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Konica Minolta bizhub 420 User Manual

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Page 481

Job Management (Job List)9
bizhub 500/420/360 (Phase 3) 9-15Job History of the [Scan] tab
-Result: Job complete, Error cleared, Deleted by User
-Error Detail
-User Name
-Time of Storage
-# of pgs.
-File Name
Current Jobs of the [RX/User Box] tab
-Status: Receiving, Waiting, Printing, Printing Stopped, Print Error, Job 
-RX User Box: box number/box name
-User Name
-Time of Storage
-# of pgs.
-# of Sets
-Output Tray
-File Name
Job History of the [RX/User Box] tab
-Result: Job...

Page 482

9Job Management (Job List)
9-16 bizhub 500/420/360 (Phase 3)0Jobs whose details are checked can be deleted from the Check Detail 
1Touch [Job List] on the touch screen.
– When the current list of jobs using the Print functions is not 
displayed, touch the [Print] tab.
The current list of jobs using the Print functions will be displayed.
2Touch [Current Jobs] or [Job History].
– The list of jobs that have being selected will be displayed.
– When Current Jobs is displayed, continue with step 3.

Page 483

Job Management (Job List)9
bizhub 500/420/360 (Phase 3) 9-17The Check Detail Screen will be displayed.
?What to do if an incorrect job key was selected?
%Select a correct job key, or touch the key for the selected job again 
to deselect it.
5Check details.
?Is it possible to delete the held/active jobs in the Current Jobs list 
on the Check Detail Screen?
%In order to delete the job whose details are checked, touch [Delete] 
to display a message requesting confirmation to delete the job. 
Touch [Yes]....

Page 484

9Job Management (Job List)
9-18 bizhub 500/420/360 (Phase 3)Check the Settings of Jobs Active or Held in Current Jobs
The settings of jobs that is active or held in the Current Jobs list can be 
0The contents and number of Check Job Details Screens differ depending 
on the job that was selected.
1Touch [Job List] on the touch screen.
– When the current list of jobs using the Print functions is not 
displayed, touch the [Print] tab.
The current list of jobs using the Print functions will be...

Page 485

Job Management (Job List)9
bizhub 500/420/360 (Phase 3) 9-19
4Check the contents of the Check Job Details screen.
– The number to the left of [  Back] indicates the number of the 
currently displayed screen/the total number of screens.
– Touch [  Back] or [Fwd.  ] to switch Check Job Details Screens.
– The screen below is a sample.The contents and number of Check 
Job Details Screens differ depending on the job that was selected.
5Close the Check Job Details screen.
– To return to Current Jobs, touch...

Page 486

9Job Management (Job List)
9-20 bizhub 500/420/360 (Phase 3)Delete Active and Held Jobs in Current Jobs
Active jobs or jobs being held can be deleted from the Current Jobs list.
0If user authentication settings have been applied and the machine is set 
so that jobs cannot be deleted by other users, the job is not deleted. For 
details, refer to 6 Restrict User Access>3 Restrict Access to Job 
Settings on page 16-67.
1Touch [Job List] on the touch screen.
– When the current list of jobs using the Print...

Page 487

Job Management (Job List)9
bizhub 500/420/360 (Phase 3) 9-21
4Check the contents of the job being selected, and then touch [Yes].
The Current Jobs list whose job being deleted appears again.
?How to stop from deleting the job?
%Touch [No] in the message screen. The Current Jobs list which is 
not changed will be restored.
5Close the Job List Screen.
– To return to the screen that was displayed before [Job List] was 
touched, touch [Exit], or press [Reset] from the control panel.
Downloaded From...

Page 488

9Job Management (Job List)
9-22 bizhub 500/420/360 (Phase 3)Increase Priority for Printing an Active Job in Current Jobs
The next job to be printed after the current job being printed can be selected.
0If an Administrator mode function was set so that the output priority of 
jobs cannot be changed, [Increase Priority] does not appear and the 
output priority of the jobs cannot be specified. For details, refer to 6 
Restrict User Access>3 Restrict Access to Job Settings on page 16-67.
0If the output...

Page 489

Job Management (Job List)9
bizhub 500/420/360 (Phase 3) 9-23– Touch [ ] or [ ] to scroll the job keys, and search the job to be 
Touch the desired job key, and then touch [OK].
The selected job moves to the top of the list and printing of the job 
When printing for the job given priority is finished, the Current Job list 
will be restored.
?What to do if an incorrect job key was selected?
%Select a correct job key, or touch the key for the selected job again 
to deselect it.
?How to stop...

Page 490

9Job Management (Job List)
9-24 bizhub 500/420/360 (Phase 3)Prints a Single Held Job in Current Jobs List and Checks Its Output 
The Held Jobs list shows jobs that have been automatically reset during 
proof copying, and jobs that have been performed proof printing using the 
Box functions.
Prints a single held job in the Current Jobs list and checks its output result.
1Touch [Job List] on the touch screen.
– When the current list of jobs using the Print functions is not 
displayed, touch the...
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