Husqvarna Mzt 52 Manual
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2 3 1 41 MAINTENANCE IMPORTANT INFORMATION The sharpening of \fl\gades should \fe carri\ged out \fy an authorized ser\gvice workshop\b Cutting Blades To attai\f the best mo\awi\fg effect, it is importa\ft that blades are well sharpe\fed a\fd\a \fot damaged. Replace blades that \ahave bee\f be\ft or cr\aacked whe\f hitti\fg obstacles. Let the service wo\arkshop decide whet\aher a blade with large \ficks ca\f\a be repaired/grou\fd or must be replaced. Bala\fce the\a blades after sharpe\a\fi\fg. Check the blade mou\a\fts. WARNING! Blades are sharp\b P\grotect your hands with gloves an\gd/or wrap \flades with a heavy \gcloth when handling\b Blade Replacement 1. Remove blade bolt b\ay tur\fi\fg cou\fterclockwise. 2. I\fstall \few or resharpe\fed blade wit\ah stamped GRA\b\b \bIDE faci\fg towa\ards grou\fd/grass (dow\f) or THI\b \bIDE U\aP faci\fg deck a\fd sp\ai\fdle housi\fg. 3. I\fstall a\fd tighte\f b\alade bolt securely. 4. Torque blade bolt to 4\a5-55 ft-lbs (122 N\am). IMPORTANT INFORMATION Special \flade \folt \gis heat treated\b Replace with a Husq\gvarna \folt if requi\gred\b Do not use lower gr\gade hardware than specified\b 8058-1671. Blade 2. Blade bolt (spec\aial) 3. Cutter housi\fg Blade attachment

3 2 1 4 42 MAINTENANCE WARNING! Blades are sharp\b P\grotect your hands with gloves an\gd/or wrap \flades with a heavy \gcloth when handling\b Adjusting the Mower D\geck Check the tire pressure before adjustme\ft of the \a mower deck. \bee Tire Pressures i\f Maintenance sectio\f. Faulty mowe\ar deck adjustme\fts w\aill cause a\f u\feve\f mowi\fg result. Leveling deck Adjust the deck whi\ale the mower is o\f \aa level surface. Make sure the tires are i\fflated to the co\arrect pressure. \bee Technical Data / Transmission. If tires are u\fder or over i\ffla\ated, you ca\f\fot properly adjust your deck. Four slots co\ftrol the height a\fd p\aitch of the mower \a deck. The deck sho\auld be adjusted slig\ahtly higher i\f the rear. NOTE: To i\fsure accuracy of leveli\a\fg procedure, mower deck drive b\aelt must be i\fstalle\ad prior to leveli\fg deck. 1. Wear heavy gloves. T\aur\f each outer blade t\aip to alig\f with the deck\a side-to-side. 2. Measure from the floor surface up to the bott\aom of the blade tip o\f\a the discharge side\a of the mower deck. Retai\f \athis measureme\ft. Move to the opposite side, \acheck that measureme\ft is the same. If adjustme\ft \ais required, loose\f the lock\a\fut a\fd move mou\fti\fg bol\at up or dow\f i\f slot\a u\ftil both side-to-side \ameasureme\fts are equal. Retai\f measureme\ft. 3. Tur\f both outer blades \ato alig\f with the d\aeck i\f fro\ft-to-rear ma\f\fer. Repositio\f rear mou\fti\fg bolts up or dow\f u\ft\ail rear of mower deck i\as positio\fed level to\a 1/8" higher i\f the rear tha\f the side-to-side measur\aeme\ft. 4. Co\ffirm measureme\fts o\fce agai\f. Bl\aade tips should be level i\f \aa side-to-side ma\f\fe\ar. I\f the rear, blade tips should \abe level to 1/8" higher tha\f side-to-side measur\aeme\ft. I\f the fro\ft, blade tips should be leve\al to 1/8" lower tha\f side-t\ao-side measureme\ft. NOTE: This will pl\aace the mower deck \ai\f a sta\fdard measureme\ft positio\f. Depe\a\fdi\fg o\f the type of grass b\aei\fg mowed or e\fvir\ao\fme\ftal co\fditio\fs, additio\fa\al adjustme\fts may be\a required to achieve the d\aesired cut. 8011-6011. Fro\ft lift arm 2. Chai\f 3. Rear lift arm 4. \blotted deck ha\fg\aer plates Leveling the mower deck 8058-157Set blades to begin leveling.

43 MAINTENANCE Anti-scalp Rollers\g A\fti-scalp rollers keep the de\ack i\f the proper positio\f to help preve\ft scalpi\fg i\f mo\ast terrai\f co\fditio\f\as. Do \fot adjust the rollers to support the deck. Rollers are properly adjusted whe\a\f they are just slightly off of the grou\fd whe\f the deck i\as at the desired cutti\fg height i\a\f the operati\fg posi\atio\f. IMPORTANT INFORMATION Adjust anti-scalp r\gollers with the mow\ger on a flat level surface\b Caster Wheels Check every 200 hours. Check \athat wheels rotate freely. Removal and Instal\glation Remove \fut a\fd caster\a bolt. Pull the whe\ael out of the fork. To reI\fstall, reverse the order. Tighte\f caster bo\alt. If wheels do \fot rotate freely, take the u\fit to t\ahe dealer for service. The a\fti-scalp rollers ca\f be set i\a\f three positio\fs: • Upper positio\f 1 to\a 2½" (25 to 63 mm)\a grass. • Middle positio\f 2½"\a to 4" (63 to 102 \amm) grass. • Lower positio\f 4" t\ao 5" (102 to 127 m\am) grass. The rollers should be ap\aproximately ¼" (6.5 m\am) from grou\fd. Do \fot adjust th\ae rollers to support the deck. IMPORTANT INFORMATION To avoid deck damage\g, the anti-scalp ro\gllers must not \fe adjusted\g to support the dec\gk\b 8058-054Anti-scalp rollers\g 8058-014Caster wheelHardware Check daily. I\fspect the e\ftir\ae machi\fe for loose\a or missi\fg hardware.

44 MAINTENANCE Use protective glas\gses when cleaning and washin\gg\b Cleaning Regular clea\fi\fg a\fd w\aashi\fg, especially u\f\ader the mower deck, will i\f\acrease the machi\fe’s l\aife-spa\f. Make it a habit to c\alea\f the machi\fe dir\aectly after use (after it is cooled\a), before the dirt sticks. Do \fot spray water o\f\a the top of the mo\awer deck. Use compressed air to clea\f t\ahe top side of mow\aer deck. Regularly clea\f deck\a a\fd u\fderside of th\ae deck with \formal water pressure. Do \fot use a high \apressure washer or steam cle\aa\fer. Avoid sprayi\fg e\fgi\fe\a a\fd electrical compo\fe\ft\as with water. Do \fot ri\fse hot surfaces with cold wat\aer. Let u\fit cool before washi\fg. ZT-3400 Powertrain IMPORTANT INFORMATION Any servicing deale\gr attempting a warr\ganty repair must have pr\gior approval \fefore\g conducting maintena\gnce of a Hydro-Gea\gr® product, unless the \gservicing dealer is\g a current Authorized Hydro-Ge\gar Service Center\b Regular exter\fal mai\fte\fa\fce of the\a ZT-3400 Powertrai\f™ should i\fclude\a the followi\fg: 1. Check oil level i\f \aexpa\fsio\f ta\fks. Whe\f\a the e\fgi\fe is cold, the \ata\fks should be at t\ahe FULL COLD level. 2. I\fspect the vehicle\a drive belt, idler \apulley(s), a\fd idler spri\fg(s). I\f\asure that \fo belt slip\apage ca\f occur. \blippage ca\f cause \alow i\fput speed to \athe tra\fsmissio\f. 3. I\fspect the tra\fsmis\asio\f cooli\fg fa\f for\a broke\f or be\ft blades. Remove\a a\fy obstructio\fs suc\ah as grass clippi\fgs, lea\aves or dirt. 4. I\fspect the parki\fg \abrake a\fd vehicle li\a\fkage to i\fsure proper actio\f a\fd adjus\atme\ft of the parki\fg\a brake. 5. I\fspect the vehicle\a co\ftrol li\fkage to the directio\fal co\ftrol arm o\f the tra\fsaxle. \aAlso, make sure the co\ftrol arm is securely faste\fed to the tru\f\fio\f arm of the tra\fsaxle. 6. I\fspect the bypass \amecha\fism o\f the tra\a\fsaxle a\fd u\fit li\fkage to m\aake sure it rotates a\fd releases fully.

45 LUBRICATION 12/12 Every year 1/52 Every Week 1/365 Every day Lubricate with grease gu\f Oil cha\fge Filter cha\fge Level check 8065-095 Lu\frication Schedule\g General Remove the ig\fitio\f\a key to preve\ft u\fi\fte\ftio\fal moveme\fts duri\fg lub\aricatio\f. Whe\f lubricati\fg wit\ah a\f oil ca\f, it must\a be filled with e\fgi\fe oil. Whe\f lubricati\fg with grease, u\fless otherwise stated, use high grade moly\abde\fum disulphide gr\aease. For daily use, the m\aachi\fe should be lub\aricated twice weekly. Wipe away excess gr\aease after lubricati\ao\f. It is importa\ft to avoid getti\f\ag lubrica\ft o\f the b\aelts or the drive surfaces o\f the belt p\aulleys. \bhould this \a happe\f, attempt to c\alea\f them with spir\aits. If the belt co\fti\fues to slip af\ater clea\fi\fg, it must\a be replaced. Gasoli\fe or other p\aetroleum products must \fot be used to clea\f belts.\a * Cha\fge hydraulic dri\ave filters. p Cha\fge e\fgi\fe oil e\avery 50 hours.

46 LUBRICATION Wheel and Deck Zerk\gs Use o\fly good qualit\ay beari\fg grease. Grease from well-k\fow\f bra\fd \a\fames (petrochemical compa\fies, etc.) usua\ally mai\ftai\fs a good \aquality. Front Wheel Mount Lubricate with a grease gu\f u\ftil the gr\aease is forced out. Front Wheel Bearing\gs Lubricate 3-4 strokes with a grease gu\f o\f each set of wheel beari\fgs. 8058-068 Lubricating front wheels 8058-131Deck spindle Deck Spindle Lower the cutti\fg d\aeck completely. If a grease gu\f without rubb\aer hose is used, th\ae foot plate must be removed. Lubricate with a grease gu\f, 2-3 strokes per spi\fdle.

2 1 3 47 LUBRICATION Drain old oil filte\grs of all free-flow\ging oil prior to disposal\b Place \gused oil in appropr\giate containers and dis\gpose of it in acco\grdance with laws in your a\grea\b Transaxle (Transmission) Fluid \gChange This tra\fsaxle is de\asig\fed with a\f exter\a\fal filter for ease of mai\fte\fa\fce. \aTo e\fsure co\fsta\ft fluid quali\aty levels a\fd lo\fger li\afe, a\f oil filter cha\a\fge i\fterval of every 200 hours is recomme\fded. The followi\fg procedure is performed with the tra\fsaxles i\fstalled \ai\f the mower a\fd the\a mower o\f level grou\fd. Apply the pump\a release valve for eac\ah tra\fsaxle a\fd set the\a parki\fg brake. 1. Remove the three ¼" filter guard screws a\fd filter guard. Clea\f a\fy loose d\aebris from arou\fd the perimeter of the fi\alter. \bee illustratio\f. 2. Place a\f oil drai\f pa\a\f (12" or more diameter a\fd 8 qt. capacity is o\aptimal) be\feath the \aoil filter. Remove the oil filt\aer from the tra\fsaxle. 3. After the oil has d\arai\fed, wipe the filt\aer base surface a\fd apply a film \aof \few oil to the g\aasket of the replaceme\ft filter. 4. I\fstall the \few filte\ar by ha\fd, tur\fi\fg it three- quarters to o\fe full tur\a\f after the filter g\aasket co\ftacts the filter \abase surface. 5. Rei\fstall the filter\a guard. Torque screws to 65 i\f/lbs. each. 6. Repeat steps o\f the\a opposite side. 7. Drai\f old oil filters\a of all free flowi\fg oil prior\a to disposal. Place used\a oil i\f appropriate co\ftai\fers a\fd dispose of it i\a\f accorda\fce with laws i\f y\aour area. 8. Remove the top por\at plug (see illustr\aatio\f) from the left side a\fd r\aight side of the t\ara\fsaxles prior to filli\fg with oil.\a This will allow th\ae tra\fsaxles to ve\ft duri\fg oil fill.\a 9. Remove the cap from the tra\fsaxles’ e\axpa\fsio\f ta\fk located o\f the \avehicle frame. 8019-0101. Filter guard 2. Tra\fsaxle filter 3. Top port plug ZT-3400 filter change 10. Fill with 20W50 mo\ator oil u\ftil oil j\aust appears at the bottom of ea\ach tra\fsaxles’ top p\aort (approximately 2 quarts per tra\fsaxle, 4 \aquarts total). I\fstall the \atop port lug i\fto each tra\fs\aaxle as the oil level reaches the port. 11. I\fstall a\fd torque the top port plugs to 180 i\f./\albs. 12. Co\fti\fue to fill the \atra\fsaxles through the expa\fsio\f ta\fk u\ftil t\ahe FULL COLD li\fe is\a reached (this will t\aake approximately 23 additi\ao\fal ou\fces). 13. Rei\fstall the expa\fs\aio\f ta\fk cap by ha\fd.\a Do \fot overtighte\f.

48 TROUBLESHOOTIN\f \fUI\WDE Pro\flemCause E\fgi\fe will \fot star\at•Blade switch is e\fg\aaged •\bteeri\fg co\ftrols are \fot locked i\f the\a \feutral positio\f •Parki\fg brake is \fot\a activated •Battery is dead •Co\ftami\fatio\f i\f the \acarburetor or fuel li\fe •Fuel supply is clos\aed or the tap for t\ahe fuel ta\fk is i\f t\ahe wro\fg positio\f •Clogged fuel filter \aor fuel li\fe •Faulty ig\fitio\f syst\aem \btarter does \fot tur\f the e\fgi\fe over•Dead battery •Poor co\ftacts o\f the\a battery termi\fal cable co\f\fectio\a\fs •Fuse blow\f •Ig\fitio\f system faul\aty •Fault i\f the starter safety circuit, see Safety System i\f the Maintenance sectio\f E\fgi\fe ru\fs rough•Faulty carburetor •Clogged fuel filter \aor jet •Clogged ve\ftilatio\f \avalve o\f the fuel ca\ap •Fuel ta\fk \fearly empt\ay •Fouled spark plug •\bpark plug is loose •Rich fuel mixture or fuel-air mixtur\ae (gasoli\fe) •Wro\fg fuel type (gasol\ai\fe) •Water i\f the fuel (ga\asoli\fe) •Clogged air filter E\fgi\fe seems weak•Clogged air filter •Fouled spark plugs •Carburetor i\fcorrectly adjusted

49 TROUBLESHOOTIN\f \fUI\WDE Pro\flemCause Machi\fe vibrates•Blades are loose •Blades are i\fcorrectly bala\fced •E\fgi\fe is loose E\fgi\fe overheats•Clogged air i\ftake o\ar cooli\fg fi\fs •E\fgi\fe overloaded •Poor ve\ftilatio\f arou\fd e\fgi\fe •Defective e\fgi\fe spe\aed regulator •Too little or \fo oil\a i\f the e\fgi\fe •Fouled spark plug Battery \fot chargi\fg•Poor co\ftact with b\aattery termi\fal cable co\f\fector\as •Chargi\fg lead is dis\aco\f\fected Machi\fe moves slowl\ay, u\feve\fly, or \fot at all •Parki\fg brake o\f •Bypass valve o\f pump\a ope\f •Drive belt for the \atra\fsmissio\f gears s\alack or has come of\af •Air i\f hydraulic sys\atem Mower deck \fot e\fgag\ai\fg•Drive belt for the \amower deck has come\a loose •Co\ftact for the ele\actromag\fetic coupli\fg h\aas loose\fed •Blade switch is faul\aty or has come loos\ae, from the cable co\ftact •Fuse has blow\f Hydraulic drive leak\as oil•Damaged seals, housi\fg\a, or gaskets •Air trapped i\f hydr\aaulic system U\feve\f mowi\fg results•U\fequal tire pressure o\f the left a\fd ri\aght sides •Be\ft blades •\buspe\fsio\f for the m\aower deck is u\feve\f •Blades are dull •Drivi\fg speed too hi\agh •Grass is too lo\fg •Grass collected u\fde\ar the mower deck

50 STORA\fE Winter Storage The machi\fe should b\ae readied for storage \aat the e\fd of the mowi\fg s\aeaso\f, or if it will\a \fot be i\f use for more tha\f 30 days. Fuel allowed to sta\f\ad for lo\fg periods \aof time (30 days or more) ca\f leave sticky \aresidues that ca\f plug\a the carburetor a\fd disrupt e\fg\ai\fe fu\fctio\f. Fuel stabilizers are a\f acceptable opti\ao\f as regards to the sticky residues that ca\f occ\aur duri\fg storage. Add stabilizer to t\ahe fuel i\f the ta\fk \aor i\f the storage co\ftai\fer. Always use the mi\axi\fg ratios specifie\ad by the ma\fufacturer of the stabilize\ar. Ru\f the e\fgi\fe for\a at least 10 mi\futes \aafter addi\fg the sta\abilizer so that it reaches the carburetor. Do \fot empty the f\auel ta\fk a\fd the carburetor if a stabilize\ar has bee\f added. To ready the machi\fe for\a storage, follow th\aese steps: 1. Thoroughly clea\f the mac\ahi\fe, especially u\fde\ar the mower deck. Touch up damage to th\ae pai\ft a\fd spray a thi\f laye\ar of oil o\f the u\fde\arside of the mower deck to avoid\a corrosio\f. 2. I\fspect the machi\fe \afor wor\f or damaged parts a\fd tighte\f a\fy \futs o\ar screws that may have become loose. 3. Cha\fge the e\fgi\fe oi\al; dispose of properly. 4. Empty the fuel ta\fks\a or add a fuel stabi\alizer. \btart the e\fgi\fe a\fd allow \ait to ru\f u\ftil the \acarburetor is drai\fed of fuel o\ar the stabilizer ha\as reached the carburetor. 5. Remove the spark pl\aug a\fd pour about a tablespoo\f of e\fgi\fe\a oil i\fto the cyli\f\ader. Tur\f over the e\fgi\fe so \athat the oil is eve\a\fly distributed a\fd the\f refit the spark plug.\a 6. Lubricate all grease zerks, joi\fts, \aa\fd axles. 7. Remove the battery. Clea\f, charge, a\fd s\atore the battery i\f a cool place, b\aut protect it from direct cold. 8. \btore the machi\fe i\f a c\alea\f, dry place a\fd cover it for extra protectio\f. Service Whe\f orderi\fg spare parts, please specify \athe purchase year, model, type, a\fd se\arial \fumber. Always use ge\fui\fe Hu\asqvar\fa spare parts. A\f a\f\fual check-up at \aa\f authorized servic\ae workshop is a good \away to e\fsure that the machi\fe performs its best the fo\allowi\fg seaso\f. WARNING! Never store an engi\gne with fuel in the \g tank indoors or in\g poorly ventilated\g spaces where fuel v\gapor can come in contact with open fl\games, sparks, or a\g pilot light such as \gin a \foiler, hot water tank, clothes drier\g, etc\b Handle the fuel with care\b It i\gs very flamma\fle and\g can cause serious p\gersonal injury and \g property damage\b Drain the fuel outdoors, into an approved c\gontainer\b Store the fuel away from open flam\ge or any source of \g ignition\b Never use \ggasoline for cleani\gng\b Use a degreaser and warm \gwater\b