Inter-Tel Inside Track User Guide Issue 2
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Chapter 5— Using Inside Track 93 Inside Track User Guide Programming An Existing Or New Database The following procedure is used when programming either an existing database (selected from the list box) or a new database (created with the New command button). Name The Name edit box allows you to enter a name for theSMDR database. The name may be 20 characters in length and cannot be empty or composed of only spaces and/or tabs. Last Save Date The Last Save Date corresponds to the date of the last record captured. You can edit the date in the text box, if desired. The date entered in this box is given to all records that are captured in the future, that precede the next date header. When finished programming theSMDR database, select the OK command button to exit. (Or, select the Cancel command button to cancel without saving the changes.) When you select the OK button, if you have modified theSMDR information, a window appears that asks if you wish to update the database. Select Yes to save the information or No to exit without changing the information.

Chapter 5— Using Inside Track 94 Inside Track User Guide Getting An Accurate Date Recording Because the telephone system only generates anSMDR header once a day, at midnight, (unless error messaging is enabled out of the same port as SMDR), there has been some confusion as to what date Inside Track will use when logging calls. A simple date change will alleviate the problem. In order to get an accurate date recording, youmustset the“Last Save Date” (which defaults to the current date of the PC running Inside Track) to the datepriorto the first SMDR header that is stored in the buffer. Consider the following example: · Today is the 24th and you are getting data from the buffer. The last time you did this was the 23rd, at about 4:30PM. Hence, the beginning SMDR records will contain calls from the 23rd, after 4:30, and the SMDR header will be for the 24th. · Calls made prior to theSMDR header were made on the 23rd, but will be logged as being made on the date entered in “Last Save Date” field. Calls after the header will use the date shown in the header (the 24th). If you are not sure of the exact date to enter in the “Last Save Date” box, and you are maintaining raw files, simply download the records with any arbitrary date just to capture the raw files. Then, using any text editor, view the raw files and scroll down until you come across thefirstSMDR header. Note the date of this header. Thepreviousday is the date to enter in the “Last Save Date“ box. Next, delete theSMDR database you just created, then create a new one entering the proper date (now that you know it) in the “Last Save Date” box. Finally, simply create the database using GET DATA: RAW FILES, and pick the raw file you previously retrieved (the one you were just viewing). This will recre- ate the SMDR database with the proper dates.

Chapter 5— Using Inside Track 95 Inside Track User Guide Downloading Call Records From A Buffer, RS-232 Connection, Or Raw Files Call records can be downloaded from a buffer, RS-232 connection, or raw files using the following command buttons, as shown in the window on page 91. (Buffer and RS-232 can be used on a modem connection.) The Buffer command button allows you to obtain call records from a buffer (PollCat, AXXESSORYTalk PC, or Axxent Talk). The settings for the buffer are established using the Preferences programming com- mands described on page 109. The RS-232 button allows you to obtain records from a source that uses RS-232 XON/XOFF (software flow control) characters (terminal emulation program, CRB unit, ILB unit, or non-PollCat buffer box). (The settings for the RS-232 connection are established using the Pref- erences programming commands described on page 109.) Note:Make sure the RS-232 settings of the PollCat, CRB, or ILB unit matches to the settings of the Inside Track PC. For example, the“C om Port” setting must match the COM port used on the Inside Track PC. Likewise, the “B it Rate” setting must match the bit rate selected for the PollCat, CRB, or ILB unit’s COMPUTER port. Ensure the RS-232s of the PollCat, CRB, and ILB units are set as follows: PollCat unitCRB unitILB unit Stop Bits111 Data Bits787 Parity SettingEvenNoneEven HandshakingXon/XoffXon/XoffXon/Xoff * XON/XOFF is a.k.a. software flow control. RTS/CTS is a.k.a. hardware flow control. Note:If your Preferences are set for a modem connection, when you select one of these command buttons, a modem connection is established and a modem status window ap- pears. The window tells you the COM port, bit rate, location of the dialed modem, dialed number, operation being performed and the status of the operation (initializing, dialing, etc.). The command buttons allow you to cancel the modem connection or to redial if necessary. When the modem connection is established, the capture function automatically continues. Buffer... RS-232...

Chapter 5— Using Inside Track 96 Inside Track User GuideThis command button allows you to obtain records from raw files in any file in any directory. (The raw files directories are established using the programming window shown on page 114.) When you select this com- mand button a directory window appears that allows you to select the raw files that contain the information, as shown below. Scroll to the desired file and select the OK command button to continue the capture. Or select the Cancel command button to cancel the capture. You can merge or combine raw files into a single report for easy, com- pact storage. For example, at the end of a month there are 31 daily raw files. These files can be combined into one monthlySMDR database. Select the desired files from the directory window by highlighting them using the shift key and/or control key as shown below and select the OK command button.The path length plus raw files should not exceed 500 characters.If it exceeds this limit, there will be a warning message and you must try again. See the example below. For example, if the path is [c:\progra~1\inside20 aw], 36 raw files can be selected. “c:\progra~1\inside20 aw 010498aa.raw 011198aa.raw 082298aa.raw...” Path name: 24 Characters:11) +{(12 ++x36}=493 characters Raw Files...

Chapter 5— Using Inside Track 97 Inside Track User GuideWhen you begin a capture by selecting one of the command buttons, a window appears that asks you to verify that you want to capture records. Select Yes to continue or No to cancel the capture function. While the call records are being captured, status windows appear that give the following information: · Capturing Call Records:This window displays the number of raw lines captured and the number of hardware errors received. (Hardware errors consist of framing er- rors, character overruns, receive queue overflows, and parity errors.) · Processing Call Records:While this window is present, the Inside Track software is determining which lines contain valid call records and putting them into the ap- propriateSMDR database. This window displays the number of raw lines captured, the number of lines ignored, the number of lines recognized as complete call records, and the number of invalid records found. (Ignored lines consist of blank lines and lines containing diagnostic information. Processed records consist of lines that contain complete call records. Invalid records consist of lines of information containing an unrecognized format.) · Call Record Capture Status:This shows final status of the processed call records. It shows the number of raw lines captured, the number of lines ignored, the number of lines recognized as complete call records, the number of invalid records found, and the number of hardware errors. The number of ignored lines, processed records, and inval- id records add up to the number of captured lines.

Chapter 5— Using Inside Track 98 Inside Track User Guide To Program, Create, Or Delete Enhanced Databases This window appears when you select the Enhanced command button shown on page 59. It allows you to program the enhanced information for the telephone system databases. (The command buttons are not available if there are no programmed databases.) This list box contains a list of enhanced databases for this location. To program or add information to an existing database, highlight it and se- lect the Program command button. The window similar to the one shown on page 100 appears. To create a new database, select the New command button. The window shown on page 100 appears. (This is the same window as used for pro- gramming an existing database.) To delete an existing database, highlight it in the Enhanced Databases list box and select the Delete command button. As a safeguard, a win- dow will appear that asks you to confirm that you want the database deleted. Select Yes to delete the database or No to leave the database unchanged. If the database is deleted, it will be cleared from all reports that are associated with it. Select this command button to download any version of the 256/416/832-port (IMX, GMX, or ESPDX/ESPMDX) or AXXESS/Ax- xent database into an enhanced database. This button is disabled if there are no enhanced databases or if the system type is not 256/416/832-port or AXXESS/Axxent. The window shown belowallows you to choose the location of the database. Scroll to the correct directory and select the OK button. Program... New... Delete Download..

Chapter 5— Using Inside Track 99 Inside Track User Guide If you are downloading into an empty enhanced database, a window appears that verifies the download directory. Select Yes to continue with the download, or select No to cancel. If you are downloading into an enhanced database that already contains information, a window appears that tells you that the Inside Track software will merge the newly down- loaded records into the existing records. That is, if a downloaded record contains an exten- sion number, account code number, or trunk number of an existing record, the two records become one. The other fields in the record take on the information from the downloaded record. For example: If the old information includes stations 101 and 102, and the new information includes stations 102 and 103, the combined information includes 101, 102 (merged records), and 103. Select Yes to continue, or select No to cancel the download. During the download, a status window appears to notify you of the status of the download. If necessary, you can select the Cancel command button to stop the download. If processing stops during a download from a PollCat, CRB, or ILB unit (before the down- load is complete), try to perform a second download. If, during the second download at- tempt, you receive an error message or the DATA LED on the PollCat, CRB, or ILB unit is not lit, reset the unit by pressing the ON/OFF switch to turn power off and then on again. Then perform the download again.

Chapter 5— Using Inside Track 100 Inside Track User Guide Name Enter a name for the database, of up to 20 characters. It cannot be empty or composed of only spaces and/or tabs. Areas To Program This list box contains the different types of enhanced data. Scroll to the area to be pro- grammed and then select the Program command button. The programming windows for the various areas as shown in the following pages. The programming areas include the following:

Chapter 5— Using Inside Track 101 Inside Track User Guide· Account CodeAssociation:You can program certain numbers to be automatical- ly associated with a specific account code. (See next page for more details.) · Account Code Data:You can assign descriptions to account codes that appear in the reports. Each enhanced database can include up to 1100 account codes. (See page 104.) · Extension Data:The Extension Data window allows you to program the extension number, description, tenant, and department associated with each station in the report. There can be up to 800 extension records per enhanced database. (See page 105.) · Location Look-up:The Location Look-up Data fields allow numbers in the report to be identified by location (company, city, country, etc.). There can be up to 5000 Location Look-up records in each enhanced database. (See page 106.) · Trunk Data:The database can contain trunk numbers with descriptions to identify trunks that appear in the reports. There can be up to 800 trunk records per enhanced database. (See page 108.) When finished programming the enhanced database, select the OK command button to exit. (Or, select the Cancel command button to cancel without saving the changes.) When you select the OK button, if you have modified the information, a window appears that asks if you wish to update the database. Select Yes to save the information or No to exit without changing the information.

Chapter 5— Using Inside Track 102 Inside Track User Guide Account Code Association You can program telephone numbers and account codes for the enhanced database so that account codes in the reports are easily identified. The telephone number can contain up to 20 characters. An account code can contain up to 32 characters. To add or delete codes, or change the sorting order, use the following command buttons: The account code association table includes one column of telephone numbers, which must be typed with no dashes, and a second column for the account code that is associated with the telephone number. This table is used if the flag (Acc CodeAssociation) in the Program SMDA Report window is enabled for automatic account code association (see page 66). When any report is run that includes the telephone number on the table, the associated account code is also used. Note:You can sort call records by account codes from the table, but you cannot use these account codes in the account code range criteria. If a telephone number is associated with an account code in the raw file, and the same number is associated with a different account code in the enhanced database, the account code printed on the report will depend on the Sort By criteria (see page 66). Therefore, it is your responsibility to associate the correct account code with a telephone number. This button allows you to add a new entry for a new account code. The new entry is blank. Highlight each field to be programmed and enter the new information. Add...