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InFocus Projector Lp620 User Manual

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Page 41

Image Menu Functions
Im age menu
Auto Image
Auto Image adjusts tracking, s ignal s ynchronization and vertical 
and horizontal position automatically for most computers. If you 
want to adjust these features manually, you must turn off Auto 
Image first by clicking it.
NOTE: Som e s creen  savers in ter-
fere with  Au to Ima ge. If you’re 
experienci ng problems , try t urnin g 
yo ur screen saver off, then turni ng 
Au to Ima ge off an d on . Aut o ResizeAuto Resize automatically resizes...

Page 42

Using the Projector
1Click the Auto Image button to turn Auto Image off.
2Move the cursor to Manual Sync, then press the left or right 
mouse buttons repeatedly until the image is sharp and free of 
NOT E: The Man ual  Sync,
Ma nua l Tracking, Horiz. Position
an d Vert. Pos iti on buttons  are
availa bl e only for computer
sou rces. Th ese settin gs are
ad ju sted a utom atica ll y for a vid eo
sou rce s o they appear gray.Manual Tr ackingThe tracking function adjus ts the projector to match...

Page 43

Controls Menu  Functi ons
Controls  menu
Video Standard
NOTE: If you a lread y k now th e 
sta nda rd used  i n your geographica l 
area, it’s often b est to ma nu al ly 
select i t.
When Auto is selected, the projector attempts to pick the correct 
video standard (NTSC, PAL or SECAM) based on the input sig-
nal it receives. If the projector is unable to detect  the  standard , the 
colors might not look right or the image might appear “torn.” If 
this happens, manually select a standard by...

Page 44

Using the Projector
Rear Projection
When you select Rear  Projection, the projector reverses the image 
so you can project from behind a translucent screen.
•Click either mouse button to reverse the image for rear projec-
Monitor Connect
When Auto is selected, the projector attempts to pick the correct 
monitor connection based on the input signal it receives. This set-
ting produces the best results in most situations. Select “On” or 
“Off” only if the image is very dim or not projected....

Page 45

This chapter describes how to:
•clean the lens
•replace the projection lamp and reset the lamp monitor light
•replace the batteries in the remote control
•use the Kensington lock feature
•troubleshoot the projector
Cleaning the  Lens
Follow these steps to clean the projection lens:
1Apply a non-abrasive camera lens cleaner to a soft, dry clean-
ing cloth.
•Avoid using an excessive amount of cleaner.
•Abrasive cleaners, solvents or other harsh chemicals might 
scratch the...

Page 46

Maintenance & Troubleshooting
Using a small, flat-blade screw driver, remove the two 
screws on the bottom of the projector on the outside of the 
lamp module cover.
CAUTI ON: Never operate the
proj ecto r with  th e lamp  cover  open
or rem oved . Th is  dis rupts the a ir
flow a nd  caus es the projector to
Pull the lamp cover up and remove it.
FIG U R E 35
Remo ving the la mp mod ul e cover
CAUTION: B e s ure to repl ace
the projection  bul b a s soo n as
poss ibl e after the la mp mon...

Page 47

•Pull the handle out to remove the module.
Removing the l amp modul e
5Fit the new lamp module in place (Figure 38).
•Align the module in the correct direction (with the screw 
fastener at the top).
•Gently push the module in as far as it goes.
•Tighten the screw fastener.
WARNING: Do not d rop th e 
la mp modu le or touch  the gla ss 
bu lb! Th e gla ss  can s hatter and 
cau se in jury.
In stal lin g a new l amp modul e 

Page 48

Maintenance & Troubleshooting
6Replace the lamp cover.
NOTE : You  mus t res et t he la mp
mon itor li ght so th e projector can
keep track of the u sab le li fe o f th e
new l amp.•
Reposition the cover.
•Replace the screws and tighten them.
7Turn the projector back on.
Resetti ng the Lamp Monitor Light
After replacing the lamp, you must reset the lamp monitor light.
1Press and  hold  the  two 
brightness buttons  on  the  keypad  for at 
least 5 seconds with the projector on.
2Release the buttons....

Page 49

In sta ll ing the Ken si ngton l ock
If you’re experiencing trouble with the projector, follow these 
steps to make sure everything is properly connected before you 
call Customer Service for assistance.
1Check cable connections. Verify that all computer, CableWiz-
ard and power cables are properly connected.
2Verify that all power is switched on.
3Verify that the projector has not been switched off with the 
st an db y button on the remote or keypad .
4If the projector still...

Page 50

Maintenance & Troubleshooting
6If you’re using a laptop computer and its monitor is not dis-
playing your presentation, make sure you have re-activated 
the computer’s monitor. Most laptop computers de-activate 
their own monitor when a second display device, such as a 
projector, is connected. Refer to page 55 for more information.
7If the problem still exists, read through the problems and 
solutions in this chapter. 
If you call Customer Service for assistance:
•Find out what kind of graphics...
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