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InFocus Projector Lp620 User Manual

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Page 11

Setting up  the P rojector
IG U R E 3
Proj ected im age siz e for LitePro 620
Connecti ng the CableW iz ard to the Proj ector
The CableWizard™ simplifies the connection process by provid-
ing a central hub for all the connections between the projector 
and your computer. The connectors on the CableWizard are 
labeled with icons. 
Connect the   end of the CableWizard cord to the   con-
nector on the projector’s connector panel (Figure 4).
CAUTION: Turn off your
computer, m onitor a nd th e

Page 12

Selecti ng Connectors on the CableWizard
Turn the selector on the top of the CableWizard to reveal the 
correct connectors for your computer.
Selectin g con nectors on  the Cab leWiza rd
If you’re connecting an IBM-comp atible desktop or laptop com-
pu ter
, turn the selector until the window displays “PC ”.
NOTE: You m ust d is connect a ll  
cab les b efore turni ng the s elector 
on th e Cabl eWizard.
IG U R E 6
Sel ecti ng the I BM-compati bl e con nectors on  the Cab leWiza rd

Page 13

Setting up  the P rojector
IG U R E 7
Selectin g the Macintosh  co nnectors on  the Cab leWiza rd
Preparing  to Connect Your  Equipment to  the Projector
Now you’re ready to connect your equipment. Computers are 
connected to the CableWizard. Video players and other equip-
ment, such as external speakers, are connected directly to the 
NOTE: Before you contin ue,
mak e sure the projector and  your
equi pment a re tu rned off. I f you ’re
con nectin g a compu ter, mak e s ure
the distance b...

Page 14

Connecti ng an IBM-Compatible Desktop Computer
1Locate the cable that connects your monitor to your computer. 
Unplug it from the computer.
2Plug the   end of the CableWizard computer cable into the 
video connector on your computer.
3Plug the   end of the CableWizard computer cable into the 
 connector on the CableWizard.
Conn ecti ng th e Cab leWiza rd com puter cabl e to  an IBM-compatib le desktop computer
Do you want  to display the image on your compu ter’s monitor as 
well as on th e...

Page 15

Setting up  the P rojector
Do you want  to  control your compu ter’s mouse  from the  projector’s 
remote or key pad?
1Unplug the mouse cable from your computer.
2Plug the   end of the CableWizard mouse cable into the 
mouse connector on your computer.
3Plug the    end  of  the CableWizard mouse cable into  the   
connector on the CableWizard.
Conn ecti ng the Cab leWiza rd moni tor, audio a nd m ouse cab les to a n IBM-com patib le 
desktop co mputer
Now you’re ready to power up the...

Page 16

Connecti ng an IBM-Compatible Laptop Computer
1Plug the   end of the CableWizard computer cable into the 
video connector on your computer.
NOTE: Man y l aptop computers 
do n ot au tomat ical ly turn on  their 
externa l  video  port when  a secon d-
ary displ ay device s uch as  a projec-
tor i s con nected. Refer to you r 
computer ma nua l for the com-
man d th at a ctivates  the externa l 
video port. Activati on comm an ds 
for s ome laptop com puters are 
li sted i n th e A ppen dix of th is m...

Page 17

Setting up  the P rojector
Do you want  to con trol the comp uter’s mouse from t he projector’s 
remote or key pad?
1Locate the mouse cable and unplug it from your computer.
2Plug the   end of the CableWizard mouse cable into the 
mouse connector on your computer.
3Plug the   end of the CableWizard mouse cable  into the   
connector on the CableWizard.
FIG U R E 11
Conn ecti ng the Ca bleWiz ard au di o an d mou se cab les t o an I BM-compatibl e laptop 
Now you’re ready to power up the...

Page 18

Connecti ng a Maci nt osh Desktop Computer
1Locate the cable that connects the monitor to your computer. 
Unplug it from the computer.
2Plug the   end of the CableWizard computer cable into the 
video connector on your computer.
3Plug the   end of the CableWizard computer cable into the          
 connector on the CableWizard.
Con nectin g t he Cab leWiza rd computer cabl e to a Macintosh  desktop computer
Do you want  to display the image on your compu ter’s monitor as 
well as on th e...

Page 19

Setting up  the P rojector
Do you want  to con trol the comp uter’s mouse from t he projector’s 
remote or key pad?
1Unplug the mouse from your Macintosh or locate an unused 
ADB connector.
2Plug the   end of the CableWizard mouse cable into the 
mouse or the   (ADB) connector on your Macintosh.
3Plug the    end of  the CableWizard  mouse  cable  into  the   
connector on the CableWizard.
FIG U R E 13
Conn ecti ng the Cab leWizard  monito r, aud io an d mou se cabl es to a Macin tosh desktop...

Page 20

Connecti ng an Apple PowerBook Computer
1Plug the   end of the CableWizard computer cable into the 
video connector on your PowerBook.
NOTE: Some PowerBook s 
req uire the A pple-su pplied  video-
out ca ble for externa l vid eo. Con -
nect it b etween th e Pow erBook  
an d th e Ca bl eWiz ard compu ter 
cab le as  shown  in  Figure 1 4.
2Plug the   end of the CableWizard computer cable into the 
 connector on the CableWizard.
3If you want the projector’s display to be the same as the 
Start reading InFocus Projector Lp620 User Manual

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