Communications receiver
Kenwood Ts-2000x All Mode Multi-band Transceiver Service Manual
Kenwood Ts-2000x All Mode Multi-band Transceiver Service Manual
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TS-2000/X PARTS LIST 91K : TS-2000 (K) KX : TS-2000X (K) E : TS-2000 (E) E2 : TS-2000 (E2) Ref. No.AddressParts No. Description Ref. No.AddressParts No. DescriptionNewDesti-partsnationNewDesti-partsnation R44 RK73EB2B560J CHIP R 56 J 1/8W R45 RK73GB1J182J CHIP R 1.8K J 1/16W R46 RK73GB1J103J CHIP R 10K J 1/16W R47 RK73GB1J182J CHIP R 1.8K J 1/16W R48 RK73GB1J103J CHIP R 10K J 1/16W R49 RK73EB2B560J CHIP R 56 J 1/8W R50 R92-0700-05 CHIP R 180 J 1/2W R51 RK73GB1J101J CHIP R 100 J 1/16W R52 RK73GB1J821J CHIP R 820 J 1/16W R53 RK73GB1J332J CHIP R 3.3K J 1/16W R54 RK73GB1J101J CHIP R 100 J 1/16W R55 RK73GB1J682J CHIP R 6.8K J 1/16W R56 RK73GB1J680J CHIP R 68 J 1/16W R57,58 RK73GB1J222J CHIP R 2.2K J 1/16W R59 R92-1252-05 CHIP R 0 OHM R60 RK73GB1J332J CHIP R 3.3K J 1/16W R61 R92-1252-05 CHIP R 0 OHM R62,63 RK73GB1J102J CHIP R 1.0K J 1/16W R64 RK73GB1J101J CHIP R 100 J 1/16W R65 RK73GB1J471J CHIP R 470 J 1/16W R66 RK73GB1J474J CHIP R 470K J 1/16W R67 RK73GB1J823J CHIP R 82K J 1/16W R68 RK73GB1J273J CHIP R 27K J 1/16W R70 RK73GB1J101J CHIP R 100 J 1/16W R71 RK73GB1J471J CHIP R 470 J 1/16W R72 RK73GB1J271J CHIP R 270 J 1/16W R73 RK73GB1J100J CHIP R 10 J 1/16W R74 RK73GB1J180J CHIP R 18 J 1/16W R75 RK73GB1J271J CHIP R 270 J 1/16W R76,77 RK73GB1J221J CHIP R 220 J 1/16W R78 RK73GB1J333J CHIP R 33K J 1/16W R79,80 RK73GB1J473J CHIP R 47K J 1/16W R81 RK73GB1J101J CHIP R 100 J 1/16W R82 RK73GB1J820J CHIP R 82 J 1/16W R83 RK73GB1J470J CHIP R 47 J 1/16W R85 RK73GB1J330J CHIP R 33 J 1/16W R86 RK73GB1J473J CHIP R 47K J 1/16W R87 RK73GB1J102J CHIP R 1.0K J 1/16W R88 RK73GB1J101J CHIP R 100 J 1/16W R89 RK73GB1J102J CHIP R 1.0K J 1/16W R90 RK73GB1J470J CHIP R 47 J 1/16W R91 RK73GB1J103J CHIP R 10K J 1/16W R92 RK73GB1J472J CHIP R 4.7K J 1/16W R93 RK73GB1J823J CHIP R 82K J 1/16W R94 RK73GB1J471J CHIP R 470 J 1/16W R95 RK73GB1J561J CHIP R 560 J 1/16W R96 RK73GB1J101J CHIP R 100 J 1/16W R97 RK73GB1J270J CHIP R 27 J 1/16W R98 RK73GB1J560J CHIP R 56 J 1/16W R99 RK73GB1J332J CHIP R 3.3K J 1/16W R100 RK73GB1J152J CHIP R 1.5K J 1/16W R101 RK73GB1J822J CHIP R 8.2K J 1/16W R102 RK73GB1J153J CHIP R 15K J 1/16W R103 RK73GB1J471J CHIP R 470 J 1/16W R104,105 RK73GB1J101J CHIP R 100 J 1/16W R106 RK73GB1J331J CHIP R 330 J 1/16W R108 RK73GB1J102J CHIP R 1.0K J 1/16W R111 RK73GB1J103J CHIP R 10K J 1/16W R112 RK73GB1J222J CHIP R 2.2K J 1/16W R117 RK73GB1J271J CHIP R 270 J 1/16WR118 RK73GB1J180J CHIP R 18 J 1/16W R119,120 RK73GB1J271J CHIP R 270 J 1/16W R121 RK73GB1J180J CHIP R 18 J 1/16W R122 RK73GB1J271J CHIP R 270 J 1/16W R123 RK73GB1J273J CHIP R 27K J 1/16W R124 RK73GB1J103J CHIP R 10K J 1/16W R125 RK73GB1J470J CHIP R 47 J 1/16W R126 RK73GB1J101J CHIP R 100 J 1/16W R127 R92-1252-05 CHIP R 0 OHM R130 RK73GB1J472J CHIP R 4.7K J 1/16W R131 RK73GB1J182J CHIP R 1.8K J 1/16W R132 RK73GB1J180J CHIP R 18 J 1/16W R133 RK73GB1J470J CHIP R 47 J 1/16W R134 RK73GB1J561J CHIP R 560 J 1/16W R135 RK73GB1J560J CHIP R 56 J 1/16W R301 RK73GB1J471J CHIP R 470 J 1/16W R302 RK73GB1J470J CHIP R 47 J 1/16W R303 RK73GB1J121J CHIP R 120 J 1/16W R304 RK73GB1J100J CHIP R 10 J 1/16W R305 RK73GB1J103J CHIP R 10K J 1/16W R306 RK73GB1J332J CHIP R 3.3K J 1/16W R307 RK73GB1J470J CHIP R 47 J 1/16W R309,310 R92-1252-05 CHIP R 0 OHM R311 RK73GB1J331J CHIP R 330 J 1/16W R312 RK73GB1J823J CHIP R 82K J 1/16W R314,315 R92-1252-05 CHIP R 0 OHM R318 RK73GB1J102J CHIP R 1.0K J 1/16W R319 RK73GB1J823J CHIP R 82K J 1/16W R321 RK73GB1J101J CHIP R 100 J 1/16W R322 RK73GB1J821J CHIP R 820 J 1/16W R323 RK73GB1J220J CHIP R 22 J 1/16W R324 RK73GB1J101J CHIP R 100 J 1/16W R325 RK73GB1J182J CHIP R 1.8K J 1/16W R326 RK73GB1J222J CHIP R 2.2K J 1/16W R327,328 R92-1252-05 CHIP R 0 OHM R329 RK73GB1J474J CHIP R 470K J 1/16W R330 RK73GB1J222J CHIP R 2.2K J 1/16W R331 RK73GB1J103J CHIP R 10K J 1/16W R332 R92-1252-05 CHIP R 0 OHM R333 RK73GB1J103J CHIP R 10K J 1/16W R334 RK73GB1J392J CHIP R 3.9K J 1/16W R335 R92-1252-05 CHIP R 0 OHM R342 R92-1252-05 CHIP R 0 OHM R343 RK73GB1J331J CHIP R 330 J 1/16W R351 R92-1252-05 CHIP R 0 OHM R359 RK73GB1J101J CHIP R 100 J 1/16W R360 RK73GB1J153J CHIP R 15K J 1/16W R361 RK73GB1J682J CHIP R 6.8K J 1/16W R362 RK73GB1J101J CHIP R 100 J 1/16W R363 RK73GB1J151J CHIP R 150 J 1/16W R364 RK73GB1J101J CHIP R 100 J 1/16W R365 RK73GB1J223J CHIP R 22K J 1/16W R366 RK73GB1J822J CHIP R 8.2K J 1/16W R367 RK73GB1J221J CHIP R 220 J 1/16W R368 R92-1252-05 CHIP R 0 OHM R369 RK73GB1J330J CHIP R 33 J 1/16W R370 RK73GB1J183J CHIP R 18K J 1/16W R371-373 RK73GB1J330J CHIP R 33 J 1/16W R374 RK73GB1J103J CHIP R 10K J 1/16W R375 RK73GB1J101J CHIP R 100 J 1/16WTX-RX 3 UNIT (X57-6070-00) : KX
TS-2000/X PARTS LIST 92K : TS-2000 (K) KX : TS-2000X (K) E : TS-2000 (E) E2 : TS-2000 (E2) Ref. No.AddressParts No. Description Ref. No.AddressParts No. DescriptionNewDesti-partsnationNewDesti-partsnation R376 RK73GB1J153J CHIP R 15K J 1/16W R377 RK73GB1J682J CHIP R 6.8K J 1/16W R378 RK73GB1J151J CHIP R 150 J 1/16W R379 RK73GB1J101J CHIP R 100 J 1/16W R381 R92-1252-05 CHIP R 0 OHM R383 RK73GB1J102J CHIP R 1.0K J 1/16W R384 RK73GB1J470J CHIP R 47 J 1/16W R385,386 RK73GB1J103J CHIP R 10K J 1/16W VR1 R12-6715-05 TRIMMING POT. (22K) VR2 R12-6707-05 TRIMMING POT. (1.0K) D1 HSB88WS DIODE D2 1SS355 DIODE D3,4 HSM88ASR DIODE D5-7 XB15A709 DIODE D8 DAN235E DIODE D9 1SS355 DIODE D10,11 RN731V DIODE D12 DAN202K DIODE D301 1SV283 VARIABLE CAPACITANCE DIODE D302 UDZ4.7(B) ZENER DIODE D303 XB15A709 DIODE D304 MA2S111 DIODE D305 1SV283 VARIABLE CAPACITANCE DIODE IC1✻UPC2709TB IC IC2 M67715 IC IC3 M57762-02 IC IC4✻AD9851BRS IC IC5✻LMX2316TMX IC Q1,2 3SK131(M) FET Q3 2SC3356 TRANSISTOR Q4 UMC4 TRANSISTOR Q5 2SC4093 TRANSISTOR Q7,8 2SK520(K43) FET Q9 3SK131(M) FET Q10 3SK241(R) FET Q11 2SC5008 TRANSISTOR Q12 2SK2685 FET Q13 2SC4617(R) TRANSISTOR Q14,15 2SC5108(Y) TRANSISTOR Q16,17 2SC4617(R) TRANSISTOR Q19 2SC3356 TRANSISTOR Q20 2SC3357 TRANSISTOR Q301 2SK508NV(K52) FET Q302 2SC5066(O) TRANSISTOR Q303,304 2SC4617(R) TRANSISTOR Q305-307 2SC3722K(R) TRANSISTOR Q310-312 2SC4617(R) TRANSISTOR Q313,314 3SK131(M) FET Q315 2SC4617(R) TRANSISTOR TH1 157-102-65001 THERMISTOR TH2 157-502-65001 THERMISTOR TX-RX 3 UNIT (X57-6070-00) : KX
TS-2000/X TS-2000/X 9394 AC BD 1 2 3 1 2 3 112x2 112x2 86 86 86 Ex2 Ex2 120 75 81 101 70 31 33 53 28 Mx10 139 100 Mx2 Kx2 61 35 34 114x2 Fx2 113x2 111 F F 103102 30 32 27 Ex2 Ex4 72 69 97 88x2 27 29 Gx2 Gx2 Ex2 Ex2 Mx5 Control 89x219 50 19 20 25x2 25x2 19 67 68x3 17 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Bx2H 73 Mx4Mx6 71 Filter TX-RX3Mx9 Mx13 Final (A/2) 4 79 Mx2 Mx2Final (B/2) Mx8Jx3 Jx2Kx2 TX-RX2(A/11) TX-RX2 (B/11) TX-RX2 (C/11) Mx13Mx7 Mx6 115 511 Mx2 Lx17 TX-RX1 (A/9) R x10 P x2 504 506 6254501 512 83 76 401 402 x5 401 7 B : N15-1040-46 E M3 x 6 (OC) BLK: N33-3006-45 F M3 x 8 (Bi) : N35-3008-41 G M3 x 20 (Bi) : N35-3020-46 H M4 x 10 (Bi) : N35-4010-46 J M2.6 x 8 : N67-2608-46 K M4 x 6 : N68-4006-46 L M2.6 x 6 (Br-Tap): N87-2606-46 M M2.6 x 8 (Br-Tap): N87-2608-46 P M2.6 x 6 : N30-2606-46 R M2.6 x 6 (Br-Tap): N87-2606-46 S M2.6 x 5 (Br-Tap): N87-2605-46 CN902 CN12 CN17 CN14 CN501 CN27 CN4 CN5 CN6CN9 CN6 CN7 CN504 CN26 CN29 CN25CN24 CN533 CN534 CN10 S x21 EXPLODED VIEW (MAIN BODY) Parts with the exploded numbers larger than 700 are not supplied.
95 TS-2000/X E F 1 2 3 8 18 126121 C 80 85x2 128x2 N 127x284x2 78x3130x3 129x3122 123 110 124125 82 98 146x214255 27 92 93 91 95 96 94x3 TX-RX1 (B/9) Mx3 1165 87 202 201 203 207 205 212 99 6 208x5204x6 TX-RX1 (G/9) TX-RX1 (F/9)TX-RX1 (C/9) TX-RX1 (D/9) TX-RX1 (E/9) 143 D A : N14-0569-04 C : N19-0670-05 D : N19-0673-05 L M2.6 x 6 (Br-Tap) : N87-2606-46 M M2.6 x 8 (Br-Tap) : N87-2608-46 N M3 x 8 (TP) : N90-3008-46 Lx2 Lx2 Ax2 211 117 Display 108 CN801 CN1 CN800 CN805 CN806CN952 CN953 EXPLODED VIEW (FRONT PANEL) Parts with the exploded numbers larger than 700 are not supplied.
96 TS-2000/X G H 1 2 3 8 1 8 1 20 1 12 1 12 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 G13-1869-05 G13-1870-05 G13-1871-05 F12-0463-04 G13-1872-05PCB Attach to the foil side of PCB 104 105 106 107 74 EXPLODED VIEW (CUSHION) Parts with the exploded numbers larger than 700 are not supplied.
97 TS-2000/X I J 1 2 3 12 Warranty card (B46-0310-03) : E,E2 (B46-0469-10) : K,KX 13 Schematic diagram (B52-0614-00) 14 Schematic diagram (B52-0616-00) 15 Schematic diagram (B52-0617-00) 27 Schematic diagram (B52-0618-00) 28 Pamphlet (B59-1777-00) : E,E2 16 Instruction manual (B62-1221-00) : K,KX,E (B62-1222-00) : E (B62-1223-00) : E2 (B62-1224-00) : E (B62-1225-00) : E (B62-1226-00) : E Polystyrene foamed fixture (rear) Polystyrene foamed fixture (front)109 Item carton case (H52-1509-02) : K (H52-1712-02) : KX (H52-1773-02) : E,E2 Outer packing case Protection cover 10 Rating label (B42-7003-04) 26 DC cord (E30-3157-15) 65 Fuse (Blade) (25A) (F05-2531-05) 90 Sheet x 4 (G11-2698-04) 135 Screw set (N99-2024-05) 140 Microphone (T91-0352-15) 21 DIN plug (7P) (E07-0751-05) 22 DIN plug (8P) (E07-0851-05) 24 DIN plug (13P) (E07-1351-05) 65 Fuse (Blade) (25A) (F05-2531-05) 66 Fuse (Blade) (4A) (F06-4027-05) 133 Line filter (With band) (L79-1408-05) : E,E2 PACKING Parts with the exploded numbers larger than 700 are not supplied.
98 TS-2000/X Required Test Equipment 1. DC Voltmeter (DC V.M) 1) Input resistance : More than 1MΩ 2) Voltage range : 1.5 to 1000V AC/DC Note : A high-recision multimeter may be used. How- ever, accurate readings can not be obtained for high- impedance circuits. 2. DC Ammeter 1) Current range : 100mA, 1.5A, 15A, high-precision am- meter may be used. 3. RF VTVM (RF V.M) 1) Input impedance : 1MΩ and less than 3pF, min. 2) Voltage range : 10mV to 300V 3) Frequency range : 10kHz to 500MHz 4. AF Voltmeter (AF V.M) 1) Frequency range : 50Hz to 10kHz 2) Input resistance : 1MΩ or greater 3) Voltage range : 10mV to 30V 5. AF Generator (AG) 1) Frequency range : 200Hz to 5kHz 2) Output : 1mV or less to 1V, low distortion 6. AF Dummy Load (DM. SP) 1) Impedance : 8Ω 2) Dissipation : 3W or greater 7. Oscilloscope Requires high sensitivity, and external synchronization capability (150MHz or greater). 8. Sweep Generator (Sweep G.) 1) Center frequency : 50kHz to 140MHz 2) Frequency deviation : Maximum ±35kHz 3) Output voltage : 100mV or greater 9. Standard Signal Generator (SSG) 1) Frequency range : 50kHz to 60MHz 2) Output : –133dBm/0.1µV to 7dBm/1V 3) Output impedance : 50Ω 4) AM and FM modulation can be possible Note : Generator must be frequency stable. 10. Frequency Counter (f. counter) 1) Minimum input voltage : 50mV 2) Frequency range : 150MHz or greater 11. Noise Generator (Noise G.) Must generate ignition noise containing harmonics beyond 30MHz. 12. RF Dummy Load 1) Impedance : 150Ω and 50Ω 2) Dissipation : 150W or greater 13. Linear Detector 1) Frequency range : 60MHz or greater 14. Power Meter 1) Impedance : 50Ω 2) Dissipation : 300W continuous or greater 3) Frequency limits : 60MHz or greater 15. Spectrum Analyzer 1) Frequency range : 100kHz to 140MHz or greater 2) Bandwidth : 1kHz to 3MHz 16. Detector 1) For adjustment of BPF 2) For adjustment of PLL/VCO BPF 17. Directional Coupler 18. Monitor Receiver R-1000 class 19. Microphone MC-43S or MC-60S8 20. Tracking Generator 21. Distortion Meter 22. Double Signal Pad (50Ω) ADJUSTMENT IN IN OUTOUT To RF unitTo Oscilloscope 10P 1N6056 1N60 100P IN IN OUTOUT To PLL unitTo Oscilloscope 5P 1N60 1N60 100P
99 TS-2000/X Preparation Unless otherwise specified, knobs and switches should be set as follows. POWER ........................................................................... ON MANUAL BC ............................................................... Center MAIN RF GAIN ............................................................ MAX MAIN AF GAIN .............................................................. MIN NAIN SQL ..................................................................... MIN SUB AF GAIN ................................................................ MIN SUB SQL ....................................................................... MIN ADJUSTMENT EXT. SP28Ω PANEL COM ANT 2 ANT 1ANT 144 AT ANT 1.2G DC 13.8V ANT 430EXT. SP18Ω ACC2EXT. CONTREMOTEHF RX ANT PADDLEKEY GND 21 PF F LOCKA 1C H 1 /R E C2C H 2/R EC3C H 3/R E C 4TO N E /S E L5M E TE R6C TC S S /S E L 7N B/LE V E L8A G C /O FF9F IN E /ST E P .D C S /S E L0S H IF T /O F F S E TE N T SEND PHONES MICAT ANT1/2PROC LEVEL VOX AT TPRE LEVEL LEVEL LEVEL MANUAL LO/ WIDTHHI/ SHIFT N.R. A.N. B.C. FUNC CALLC.IN CLRMAIN AUTO CAR TX MONI DELAY NARREV MIC PWR KEYLSB USB CW FSK FM AMSUB DISPSEL 1MHz CTRL MR MG.SEL M.INQUICK MEMO M /S R EV TRACEM AIN M AN UAL R F AF SQ LSUBCH MULTIBC M AIN G AIN VFO/CH MENU TF- SET MAIN SUB SG.SEL SCANM VFOM.IN RITCW TUNE9.6k STARIT/SUBCON XITALT SET CLEARP. C . T_ + HF/VHF/UHF ALL MODE MULTI BANDER TS-2000 SATL A /B VFO/MSPLIT A=B Front panel Rear panel
100 TS-2000/X CN49 CN18 CN10 CN1 B. Flat cable (16P) (E37-0572-05) About 17cm A. Lead wire with minipin plug (E37-0878-05) About 56cm Service Jig How to use ADJUSTMENT A. Lead wire with minipin plug B. Flat cable (16P) Adjustment Mode Outline 1. The TS-2000/X can be adjusted manually (by turning a coil, trimmer, etc.) or by setting the service adjustment mode (adjustment with panel keys). In the service ad- justment mode (simply referred to as the adjustment mode below), adjustments items are shown in menu No.00 to 126 and all data are saved in the EEPROM (X53- 391: IC7). 2. To enter adjustment mode, the user firmware in the main unit must be rewritten with adjustment firmware. (The user firmware is factory-set.) Diagram of uploading the adjustment firmware 1. Checksum confirmation Switch the transceiver on while pressing and hold [N.R.] and [MIC/CAR] keys. 2. Preparation of uploading the data 1) Access Menu No. 56 and select 9600 bps, then switch the transceiver OFF. Turn the transceiver ON again. 2) Back up the user data in the transceiver (Menu configura- tion and Memory channel data) Run the programming software (W05-0855-00), then select “Menu/MRch READ from RADIO” Name the file that can be identified easily. (Such as a serial number) 3. Uploading the adjustment firmware 1) Turn the switch (S1) ON in TX-RX1 unit (X57-605 A). 2) Upload the adjustment firmware, using “ADJUST FIRM- WARE WRITE” menu. 3) Turn the switch (S1) OFF in TX-RX1 unit (X57-605 A). 4) Turn the transceiver ON while pressing [A=B] key to perform the full reset. 4. Repair and adjustment 5. Uploading the user firmware 1) Turn the switch (S1) ON in TX-RX1 unit (X57-605 A). 2) Upload the user firmware, using “USER FIRMWARE WRITE” menu. 3) Turn the switch (S1) OFF in TX-RX1 unit (X57-605 A). 4) Turn the transceiver ON while pressing [A=B] key to perform the full reset. 6. Checksum confirmation Switch the transceiver on while pressing and hold [N.R.] and [MIC/CAR] keys. If the user firmware has not changed, the checksum is same as the value in step 1. If the user firmware has been updated, the checksum should match the new checksum. 7. Uploading the user firmware 1) Turn the transceiver ON while pressing [A=B] key to per- form the full reset. 2) Run the programming software (W05-0855-00), then select “Menu/MRch WRITE to the RADIO”Refer to the uploading procedure 1~8. Refer to the uploading procedure 9. Refer to the uploading procedure 10.
101 TS-2000/X CN24S1ON OFF Adjustment Mode Menu (Menu No. 00~126) No. Adjustment item ItemFrequencyMode 00 ALC reference voltage 14.1M 14.1M USB 01146M BPF center voltage (Main)146M 145.99M USB 02 Variable capacitor voltage 142M 142.00M USB 03 Variable capacitor voltage 144M 144.00M USB 04 Variable capacitor voltage 148M 148.10M USB 05 Variable capacitor voltage 152M 151.90M USB 06435M BPF center voltage (Main)440M 440.00M USB 07 Variable capacitor voltage 450M 449.80M USB 08 Variable capacitor voltage 430M 430.00M USB 09 Variable capacitor voltage 420M 420.00M USB 10146M BPF center voltage (Sub)146M 146.00M FM 11 Variable capacitor voltage 118M 118.00M FM 12 Variable capacitor voltage 132M 132.00M FM 13 Variable capacitor voltage 160M 160.00M FM 14 Variable capacitor voltage 174M 173.90M FM 15440M BPF center voltage (TX)435M 435.10M USB 16 Variable capacitor voltage 420M 420.10M USB 17 Variable capacitor voltage 440M 439.99M USB 18 Variable capacitor voltage 450M 449.90M USB 19Variable capacitor voltage (HF TX)14M 14.1M USB 20 10.695M IF filter window 10.695M 1.83M USB 21 455k IF filter window 455k 1.83M USB 22 SSB IF gain SSB start 14.2M USB 23 SSB S1 SSB S1 14.2M USB 24 SSB S9 SSB S9 14.2M USB 25 SSB S-full scale SSB S full 14.2M USB 26 FM S1 FM S1 29.2M FM 27 FM S-full scale FM full 29.2M FM 28 SSB IF gain SSB start 50.2M USB 29 SSB S1 SSB S1 50.2M USB 30 SSB S9 SSB S9 50.2M USB 31 SSB S-full scale SSB S full 50.2M USB 32 FM S1 FM S1 50.2M FM ADJUSTMENT Procedure for writing adjustment firmware (for both user and adjustment firmware) 1. Remove the lower case and set the slide switch (S1) of the TX-RX 1 unit (X57-605A) to ON (move the switch to- ward the front). 2. Connect the RS-232C port of the personal computer with the COM port of the main unit with a D-SUB (9-pin) straight cable (female-female). 3. Connect the external power supply (13.8V) to the main unit and turn the power supply ON. The main unit does not turn on any indicators, but it is ready to rewrite firm- ware. Do not operate the power switch on the main unit. 4. Write firmware using writing software. (See the help of the software for information on how to write it.) 5. After writing the firmware, turn the external power sup- ply OFF and remove the RS-232C cable. 6. Set the slide switch (S1) of the TX-RX 1 unit (X57-605A) to OFF (move the switch toward the rear). 7. Turn the external power supply ON. 8. Turn the main unit ON and confirm that the indicator lights. Then, perform all reset (hold down [A=B] key and press the [POWER] key) and confirm that the initial state is displayed. 9. After adjustment, rewrite adjustment software back to user firmware using the writing software. (See the help of the software for information on how to write it.) 10. After rewriting user software, check the checksum (hold down the [N.R.] and [MIC/CAR] keys and press the [POWER] key. Menu No.125). Then , perform all reset. Notes : 1. When adjustment software is loaded and the main unit is turned ON, a beep sounds to indicate the adjustment mode. This does not indicate a failure. When any key (except [PF] key) is pressed after a fre- quency is displayed, the beep stops. 2. Do not return the TS-2000/X that contains adjustment firmware to the user. Adjustment mode operation procedure 1. Start the adjustment mode. Hold down the [N.R.] and [MIC/CAR] keys and press the [POWER] key. The adjustment mode is set and a menu number is displayed below the M.CH on the main band side (left) of the display. 2. Select adjustment mode menu No. Turn the [MULTI CH] knob to change the menu No. 3. Change adjustment mode setting data. Setting data can be changed with [+] or [–] key. 4. Write adjustment mode data. Press [+] or [–] key on the main unit or [UP] or [DOWN] key on the microphone on menu No. 124. 5. Cancel adjustment mode. Press the [CLR] key to return to the normal VFO mode. MENU No. Note: When the power is turned OFF in the middle in the ad- justment mode, it is canceled.