Kyocera FS 1028DP User Manual
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Raster Graphics 2-39 With operation modes 1 and 2, the SIMG command addresses the transparency of the source image only. For operation mode 1, the white pixels of the source image do not overlay on the destination. For example, you cannot pattern a character. With operation mode 2, the SIMG command applies the white pixels of the source image onto the desti- nation directly. The following program example illustrates use of the SIMG command. Try changing the value specified for SIMG on line 3 and see the effect on the result (the figure on the pre- vious page). !R! RES; UNIT C; NEWP; SIMG 3; CMNT Try changing this value; PMZP 5, 15; PMRP 2, 2; PDRP 0, -2, 2, 0, 0, 2, -2, 0; PDRP -2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, -2; FILL 1; SFNT ’TimesNewRoman’, 90; PMRP -1.2, 1; GPAT .6; TEXT ’A’; FILL 1; PAGE; EXIT; Saving and Restoring the Graphics State The graphics state consists of a variety of items that affect how images are rendered on the page. The graphics state contains various information related to path mode graphics and raster mode graphics. Items included in the graphics state include the following: • Current path and cursor position (if defined) • Current pen diameter (line width) • Current line join type • Current line cap type • Current miter limit • Current dash pattern • Current flatness • Current fill pattern (16 × 16 dots) • Current clipping rectangle • Current raster resolution • Current image model While working with graphics, there often are occasions when it is useful to save the graphics state, then later to restore it. One such situation occurs when a path must be used for both stroking and filling. 3 Transparent Transparent 4 Transparent Opaque 5 Opaque Transparent 6 Opaque Opaque Downloaded From Manuals

Chapter 2 Graphics Tutorial 2-40 For example, construction of a filled and outlined shape such as that shown below requires that we draw the path and then fill it. However, filling the path also clears it, making it unavailable for stroking. Figure 2. 39. A Path both Stroked and Filled By saving the graphics state prior to filling the path, it becomes possible to restore the path after it has been filled, thereby allowi ng it to be stroked without reconstructing it. The commands used for saving and restoring the graphics state are the SCG (Save Cur- rent Graphics state) command and the RPG (Return to Previous Graphics state) com- mand. The following program demonstrates the commands for constructing a path that is both filled and stroked. !R! RES; UNIT C; NEWP; PMZP 4, 2; PARC 3, 3, 1, 90, 270; PARC 5, 3, 1, 270, 90; CLSP; SCG; STRK; RPG; GPAT .5; FILL 1; PAGE; EXIT; The result appears in the figure above. Downloaded From Manuals

Chapter 3 Macros After you have gone to the trouble of creating (and debugging) a PRESCRIBE command sequence, it is inefficient to use it only on ce, but it is a nuisance to type the same sequence repeatedly. The solution is to make the sequence into a macro. Then you can execute the entire sequence with a single CALL command. The procedure for defining a macro command sequence is simple. Step 1:Assign a name to the sequence. Place the name at the top of the sequence (ending with a semicolon). Step 2:Add the PRESCRIBE command MCRO in front of the name. Step 3:Add the PRESCRIBE command ENDM at the end of the sequence. Downloaded From Manuals

Chapter 3 Macros 3-2 MCRO Command The MCRO command assigns a name to the sequence of PRESCRIBE commands that follows, until the ENDM (END Macro) command appears. Thereafter, the entire sequence of commands can be executed by specifying the assigned name in a single CALL or AMCR (Automatic MaCRo) comman d. The MCRO command has the follow- ing format. MCRO name [ dummy sign [, comment ]; The name of a macro can be any length but only the first four charact ers are recognized by the PRESCRIBE command language. Any distinction between upper and lowercase letters is also ignored. For example, the following macro names are all the same: ABCD abcd ABCDE Abcdxyz The name must start with a letter, but the ot her characters can include digits and special symbols such as hyphens. For example, F-1 and GRY2 are valid macro names. The dummy sign (the default is the percent sign) indicates dummy parameters in the body of the macro. Dummy parameters enable y ou to place different variables when the mac- ros are called. By using dummy parameters the same macro will execute differently according to the values given on the CALL command. Dummy parameters are written by writing the dummy sign followed by a number: %1 for the first dummy parameter, %2 for the second dummy parameter, and so on up to a maximum of 19 dummy parameters. The same dummy parameter can be used any nu mber of times. Values are assigned to dummy parameters when the macro is called by the CALL command. You do not have to specify the dummy sign in the MCRO command unless you want to use a dummy sign different from the percent sign or want to specify a comment. The printing system ignores the comm ent. A useful comment would be a list of the meanings of dummy parameters. In particular, a macro can contain the CALL command, permit- ting one macro to call another. Macro calls can be nested in this way up to a maximum depth of 20. If the body of the macro contains TEXT, RT XT, or CTXT commands and these have dummy parameters, the enclosing quotation mark s should be included in the macro call, not in the macro definition. This enables st rings containing commas, semicolons, consec- utive spaces, apostrophes, and quotation marks to be printed. If a macro with the same name has already b een defined, the new definition is ignored. To redefine a macro, you must first delete the old definition with the DELM (DELete Macro) or DAM (Delete All Macros) command, or by switching the printing system power off. There is no particular limit on the length of a macro. The maximum number of macros that can be defined is limited only by the amount of the available memory in the printing system. Each command in a macro is limited to 255 characters in length. Downloaded From Manuals

Examples of Macros 3-3 Figure 3. 1. PRESCRIBE Macro Limitations Macro limitations are summarized as follows. Examples of Macros Example 1 The following macro example draws a circle. It first names the macro that issues the PRESCRIBE commands for drawing a ci rcle in the middle of a page. !R! MCRO CIR1; MZP 4, 5.5; CIR 1; ENDM; EXIT; When completed, this macro will draw a circle after it has been sent to the printing sys- tem. !R! CALL CIR1; EXIT; If you want circles of different sizes, y ou can make the radius into a so-called dummy parameter . Dummy parameters in macro definitions are denoted using percent symbols (%) as below: !R! MCRO CIRCLE; MZP 4, 5,5; CIR %1; ENDM; EXIT; After this definition: CALL CIRCLE, 1; draws a one-inch circle, CALL CIRCLE, 2; draws a two-inch circle, and so on. Note the commas are required to separate the macro name from the radius para meter in these CALL statements. Maximum number of m acros downloadable to the printing system Depends on the available printing sys- tem’s memory Maximum nesting levels 20 Maximum length of macro name 4 characters Maximum number of parameters 19 Maximum length of CALL command 255 bytes PRESCRIBE commands that should not be contained within a macro definition EXIT, LDFC, MCRO, DELM, DAM, RDMP, ENDD, ICCD, WRED, EPRM Downloaded From Manuals

Chapter 3 Macros 3-4 Example 2 The next file presents a more ambitious project. It makes the graph-drawing commands in the preceding section into a pair of macros to draw multiple graphs. This file may help you to better understand the macro creating pr ocess. The DAM command in the first line is a safety precaution that clears a ny previous macros out of memory. !R! RES; UNITC; DAM; MCRO LOCATE;SLM %1; STM %2; ENDM; MCRO GRAPH; UNIT C; SPD 0.05; SCS 0.23; MAP 0, -7.3; TEXT %1; MAP 0, 0; BOX 6, -7;MAP -0.1, 0.5; TEXT ’Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat’; MAP 0, -%2; DAP 1, -%3; DAP 2, -%4; DAP 3, -%5; DAP 4, -%6; DAP 5, -%7; DAP 6, -%8; ENDM; CALL LOCATE, 2, 9; CALL GRAPH, ’Temperature’, 2.5, 3.5, 1.9, 3.0, 3.8, 2.8, 3.3; CALL LOCATE, 10, 9; CALL GRAPH, ’Humidity’, 3.5, 1.0, 1.3, 2.6, 1.8, 6.4, 5.9; CALL LOCATE, 2, 20; CALL GRAPH, ’Paid Attendance’, 5.2, 1.1, 0.9, 1.5, 1.3, 3.3, 4.4; CALL LOCATE, 10, 20; CALL GRAPH, ’Pages Completed’, 0, 1.2, 4.4, 4.6, 3.2, 6.6, 0; PAGE; EXIT; Downloaded From Manuals

Examples of Macros 3-5 Figure 3. 2. Macro Example 2 Downloaded From Manuals

3-6 This page is left blank intentionally. Downloaded From Manuals

Chapter 4 Fonts This chapter covers font-related topics, including the printing system’s resident and option fonts, character sets, and usage of font-selection and symbol creation commands. A font is a set of characters of a particular design. The design is referred to as a typeface. Several characteristics identify a font. These include the font type (bit map or scalable), symbol set, spacing, pitch, height, style, st roke weight, and typeface family. In selecting a font, the printing system s earches the available fonts to match these characteristics based on the highest priority. For details in this regard, see Selecting Fonts Using the FSET Command on page 4-9 in this chapter. Downloaded From Manuals

Chapter 4 Fonts 4-2 Resident Fonts The printing system provides one bitmap font and 136 scalable (outline) fonts as the res- ident fonts. Also, fonts may be downloaded to the printing system’s memory from a computer or a memory card. These fonts are referred to as downloadable or soft fonts. The printing system accepts as many downloa dable fonts as user memory allows. When the HP LaserJet is the printing system’s default emulation, the power-up (default) font is Courier. A different default font can be selected by using the FRPO (Firmware RePrOgram) command of parameters V3 (or using the printing system’s operator panel key). For details, refer to FRPO Parameters on page 6-2. List of Fonts Resident scalable fonts prov ide an outline of characters which can be sized according to sizing information for the font. These fonts can be scaled from 0.25 to 999.75 points in quarter point increments. This section shows tables of the printing system’s resident fonts. It is possible to print a full list of resident fonts by the FLST command (or using the printing system’s operator panel key). To print a list of fonts, command: !R! FLST; EXIT; The following list sh ows all the resident fonts in the printing system. For example, Univ- ers-Bd means a Universe style scalab le font with bold weight. Font Name Courier CGTimes CGTimes-Bd CGTimes-It CGTimes-BdIt CGOmega CGOmega-Bd CGOmega-It CGOmega-BdIt Coronet Clarendon-Cd Univers-Md Univers-Bd Univers-MdIt Univers-BdIt Univers-MdCd Univers-BdCd Univers-MdCdIt Univers-BdCdIt AntiqueOlive AntiqueOlive-Bd AntiqueOlive-It GaramondAntiqua Downloaded From Manuals