from distributor.     
    							ENGINE 10OVERHAUL
    1. Remove dipstick.
    2. Remove screwsecuring dipsticktubetoLH
    rocker cover.
    3.Remove 16bolts securing sumptocylinder
    NOTE: Engine numbers withsuffix B,17
    bolts areused tosecure sumptocylinder
    4. Carefully releasesumpfromcylinder block.
    CAUTION: Takecarenottodamage
    sealing facesofcylinder blockandsump.
    5. Remove sump. Timing
    cover-remove -Engine numbers without
    suffix B
    1. Remove crankshaft pulleyboltand collect
    spacer washer.
    2. Remove crankshaft pulley.
    3.Remove boltsandnutsecuring timingcoverto
    cylinder block.
    4. Release andremove timingcover.
    5. Remove anddiscard gasket.
    6. Remove anddiscard oilseal from timing cover.    
    							ENGINEOVERHAUL 11
    cover-remove -Engine numbers with
    suffix B
    NOTE: Timing cover,oilpump andoil
    pressure reliefvalve areonly supplied as
    an assembly.
    1. Using assistance, restrainflywheel andremove
    crankshaft pulleybolt;collect spacer washer.
    2. Remove crankshaft pulley.
    3.Noting theirfitted position, removebolts
    securing timingcovertocylinder block;remove
    NOTE: Dowellocated.
    4.Remove oilpump drivegear.
    5. Remove anddiscard gasket.
    6. Remove anddiscard oilseal from timing cover. Timing
    1. Restrain camshaft gearandremove bolt
    securing gear,collect washer.
    2. Remove distributor drivegearandspacer.
    3.Remove timingchainandgears asan
    4. Collect Woodruff keysfromcamshaft and
    Timing gears-inspection
    1. Thoroughly cleanallcomponents.
    2. Inspect distributor drivegearforwear.
    3. Inspect timingchainlinksandpins forwear.
    4. Inspect timingchainsprockets forwear. Renew
    parts asnecessary.      
    							ENGINE 12OVERHAUL
    1. Clean gearlocations oncamshaft and
    crankshaft, fitWoodruff keys.
    2.Check camshaft Woodruffkeyisfully engaged
    in keyway.
    CAUTION: Spacebetween Woodruff key
    and keyway actsasan oilfeed. Itis
    therefore mostimportant thatkeyis
    properly seatedandparallel toaxis ofcamshaft.
    Overall dimension Amust notexceed 30.15
    3. Temporarily fitcrankshaft gear,andif
    necessary turncrankshaft tobring timing mark
    on gear tothe twelve oclock position, remove
    4. Temporarily fitcamshaft gearwithmarking F
    facing forwards.
    5. Turn camshaft untilmark oncamshaft sprocket
    is at the sixoclock position, removegear
    without moving camshaft.
    6.Position timinggearsonwork surface with
    timing marks upwards andaligned.
    7. Fittiming chainaround gears,keeping timing
    marks aligned.
    8. Fitgear andchain assembly.
    NOTE: Timing marksandFmark on
    camshaft gearmust befacing forwards.
    9.Fitspacer tocamshaft withflange facing
    10. Fitdistributor drivegeartocamshaft with
    grooved facetowards camshaft gear.
    11. Fitcamshaft gearboltand washer, restrain
    camshaft gearandtighten bolttocorrect
    							ENGINEOVERHAUL 13
    cover-refit -Engine numbers without
    suffix B
    1. Clean sealant fromthreads ofcover bolts.
    2. Clean alltraces ofold gasket material from
    timing coverandmating faceofcylinder block.
    CAUTION: Useaplastic scraper.
    3. Use alint free cloth andthoroughly cleanoil
    seal location intiming cover.
    4. Lubricate newoilseal sealing surfaces with
    engine oil.
    5.Locate sealtotiming coverandpress sealin
    squarely untilflush withfront faceoftiming
    6. Position newgasket tocylinder block.
    7. Coat threads oftiming coverboltswithLoctite
    242 sealant.
    8. Fittiming cover, fitbolts andnutand tighten to
    correct torque.
    9. Fitcrankshaft pulley.
    10. Fitspacer washer topulley bolt,fitbolt and
    tighten tocorrect torque. Timing
    cover-refit -Engine numbers withsuffix
    NOTE: Timing cover,oilpump andoil
    pressure reliefvalve areonly supplied as
    an assembly.
    1. Clean sealant fromthreads oftiming cover
    2. Clean alltraces ofgasket material frommating
    faces oftiming coverandcylinder block.
    CAUTION: Useaplastic scraper.
    3. Clean oilseal location intiming cover.
    4. Lubricate oilpump gearsandoilseal recesss
    in timing coverwithengine oil.
    5. Apply Hylosil jointing compound tonew timing
    cover gasket, position gaskettocylinder block.
    6. Position oilpump drivegearintiming cover
    with groove towards frontoftiming cover.
    7.Locate toolLRT-12-090 ontiming coverandoil
    pump drivegear.
    8. Position timingcovertocylinder blockandat
    the same time,rotate toolLRT-12-090 until
    drive gearkeyway isaligned withWoodruff
    9. Fittiming covertocylinder block.
    10. Smear threads oftiming coverboltswith
    Loctite 242sealant, fitbolts andtighten
    progressively tothe correct torque.
    NOTE: Donot fitcoolant pumpboltsat
    this stage.
    11. Remove toolLRT-12-090.    
    							ENGINE 14OVERHAUL
    12.Lubricate newtiming coveroilseal withengine
    13. Fittiming coveroilseal using toolLRT-12-089.
    14. Fitcrankshaft pulley,fitbolt and spacer
    washer; tightenbolttocorrect torque.
    Sump -refit
    1. Remove alltraces ofold sealant frommating
    faces ofcylinder blockandsump.
    2.Clean mating faceswithsuitable solventand
    apply a2m m bead ofHylosil whitesilicone
    sealant tosump jointface asshown.
    3. Fitsump, takingcarenottodamage sealant
    4. Fitsump boltsandworking fromthecentre
    outwards, tightenprogressively tocorrect
    5. Fitand tighten screwsecuring dipsticktubeto
    LH rocker cover.
    6. Fitdipstick. Distributor
    1. Ensure timingpointer isaligned with30mark
    on crankshaft pulleyandNo.1 piston ison the
    compression stroke.
    2. Engine numbers withoutsuffixB:Position
    oil pump driveshafttongue atthe tentofour
    3. Lubricate anew Oring with engine oiland fit
    to distributor.
    4. Turn distributor driveuntilrotor armis
    approximately 30°anti-clockwise fromNo.1
    spark plugsegment indistributor cap.
    5. Insert distributor intotiming cover, engage
    drive gearandpush distributor downuntilO
    ring enters bore;position distributor clampon
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