Husqvarna Z246 Owners Manual
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11 This oper\ftor m\fnu\fl d\Oescribes the Husqv\fr\On\f Zero Turn Rider. The rider is fitt\Oed with \f four-stroke overhe\fd v\flve engine. Tr\fnsmission from the engine is m\fd\Oe vi\f \f belt-driven \O hydr\fulic pumps. Usi\Ong the left \fnd rig\Oht steering controls\b the flow is regul\ftes the direction \fnd speed. Co\btrol Locatio\bs 1 2 6 109 4 5 127 3 118 5 1.Steering/Br\fke leve\Ors 2.Tr\fcking \fdjustment\b \Oleft side 3.Deck lift 4.Fuses 5.Byp\fss link\fges 6.Fuel shut off v\flve 7.Fuel t\fnk 8.Throttle control 9.Service meter 10.Ignition switch 11.Bl\fde switch 12.Se\ft \fdjustment leve\Or ©20142 A

Forward Neutral Reverse Park Brake 12 Steeri\bg Co\btrol Levers\e WARNING! \bhe machine can t\,urn very rapidly i\,f one steering control i\,s moved much furthe\,r forward than the \, other. The m\fchine’s speed\O \fnd direction \fre continuously v\fri\fbl\Oe using the two steeri\Ong controls. The steering c\Oontrols c\fn be moved forw\frd or b\fckw\frd \fbout \f neutr\fl posit\Oion. Furthermore\b there is \f neutr\fl positi\Oon\b which is locked \Oif the steering controls \fre moved outw\frd. When both controls \fre in the neutr\fl pos\Oition (N)\b the m\fchi\One st\fnds still. By moving both controls \fn equ\fl \fmount for\Ow\frd or b\fckw\frd\b the m\fchine moves\O in \f str\fight line\O forw\frd or b\fckw\frd respectively. In order\b for ex\fmple\b to turn right while movin\Og forw\frd\b move the right control tow\frds the neutr\fl posit\Oion. The rot\ftion of the right wheel is reduced \fnd the m\fchi\One turns to the right. Zero turn c\fn be \fchieved by\O moving one control b\fckw\frd (behind the neutr\fl \Oposition) \fnd c\frefully moving the ot\Oher steering control forw\frd from its neutr\fl positi\Oon. The rot\ftion direction when zero turning is determined by which stee\Oring control is moved b\fckw\frd behind the neutr\fl\O position. If the left steering contr\Ool is pulled b\fckw\frd\b the m\fchine turns to the left. Use extr\O\f c\fre when using this m\O\fneuver. If the steering con\Otrols \fre in uneven position\Os when st\fnding still or do not fit in\O the slots for moving\O the controls outw\frd\b they c\fn be \fdjusted\O. Park Brake IMPORTANT INFORMATION \bhe machine must st\,and a\fsolutely still wh\,en applying the pa\,rk \frake. Always set the park \frake \fefor\,e dismounting. Rele\,ase the park \frake \, \fefore moving the m\,ower. The p\frk br\fke is in\Otegr\fted with the s\Oteering control levers. Move the levers outw\O\frd from the neutr\fl positi\Oon to eng\fge the p\frk br\fke. To rele\fse the p\frk br\fk\Oe\b rot\fte both steering c\Oontrol levers inw\frds to the neutr\fl pos\Oition. Do not \fttempt\O to oper\fte the unit without both lev\Oers being inw\frds out of the eng\fged\O position or m\fchine c\Oomponents could be d\fm\O\fged. Ig\bitio\b Switch The ignition switch\O is pl\fced on the co\Ontrol p\fnel \fnd is used \O to st\frt \fnd stop the engin\Oe. WARNWIG

13 Blade Switch Throttle Co\btrol The throttle control regul\ftes the engine\O speed \fnd the r\fte\O of rot\ftion of the bl\fdes\b \O\fssuming the bl\fde s\Owitch is pulled out.\O See Bl\fde Switch. To incre\fse or decre\fse the engine spe\Oed\b the control is moved forw\frd or b\fck respectively. Avoid idling the eng\Oine for long periods\b\O \fs there is \f risk of fouling the sp\frk \Oplugs. USE FULL \bHRO\b\bLE WHEN MOWING\b for best mower perform\fnce \fnd b\fttery ch\frging. To eng\fge the mower d\Oeck\b pull the knob out\O; mower bl\fdes \fre diseng\fged when t\Ohe knob is pressed down. Service Meter The service meter \Odispl\fys the tot\fl n\Oumber of hours the engine h\fs run \fnd i\Ondic\ftes when the e\Ongine \fnd mower need servicing. After every 50 hours of oper\ftio\On\b \fn oil c\fn icon wi\Oll \fppe\fr \fnd st\fy on for two ho\Ours\b before \fn \futom\ftic reset occurs. To m\fnu\flly reset the meter\b turn the key off \fnd on five times \ft one second interv\O\fls. To service the engin\Oe \fnd mower\b see the Service Journ\fl of this m\fnu\fl. Note: The service meter operates (clocks hours) only when the engine is running. Be sure to turn the key off when the unit is not in use, to prevent meter hours from accumulating.Cold Weather Co\btrol In temper\ftures below 32OF\b move the throttle control forw\frd p\fst the st\frt detent to the snow\Ofl\fke symbol. Once the\O engine h\fs st\frted\b slowly move the\O throttle control b\fck to the full throttle position. ©20142 A

14 Fuse The 20 \fmp prim\fry fuse is loc\fted on \Othe left h\fnd side \Oof the m\fchine. It is \fcce\Ossed by tilting the\O se\ft forw\frd. The fuse is \f fl\ft pin type used \Oin \futomobiles. Fuel Shut Off Valve The fuel shut off v\flve is loc\fted \ft\O the right re\fr of the se\ft. The v\flve is off when the h\fndle t\O\fb is turned perpendicul\fr t\Oo the fuel line. Seat Adjustme\bt Lever The se\ft c\fn be \fdjus\Oted lengthw\fys. Whe\On m\fking \fdjustments\b the lev\Oer under the right \Oside of the se\ft is \Opulled up\b \ffter which the \Ose\ft c\fn be moved b\fck\Ow\frd or forw\frd. Cutti\bg Height Lever IMPORTANT INFORMATION \bo o\ftain an even cu\,tting height, it is impor\,tant that the air \,pressure in all ti\,res is 15 psi / 103 kPa / 1 \,\far. IMPORTANT INFORMATION Always raise the d\,eck to the highest position fo\,r transport. To set the deck cutti\Ong height\b pull the\O cutting height lev\Oer inw\frds \fnd move it to th\Oe desired height notch. Bypass Li\bkages WARNING! Bypass linkages a\,re located close t\,o the muffler. \bo prevent \furns, th\,e engine should \fe \,shut off and allowed to coo\,l \fefore the \fypass \,linkage levers are\, handled. Tr\fns\fxle byp\fss link\O\fges must be eng\fged\O when pushing or pulling the mower. The rele\fse levers \fre loc\fted on e\fch sid\Oe of the re\fr of the unit below\O the re\fr engine gu\frd. See Moving Machine By Hand in the Operation section. ©20142 A

15 Fuel Ta\bkIMPORTANT INFORMATION Experience indic\,ates that alcohol \flended fue\,ls (called gasohol\,, ethanol or methan\,ol) can attract moistu\,re which leads to \,separation and formation of acids \,during storage. Acidic gas can dam\,age the fuel system of \,an engine while in\, storage. \bo avoid engine pro\flems, th\,e fuel system shoul\,d \fe emptied \fefore \, storage of 30 days \,or longer. Drain the gas tan\,k, start the engine and let it \,run until the fuel \,lines and car\fureto\,r are empty. Use fresh fuel the\, next season. See Storage for additional informat\,ion. Never use engi\,ne or car\furetor cleaners in the fue\,l tank or permanen\,t damage may occur\,. WARNING! Gasoline is high\,ly flamma\fle. O\fserve caution and\, fill the tank outd\,oors (see the safet\,y instruction). WARNING! \bhe engine and th\,e exhaust system, \fecome very hot dur\,ing operation. \bher\,e is a risk for \fur\,ns if touched. Allow engine and e\,xhaust system to c\,ool \fefore refueling. WARNING! Fill to \fottom of\, filler neck. Do not\, overfill. Wipe off any spilled\, oil or fuel. Do no\,t store, spill or use gasoline near \,an open flame. Re\fd the s\ffety ins\Otructions before refueling. The m\fchi\One h\fs one fuel t\fnk\b just be\Ohind the console. Th\Oe t\fnk c\fp\fcity is 3\O½ g\fllons (13.25 litres). Regul\frly check the\O g\fs c\fp g\fsket for d\O\fm\fge \fnd keep the c\fp properly tightened. The engine will run\O on \f minimum of 85-oc\Ot\fne unle\fded g\fsoline (no oil mix)\O. Environment\flly \fd\fpted \fl\Okyl\fte g\fsoline c\fn be used.\O See \flso Technical Data concerning eth\fnol fuel. Meth\fno\Ol fuel is not \fllowed\O. Do not use E85 \flcohol b\fsed fuel. D\f\Om\fge to engine \fnd c\Oomponents m\fy occur. When oper\fting in te\Omper\ftures below 32° F. (0° C.)\b use fresh\b cle\fn winter g\Or\fde g\fsoline to insu\Ore good cold we\fther st\frting. Tracki\bg If the mower is not \Otr\fcking str\fight\b c\Oheck the \fir pressure in both re\fr tires. Recommended \fir \Opressure for the re\fr tires is 15 psi (1 b\fr). 1. Tr\fcking \fdjustments \O\fre m\fde using the tr\O\fcking bolts. The tr\fcking bolts \fc\Ot \fs limiting devic\Oes for the motion control levers when in t\Ohe full-forw\frd position. 2. For prelimin\fry tr\fcking \fdjustmen\Ot\b move unit to \fn ope\On\b unobstructed \fre\f such \fs \fn empty \Op\frking lot or open field. 3. Using \f ½" wrench\b b\fck the tr\fck\Oing bolts out until fl\Oush with nut. 4. Test oper\fte unit by d\Oriving it \ft full t\Ohrottle \fnd the full forw\frd position on both moti\Oon control levers. Gr\fdu\flly \O turn in the tr\fcking b\Oolt on the right h\fn\Od side until the un\Oit notice\fbly st\frts drifting right.\O 5. Drive forw\frd \ft full throttle with both motion\O control levers in the full \Oforw\frd position. Gr\fdu\flly\O turn in the left tr\fcking bolt until u\Onit tr\fcks str\fight\O. ©20142 A

16 Re\fd the Safety section \fnd followin\Og p\fges\b if you \fre unf\fmili\fr with the \Om\fchine. Trai\bi\bg Due to unique steerin\Og c\fp\fbilities\b zero turn mowers \fre f\fr more m\fneuver\fble th\fn t\Oypic\fl riding mowers\O. This section should \Obe reviewed in its ent\Oirety prior to \fttempting to move t\Ohe mower under its o\Own power. When first oper\fting the m\Oower or until becoming\O comfort\fble with controls\b use \f reduced throttle speed \fnd reduced ground speed. DO NOT move c\Oontrol levers to the fur\Othest forw\frd or reverse positions dur\Oing initi\fl oper\ftion\O. First time users sh\Oould become f\fmili\fr w\Oith the mower’s movement on \f h\frd surf\fce\b such \fs concrete or bl\fcktop PRIOR to \fttempting \Oto oper\fte on turf. Until the oper\fto\Or becomes comfort\fble with the mower controls \fnd zero turning c\fp\fbility\b overly \fggressive m\fneuvers m\fy\O d\fm\fge turf. Steeri\bg To move forward a\bd ba\eckward The direction \fnd speed of \Othe mower’s movement\Os \fre effected by the moveme\Ont of the control lever(s) on e\fch \Oside of mower. The left control lever controls the left wheel.\O The right control lever controls the right wheel\O. First time users sh\Oould push the mower (\Osee Moving the Machine By Hand in the Operation section) to \fn open\b \Ofl\ft \fre\f without other peopl\Oe\b vehicles or obst\fc\Oles ne\frby. To move the unit under \Oits own power\b the oper\ftor must s\Oit in the se\ft \fnd st\frt the engine (see Before Starting in the Operation section). Adjust the\O engine speed to id\Ole \fnd diseng\fge th\Oe p\frk br\fke by moving \Othe steering control levers inw\frd. Do not eng\fge the bl\fdes\O. As long \fs the con\Otrol levers h\fve not been moved forw\frd or b\fckw\frds\b the mower will n\Oot move. Slowly move both contr\Ool levers slightly \Oforw\frd. This will \fllow the mower to move for\Ow\frd in \f str\fight lin\Oe. Pull the control levers b\fck to the n\Oeutr\fl position \fnd t\Ohe mower should stop \O moving. Pull b\fck slightly on\O control levers\b \fllowing t\Ohe mower to move b\fckw\frds. Push the control levers forw\frd to the neutr\fl position \fnd mower sh\Oould stop moving. To tur\b to the right While moving in \f fo\Orw\frd direction\b pull the rig\Oht lever b\fck tow\frds the neutr\fl posit\Oion while m\fint\finin\Og the position of the left lever\b this will slow the\O rot\ftion of the right \Owheel \fnd c\fuse the m\fchine to \Oturn in th\ft direction. To tur\b to the left While moving in \f fo\Orw\frd direction pull the left\O lever b\fck tow\frds the neutr\fl posit\Oion while m\fint\finin\Og the position of the right lever\b this will slow the\O rot\ftion of the left w\Oheel \fnd c\fuse the m\fchine to \Oturn in th\ft direction. To zero tur\b While moving in \f fo\Orw\frd direction\b first pull bot\Oh control levers b\fck until th\Oe mower stops or slow\Os dr\fm\ftic\flly. Then by \fltern\fting one lever sli\Oghtly to the forw\frd position \fnd the other in the\O reverse position\b comp\Olete the turn. Before Starti\bg 1. Re\fd the sections on\O Safety \fnd Controls before st\frting the m\fchine. 2. Perform the d\fily m\finten\O\fnce before st\frting (see Maintenance Schedule in the Maintenance section). 3. Check th\ft there is sufficient fuel\O in the fuel t\fnk. 4. Adjust the se\ft to t\Ohe desired position. The following conditi\Oons must be fulfilled \Obefore the engine c\fn be st\frted: • The bl\fde switch mus\Ot be pressed down into the \O diseng\fged position.\O • Both steering / p\frk\O br\fke controls must be in the l\Oocked (outer) position. Starti\bg the E\bgi\be 1. Sit on the se\ft. 2. R\fise the mower deck\O to the highest posi\Otion. 3. Diseng\fge the mower \Obl\fdes by pressing the bl\fde switch downw\frds. WARNING! Engine exhaust a\,nd certain vehicle\, components contain\, or emit chemicals\, considered to cau\,se cancer, \firth defects or o\,ther reproductive \,system damage. \bhe engine exhaust \,contains car\fon mon\,oxide, which is a odorless, colorless, poisonous gas. Do not use the machine in enclosed spaces\,. ©2014 A©l

17 4. Move the steering /\O p\frk br\fke controls out to the locked \O position. 5. Move the throttle lever to the f\Oull throttle position. NOTE: There is a detent at the full throttle position to aid in setting the control. 6. Press in \fnd turn the ignition key \Oto the st\frt position. 7. When the engine st\O\frts\b immedi\ftely rele\fse the ignition \O key b\fck to the run p\Oosition. 8. Set the engine spe\Oed with the throttle. Allow the eng\Oine to run \ft \f moder\fte spe\Oed\b \fpproxim\ftely mid throttle\b for \f short time before use. 9. USE FULL THROTTLE WHEN MOW\eING. Ru\b\bi\bg 1. Rele\fse the p\frk br\f\Oke by pulling the s\Oteering / p\frk br\fke controls inw\frds to the neutr\fl pos\Oition. NOTE: The mower is equipped with an operator presence system. When the engine is running, any attempt by the operator to leave the seat without first setting the park brake will shut off the engine. 2. Lower the mower deck\O to the desired cutting height. IMPORTANT INFORMATION Do not run the sta\,rter for more than 5 second\,s each time. If the\, engine does not start, wait approxi\,mately 10 seconds \,\fefore retrying. WARNING! Make sure that n\,o one is near mowe\,r when engaging \flade\, switch. Make sure the work\, area is free from \,o\fjects that could \,\fe thrown \fy the rotat\,ing \flades. If the temperature is\e below 32OF\b move the throttle lever up to the cold we\fthe\Or (snowfl\fke) st\frting position. When the engine h\fs\O st\frted\b move the throttle lever b\fck to full throttle detent \fnd \fll\Oow the engine to w\fr\Om up for \f short period before oper\fting the unit\O. F\filure to move the throttle from the cold we\fther \Ost\frting position will r\Oesult in poor engine perform\fnce\b smoke \fnd sp\fr\Ok plug fouling. ©2014 A©l

18 Stoppi\bg the E\bgi\be 1. Move the throttle to the minimum\O position (tortoise symbol). 2. Move the steering /\O p\frk br\fke controls outw\frd from the neutr\fl position. 3. Diseng\fge the mower \Odeck by pressing the bl\fde sw\Oitch down. 4. R\fise the mower deck\O to the highest posi\Otion. If the engine h\fs b\Oeen worked h\frd\b \fllow it to idle \f\Ot le\fst 60 seconds to \O\ftt\fin \f norm\fl oper\fting temper\O\fture before stopping. To prevent fouling the sp\O\frk plugs\b \fvoid idling the engine \Ofor longer periods. 5. Turn the ignition key \Oto the stop position.\O Remove key. Alw\fys remove key when le\fvi\Ong the mower to prevent un\futhorized use. • Avoid mowing wet l\fwn\Os. The mowing result is poorer bec\fuse the wheels s\Oink into the soft l\f\Own\b clumps build\b \fnd gr\fss clippings\O f\fsten under the c\Oowling. • Hose the mower deck \Ounderside with w\fte\Or \ffter e\fch use. When cle\fning\b the \Omower deck sh\fll be \Or\fised into the tr\fnsport position. M\fke sure the mower is cooled\O \fnd the engine is off. • Use compressed \fir to cle\fn t\Oop surf\fce of the deck. Avoid flooding w\fter on \Otop surf\fce\b engine \fnd ele\Octric\fl components. • When the mulching k\Oit is used\b it is i\Omport\fnt th\ft the mowing interv\fl is f\Orequent. Operati\bg O\b Hills Re\fd the S\ffety Ins\Otructions Driving on Slopes in the Safety section. • The slowest speed p\Oossible should be used\O before st\frting up or down hills. • Avoid stopping or ch\fn\Oging speed on hills\O. • If stopping is \fbsolu\Otely necess\fry\b pull steering cont\Orols into the neutr\fl posi\Otion \fnd the push to \Othe outside of the unit to eng\fge the p\O\frk br\fke. • To rest\frt movement\b move the\O steering controls b\fck to the neutr\fl position. • Press forw\frd to reg\fin forw\frd motion. • M\fke \fll turns slowly. IMPORTANT INFORMATION Leaving the igniti\,on switch in any other posit\,ion than OFF will cause the \fat\,tery to \fe discharged. • The finest l\fwns \fre obt\fined by mowing \Ooften. The l\fwn becomes more even \fnd the gr\fs\Os clippings more evenly distributed over the\O mown \fre\f. The tot\fl time t\O\fken is not incre\fsed \fs \f higher ope\Or\fting speed c\fn be \Oused without poor mowing results. • When mowing l\frge \fr\Oe\fs\b st\frt by turning to the right s\Oo th\ft clippings will\O disch\frge \fw\fy from shrubs\b fences\b drivew\fys\b etc. Aft\Oer one or two rounds\b mow in the opposite direction m\fking left h\O\fnd turns until finished. Mowi\bg Tips • Observe \fnd fl\fg rocks \fnd other fixed \Oobjects to \fvoid collisions. • Begin with \f high c\Outting height \fnd r\Oeduce it until the \O desired mowing result is \ftt\fined. T\Ohe \fver\fge l\fwn shoul\Od be cut to 2½" during \Othe cool se\fson \fnd ov\Oer 3" during the hot months. For he\flt\Ohier \fnd better looki\Ong l\fwns\b mow often \ffter moder\fte \Ogrowth. For best cuttin\Og perform\fnce\b gr\fss over 6" in hei\Oght should be mowed t\Owice. M\fke the first cut rel\ftively high\b the\O second to the desir\Oed height. • The mowing result will be best w\Oith \f high engine s\Opeed (bl\fdes rot\fte r\fpidly) \fnd lo\Ow speed (rider move\Os slowly). If the gr\fss is not \Otoo long \fnd dense\b th\Oe driving speed c\fn be incre\fsed without neg\ftiv\Oely \fffecting the mowing \O result. 3. Move throttle control to full throttle (r\fbbit symbol).\O 4. Eng\fge the mower dec\Ok by pulling the bl\f\Ode switch up. 5. Rot\fte control levers inw\frd \fnd slowly move both\O control levers slightly for\Ow\frd to move forw\frd in \f str\fight lin\Oe. WARNING! Do not drive up \,or down hills with\, slopes greater than 10 de\,grees. Do not drive\, across slopes. Never drive the ri\,der on terrain tha\,t slopes more than\, 10 degrees. Mow slopes\, up and down, never\, side to side. Avoid sudden direct\,ional changes. ©2014 A©l

19 IMPORTANT INFORMATION \bhe mower is equip\,ped with a 12-volt neg\,ative grounded sys\,tem. \bhe other vehi\,cle must also \fe a 12-v\,olt negative groun\,ded system. Do not \, use your mower to \,start other vehicl\,es. CAUTION! Lead-acid \fatteri\,es generate explos\,ive gases. Keep sparks,\, flame and smoking \,materials away from \fatteries. Always wear eye pr\,otection when arou\,nd \fatteries. Weak Battery If the b\fttery is too we\fk to st\frt the engine\b it sh\Oould be rech\frged. (See Battery in the Maintenance section.) If jumper c\fbles \fre used for emergency\O st\frting\b follow this procedure: Jumper Cable Use 1. Connect e\fch end of \Othe RED c\fble to the\O POSITIVE (+) termin\fl on e\fch b\fttery\b t\fking c\fre not to short \fg\finst ch\fssis. 2. Connect one end of th\Oe BLACK c\fble to the\O NEGATIVE (-) termin\fl of the fully c\Oh\frged b\fttery. 3. Connect the other en\Od of the BLACK c\fble\O to \f good CHASSIS GROUND on th\Oe mower with the di\Osch\frged b\fttery\b \fw\fy from the fuel t\fnk \fnd \Ob\fttery. To remove cables, revers\ee order 1. Remove BLACK c\fble fi\Orst from ch\fssis \fnd then \Ofrom the fully ch\frged b\ftter\Oy. 2. Remove RED c\fble l\fst\O from both b\ftteries. Movi\bg Machi\be By Ha\bd\e When pushing or pull\Oing the mower\b eng\fge the EZT byp\O\fss link\fges. The EZT b\Oyp\fss link\fges \fre loc\fted on the re\fr of the fr\fme\b below the \Ore\fr engine gu\frd. 1. R\fise the deck into \Othe highest cutting\O position. 2. Move the steering /\O p\frk br\fke controls inw\frds to the neutr\fl position. 3. Pull the EZT byp\fss \Olink\fges up \fnd out of\O the keyhole slots. Rele\fse the l\Oevers with the he\fd\O outside the fr\fme \fnd held in the byp\O\fss position. 4. To reeng\fge the EZT’s t\Oo drive\b reverse the \fbove procedure. WARNING! Use extreme caut\,ion when loading t\,he machine into a tru\,ck or trailer usin\,g ramps. \bhere is t\,he possi\fility of seri\,ous injury or deat\,h if the machine fa\,lls off the ramps. 1 2 WARNING! Make no adjustme\,nts without: • the engine stopped\,, • the ignition key r\,emoved, • the park \frake acti\,vated WARNING! Bypass linkages \,are located close \,to the muffler. \bo prevent \furns, th\,e engine should \fe \,shut off and allowed to coo\,l \fefore the \fypass \,linkage levers are\, handled. Lo\fd the m\fchine int\Oo truck or tr\filer by\O driving slowly up t\Ohe r\fmps. DO NOT LIFT! \OThe m\fchine is not i\Ontended to be lifted\O by h\fnd. ©2014 A©l

20 Mai\bte\ba\bce Schedule The following is \f l\Oist of m\finten\fnce p\Orocedures th\ft must be performed on the m\fchine. \OFor those points not \Odescribed in this m\fnu\fl\b visit \fn\O \futhorized service \Oworkshop. An \fnnu\fl service c\frried out \Oby \fn \futhorized serv\Oice workshop is 1) First ch\fnge \ffter \O8-10 hours. When ope\Or\fting with \f he\fvy \Olo\fd or \ft high \fmbient te\Omper\ftures\b repl\fce every 50 hours.2) In dusty conditions\b \Ocle\fning \fnd repl\fcement \fre required more often. 3) Performed by \futhorized ser\Ovice workshop. ● = Described in this\O m\fnu\fl ♦ = Not described in t\Ohis m\fnu\fl ■ = Refer to the engi\One m\fnuf\fcturer's m\fnu\fl MAINTENANCE Daily At least o\bce each year Mai\bte\ba\bce i\bterval i\b hours BeforeAfter2550100300 Check the p\frk br\fke\O● Check the engine’s\O oil level (every refueling)■ Check the s\ffety sy\Ostem● Check for fuel \fnd oi\Ol le\fk\fges♦ Check/cle\fn the eng\Oine’s cooling \fir in\Ot\fke■ Check the mower dec\Ok● Check for loose h\frdw\fre (screws\b nuts)● Cle\fn under the mowe\Or deck● St\frt the engine \fnd bl\O\fdes\b listen for unus\Ou\fl sounds♦ Check for d\fm\fge♦ Thoroughly cle\fn \fround the engine♦ Cle\fn \fround belts\b belt pulle\Oys♦ Check the tire pressures● Check b\fttery connections● Sh\frpen3)/ Repl\fce mower bl\fde\Os● Cle\fn the engine’s \Ocooling \fir int\fke 2)■■ Cle\fn the fo\fm \fir cl\Oe\fner prefilter 2) ■■ Cle\fn the p\fper \fir \Ocle\fner filter c\frtridge 2)■ Check/\fdjust the p\fr\Ok br\fke♦♦ Inspect muffler/sp\fr\Ok \frrestor♦♦ recommended to m\fint\fi\On your m\fchine in th\Oe best possible condition \fnd to ensur\Oe s\ffe oper\ftion. Re\fd General Maintenance in the Safety section. ©2014 121A