Husqvarna Z246 Owners Manual
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31 E\bgi\beFrame M\fnuf\fcturerBriggs & Str\fttonCutting Width46" / 117cm Type44S777 Endur\fnceCutting Height1.5" - 4" / 3.8 - \O10.2 cm Power23 1)Uncut Circle0 Lubric\ftionPressure with oil filterNumber of Bl\fdes2 FuelMin 87 oct\fne unle\fde\Od (M\fx eth\fnol 10%\b M\fx MTBE\O 15%) Bl\fde Length22.75" / 57.8 cm Fuel t\fnk c\fp\fcity3½ g\fllons / 13.25 l\OitresAnti-sc\flp Rollers3 CoolingAir cooledSprung Se\ftSt\fnd\frd Air filterSt\fnd\frdHinged Arm RestsOption\fl Altern\ftor12VService MeterDigit\fl St\frterElectricBl\fde Eng\fgementElectrom\fgnetic Clutch Tra\bsmissio\bDeck ConstructionSt\fmped Tr\fnsmissionHydrost\ftic tr\fns\fxlesProductivity2.4 \fcres/h / 9\b712 m2/h Steering controlDu\fl levers\b fo\fm gri\OppedDime\bsio\bs Speed forw\frd0-6.5 mph / 0-10.5\O km/hWeight580 lbs / 263 kg Speed reverse0-3.5 mph / 0-5.6 \Okm/hB\fse M\fchine Length\O75" / 191cm Br\fkesMech\fnic\fl p\frk br\fke\OB\fse M\fchine Height\O40" / 102cm Front c\fster tires11 x 6-5B\fse M\fchine Width41.5" / 106 cm Re\fr tires\b turf pneum\ftic18 x 9.5-8Over\fll Width\b Chute\O Up48" / 122 cm Tire pressure15 PSI / 103 kP\f / \O1 b\frOver\fll Width\b Chute\O Down56" / 142 cm 1) The power rating as declared by the engine manufacturer is the average gross power output at the specified RPM of a typical production engine for the engine model measured using SAE Standards for engine gross power. Refer to the engine manufacturer engine specifications. ©2014 0AlriA©A

32 Accessories Collection system Engine cr\fnksh\fft bol\Ot 75 ft/lb (102 Nm) Deck pulley bolts 75 ft/lb (102 Nm) Lug nuts 75 ft/lb (102 Nm) Bl\fde bolt 60 ft/lb (81 Nm) St\fnd\frd ¼" f\fsteners 9 ft/lb (12 Nm) St\fnd\frd 5/16" f\fsteners 18 ft/lb (25 Nm) St\fnd\frd 3/8" f\fsteners 33 ft/lb (44 Nm) St\fnd\frd 7/16" f\fsteners 52 ft/lb (70 Nm) St\fnd\frd ½” f\fsteners 80 ft/lb (110 Nm) Tor\fue Specificatio\bs HEX HEAD CAP SCREWS The torque v\flues shown shoul\Od be used \fs \f gener\O\fl guideline when s\Opecific torque v\flues \fre not given. U.S. Sta\bdard Hardw\eare Gr\fdeSAE Gr\fde 5SAE Gr\fde 8Fl\fngelock Screw w/Fl\fngelock Nut Sizeft./lbsNmft./lbsNmft./lbsNm Sh\fnk Size (Di\fmete\Or in inches\b fine or co\frse thre\fd) ¼9121318 5/16182428382433 3/8314246624054 7/16506875102 ½75102115156 9/16110149165224 5/8150203225305 ¾250339370502 7/8378512591801 11/8782106014101912 ** Gr\fde 5 - Minimu\Om commerci\fl qu\flity (lower q\Ou\flity not recommended) Metric Sta\bdard Hard\eware Gr\fdeGr\fde 8.8Gr\fde 10.9Gr\fde 12.9 Sizeft./lbsNmft./lbsNmft./lbsNm Sha\bk Size (Di\fmeter in inche\Os\b fine or co\frse thre\fd) M41.522.232.73.7 M5344.565.27 M65.277.5108.211 M78.21112161520 M813.51818.82521.830 M10243335.24843.559 M1243.55962.28475102 M1470.596100136119161 M16108146147199176239 M18142193202274242328 M20195264275373330447 M22276374390529471639 M24353478498675596808 M275307197359969041226 ©2014 0AlriA©A

33 Delivery Service Ch\frge the b\ftteryq Adjust the tire pressure of \fll wheels to 1\O5 PSI (1 b\fr)q Mount the steering c\Oontrols in the norm\fl positionq Connect the cont\fct \Obox to the c\fble for t\Ohe se\ft’s s\ffety sw\Oitchq Check th\ft the righ\Ot \fmount of oil is in \Othe engineq Adjust the position \Oof the steering cont\Orolsq Fill with fuel \fnd \Oopen the fuel shut of\Of v\flveq St\frt the engineq Check th\ft there is drive to both w\Oheelsq Check the mower dec\Ok \fdjustmentq Check: S\ffety switch for th\Oe p\frk br\fkeq S\ffety switch for th\Oe mower deckq S\ffety switch in th\Oe se\ftq S\ffety switch in th\Oe steering controlsq P\frk br\fke function\fli\Otyq Driving forw\frdq Driving b\fckw\frdq Eng\fging the bl\fdesq Check the idle spe\Oedq Check the engine h\Oigh idle speedq Inform the customer \fbout: Need \fnd \fdv\fnt\fges \Oof following the serv\Oice scheduleq Need \fnd \fdv\fnt\fges \Oof le\fving m\fchine f\Oor service every 300 hoursq Effects of service \fnd\O m\fint\fining \f servi\Oce journ\fl on m\fchine’s res\fle v\flueq Applic\ftion \fre\fs for mulchingq Fill in the s\fles p\O\fpers\b etc. Delivery service h\fs been c\frried out No rem\fining notes Certified: ©2014 2Alri0ght WARNIG!ACOFMATFTC!YRIEOFSA!MUOFSRE\eI

34 25-Hour Service Check the fuel pump\O’s \fir filterq Sh\frpen/Repl\fce mowe\Or bl\fdes if requiredq Check the tire pressuresq Check b\fttery c\fblesq Lubric\fte \fccording to lubric\ftion c\Oh\frtq Check / cle\fn the e\Ongine’s cooling \fir \Oint\fkeq Cle\fn the \fir cle\fne\Or’s fo\fm pre-filterq After the First 10 H\eours Ch\fnge engine oilq 50-Hour Service Perform the 25-hour servic\Oeq Cle\fn / repl\fce the \fir cle\fn\Oer’s p\fper filter c\f\Ortridge (shorter interv\fls for du\Osty oper\fting condit\Oions)q Ch\fnge engine oilq Lubric\fte \fccording to lubric\ftion c\Oh\frtq Check/\fdjust the p\fr\Ok br\fkeq ©2014 2Alri0ght WARNIG!ACOFMATFTC!YRIEOFSA!MUOFSRE\eI G!ACOFMATFTC!YRIEOFSA!MUOFSRE\eI G!ACOFMATFTC!YRIEOFSA!MUOFSRE\eI

35 100-Hour Service Perform the 25-hour servic\Oeq Perform the 50-hour servic\Oeq Ch\fnge the engine oi\Ol filterq Cle\fn/repl\fce the sp\frk pl\Ougsq Repl\fce the fuel fil\Oterq Check V-beltsq Check / tighten c\fs\Oter wheel \fxle bolts\O (every 200 hours)q Ch\fnge the \fir filte\Or’s p\fper c\frtridgeq Ch\fnge hydr\fulic pum\Op oil \fnd filter. (200 hours)q 300-Hour Service Perform the 25-hour servic\Oeq Perform the 50-hour servic\Oeq Perform the 100-hour servi\Oceq Check / \fdjust the \Omower deckq Cle\fn the combustion \Och\fmber \fnd grind th\Oe v\flve se\ftsq Check the engine v\O\flve cle\fr\fnceq Repl\fce the \fir cle\O\fner’s fo\fm pre-filterq ©2014 2Alri0ght WARNIG!ACOFMATFTC!YRIEOFSA!MUOFSRE\eI WARNIG!ACOFMATFTC!YRIEOFSA!MUOFSRE\eI

36 At Least O\bce Each Year Cle\fn the engine’s \Ocooling \fir int\fke (2\O5 hours)q Repl\fce the \fir cle\O\fner’s fo\fm pre-filter (300 hours)q Repl\fce the \fir filt\Oer’s p\fper c\frtridgeq Ch\fnge the engine oi\Ol (50 hours)q Repl\fce the engine \Ooil filter (100 hours\O)q Check / \fdjust the \Ocutting heightq Check / \fdjust the \Op\frk br\fke (50 hours)\Oq Cle\fn / ch\fnge the \Osp\frk plugs (100 hour\Os)q Ch\fnge the fuel filt\Oer (100 hours)q Check the engine v\O\flve cle\fr\fnceq ©2014 2Alri0ght WARNIG!ACOFMATFTC!YRIEOFSA!MUOFSRE\eI

37 ©2014 2Alri0ght \037\036\035\034\033\032\031\030\035\027\026\025\024\035\023\025\023

38 ©2014 2Alri0ght \037\036\035\034\033\032\031\030\035\027\026\025\024\035\023\025\023