Kyocera FS 1028DP User Manual
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Chapter 7 Emulation 7-29 LQ Japan (284)LQ Norway (316) Downloaded From Manuals

Chapter 7 Emulation 7-30 LQ Denmark 2 (348)LQ Spain 2 (380) Downloaded From Manuals

Epson LQ-850 Emulation (Mode 5) 7-31 Latin America (412)LQ Denmark (156) Downloaded From Manuals

Chapter 7 Emulation 7-32 LQ Sweden (188) Downloaded From Manuals

HP LaserJet Emulation (Mode 6) 7-33 HP LaserJet Emulation (Mode 6) On shipment from the factory, the printing system is set to power up in the HP LaserJet (PCL 6) emulation. The Kyocera printing systems support to emulate the following HP printer language as tabled below: The factory default symbol set is PC-8. To change this default symbol set, use the FRPO command with the U6 and U7 parameters. The default font is Courier. To set the printing system to power up in LaserJet mode, send the following PRE- SCRIBE command: !R! FRPO P1, 6; FRPO P3, 1; EXIT; To use the TimesNewRoman font of 14.25 points as the default font, add the following lines: FRPO V3, ’TimesNewRoman’; FRPO V1, 14; FRPO V2, 25; See Chapter 6 for details of the FRPO V parameters. The symbol set can be changed after power -up with the CSET or INTL command, or from the operator panel keys, or with LaserJet symbol sets typically accessed through software. Table 7.14. HP LaserJet Emulation by Model No. Model Printer Language Resolution (dpi) Fonts 1 FS-1000 PCL6, KPDL (Optional) 600, 300 AGFA80 Fonts 2 FS-1000+ PCL6, KPDL (Optional) 600, 300 AGFA80 Fonts 3 FS-1010 PCL 6, KPDL Fast 1200, 600, 300 AGFA80 Fonts 4 FS-1050 PCL 6, KPDL Fast 1200, 600, 300 AGFA80 Fonts 5 FS-1200 PCL 6, KPDL 600, 300 AGFA80 Fonts 6 FS-1714M PCL 6, KPDL Fine 1200, Fast 1200, 600, 300 AGFA80 Fonts 7 FS-1750 PCL 6, KPDL Fine 1200, Fast 1200, 600, 300 AGFA80 Fonts 8 FS-1800 PCL 6, KPDL Fine 1200, Fast 1200, 600, 300 AGFA80 Fonts 9 FS-1800+ PCL 6, KPDL Fine 1200, Fast 1200, 600, 300 AGFA80 Fonts 10 FS-1900 PCL 6, KPDL Fine 1200, Fast 1200, 600, 300 AGFA80 Fonts 11 FS-3718M PCL 6, KPDL Fine 1200, Fast 1200, 600, 300 AGFA80 Fonts 12 FS-3750 PCL 6, KPDL Fine 1200, Fast 1200, 600, 300 AGFA80 Fonts 13 FS-3800 PCL 6, KPDL Fine 1200, Fast 1200, 600, 300 AGFA80 Fonts 14 FS-5900C PCL 5C, KPDL 1200 (KPDL), 600 Bitstream45 15 FS-6900 PCL 6, KPDL 600, 300 Bitstream45 16 FS-8000C PCL 5C, KPDL 3 600 (bi-level), 600 (Contone) AGFA161 17 FS-9100DN PCL 6C, KPDL 3 Fast 1200, 600, 300 AGFA161 18 FS-9500DN PCL 6C, KPDL 3 Fast 1200, 600, 300 AGFA161 19 KM-C830 PCL 5C, KPDL 3 600 (bi-level), 600 (Contone) AGFA161 20 KM-1510 PCL 6, KPDL 600, 300 AGFA80 Fonts 21 KM-1530 PCL 6, KPDL 600, 300 AGFA80 Fonts 22 KM-1810 PCL 6, KPDL 600, 300 AGFA80 Fonts 23 KM-2030 PCL 6, KPDL 600, 300 AGFA80 Fonts 24 KM-2530 PCL 6C, KPDL 3 Fast 1200, 600, 300 AGFA161 25 KM-3530 PCL 6C, KPDL 3 Fast 1200, 600, 300 AGFA161 26 KM-4230 PCL 6, KPDL 600 AGFA80 Fonts 27 KM-5230 PCL 6, KPDL 600 AGFA80 Fonts 28 KM-6230 PCL 6, KPDL 600 AGFA80 Fonts Downloaded From Manuals

Chapter 7 Emulation 7-34 The printing system also supports as many HP symbol sets as the LaserJet regularly sup- ports and still other symbol sets can be provided in downloaded fonts. (A full list of the supported symbol sets appear in section LaserJet Symbol Sets on page 37.) These symbol sets can be used by appropriate font selection commands as explained below. Fonts can be selected with PRESCRIBE commands, or through the printer driver pro- vided with your software. The following font sample was created through driver support. Figure 7. 15. HP LaserJet Word-Processing Printout Additional soft fonts can be downloaded from external sources before printing begins. The printing system selects the fonts by a se t of command codes (escape sequences) that describe the font attributes: ch aracter height, orientation, wei ght, character set, etc. (sim- ilar to the parameters used with the FS ET command of PRESCRIBE). The printing sys- tem’s resident fonts include the HP resident fonts and many of the fonts from the HP font cartridges. The printing system supports the same soft font s as the HP LaserJet printers. In addition, the printing system understands the LaserJet command codes and can use them to select any of its resident or downloaded fonts. Since the LaserJet font selection codes are fairly complex (Refer to LaserJet Font Selec- tion section.), software that su pports the Laser Jet usually provides a simplified set of font selection commands which the software translates into LaserJet command codes. Software-provided font selection commands w ill work for the printing system as they would for the HP LaserJet series printers. If a requested font is not present in the printing system’s memory, the page printing system will choose from the characteristics of the closest matching font. Downloaded From Manuals

HP LaserJet Emulation (Mode 6) 7-35 The LaserJet emulation supports 600/1200 dpi raster graphics for printing system models with the 300/600/1200 dpi resolution support. There is also support of delta row com- pression and compressed raster data for run length encoding and TIFF. The printing system supports the LaserJet vector graphics, which draw vertical or hori- zontal ruled lines and create rectangles filled with a pattern or gray scale. The margins in this emulation differ from the A parameters of the FRPO command. They recognize the page size of the default cassette. If you attempt to print beyond the right margin, the characters will be discarded. (Assuming 6 lines per inch and 10 characters per inch) The proportional spacing is not identical to the LaserJet’s proportional spacing. Right- margin justification may not be correct when using the LaserJet printer driver (when a LaserJet driver is selected wi thin the application software). LaserJet Fonts The printing system emulates the La serJet fonts as listed below. LaserJet Font Selection Font Selection Resolution does not effect the availability of scalable fonts. Bitmap fonts generated by LDFC present one limitation. If the printin g system uses a 300-dpi resolution, LDFC- generated 600 dpi bitmap fonts may not be used. Whether these 600 dpi bitmaps are Cassette size Line per page Character per line Letter 60 80 A4 64 77 Table 7.16. LaserJet Fonts No. HP LaserJet Font Kyocera Font Style Type Face Num- ber 1 Arial ArialMedium, Bold, Italic, BoldItalic 16602 2 TimesNewRoman TimesNewRoman Medium, Bold, Italic, BoldItalic 16901 3 Symbol Symbol Medium 16686 4 Wingdings Wingdings Medium 31402 5 CG Times CG Times Medium, Bold, Italic, BoldItalic 4101 6 Univers Univers-Md Medium, Bold, Italic, BoldItalic 4148 7 Univers Cond Univers-Cd Medium Condensed, Bold Condensed, Italic Condensed, BoldItalic Condensed 4148 8 Courier Courier Medium, Bold, Italic, BoldItalic 4099 9 Letter Gothic Letter Gothic Medium, Bold, Italic 4102 10 Albertus Albertus-Md Medium, ExtraBold 4362 11 Antique Olive Antique Oliv e Medium, Bold, Italic 4168 12 Clarendon Cond Clarendon-Cd BoldCondensed 4140 13 Coronet Coronet Italic 4116 14 Garamond Garamond Antiqua, Halbfe tt, Kursiv, KursivHalbfett 4197 15 Marigold Marigold Medium 4297 16 CG Omega CG Omega Medium, Bo ld, Italic, BoldItalic 4113 Downloaded From Manuals

Chapter 7 Emulation 7-36 LDFC fonts or downloaded bitmap fonts by the user, they will constantly print unpre- dictably if the printing system uses the resolution of 300 dpi. Font Priority On the printing systems with the 600/1200 dpi resolution support, font selection in the HP LaserJet format adds an additional step to the font prioritization format. In font selec- tion, the printing system evalua tes the characteristics of the font and, by a process of matching features, reduces selection to a singl e font. The highest priority characteristic is symbol set, followed by spacing, pitch, point size, font style, stroke weight, and typeface. The LaserJet emulation (mode 6) adds resolutio n to this priority list. This additional pri- ority is not available in the printing systems not supporting the 600/1200 dpi resolutions. For example, the printing system might face a font selection scenario of four near identi- cal types of the Dutch801 font (by the KPDL emulation): • CGTimes (LaserJet compatible Intelli font) • Times (PostScript compatible font) • TimesNewRoman (LaserJet compatible TrueType font) These fonts have several common attributes a nd there is a possibility that selecting a Times may insert the TimesNewRoman font instead as a result of the internal font evalu- ation procedure. It is ther efore important to understand how fonts are selected by the printing system. (See Chapter 4 for a discussion of the printing system’s internal font evaluation.) The final (lowest) priority for font priority is the font source. The source refers to the place where the font is accessed. The following table shows how this characteristic is ordered. Users should note two differences in the source priority of font selection. Ordering prior- ity 1 uses the original HP method whereby th e internal number assigned to a font would be evaluated and the lowest number given the higher priority. This method applies to fonts downloaded to the printing system and, any LDFC-generated fonts. Ordering prior- ity 3 evaluates the font in alphabetic order. Th is method applies to the resident fonts and the KPDL fonts. An FRPO command (FRPO C8;) can modify this evaluation method by turning off eval- uation of either the resident or scalable font s, or KPDL fonts or both. The resident scal- able fonts are not affected by this FRPO command. These fonts were designed by Agfa and observe the alphabetic ordering method used by Agfa. Regular and Dark C ourier/Letter Gothic The stroke weight (bolding) of Courier and Letter Gothic is changeable between regular and dark. The default is regular and matches the Hewlett-Packard. It can be changed to dark which was the default stroke weight of Courier and Letter Gothic in order Kyocera printing systems by changing the FRPO V9 parameter. Ordering priority Source Priority within same source 1 Downloaded and LDFC-generat ed fonts Smaller font ID 2 Memory card fonts Top slot > bottom slot 3 Resident and optional fonts Alphabetic order Downloaded From Manuals

HP LaserJet Emulation (Mode 6) 7-37 LaserJet Font Escape Sequences The example below shows an HP font selection escape sequence that selects a LetterGot- hic font with fixed-pitch, 12-cpi, 12-point, upright-style, normal stroke weight. To select this LetterGothic font, send the following escape sequence to the printing sys- tem: ESC(8U ESC(s0P ESC(s12H ESC(s12V ESC(s0S ESC(s0B ESC(s4102T Any escape sequence with two similar consecutive letters after the ESC parameter can be combined as in the transformation of the LetterGothic font below: ESC(8U ESC(s0p12h12v0s0b4102T The FSET command of PRESCRIBE utilizes a similar font selection method. (The sym- bol set selection is made with the CSET command.) Note the similarities in the FSET command sequence below: FSET 0p12h12v0s0b4102T; Several other LaserJet codes should be cons idered for font management. See the Font Management section of the HP LaseJetPri nter commands on page 56 and onwards. LaserJet Symbol Sets Symbol set has the highest priority in the HP font selection. The factory default symbol set is IBM PC-8 (10U) for the LaserJet emulation. The LaserJet printer has many other symbol sets not directly accessed by the INTL command. Temp orary selection of one of these symbol sets can be made with the CSET (Change symbol SET) command or from the operator panel keys. You can also assign one of these symbol sets to a particular font using the FSET (change current Font SETtin g) command. More information on these commands appear in Chapter 4. By giving a particular value for the FRPO U6 and U7 parameters, you can set one of the HP symbol sets as the power-up symbol set. In general, symbol set value is: (Escape sequence value field value × 32 + (Decimal value of escape sequence termina- tion character – 64) [=(U7 – 50) × 100 + U6]) Symbol Sets for Bitmap Fonts The printing system substitutes with a scalable font when a bitmap font is required for downward compatibility. The following symbol sets are supported when substituted bit- map fonts are in use. To power up the printing system in one of these symbol set, use the following FRPO U6 and U7 values. Characteristic Value (example) Escape Sequence Symbol set Roman-8 ESC(8U Spacing Fixed ESC(s0P Pitch 12-cpi ESC(s12H Height 12-point ESC(s12V Style Upright ESC(s0S Stroke weight Normal ESC(s0B Typeface Letter Gothic ESC(s4102T Downloaded From Manuals

Chapter 7 Emulation 7-38 Symbol Sets for Scalable Fonts The following table lists symbol set support for resident scalable fonts. To power up the printing system in one of these symbol set, use the following FRPO U6 and U7 values. . Table 7.17. Symbol Sets for Bitmap Fonts Symbol Set HP Symbol Set ID (Value) FRPO U6 Value FRPO U7 Value ISO 60 Norway 0D (4)450 HP Extension 0E (5) 5 ISO 25 France 0F (6) 6 HP German 0G (7) 7 ISO 15 Italian 0I (9) 9 ISO 14 Japan 0K (11) 11 ECMA-94 Latin 1 0N (14) 14 ISO 11 Sweden 0S (19) 19 ISO 6 ASCII 0U (21) 21 ISO 61 Norway 1D (36) 36 ISO 4 U.K. 1E (37) 37 ISO 69 France 1F (38) 38 ISO 21 Germany 1G (39) 39 HP Spanish 1S (51) 51 US Legal 1U (53) 53 ISO 57 China 2K (75) 75 ISO 17 Spain 2S (83) 8350 ISO 2 IRV 2U (85) 8550 ISO 10 Sweden 3S (115) 1551 ISO 16 Portugal 4S (147) 4751 Roman-9 4U (179) 7951 ISO 84 Portugal 5S (179) 7951 ISO 85 Spain 6S (211) 1152 PC Set 1 8Q (273) 7352 HP Roman-8 8U (277) 7752 PC Extension 9Q (305) 553 IBM PC-8 10U (341) 4153 IBM PC-8 (D/N) 11U (373) 7353 IBM PC-850 12U (405) 554 PC-858 13U (437) 3754 Table 7.18. Symbol Sets for Scalable Fonts (Sheet 1 of 2) Symbol Set HP Symbol Set ID (Value) FRPO U6 Value FRPO U7 Value ISO 60 Norway 0D (4) 450 ISO 15 Italian 0I (9) 9 ECMA-94 Latin 1 0N (14) 14 ISO 11 Sweden 0S (19) 19 ISO 6 ASCII 0U (21) 21 ISO 4 U. K. 1E (37) 37 ISO 69 France 1F (38) 38 ISO 21 Germany 1G (39) 39 US Legal 1U (53) 53 ISO Latin 2 2N (78) 78 ISO 17 Spain 2S (83) 83 Downloaded From Manuals