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InFocus Projector Lp620 User Manual

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Page 21

Setting up  the P rojector
Do you want  to con trol the comp uter’s mouse from t he projector’s 
remote or key pad?
1Locate the mouse cable and unplug it from your PowerBook.
2Plug the   end  of the CableWizard mouse cable  into the  
(ADB) connector on your PowerBook.
3Plug the   end of the CableWizard mouse cable into the   
connector on the CableWizard.
FIG U R E 15
Conn ecti ng the Ca bleWiz ard au di o an d mou se cab les t o a PowerBook
Now you’re ready to power up the projector and your Power-...

Page 22

Connecti ng a Vi deo Pl ayer
1If your video player uses a round, one-prong composite video 
connector, you’ll need only the A/V cable that shipped with 
the projector. 
•If your video player uses a round, four-prong S-video con-
nector, you’ll also need an S-video cable in addition to the 
A/V cable. The S-video cable is sold separately. (See 
“Accessories” on page 53.)
2Plug the A/V cable’s yellow connector into the “video-out” 
port on your video player (Figure 16). This port may be 
labeled “To...

Page 23

Setting up  the P rojector
IG U R E 17
Conn ecti ng the projector to a vid eo player usi ng an  S-vid eo cab le an d th e aud io con -
nectors on  the sta nd ard A/V  cabl e
4Plug the A/V cable’s white connector into the  left “audio  out” 
port on your video player. Plug the cable’s red connector into 
the right “audio out” port on the video player (Figure 16 and 
Figure 17).
CAUTION: You r vi deo pla yer
ma y a lso  have a “ Vid eo Out” port
for a  coa xial  cab le conn ection. Do
not use th is...

Page 24

Connecti ng an Ext ernal Speaker  and a Subwoofer
•To connect one or two external speakers, plug the speaker 
cables into the separate red and white L R (audio out) con-
nectors on the projector.
NOTE: The external speakers 
must have their own power source.  •
To connect a subwoofer, plug the subwoofer’s cable into  the   
connector on the projector.
Conn ecti ng an  externa l spea ker a nd  a subwoofer
Connecti ng a Microphone
CAUTION: Al ways k eep th e 
sou rce volu me at i ts low est...

Page 25

Setting up  the P rojector
Connecti ng a PS/2-Compatible Mouse
The mouse connector on the projector will be used to connect a 
PS/2-compatible mouse. Call your In Focus dealer for 
FIG U R E 20
The PS /2-com patib le mou se connector on  the projector
Connecti ng the Remote Control Cable
If the projector cannot receive the remote’s signal, as may be the 
case if you’re using  rear projection,  connect the remote directly to 
the projector with the remote cable.
1Plug the end of the...

Page 26

Powering up the Projector and Adjusting the Image
NOTE: Al ways u se the power 
cord tha t sh ipped with  the projec-
1Plug the power cord into the projector (Figure 22), then plug it 
into your electrical outlet. A surge-protected power strip is 
recommended if power surges are common in your area.
CAUTION: If th e lam p LED 
rem ain s s olid ly li t after the LitePro 
ha s powered  on, the la mp need s 
to be replaced. If th e lam p 
rem ain s i n us e too lon g, it m ay 
explo de an d severely...

Page 27

Setting up  the P rojector
4Turn on your monitor if you’ve connected it.
5Turn on your computer. The computer image should display 
on the projection screen.
NOTE: With s ome computers,
the order in  whi ch you power up
th e equ ipment i s very im porta nt.
We recommen d th at you a lwa ys
turn on  the computer LAST.•
The computer source indicator LED d isplays a s olid green 
indicating the computer source is active (Figure 23). 
•If necessary, us e the br igh tness buttons on the remote con-
trol or...

Page 28

Turning Off the Proj ector
CAUTION: Do not repeatedl y 
turn th e proj ector on  and  off. It  
may ca use th e lam p t o explod e.
If you want to turn off the projector for a short period of time, 
press the 
standby button on the remote control or keypad. This 
turns off the lamp but keeps the projector running. The power/
standby indicator LED (Figure 23) blinks green while the projec-
tor is in standby. To exit standby mode, press the 
st an db y button 
once. (It takes s everal seconds for the...

Page 29

This section describes how to use and make adjustments to the 
projector. It also provides a reference to the remote control but-
tons and the options available from the on-screen menus.
Basic Image Adjustment
1Make sure you have powered up your equipment in the right 
order (page 21).
2If the image doesn’t display completely, adjust the height of 
the projector (page 26) or center the image by adjusting its 
horizontal or vertical position (page 38).
3If the image is out of focus,...

Page 30

Using the Projector
Adjusting the  Projector
To focus the image, rotate the projection lens until the image is 
The projector is equipped with a self-locking, quick-release eleva-
tor button and adjustable-height feet. By raising the back of the 
projector, you lower the projected image.
FIG U R E 24
Quick -releas e el evator b utton  an d a dju stable feet 
To raise the projector (lower the image):
1Press the quick-release button up while lifting the rear of the 
projector (Figure 24). The...
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