Kyocera FS 1028DP User Manual
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Path Mode Graphics 2-19 Two Lines The preceding example illustrated construction of a path between points specified in terms of absolute coordinates. The following program draws two lines, using both abso- lute coordinate specification and a new method: relative coordinate specification. !R! RES; NEWP; PMZP 1, 1; PDZP 2, 3; PMRP .5, -1; PDRP -1, -1; SPD 0.04; STRK; PAGE; EXIT; Figure 2. 15. Drawing Two Lines The first four lines of this program are identical to the preceding example. Line 1 switches the printing system to the PRESCRIBE mode and resets printing system param- eters, line 2 empties the current path, and lin es 3 and 4 draw a line between two points that are specified in terms of absolute coordinates. On line 5, the PMRP (Path, Move to Relative Position) command moves the cursor to the point half an inch to the right and one inch above the current cursor position; that is, the point at which the first line ends. Then the PDRP (Path, Draw to Relative Position) com- mand on line 6 draws a line to the point 1 inch to the left of the new position and 1 inch below it. The line thickness is changed to 0.04 inches by the SPD command on line 7. Finally, the STRK command on line 8 strokes the path onto the page, PAGE prints out the page, and EXIT ends the PRESCRIBE mode. (1, 1) (2, 3)(0.5, -1) (-1, -1) Downloaded From Manuals

Chapter 2 Graphics Tutorial 2-20 Line Ends The line end type determines how PRESCRIBE renders the ends of lines when they are stroked onto the page. PRESCRIBE provides three kinds of line ends. These include: Figure 2. 16. Line Ends The default line end type is butt caps. You can switch from the current line end type to any of the other types with the SCAP command. This command uses the following for- mat: SCAP line-cap mode ; Va l u e s f o r line-cap mode include: 1 (for square caps) 2 (for butt caps) 3 (for round caps) Use of this command is illustrated in the following example. !R! RES; UNIT C; CMNT Sets unit to cm; NEWP; CMNT Starts new path; SPD .5; CMNT Sets line width to .5 cm; SCAP 1; CMNT Sets square caps; PMZP 2, 2; PDZP 4, 4; SCAP 3; CMNT Sets round caps; STRK; PAGE; EXIT; Figure 2. 17. Printout of SCAP Example Note that the line is rendered with round caps, rather than with square ones. Although square caps is set before constructing the path, the line type is changed to round prior to Square caps Butt caps Round caps Downloaded From Manuals

Path Mode Graphics 2-21 stroking the path. PRESCRIBE refers to the line cap type when the current path is stroked onto the page, rather than while the pa th is being constructed. Therefore, the pro- gram above renders the line with round caps rather than square ones. Line Joins When a path consists of multiple connected line segments, the manner in which they are stroked onto the page depends on the current line join type. PRESCRIBE provides four types of line joins. These are called beveled, mitered, round, and notched. These are illustrated below. Figure 2. 18. Joins The default line join type is beveled. With beveled joins, connected line segments end with butt caps, and the notch at the larger an gle between the segments is filled with a tri- angle. With mitered joins, the edges of connected li ne segments are extended until they meet. This type of join is limited by the miter limit (explained below). With round joins, connected line segm ents are joined with circular caps. Notched joins leave a notch at the larger angle between the connected line segments. You can switch from the current line join type to any of the other types with the SLJN (Set Line JoiN) command. This command uses the following format: SLJN line-join mode ; Values for line-join mode include: 1 (for beveled joins) 2 (for mitered joins) 3 (for round joins) 4 (for notched joins) Miter Limit When using mitered line joins, the use of such joins is limited by the miter limit. The miter limit is the maximum ratio of the distance l between the inner and outer corners of a mitered join and the width w of the lines joined. Beveled join Mitered join Round join Notched join Downloaded From Manuals

Chapter 2 Graphics Tutorial 2-22 Figure 2. 19. Miter Limit Miter limit = maximum ratio of L/w = 1/sin (a/2) If the angle at which lines join is such that th is limit is exceeded, the lines are joined with a beveled join, rather than a mitered one. The purpose of the miter limit is to prevent objectionably long spikes when lines join at small angles. The default miter limit is 10, which results in beveled joins at angles of less than about 11.5 degrees. You can set any desired miter limit with the SMLT (Set Miter LimiT) command. This command has the following format. SMLT limit-value ; Here are some representative limit-values and the corresponding angles at which the line join type switches between mitered and beveled. Dash Type By default, the STRK command strokes paths with solid lines. However, you can also use a predefined pattern of alte rnating black and white to stroke paths. This makes it pos- sible to stroke paths as dashed lines. You can also define your own dashed line patterns. The DPAT (select Dash PATter n) command selects one of PRESCRIBE’s ten predefined dash patterns, or one of 10 dash patterns that you can define yourself. This command uses the format: DPAT pattern-number ; limit-value appox. angle 260 339 429 523 619 716 814 913 W L W = line width L = miter length Downloaded From Manuals

Path Mode Graphics 2-23 The following program illustrates use of this command. !R! RES;UNIT C; CMNT Sets unit to cm; NEWP; CMNT Starts new path; SPD .5; CMNT Sets line width to .5 cm; PMZP 2, 2; PDZP 4, 4; DPAT 5; STRK; PAGE; EXIT; Figure 2. 20. Printout of the DPAT Example In this program, the DPAT command selects the dash pattern with which the line is stroked. Predefined dash patterns are selected by specifying values from 1 to 10 for pattern-num- ber. (A value of 1 specifies solid lines.) User -defined patterns can be selected by specify- ing values from 11 to 20. The next section explains how to use the SDP (Store Dash Pattern) command to define your own dash patterns. Specifying an undefined user pat- tern number results in solid black lines. User Defined Dash Patterns Using the SDP command, you can define your own dashed patterns for use in stroking lines, arcs, and curves. S ee the following example: !R! RES; UNIT P; SDP 11, 2, 2, 5, 2; UNIT C; CMNT Sets unit to cm; NEWP; CMNT Starts new path; SPD .5; CMNT Sets line width to .5 cm; PMZP 2, 2; PDZP 4, 4; DPAT 11; STRK; PAGE; EXIT; Downloaded From Manuals

Chapter 2 Graphics Tutorial 2-24 Figure 2. 21. Printout of the SDP Example The SDP command on line 3 defines a dashed pattern consisting of two lengths of black, two lengths of white, five lengths of black, and two lengths of white. On line 11, the DPAT command selects this pattern for stroking. The path defined by the PMZP (Path, Move to Zero-relative Position) and PDZP (Path, Draw to Zero-relative Position) com- mands is stroked using this pattern, with a result as shown in the figure above. The SDP command uses the general format: SDP pattern-number , dash1, space1, dash2 , space2 , ..., dash10 , space10 ; The value specified for pattern-number must be in the range from 11 to 20. Dash and space lengths are specified in pa irs. Up to ten dash-space pairs can be specified. The dash length always comes first in each pair. If a patte rn is to begin with a space, then specify 0 for dash1 . However, if a pattern ends with a dash, the following space parameter can be omitted. Dash patterns defined with this command remain valid until redefined with another SDP command, or until the printing system is turned off. Drawing Arcs and Curves A path can include curves as well as lin es. The PARC (Path, draw ARC) and PCRP (Path, Curve to Relative Position) commands make it possible to draw circular arcs and arcs of more complex form. The PARC command uses the format: PARC x , y, radius , ang1, ang2; where x and y describe the zero-relative coordi nates of the center of the arc, radius describes the radius of the arc, ang1 describes the arc’s starting angle, and ang2 describes the arc’s ending an gle. Coordinates and radius are measured in the unit cur- rently designated by the UNIT command, and the starting and ending angles are mea- sured clockwise from the positive x axis. The PARC command draws a line between the cursor position and the beginning of the arc. See the following example: !R! RES; UNIT C; NEWP; SPD .1; PMZP 5, 5; PARC 5, 5, 3, 45, 135; STRK; PAGE; EXIT; Downloaded From Manuals

Path Mode Graphics 2-25 Figure 2. 22. Printout of the PARC Example After the arc is drawn, the cursor is located at the end of the arc. If you wish to eliminate the st raight line segment in the above example, leaving only the arc, the cursor position must be moved in advance to the position at which drawing of the arc begins. This is shown in the following example, in which the cursor is moved to the coordinates as specified by the PMRA (Pat h, Move to Relative position specified by Angle) command prior to drawing the arc. !R! RES UNIT C; NEWP; SPD .1; PMRA 5, 5, 3, 45; PARC 5, 5, 3, 45, 135; STRK; PAGE; EXIT; In this current example, the PMRA command moves the cursor from coordinates 5, 5, as measured from the left and top edge limits of the page, through the distance of 3 centi- meters at the angle of 45 degrees from the positive x axis. At this point, the PARC com- mand starts to draw the arc which ends at the angle of 135 degrees. Figure 2. 23. Printout of the PMRA Example Circles can be constructed by drawing arcs wi th angular extents of 360 degrees. To draw a circle, you will also need a PMRA command to eliminate the line extending from the center of the circle to the beginning of the circle. See the following example: !R! RES; UNIT C; NEWP; SPD .1; PMRA 3, 3, 1.5, 0; PARC 3, 3, 1.5, 0, 360; STRK; PAGE; EXIT; Downloaded From Manuals

Chapter 2 Graphics Tutorial 2-26 Figure 2. 24. Printout of a Circle Made with PMRA Drawing Complex Curves PRESCRIBE also provides a second curve-dr awing operator for constructing complex curves that are referred to as Bézier curve segments. The PCRP (Path, Curve to Relative Position) uses the following format. PCRP x1 , y1, x2, y2 , x3, y3; Figure 2. 25. Bézier Curves A Bézier curve segment is one that is geomet rically defined by a starting point (the cur- sor’s current position), two control points ( x1, y1 and x2, y2 ), and an ending point ( x3, y3 ). Coordinates of each of these points are speci fied as an offset from the cursor’s previ- ous position. x1, y1 x2, y2 x1, y1 x1, y1 x2, y2 x2, y2 x3, y3 x3, y3 Current position Current position Current position x3, y3 Downloaded From Manuals

Path Mode Graphics 2-27 The curve leaves the current position in the direction of x1, y1, and is tangent to the line between the current position and x1, y1. It bends towards x2, y2, then to x3, y3, and at the end point, is tangent to the line between x2, y2 and x3, y3. The curve is always entirely enclosed by the complex quadrilateral defined by the starting point, x1, y1, x2, y2, and x3, y3. See the following examples: !R! RES; UNIT C; NEWP; SPD .1; PMZP 3, 3; PCRP 4, 2, 5, 1.5, 6, 1.8; STRK; PAGE; EXIT; Figure 2. 26. Printout of the PCRP Example !R! RES; UNIT C; NEWP; SPD .1; PMZP 3, 3; PCRP 5.5, 1.5, 1.5, 5.5, 7, 7; STRK; PAGE; EXIT; Figure 2. 27. Second PCRP Example Downloaded From Manuals

Chapter 2 Graphics Tutorial 2-28 !R! RES; UNIT C; NEWP; SPD .1;PMZP 3, 4; PCRP 4, 2, 5, 4, 6, 2; STRK; PAGE; EXIT; Figure 2. 28. Third PCRP Example Setting the Flatness of Curves When PRESCRIBE renders any curve, it actuall y converts the curve to a series of con- nected straight line segments. The length of these line segments is referred to as a curve’s flatness . You can change the degree of flatness with the FLAT (set FLATness) command. The default flatness is 1 (dot). Setting smaller values of flatness results in smoother curves, but more time is required for computing the larger number of line segments involved. (The difference is not noticeable for a single curve, but can be substantial in highly complex pages. Also, the difference is more noticeable with lower print resolu- tions [for example, 300 dpi resolution].) The following programs illustrate the results of setting the flatness to higher values. !R! RES; UNIT C; NEWP; SPD .1; FLAT 30; PMZP 5, 5; PCRP 4, 2, 5, 4, 4, 0; STRK; PAGE; EXIT; Figure 2. 29. Curve with Flatness 30 Downloaded From Manuals