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Land Rover 3 5 3 9 4 2 V8 Engine Overhaul 1996 Rover Manual

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    Have a look at the manual Land Rover 3 5 3 9 4 2 V8 Engine Overhaul 1996 Rover Manual online for free. It’s possible to download the document as PDF or print. UserManuals.tech offer 364 Land Rover manuals and user’s guides for free. Share the user manual or guide on Facebook, Twitter or Google+.

    1. Cylinder block
    2. Piston andgudgeon pin
    3. Connecting rod
    4. Core plugs
    5. Camshaft
    6. Dipstick
    7. Camshaft key
    8. Timing chain
    9. Camshaft sprocket
    10. Spacer
    11. Distributor drivegear
    12. Distributor
    13. Oilpump gears*
    14. Timing coverandgasket *
    15. Timing coveroilseal *
    16. Crankshaft pulley
    17. Crankshaft sprocket
    18. Woodruff key
    19. Crankshaft 20.
    Centre mainbearing shell-upper
    21. Crankshaft rearoilseal
    22. Rear mainbearing capand side seals
    23. Connecting rodcap
    24. Main bearing caps
    25. Oilpump cover*
    26. Oilpressure reliefvalve assembly *
    27. Oilpressure switch*
    28. Oilpump suction pipeandstrainer
    29. Sump
    30. Drain plug
    31. Timing cover**
    32. Timing covergasket **
    33. Timing coveroilseal **
    34. Oilfilter **
    35. Oilpressure switch**
    36. Oilpressure reliefvalve assembly **
    37. Camshaft thrustplate-if fitted
    * Engine numbers withoutsuffixB
    ** Engine numbers withsuffix B  
    1. Cylinder head
    2. Rocker cover
    3. PCV filter
    4. Rocker shaft
    5. Tappet
    6. Pushrod
    7. Rocker shaftbracket
    8. Rocker arm
    9. Rocker shaftspring
    10. PCV airintake filter 11.
    Engine oilfiller cap
    12. Inlet valve seal,spring, cap,andcollets
    13. Exhaust valveseal,spring, capand collets
    14. Inlet valve andseat
    15. Exhaust valveandseat
    16. Inlet manifold gasketandseals
    17. Cylinder headgasket
    18. Valve guide  
    Operation TheV8engine isan eight cylinder, watercooled unit
    comprising ofcast aluminium cylinderblockand
    cylinder heads.
    The twobanks ofsteel cylinder linerswhich are
    pressed downtostops inthe cylinder block,areset
    at 900 toeach other. Thecrankshaft iscarried infive
    main bearings, end-floatbeingcontrolled bythe
    thrust facesofthe upper centre mainbearing shell. The
    centrally locatedcamshaft isdriven bythe
    crankshaft viaaninverted toothchain. Thevalves
    are operated byrockers, pushrods andhydraulic
    tappets. Distributor driveisby skew gearfromthe
    front ofthe camshaft.
    The aluminium alloy,pistons havetwocompression
    rings andanoilcontrol ringand aresecured tothe
    connecting rodsbysemi-floating gudgeonpins.On
    later 4.2L engines thegudgeon pinisoffset 0.5mm,
    identified byan arrow markonthe piston crown,
    which mustalways pointtothe front ofthe engine.
    Plain, big-end bearingshellsarefitted toeach
    connecting rod.   
    -Engine numbers withoutsuffixB
    1.Oil strainer
    2. Crankshaft mainbearing oilfeed
    3. Oil pressure reliefvalve
    4. Oil pump 5.
    Main gallery
    A Oiltocooler
    B Oilfrom cooler  
    -Engine numbers withsuffix B
    1.Oil strainer
    2. Oil pump
    3. Pressure reliefvalve
    4. Oil pressure switch 5.
    Main gallery
    A Oil tocooler
    B Oil from cooler
    Engine numbers withoutsuffixB
    The fullflow lubrication systemusesanexternal
    gear pump which isdriven bythe distributor drive
    shaft. Theoilpump gearsarehoused inthe timing
    cover andtheoilpressure reliefvalve andwarning
    light switch arefitted tothe oilpump cover.
    Engine numbers withsuffix B
    The fullflow lubrication systemusesagear typeoil
    pump driven fromthecrankshaft. Theassembly is
    integral withthetiming coverwhich alsocarries the
    full flow oilfilter, oilpressure switchandpressure
    relief valve. All
    Oil isdrawn fromthepressed steelsump through a
    strainer andintotheoilpump, excess pressure
    being relieved bythe pressure reliefvalve. Theoil
    pressure warninglightswitch isscrewed intotheoil
    pump coverandregisters theoilpressure inthe
    main oilgallery onthe outflow sideofthe filter.
    Pressurised oilpasses through anoilcooler -if fitted
    to the fullflow oilfilter andtointernal drillings inthe
    crankshaft whereitis directed toeach mainbearing
    and tothe bigend bearings viaNos. 1,3and 5main
    bearings. Aninternal drillinginthe cylinder block
    directs oiltothe camshaft whereitpasses through
    further internal drillings tothe hydraulic tappets,
    camshaft journalsandrocker shaft.Lubrication to
    the thrust sideofthe cylinders isby oilgrooves
    machined ineach connecting rodbigend joint face,
    which aretimed toalign withholes inthe bigend
    journals onthe power andexhaust strokes.   
    driveandtiming chainlubrication
    2. Camshaft
    3. Key
    4. Camshaft timingchainsprocket
    5. Spacer
    6. Distributor drivegear
    The distributor driveandtiming chainarelubricated
    from thecamshaft frontbearing. Thefeed tothe
    timing chainischannelled alongthecamshaft
    sprocket, keyand spacer. Hydraulic
    2. Pushrod seat
    3. Inner sleeve
    4. Upper chamber
    5. Non-return ballvalve
    6. Spring
    7. Outer sleeve
    8. Lower chamber -high pressure
    The purpose ofthe hydraulic tappetisto provide
    maintenance freeandquiet operation ofthe inlet
    and exhaust valves.Itachieves thisbyutilising
    engine oilpressure toeliminate themechanical
    clearance betweentherockers andthevalve stems.
    During normal operation, engineoilpressure present
    in the upper chamber passesthrough thenon-return
    ball valve andintothelower, highpressure,
    chamber. When thecam begins tolift the outer sleeve, the
    resistance ofthe valve spring feltthrough thepush
    rod and seat causes thetappet innersleeve tomove
    downwards insidetheouter sleeve. Thisdownward
    movement ofthe inner sleeve closestheball valve
    and increases thepressure inthe lower, high
    pressure chamber, sufficiently toensure thatthe
    push rodopens thevalve fully.
    As the tappet moves offthe peak ofthe cam theball
    valve opens toequalise thepressure inboth
    chambers whichensures thevalve closes whenthe
    tappet ison the back ofthe cam.   
    Rocker shaft-remove
    1. LH rocker shaftonly:Remove screwsecuring
    dipstick tubetorocker cover.
    2.Remove 4screws securing rockercoverto
    cylinder head.
    NOTE:Markposition of2longer screws.
    3. Remove rockercover.
    4. Remove anddiscard gasketfromrocker cover.
    5. Mark eachrocker shaftinrelation tooriginal
    cylinder head.
    CAUTION: Incorrectfitmentofrocker
    shafts willlead toan oilfeed restriction.
    6.Progressively slackenandremove 4bolts
    securing rockershaftassembly tocylinder
    7. Remove rockershaftassembly.
    8. Remove pushrods andstore infitted order.     
    Remove splitpinfrom oneendofrocker shaft.
    2. Remove plainwasher, wavewasher, rocker
    arms, brackets andsprings.
    Inspect 1. Thoroughly cleancomponents.
    2. Inspect eachcomponent forwear, inparticular
    rocker armsandshafts. Discard weakor
    broken springs.
    3. Inspect pushrod seatsinrocker arms.
    4. Check pushrods forstraightness andinspect
    ball ends fordamage, replaceasnecessary.
    1. Assemble rockershaftswithidentification
    groove atone oclock position withpush rod
    end ofrocker armtothe right.
    CAUTION: Ifrocker shaftsareincorrectly
    assembled andfitted toengine, oilsupply
    to rocker armswillberestricted.
    2.Fitnew splitpintoone endofrocker shaft.
    3. Fitplain washer andwave washer.
    4. Lubricate rockerarmbushes withclean engine
    5. Early typerocker armsareangled, andmust
    be fitted withthevalve endofthe rocker arms
    angled awayfromeach other asillustrated.
    6. On later typerocker armsthevalve endis
    offset andmust befitted asillustrated.
    NOTE: Earlyandlaterocker armsare
    interchangeable providedthecomplete set
    is changed.
    7. Assemble rockerarms,brackets andsprings to
    rocker shaft.
    8. Compress springs,fitwave washer, plain
    washer andsecure withnew splitpin.    
    1. Lubricate pushrods withengine oil.
    2. Fitpushrods inremoved order.
    3.Fiteach rocker shaftassembly, ensuring
    identification grooveisuppermost andtowards
    front ofengine onRH side andtowards rearof
    engine onLH side.
    CAUTION: Incorrectfitmentwillresult in
    an oilfeed restriction.
    4. Fitbolts andtighten tocorrect torque.
    5. Clean gasket surface inrocker coverusing
    Bostik cleaner 6001orequivalent, andallow to
    dry. 6.
    Apply athin coating ofBostik 1775or
    equivalent impactadhesive tomating surfaces
    of rocker coverandgasket.
    7. Allow adhesive tocure, thenfitgasket torocker
    CAUTION: Gasketfitsone way round only,
    it must befitted accurately assubsequent
    movement willdestroy bonding.
    8. Fitrocker covertocylinder head,fitscrews and
    tighten tocorrect torque.
    CAUTION: The2short screws mustbe
    fitted onside ofcover nearest centreof
    9. LH rocker shaftonly: Aligndipstick tubeto
    rocker cover,fitand tighten screw.   
    Cylinder head-remove
    1. Remove rockershaftassembly.
    2. Mark heads LHand RHforreassembly.
    Engine numbers withoutsuffixB
    NOTE: RHcylinder headillustrated
    3. Using sequence shown,remove 14bolts
    securing cylinderheadtocylinder block.
    Enginenumbers withsuffix B
    NOTE: RHcylinder headillustrated
    4. Using sequence shown,remove anddiscard
    10 bolts securing cylinderheadtocylinder
    NOTE: Nobolts arefitted inthe four lower
    holes ineach cylinder head.
    5.Release cylinderheadfrom2dowels and
    remove cylinder head.
    6. Remove anddiscard cylinder headgasket.
    Valves andsprings -remove
    1. Remove sparkplugs.
    2.Using valvespring compressor LRT-12-034 or
    a suitable alternative, compressvalvespring.
    3. Remove 2collets.
    4. Release springcompressor andremove valve,
    valve spring capand valve spring.
    5. Repeat aboveoperations forremaining valves.
    CAUTION: Keepvalves, springs, capsand
    collets infitted order.
    6. Remove anddiscard valvestemoilseals.     
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