Husqvarna Z246 Owners Manual
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Operator Manual Z 246 Zero Turn Mower / 967324002-00 Please read the operator manual carefully and make sure you understand the instructions before using the machine. Gasoline containing up to 10% ethanol (E10) is acceptable for use in this machine. The use of any gasoline exceeding 10% ethanol (E10) will void the product warranty. EN

©2014 All rights r\Oeserved. Or\fngeburg\b SC Printe\Od in U.S.A. When this product \,is worn out and no\, longer used, it should \fe returned \,to the reseller or\, other party for recycling. \bo implement improv\,ements, specificatio\,ns and designs can \fe altered with\,out prior notificat\,ion. Note that no legal\, demands can \fe pla\,ced \fased on the information contain\,ed in these instru\,ctions. Use only original \,parts for repairs. \,\bhe use of other pa\,rts voids the warranty\,. Do not modify or in\,stall non-standard\, equipment to the unit without conse\,nt from the manufac\,turer. Modifications to the unit may ca\,use unsafe operatio\,ns or damage the unit. WARNING! Failure to follow\, cautious operatin\,g practices can resu\,lt in serious inju\,ry to the operator\, or other persons. \b\,he owner must unde\,rstand these instructions, and m\,ust allow only tra\,ined persons who understand these i\,nstructions to ope\,rate the mower. Each person operat\,ing the mower must\, \fe of sound mind and \fody and m\,ust not \fe under th\,e influence of any mind altering \,su\fstance. WARNING! Engine exhaust, s\,ome of its constituents, and c\,ertain vehicle com\,ponents contain or\, emit chemicals kno\,wn to the State of \,California to cause\, cancer and \firth de\,fects or other repr\,oductive harm. WARNING! Battery posts, te\,rminals and relate\,d accessories contai\,n lead and lead co\,mpounds, chemicals known to\, the State of Calif\,ornia to cause cancer and \firth de\,fects or other repr\,oductive harm. Wash hands after han\,dling. CONFORMITY CERTIFICATES USA re\fuireme\bts L\fbels \fre pl\fced on the engine \fnd/or in the engine comp\frtment st\fting th\ft the m\fchine will fulfill the requirements. This is \flso \fpplic\fble to speci\fl requirements for \fny of the st\ftes\b (C\fliforni\f emission rules etc.). Do not remove \fny of these l\fbels. Certific\ftes c\fn \flso be supplied with the m\fchine \ft delivery or written in the Engine m\fnu\fl. T\fke c\fre of them \fs they \fre v\flu\fble documents.

CON\bEN\bS INTRODUCTION ..................\O..................\O..................\O.........4 Driving \fnd Tr\fnsport on Public Ro\fds ..................\O....4 Towing ..................\O..................\O..................\O..................\O.4 Oper\fting ..................\O..................\O..................\O..............4 Good Service ..................\O..................\O..................\O........5 M\fnuf\fcturing Number ..................\O..................\O.....5 SYMBOLS AND DECALS ..................\O..................\O..............6 SAFETY ..................\O..................\O..................\O..................\O.....7 Protecting Children ..................\O..................\O.................7 Gener\fl Oper\ftion ..................\O..................\O..................\O7 Person\fl S\ffety Equip\Oment ..................\O..................\O....8 Slope Oper\ftion ..................\O..................\O..................\O....8 S\ffe H\fndling of G\fso\Oline ..................\O..................\O......8 Gener\fl M\finten\fnce ..................\O..................\O.............9 Tr\fnsport ..................\O..................\O..................\O.............10 Towing ..................\O..................\O..................\O.................10 Sp\frk Arrestor ..................\O..................\O..................\O.....10 CONTROLS ..................\O..................\O..................\O...............11 Control Loc\ftions ..................\O..................\O..................\O11 Steering Control Levers ..................\O..................\O........12 P\frk Br\fke ..................\O..................\O..................\O..........12 Ignition Switch ..................\O..................\O..................\O....12 Throttle Control ..................\O..................\O..................\O...13 Cold We\fther Control ..................\O..................\O.....13 Service Meter ..................\O..................\O..................\O......13 Bl\fde Switch ..................\O..................\O..................\O.......13 Fuse ..................\O..................\O..................\O..................\O..14 Se\ft Adjustment Lev\Oer ..................\O..................\O.........14 Fuel Shut Off V\flve ..................\O..................\O...............14 Cutting Height Leve\Or ..................\O..................\O.............14 Byp\fss Link\fges ..................\O..................\O..................\O14 Fuel T\fnk ..................\O..................\O..................\O.............15 Tr\fcking ..................\O..................\O..................\O..............15 OPERATION ..................\O..................\O..................\O..............16 Tr\fining ..................\O..................\O..................\O...............16 Steering ..................\O..................\O..................\O..............16 Before St\frting ..................\O..................\O..................\O....16 St\frting the Engine ..................\O..................\O...............16 Running ..................\O..................\O..................\O..............17 Stopping the Engine\O ..................\O..................\O.............18 Mowing Tips ..................\O..................\O..................\O.......18 Oper\fting On Hills ..................\O..................\O................18 Jumper C\fble Use ..................\O..................\O..........19 Moving M\fchine By H\f\Ond ..................\O..................\O....19 MAINTENANCE ..................\O..................\O..................\O.........20 M\finten\fnce Schedule\O ..................\O..................\O.........20 B\fttery ..................\O..................\O..................\O................22 S\ffety System ..................\O..................\O..................\O.....23 P\frk Br\fke ..................\O..................\O..................\O..........23 Tire Pressures ..................\O..................\O..................\O.....23 C\fster Wheels ..................\O..................\O..................\O....24 Anti-sc\flp Rollers ..................\O..................\O..................\O24 V-belts ..................\O..................\O..................\O.................24 Deck Belt Remov\fl ..................\O..................\O.........24 Adjusting the Mower \ODeck ..................\O..................\O...25 Leveling deck ..................\O..................\O.................25 Cutting Bl\fdes ..................\O..................\O..................\O....26 Bl\fde repl\fcement ..................\O..................\O.........26 Cle\fning ..................\O..................\O..................\O.............26 LUBRICATION ..................\O..................\O..................\O...........27 Tr\fnsmission ..................\O..................\O..................\O.......27 Wheel \fnd Deck Zerk\Os ..................\O..................\O.........27 Front Wheel Mount ..................\O..................\O..........27 Front Wheel Be\frings ..................\O..................\O.....27 Deck Spindles ..................\O..................\O.................27 TROUBLESHOOTING ..................\O..................\O.................28 STORAGE ..................\O..................\O..................\O.................29 Winter Stor\fge ..................\O..................\O..................\O....29 Service ..................\O..................\O..................\O................29 SCHEMATIC ..................\O..................\O..................\O..............30 TECHNICAL DATA ..................\O..................\O..................\O....31 Torque Specific\ftions ..................\O..................\O...........32 Accessories ..................\O..................\O..................\O........32 SERVICE JOURNAL ..................\O..................\O..................\O..33

4 Co\bgratulatio\bs Th\fnk you for purch\fsing \f Husqv\frn\f ride-on mower. This m\fchine is built for \Osuperior efficiency t\Oo r\fpidly mow prim\fri\Oly l\frge \fre\fs. A control p\fnel e\fsily \fcces\Osible to the oper\ftor \O \fnd \f hydrost\ftic tr\fnsmission \Oregul\fted by steering\O controls both contribute to the\O m\fchine’s perform\fnce. This m\fnu\fl is \f v\flu\O\fble document. Re\fd t\Ohe contents c\frefully before using or servicing\O the m\fchine. The f\Oollowing of instructions (use\b\O service\b m\finten\fnc\Oe) by \fll who oper\fte\O this m\fchine is imp\Oort\fnt for the s\ffety \Oof the oper\ftor \fnd others. It c\fn \flso c\Oonsider\fbly incre\fse the life sp\fn \Oof the m\fchine \fnd incre\fse its res\fle v\flue. If you sell your m\fch\Oine\b be sure to give the oper\ft\Oor m\fnu\fl to the new owner. The fin\fl ch\fpter of \Othis oper\ftor m\fnu\fl p\Orovides \f Service Journ\fl. Ensure th\ft service \fnd \Orep\fir work \fre documented. A well-kept servic\Oe journ\fl reduces service costs\O for the m\finten\fnce \fnd \fffects the m\fchine’s\O res\fle v\flue. Ple\fse \O cont\fct your de\fler f\Oor more inform\ftion. T\fke the oper\ftor m\fnu\fl \flong when the\O m\fchine is t\fken t\Oo your de\fler for service. Ge\beral In this oper\ftor m\fnu\O\fl\b left \fnd right\b \Ob\fckw\frd \fnd forw\frd \fre used in rel\ftion to the m\fchin\Oe’s norm\fl driving direction. Continuous dedic\ftion \Oto improve our products require th\ft specific\ftions \fnd de\Osign \fre subject to ch\fnge w\Oithout notice. Drivi\bg a\bd Tra\bsport o\b Public R\eoads Check \fpplic\fble ro\fd tr\fffic regul\ftions before tr\fnsporting on public ro\fds. If the m\fchine\O is tr\fnsported\b you must \flw\fys use \fpproved f\fstening equip\Oment \fnd ensure th\ft the m\fchine is well \fnc\Ohored. DO NOT oper\fte th\Ois m\fchine on public ro\fdw\fys. Towi\bg If m\fchine is equip\Oped with \f tow hitch\O\b use extreme c\fution when towing. Never \O\fllow children or others in or on\O the towed equipment. M\fke wid\Oe turns to \fvoid j\fck-knifi\Ong. Tr\fvel slowly \fnd \fllow extr\f dist\f\Once to stop. Do not tow on sloped g\Oround. The weight of \Othe towed equipment m\fy c\fuse \Oloss of tr\fction \fnd l\Ooss of control. Follow the m\fnuf\fcturer's recommend\ftion for wei\Oght limits for towed equipment. Do \Onot tow ne\fr ditches\O\b c\fn\fls\b \fnd other h\fz\frds. Operati\bg This m\fchine is cons\Otructed only for mowi\Ong gr\fss on l\fwns \fnd even ground without obst\fcles \Osuch \fs stones\b tree stumps\b etc. The m\fc\Ohine c\fn \flso be used\O for other t\fsks when equipped with \Ospeci\fl \fccessories \Oprovided by the m\fnuf\fcturer. Oper\fting instruct\Oions for the \fccessor\Oies \fre provided with deliver\Oy. All other types of\O uses \fre incorrect. The m\fnuf\fcturer’s directions concerning oper\ftion\b m\finten\fnce\b \fnd rep\firs must be c\frefully followed. L\fwn mowers \fnd \fll p\Oower equipment\b c\fn b\Oe potenti\flly d\fngerous if used improperly. S\ffety requires good judgement\b c\freful use in \fccord\fnce with these in\Ostructions \fnd common sense. The m\fchine must onl\Oy be oper\fted\b m\fint\fi\Oned\b \fnd rep\fired by persons f\fmili\fr w\Oith the m\fchine’s s\Opeci\fl ch\fr\fcteristi\Ocs \fnd who \fre \flso knowledge\fble \O\fbout the s\ffety inst\Oructions. Use only \fpproved rep\fir p\frts to m\fint\fin this \Om\fchine. Accident prevention regul\ftions\b other gen\Oer\fl s\ffety regul\ftions\b occup\ftion\fl\O s\ffety rules\b \fnd t\Or\fffic regul\ftions must be followed with\Oout f\fil. Un\futhorized modific\ft\Oions to the design of\O the m\fchine m\fy \fbsolve the m\fnuf\f\Octurer from li\fbility for \fny \Oresulting person\fl injury or property d\fm\fge. ©2014 Al0©42

5 Good Service Husqv\frn\f's products \fre sold throughout the world \fnd \Oonly in speci\flized ret\fil stores with complete se\Orvice. This ensures th\ft you \fs \f customer\O receive only the best\O support \fnd service. Before the product is delivered\b the m\fchine h\fs\b\O for ex\fmple\b been inspec\Oted \fnd \fdjusted by \Oyour ret\filer. See the certific\fte in the Service Journ\fl in this oper\ftor \Om\fnu\fl. When you need sp\fre p\frts or support in service questi\Oons\b w\frr\fnty issues\b etc\O.\b ple\fse consult the\O following profession\fl: This M\fnu\fl belongs t\Oo the m\fchine with the m\fnuf\fcturing num\Ober: Engine Ma\bufacturi\bg Number The machine’s manufacturing number can be found on the printed plate affixed to the engine compartment. St\fted on the pl\fte\b \Ofrom the top \fre: • The m\fchine’s type \Odesign\ftion (I.D.). • The m\fnuf\fcturer’s type number (M\Oodel). • The m\fchine’s seri\f\Ol number (Seri\fl no.)\O Please have the type designation and serial number available when ordering spare parts. The engine’s m\fnuf\fc\Oturing number is st\f\Omped on one of the v\flve covers. The pl\fte st\ftes: • The engine’s model.\O • The engine’s type.\O • Code Please have these available when ordering spare parts. The wheel motors \fnd\O hydrost\ftic pumps h\fve \f \Ob\frcode dec\fl \fffixed \ft the \Ore\fr. ©2014 Al0©42

RN 6 These symbols \fre found on the m\fchin\Oe \fnd in the oper\ftor\O m\fnu\fl. Study them c\frefully so th\ft you kn\Oow wh\ft they me\fn. IMPOR\bAN\b INFORMA\bION Xxxx xxxxxx x\,xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx x\,xxxxxxxx. xx xxxxxx\,xx xxxx xxxxxx. WARNING! Xxxx xxxxxx xxxx\,x xxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxx. x\,x xxxxxxxx xxxx xx\,xxxx. Used in this public\O\ftion to notify the r\Oe\fder of \f risk of person\fl injury or de\fth\b p\frticul\frly if the re\fder should neglect to follow ins\Otructions given in t\Ohe m\fnu\fl. Used in this public\O\ftion to notify the r\Oe\fder of \f risk of m\f\Oteri\fl d\fm\fge\b p\frticul\frly if the re\fder should neglect\O to follow instructions given i\On the m\fnu\fl. Used \f\Olso when there is \f potenti\fl for misuse \Oor mis\fssembly. ReverseNeutr\flF\fstSlowCold We\fther St\frt FuelW\frning!P\frk Br\fke Cut Height Low Cut Height HighUse protective gl\fssesUse protective glovesDo not st\fnd here Re\fd Oper\ftor M\fnu\fl Shut off engine\b remove key before performing m\finten\fnce or rep\fir Keep \f s\ffe dist\fnce from the m\fchine Use on slopes no gre\fter th\fn 10°No p\fssengers Whole body exposure to thrown objects Severing of fingers \fnd toesDo not open or remove s\ffety shields\O with engine running\O C\freful b\fcking up\b w\ftch for other people C\freful going forw\frd\b w\ftch for other people B\fttery \fcid is corrosive\b explosive \fnd fl\fmm\fbl\Oe W\frning! Keep \fw\fy from the disch\frge deck\b do n\Oot use without deflector or gr\fss c\ftcher Do not touch p\frtsWe\fr he\fring protection WARNI G!COGOFM!I

7 WARNING! \bHIS CU\b\bING MACHI\,NE IS CAPABLE OF AMPU\bA\bING HANDS AND FEE\b AND \bHROWING OBJEC\bS. FAILURE \bO OBSERVE \bHE FOLLOWING SAFE\bY INS\bRUC\bIONS COULD\, RESUL\b IN SERIOUS INJURY OR DEA\bH. Ge\beral Operatio\b • Re\fd\b underst\fnd\b \fnd\O follow \fll instruction\Os on the m\fchine \fnd in the \Om\fnu\fl before st\frting. • It is recommended th\ft someone be \fw\fre th\ft you \fre mowing \fnd c\fn provide help in c\fse o\Of injury or \fccident. • Anyone who oper\ftes\b m\O\fint\fins\b \fnd/or serv\Oices this m\fchine must first r\Oe\fd \fnd underst\fnd t\Ohis Oper\ftor M\fnu\fl. Loc\fl l\fws m\fy\O regul\fte the \fge of th\Oe user. The owner is responsible for tr\fini\Ong the users of this\O equipment. • The owner \fnd oper\ftor\O of this equipment c\O\fn prevent \fccidents \fnd is responsible for \fccide\Onts or injuries occurring to themsel\Oves\b other people \fnd\O/or property. • Do not put h\fnds or fe\Oet ne\fr rot\fting p\frts or under the m\fchine. Keep cle\fr\O of the disch\frge op\Oening \ft \fll times.\O • Only \fllow responsible \fdults\b wh\Oo \fre f\fmili\fr with the\O instructions\b to oper\f\Ote the m\fchine. • Cle\fr the \fre\f of objects such \fs rocks\b toys\b wire\b etc.\b which could be \Opicked up \fnd thrown by the bl\fdes. • Be sure the \fre\f is cle\fr of byst\fnders before oper\fting. Stop m\fchi\One if \fnyone enters the \fr\Oe\f. • Do not mow in reverse unless \fbsolutely nec\Oess\fry. Alw\fys look down \fnd\O behind before \fnd while b\fcking.\O • Never direct disch\frged m\fte\Ori\fl tow\frd \fnyone. Avoid disch\frging m\fteri\fl\O \fg\finst \f w\fll or obs\Otruction. M\fteri\fl m\fy ricochet b\fck tow\O\frd the oper\ftor. Stop the bl\fdes when crossing gr\fvel surf\fces. • Do not oper\fte m\fchine\O without the entire gr\fss c\ftcher\b disch\frge gu\frd\b or other s\ffety de\Ovices in pl\fce \fnd \O working. • Slow down before turning. • Never le\fve \f runnin\Og m\fchine un\fttended\O. Alw\fys turn off bl\fdes\b move the st\Oeering control lever outw\frd to the p\frk br\fke position\b s\Otop engine \fnd remove keys before dismounting. • Never c\frry p\fssengers. The m\O\fchine is only inten\Oded for use by one person. • Diseng\fge bl\fdes whe\On not mowing. Shut of\Of engine \fnd w\fit for \fll p\frts to come to \f complete stop before cle\fning the m\fchine\b removing the gr\fss c\f\Otcher or unclogging \Othe disch\frge gu\frd. • Oper\fte the m\fchine \Oonly in d\fylight or \Ogood \frtifici\fl light. • Do not oper\fte the m\fc\Ohine while under th\Oe influence of \flcohol or drugs. • W\ftch for tr\fffic when\O oper\fting ne\fr or cr\Oossing ro\fdw\fys. • Use extr\f c\fre when lo\fding or unl\Oo\fding the m\fchine i\Onto \f tr\filer or truck. WARNING! CHILDREN CAN BE SE\,RIOUSLY INJURED OR KILLED \,BY \bHIS EQUIPMEN\b. Carefully read and follow all\, the safety instruc\,tion that follow. IMPORTANT INFORMATION \bhe American Academy of Pediatrics recomme\,nds that children \,\fe a minimum of 16 \, years of age \fefore operating a ridin\,g lawn mower. Protecti\bg Childre\b Tr\fgic \fccidents c\fn \Ooccur if the oper\ftor \Ois not \flert to the presence of children. Children \fre often \fttr\fcted to \Othe m\fchine \fnd the mowi\Ong \fctivity. Never \fssume th\ft children will rem\fin where you l\fst s\fw them. • Keep children out of the mowing \fre\f \fnd in the w\ftchful c\fre of \f responsible \fdult other tha\b the oper\ftor. • Be \flert \fnd turn m\fchine off if \f child enters\O the \fre\f. • Before \fnd while b\fcking\b\O look behind \fnd down f\Oor sm\fll children. • Never c\frry children\b even with the bl\fde\Os shut off. They m\fy f\fll off \fnd be seriously injured or interfere with s\ffe m\fchine\O oper\ftion. Children who h\fve been given rid\Oes in the p\fst m\fy suddenl\Oy \fppe\fr in the mowing\O \fre\f for \fnother ride \fnd \Obe run over or b\fcked over by\O the m\fchine. • Never \fllow children to oper\fte the m\fchine.\O • Use extreme c\fre when \fppro\fching blind corners\b shrubs\b trees\b or other objects th\ft m\fy block\O your view of \f child. Safety I\bstructio\bs These instructions \f\Ore for your s\ffety. Re\fd them c\frefully. ©2014

8 • Alw\fys we\fr eye protection when oper\fti\Ong m\fchine. • We\fr proper Person\fl Protective Equipment (\OPPE) while oper\fting this m\fchi\One\b including (\ft \f \Ominimum) sturdy footwe\fr\b eye protection\b \fnd he\fring\O protection. Do not mow in shorts \fnd/or footwe\fr wit\Oh open toes. WARNING! Do not drive up or\, down hills with s\,lopes greater than 10 de\,grees. Do not drive\, across any slopes\,. • Choose \f low ground speed so th\ft you\O will not h\fve to stop while on the sl\Oope. • Do not mow on wet gr\fs\Os. Tires m\fy lose tr\fction.\O • Avoid st\frting\b stopping\b or tu\Orning on \f slope. If \Othe tires lose tr\fction\b diseng\O\fge the bl\fdes \fnd p\Oroceed slowly str\fight down the sl\Oope. • Keep movement on the\O slopes slow \fnd gr\fd\Ou\fl. Do not m\fke sudden ch\fnges \Oin speed or direction\b which could c\fuse m\fchine to roll over. • Use extr\f c\fre while oper\fting m\f\Ochine with gr\fss c\f\Otchers or other \ftt\fchments;\O they c\fn \fffect the st\fbility \Oof the m\fchine. • Do not use on steep s\Olopes. • Do not try to st\fbilize the m\fchine by putting \f\O foot on the ground. • Do not mow ne\fr drop-offs\b ditches\b or emb\fnkmen\Ots. The m\fchine could suddenly roll over if \f wheel \O is over the edge or \Othe edge c\fves in. Safe Ha\bdli\bg of Gas\eoli\be WARNING! \bhe engine and the \,exhaust system \fecome very hot dur\,ing operation. \bher\,e is a risk for \fur\,ns if touched. Allow engine and e\,xhaust system to c\,ool \fefore refueling. WARNING! When using the ma\,chine, approved personal protectiv\,e equipment should \,\fe used. Personal protective equipmen\,t cannot eliminate\, the risk of injury\, \fut it will reduce \,the degree of injur\,y if an accident do\,es happen. Ask your retailer \,for help in choosin\,g the right equipment. • D\ft\f indic\ftes th\ft \Ooper\ftors \fge 60 ye\fr\Os \fnd \fbove \fre involved in \f l\frge \Opercent\fge of riding mo\Ower-rel\fted injuries. These oper\O\ftors should ev\flu\fte \Otheir \fbility to oper\fte the ridin\Og mower s\ffely enough\O to protect themselves \fnd other\Os from serious injury. • Follow the m\fnuf\fcturer’s recommend\ftion for whe\Oel weights or counterwe\Oights. • Keep m\fchine free of gr\fss\b le\fves o\Or other debris buildu\Op which c\fn touch hot e\Oxh\fust or engine p\frts \fnd burn. Do not \fllow the mower d\Oeck to plow le\fves or\O other debris which c\fn c\fuse build\Oup to occur. Cle\fn \fny oil or fu\Oel spill\fge before oper\fting or storin\Og the m\fchine. • Allow m\fchine to cool \Obefore stor\fge. Perso\bal Safety E\fuip\eme\bt • M\fke sure th\ft first \fid equipment is close \f\Ot h\fnd when using the m\fch\Oine. • Never use the m\fchi\One when b\frefoot. • Alw\fys we\fr protective shoes or boots\b prefer\fbly with steel toe c\fps.\O • Alw\fys we\fr \fpproved protective gl\fsses or \O\f full visor when \fssemblin\Og or driving. • Alw\fys we\fr gloves w\Ohen h\fndling the bl\O\fdes. • Never we\fr loose clot\Ohing th\ft c\fn get c\O\fught in moving p\frts. • Use e\fr protectors to \fvoid d\fm\fg\Oe to he\fring. Slope Operatio\b Slopes \fre \f m\fjor f\fctor rel\fted to loss of cont\Orol \fnd tip-over \fccidents\b which c\fn result in severe injury or de\fth. Oper\ftion on \fll slopes requires extr\f c\fution. If you c\fnnot \Ob\fck up the slope or if you f\Oeel une\fsy on it\b do not mow it. • Mow up \fnd down slopes\O (10 degrees m\fximum)\b not \fcross. • W\ftch for holes\b ruts\b \O bumps\b rocks\b or other hidden objects. Unev\Oen terr\fin could over\Oturn the m\fchine. T\fll gr\fss c\fn hide ob\Ost\fcles. To \fvoid person\fl injur\Oy or property d\fm\fge\b use extreme c\fre in h\fndling g\fsoline\O. G\fsoline is extremely fl\fmm\fble \fnd t\Ohe v\fpors \fre explosive. • Extinguish \fll cig\fr\Oettes\b cig\frs\b pipes\O\b \fnd other sources of ignition. • Use only \fpproved g\fsoline cont\finers. • Never remove g\fs c\fp or \fdd fuel with the e\Ongine running. Allow engin\Oe to cool before refueling. • Never fuel the m\fch\Oine indoors. • Never store the m\fchine or fue\Ol cont\finer where there is \fn open fl\fme\b sp\frk or p\Oilot light such \fs on\O \f w\fter he\fter or other \fppli\fnce. • Before you begin refueling\b minimize \Othe risk of st\ftic electricity by touch\Oing \f met\fl surf\fce. • Never fill cont\finers\O inside \f vehicle or\O on \f truck or tr\file\Or bed with pl\fstic li\Oner. Alw\fys pl\fce cont\fi\Oners on the ground \fw\fy from the vehicle when\O filling. • Never overfill fuel t\O\fnk. Repl\fce g\fs c\fp\O \fnd tighten securely. ©2014

9 • Remove g\fs-powered equipment from the truck or tr\fil\Oer \fnd refuel it on the ground. If this is not\O possible\b refuel such equipment with\O \f port\fble cont\finer\b r\fther th\fn from \f g\fsoline dispenser\O nozzle. • Keep the nozzle in \Ocont\fct with the rim\O of the fuel t\fnk or \O cont\finer opening \ft \O\fll times until fuel\Oing is complete. Do \O not use \f nozzle lock-\Oopen device. • If fuel is spilled \Oon clothing\b ch\fnge c\Olothing immedi\ftely. • Do not st\frt the engine ne\fr s\Opilled fuel. • Never use g\fsoline \fs\O \f cle\fning \fgent. • If le\fks \frise in f\Ouel system\b the eng\Oine must not be st\frted until problem h\fs been resolved. • Check the fuel leve\Ol before e\fch use \fnd le\fve\O sp\fce for the fuel to exp\fnd\b \f\Os the he\ft from the engine \fnd th\Oe sun m\fy otherwise c\fuse t\Ohe fuel to exp\fnd \fnd\O overflow. Ge\beral Mai\bte\ba\bce • Never use the m\fchi\One indoors or in sp\fces \Ol\fcking proper ventil\ftion. Th\Oe exh\fust fumes cont\fin\O c\frbon monoxide\b \fn odorless \fnd poisonous \O leth\fl g\fs. • M\fke sure th\ft the equipment is in good\O condition \fnd th\ft \f\Oll nuts \fnd bolts\b especi\flly those f\fs\Otening the bl\fde \ftt\O\fchments\b \fre properly tightened \fnd\O torqued. • M\fint\fin or repl\fce s\ffety \fnd in\Ostruction l\fbels \fs necess\fry. • Never interfere with the intende\Od function of \f s\ffet\Oy device or reduce the protection provided by \f s\ffety de\Ovice. Check their proper oper\ftion regul\frly. NEVER oper\fte \f m\fchine with \f s\ff\Oety device th\ft does\O not function properly. WARNING! \bhe engine must not\, \fe started when the driver’s floor \,plate or any prote\,ctive plate for the\, mower deck’s drive \felt i\,s removed. WARNING! \bhe \fattery contain\,s lead and lead compounds, chemical\,s that are conside\,red to cause cancer, \firth defects, and\, other reproductiv\,e system damage. Wash your hands afte\,r handling the \fatt\,ery. • The mulch bl\fdes shou\Old only be used in f\O\fmili\fr \fre\fs when higher qu\flity\O mowing is desired. • Regul\frly cle\fn deck\O \fnd underside of de\Ock\b \fvoid spr\fying engine \fnd\O electric\fl componen\Ots with w\fter. • The bl\fdes \fre sh\frp \fnd c\fn c\fuse\O cuts \fnd g\fshes. Wr\fp the bl\fdes or use\O protective gloves when\O h\fndling them. • Check br\fke oper\ftion\O frequently. Adjust \fnd servic\Oe \fs required. • Never work with the\O st\frter circuit if there is spilled fuel. • Ensure th\ft the fuel fill\Oer c\fp is mounted ti\Oghtly \fnd no fl\fmm\fble subst\fnces \fr\Oe stored in \fn open vessel\O. • Sp\frking c\fn occur wh\Oen working with the\O b\fttery \fnd the he\fvy c\fbles of the s\Ot\frter circuit. This c\fn c\fuse\O b\fttery explosion\b fire or eye injury. Sp\frking will not oc\Ocur \ffter the grounding c\fble (norm\flly neg\ftive\b bl\fck\O) is removed from the b\fttery. • Disconnect the grounding c\fble from the b\fttery first \fnd reconnect it l\fst. • Do not m\fke \f bridge \Oshort circuit \fcross the st\frter rel\fy to run the st\frter. • Be very c\freful when h\fndling \Ob\fttery \fcid. Acid on skin\O c\fn c\fuse serious corr\Oosive burns. If you spill b\ftt\Oery \fcid on your skin\b rinse i\Ommedi\ftely with w\ft\Oer. • Acid in the eyes c\O\fn c\fuse blindness\b c\Oont\fct \f doctor immedi\ftely. • Be c\freful when servicing\O the b\fttery. Explosive g\fses form in the b\fttery. Never perform m\finten\fnce on the\O b\fttery when smoking or ne\fr open fl\fmes or sp\O\frks. The b\fttery c\fn explode \fnd c\fuse serious inj\Oury or d\fm\fge. • Never m\fke \fdjustmen\Ots with the engine\O running. • The m\fchine is test\Oed \fnd \fpproved only with the equipment origin\flly\O provided or recommended by the m\fnuf\fcturer. Only use \fpproved rep\fir p\frts for the m\fchine. CAUTION! Use protective gla\,sses for maintenance work. • Check gr\fss c\ftcher\O components \fnd the \Odisch\frge gu\frd frequently \fnd repl\fce with m\fnuf\fct\Ourer’s recommended p\frts when necess\fry. • Do not ch\fnge the se\Ottings of governors \fnd \fvoid runnin\Og the engine with ove\Orly high engine sp\Oeeds. If you run the\O engine too f\fst\b m\fch\Oine components could \Obe d\fm\fged. • To reduce the risk of fir\Oe\b keep m\fchine free of gr\fss\b le\fves or other debri\Os buildup. Cle\fn oil \Oor fuel spills \fnd remove \fny fuel-so\fked\O debris. Allow m\fchi\One to cool before storing. • Stop to inspect the \Oequipment if you run \Oover or into \fnything. If necess\O\fry\b m\fke rep\firs before st\frting. ©2014

10 Tra\bsportTowi\bg If m\fchine is equip\Oped with \f tow hitch\O\b use extreme c\fution when towing. Never \O\fllow children or others in or on\O towed equipment.. M\fke wide turns to \fvoid j\fck-knifi\Ong. Tr\fvel slowly \fnd \fllo\Ow extr\f dist\fnce to st\Oop. Do not tow on slope\Od ground. The weight of the towed \Oequipment m\fy c\fuse \Oloss of tr\fction \fnd loss of control. Follow the m\fnuf\fcturer’s recommend\ftion for wei\Oght limits for towed equipment. Do \Onot tow ne\fr ditches\O\b c\fn\fls\b \fnd other h\fz\frds. Spark Arrestor This mower is equipp\Oed with \fn intern\fl combustion engine\O \fnd should not be used\O on or ne\fr \fny unimp\Oroved forested\b bush covered or gr\fssy l\fnds un\Oless the engine’s \Osystem is equipped with \f sp\fr\Ok \frrestor meeting \fpplic\O\fble loc\fl or st\fte l\fws (if \fny).\O Feder\fl l\fws \fpply on\O feder\fl l\fnds. If \f sp\frk \frrestor is used\b it sh\Oould be m\fint\fined in\O effective working order by the oper\ftor. A sp\frk \frrestor for the muffler\O is \fv\fil\fble through your \futhorized Husqv\frn\f de\fler. IMPORTANT INFORMATION \bhe park \frake is n\,ot sufficient to lock t\,he machine in plac\,e during transport\,. Ensure that the ma\,chine is well faste\,ned to the transpo\,rt vehicle. Always reverse the\, machine onto the \,transport vehicle to avoid t\,ipping it over. WARNING! Use extreme cautio\,n when loading the\, machine into a tru\,ck or trailer usin\,g ramps. \bhere is t\,he possi\fility of seri\,ous injury or deat\,h if the machine fa\,lls off the ramps. WARNING! Engine exhaust a\,nd certain vehicle\, components contain\, or emit chemicals con\,sidered to cause cancer, \firth defects, or other reproductive\, system damage. \bhe engine exhaust \,contains car\fon mon\,oxide, which is an \, odorless, colorless, poisonous gas. Do not use the machine in enclosed spaces. • The m\fchine is he\fv\Oy \fnd c\fn c\fuse seri\Oous crushing injuries. Be extr\f \Oc\futious when it is l\Oo\fded on or unlo\fded from \f vehicle or tr\fil\Oer. • Use full width r\fmp\Os for lo\fding m\fchine\O into \f tr\filer or truck. • Use \fn \fpproved tr\filer to tr\fns\Oport the m\fchine. Acti\Ov\fte the p\frk br\fke by se\Ocuring the steering\O controls in the outw\frd position with el\fs\Otic or r\ftcheting st\Or\fps. Turn off the fuel supply. F\fsten the m\fchin\Oe down with \fpproved devices such \fs b\fnd\Os\b ch\fins or str\fps. • Both front \fnd re\fr tie down str\fps \Oshould be used \fnd directed down \fnd outw\fr\Od from the m\fchine. • Do not oper\fte this m\O\fchine on public ro\fdw\fys. • Check \fnd \fbide by l\Ooc\fl tr\fffic regul\ftions before tr\fnsporting the m\fchine on \O\fny ro\fd. • Do not tow this m\fchi\One\b it m\fy c\fuse d\fm\f\Oge to the drive system. • Do not tow \fny tr\filer\Os\b etc. with this m\Oower. They m\fy j\fckknife or overturn\b c\fusing d\fm\fge to t\Ohe mower \fnd possible serious inju\Ory to the oper\ftor. • Lo\fd the unit onto tru\Ock or tr\filer by dri\Oving up r\fmps of suit\fble strength using \f slow s\Opeed. Do not lift! T\Ohe m\fchine is not inten\Oded to be lifted by \Oh\fnd. • When lo\fding or unlo\fd\Oing this m\fchine\b d\Oo not exceed the m\fximum recommended oper\ftion \O\fngle of 10O. ©2014