Husqvarna Mzt 52 Manual
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11 SAFETY 8011-670aPersonal protective equipment 6003-004Mow up and down, not side to side WARNING! Do not drive up or \gdown hills with slo\gpes greater than 10 degr\gees\b Do not drive across any slopes\b Personal Safety Eq\guipment • Make sure that you have first\a aid equipme\ft close\a at ha\fd whe\f usi\fg th\ae machi\fe. • Never use the machi\a\fe whe\f barefoot. • Always wear protective shoes or \aboots, preferably with steel toe caps\a. • Always wear approved protective glasses or\a a full visor whe\f assembli\a\fg or drivi\fg. • Always wear gloves \awhe\f ha\fdli\fg the bl\aades. • Never wear loose cl\aothi\fg that ca\f get \acaught i\f movi\fg parts. • Use ear protectors to avoid d\aamage to heari\fg. Slope Operation \blopes are a major factor related to loss of c\ao\ftrol a\fd tip-over accide\fts, \awhich ca\f result i\f severe i\fjury or death. Operatio\f o\f \aall slopes requires extra cautio\f. If you ca\f\fot back up\a the slope or if y\aou feel u\feasy o\f it, do \fot mow it\a. • Mow up a\fd dow\f slop\aes (10 degrees maximum), \fot across. • Watch for holes, ruts\a, bumps, rocks, or other hidde\f objects. U\fe\ave\f terrai\f could ov\aertur\f the machi\fe. Tall grass ca\f hide o\abstacles. • Choose a low grou\fd speed so that y\aou will \fot have to stop while \ao\f the slope. • Do \fot mow o\f wet gr\aass. Tires may lose tractio\a\f. • Avoid starti\fg, stoppi\fg, or t\aur\fi\fg o\f a slope. If \a the tires lose tractio\f, di\ase\fgage the blades a\a\fd proceed slowly straig\aht dow\f the slope. • Keep moveme\ft o\f th\ae slopes slow a\fd g\aradual. Do \fot make sudde\f ch\aa\fges i\f speed or directio\f, which could \acause machi\fe to roll over. • Use extra care while operati\fg m\aachi\fe with grass catchers or other a\attachme\fts; they ca\f\a affect the stability of the ma\achi\fe. WARNING! When using the machin\ge, approved personal protectiv\ge equipment (shown \g in illustrations) s\ghall \fe used\b Person\gal protective equipmen\gt cannot eliminate\g the risk of injury \g\fut it will reduce t\ghe degree of injury if\g an accident does \g happen\b Ask your retailer f\gor help in choosing the right eq\guipment\b

12 SAFETY 8011-517 Never allow children to operate the machine 8011-518Keep children away from work area • Do \fot use o\f steep s\alopes. • Do \fot try to stabilize the \amachi\fe by putti\fg a \a foot o\f the grou\fd. • Do \fot mow \fear drop-offs, ditches, or emba\fkme\fts. The mac\ahi\fe could sudde\fly \aroll over if a wheel is \aover the edge or i\af the edge caves i\f. Children Tragic accide\fts ca\f o\accur if the operato\ar is \fot alert to the prese\fce of childre\f. Childre\f are ofte\f attracted to the mac\ahi\fe a\fd the mowi\fg \aactivity. Never assume that childre\f will remai\f out of the pat\ah of da\fger. • Keep childre\f out of the mowi\fg\a area a\fd i\f the watchful care of a respo\fsible adult oth\aer tha\f the operator. • Be alert a\fd tur\f machi\fe off if a child e\fters\a the area. • Before a\fd while backi\fg, \alook behi\fd a\fd dow\f\a for small childre\f. • Never carry childre\f, eve\f with the bl\aades shut off. They may fall of\af a\fd be seriously i\a\fjured or i\fterfere with safe machi\fe \aoperatio\f. Childre\f who have bee\f give\f \arides i\f the past m\aay sudde\fly appear i\f th\ae mowi\fg area for a\fother ride a\fd be ru\f over\a or backed over by \athe machi\fe. • Never allow childre\f to operate the m\aachi\fe. • Use extra care whe\f approachi\fg bli\fd cor\fers, shrubs, trees, or other objec\ats that may block t\ahe view of a child. WARNING! CHILDREN CAN BE IN\gJURED BY THIS EQUIPMENT\b The American Academy of Pediatrics reco\gmmends that childre\gn \fe a minimum of 16 \gyears of age \fefore\g operating a riding \glawn mower\b Keep children out of the \gmowing area and in \g the watchful care of\g a responsi\fle adul\gt other than the opera\gtor\b 8011-519Be extra cautious when driving on slopes

13 SAFETY Safe Handling of Ga\gsoline 8011-516Never fill the fuel tank indoors WARNING! The engine must not \g\fe started when the driver’s floor p\glate or any protec\gtive plate for the mower\g deck’s drive \felt \gis removed\b WARNING! The engine and the e\gxhaust system \fecome very hot duri\gng operation\b There is risk for \f\gurns if touched\b Allow engine and ex\ghaust system to coo\gl \fefore refueling\b To avoid perso\fal i\fj\aury or property damage, use extreme care i\f ha\fdli\fg gasoli\f\ae. Gasoli\fe is extremely flammable a\fd t\ahe vapors are explosive. • Exti\fguish all cigar\aettes, cigars, pipes\a, a\fd other sources of ig\fitio\f. • Use o\fly approved gasoli\fe co\ftai\a\fer. • Never remove gas cap or add\a fuel with the e\fgi\a\fe ru\f\fi\fg. Allow e\fgi\fe\a to cool before refueli\fg. • Never fuel the mach\ai\fe i\fdoors. • Never store the machi\fe or fue\al co\ftai\fer where there is a\f ope\f flame, sp\aark, or pilot light\a such as o\f a water heater or\a other applia\fce. • Before begi\f\fi\fg to refuel, mi\fimize the \arisk of static electricity \aby touchi\fg a metal \asurface. • Never fill co\ftai\fers\a i\fside a vehicle o\ar o\f a truck or trailer bed with\a plastic li\fer. Always place co\ftai\fers o\f the gr\aou\fd away from the vehicle whe\f filli\fg. • Remove gas-powered equipme\ft from the truck or trailer a\fd refuel it o\f the grou\fd. If this is \fot\a possible, refuel such equipme\ft\a with a portable co\ftai\fer, rather tha\f from a gasoli\fe dispe\f\aser \fozzle. • Keep the \fozzle i\f \aco\ftact with the ri\am of the fuel ta\fk or co\ftai\fe\ar ope\fi\fg at all tim\aes u\ftil fueli\fg is complete\a. Do \fot use a \fozzle\a lock-ope\f device. • If fuel is spilled \ao\f clothi\fg, cha\fge c\alothi\fg immediately. • Never overfill fuel \ata\fk. Replace gas cap\a a\fd tighte\f securely. • Do \fot start the e\fgi\fe \fear sp\ailled fuel. • Never use gasoli\fe a\as a clea\fi\fg age\ft. • If leaks arise i\f fu\ael system, e\fgi\fe mu\ast \fot be started u\ftil problem has bee\f resolved. • Check the fuel leve\al before each use a\fd leave \a space for the fuel \ato expa\fd, as the he\aat from the e\fgi\fe a\fd the su\f may\a otherwise cause th\ae fuel to expa\fd a\fd overflo\aw.

14 SAFETY 8011-515Never drive the machine in an enclosed space General Maintenance\g • Never operate machi\a\fe i\f a closed area. • Keep all \futs a\fd bol\ats tight to be sure the equipme\ft is i\f safe\a worki\fg co\fditio\f. • Never tamper with s\aafety devices. Chec\ak their proper operatio\f regularly. • Keep machi\fe free of grass, leaves,\a or other debris buildup. Cle\aa\f oil or fuel spill\aage a\fd remove a\fy fuel-soake\ad debris. Allow mac\ahi\fe to cool before stori\fg. • If the machi\fe stri\akes a foreig\f object, stop a\f\ad i\fspect the machi\fe.\a Repair, if \fecessary, before restarti\fg. • Never make a\fy adjust\ame\fts or repairs with the e\fgi\fe ru\f\fi\fg. • Check grass catcher\a compo\fe\fts a\fd the \a discharge guard freque\ftly a\fd replace with ma\fufacturer’s recomme\fded parts, whe\f \fecessary. • Mower blades are sharp. Wrap the blade or we\aar gloves, a\fd use extr\aa cautio\f whe\f servic\ai\fg them. • Check brake operati\ao\f freque\ftly. Adjust a\fd service as required. • Mai\ftai\f or replace safety a\fd i\fs\atructio\f labels, as \fecessary. • Do \fot modify safety\a equipme\ft. Check r\aegularly to be sure it works properly. The machi\fe must \f\aot be drive\f with defe\active or u\fmou\fted p\arotective plates, protective cowli\fgs, \asafety switches, or\a other protective devices. • Do \fot cha\fge the set\ati\fgs of gover\fors a\fd avoid ru\f\fi\fg the e\fg\ai\fe with overly hig\ah e\fgi\fe speeds. If the e\fgi\a\fe ru\fs too fast, the\are is risk for damagi\fg the machi\fe \acompo\fe\fts. • Be very careful whe\f ha\fdli\fg ba\attery acid. Acid o\f ski\f ca\f cause ser\aious corrosive bur\fs. If battery acid is spilled o\a\f ski\f, ri\fse immedi\aately with water. • Acid i\f the eyes ca\a\f cause bli\fd\fess, co\a\ftact a doctor immediately. • Be careful whe\f servici\fg \athe battery. Explosive gases form i\f the battery. Never perform mai\fte\fa\fce o\f the bat\atery whe\f smoki\fg or \fe\aar ope\f flames or sparks\a. • The battery ca\f explode a\fd cau\ase serious i\fjury or damage. • E\fsure that the equipme\ft\a is i\f good co\fditi\ao\f a\fd that all \futs a\fd \abolts, especially t\ahose faste\fi\fg the blade \aattachme\fts, are properly tighte\fed a\fd torqued. WARNING! The \fattery contain\gs lead and lead compounds, chemical\gs that are considered to cause\g cancer, \firth defects, and other \greproductive system\g damage\b Wash your hands after\g handling the \fattery\b CAUTION! Use protective glas\gses for maintenance work\b

15 SAFETY \bparki\fg ca\f occur wh\ae\f worki\fg with the\a battery a\fd the heavy cables\a of the starter circuit. This ca\f cause battery explosio\f, fire or eye i\fjury. \bparki\fg i\f this circuit ca\f \fot occur af\ater the chassis cab\ale (\formally \fegative, black) is \aremoved from the battery. 6003-009Do not smoke when performing maintenance on the battery. The battery can explode and cause serious injury/damage. 8009-728Risk of sparking WARNING! Avoid electrical sp\garking and its consequences \fy the \gfollowing routines:\g 8011-514Regularly clean deck • Use protective goggles. • E\fsure that the fuel fill\aer cap is mou\fted ti\aghtly a\fd \fo flammable subst\aa\fces are stored i\f a\f ope\f vessel. • Never work with th\ae starter circuit if there is spilled fuel. • Disco\f\fect the \fegati\ave cable from the battery first a\fd reco\f\fect it last. • Do \fot make a bridge \ashort circuit across the starter relay to ru\f the star\ater. • Never use the machi\a\fe i\fdoors or i\f spa\aces lacki\fg proper ve\ftilatio\f. Th\ae exhaust fumes co\ftai\f carbo\f mo\foxi\ade, a\f odorless, poiso\fous, a\fd lethal\a gas. • \btop to i\fspect the\a equipme\ft if the m\aachi\fe ru\fs over or i\fto a\fythi\f\ag. If \fecessary, make repairs before starti\fg. • Never make adjustme\f\ats with the e\fgi\fe \aru\f\fi\fg. • The machi\fe is test\aed a\fd approved o\fly with the \a equipme\ft origi\fally\a provided or recomme\fded by the ma\fufacturer. O\fly use approved repair parts for the machi\fe.\a • The blades are sharp a\fd ca\f cause \acuts a\fd gashes. Wrap the blades or us\ae protective gloves whe\f ha\fdli\fg them. • Check the parki\fg b\arake’s fu\fctio\fality \aregularly. Adjust a\fd service a\as \fecessary. • The mulch blades sh\aould o\fly be used i\f\a familiar areas whe\f higher qual\aity mowi\fg is desir\aed. • Reduce the risk of \afire by removi\fg grass, leave\as, a\fd other debris th\aat may have accumulate\ad o\f the machi\fe. • Allow the machi\fe t\ao cool before putti\fg it i\f storage. • Regularly clea\f deck\a a\fd u\fderside of de\ack, avoid sprayi\fg e\fgi\fe\a a\fd electrical comp\ao\fe\fts with water.

16 SAFETY IMPORTANT INFORMATION The parking \frake is\g not sufficient to l\gock the machine in place du\gring transport\b Ens\gure that the machine is well\g fastened to the tr\gansport vehicle\b Always reverse the \gmachine onto the transport vehicle t\go avoid tipping it \gover\b WARNING! Escaping hydraulic o\gil under pressure can have sufficient \gforce to penetrate\g the skin, causing se\grious injury\b If injured \fy escaping \gfluid, see a doctor \gat once\b Serious infec\gtion or reaction c\gan develop if proper \gmedical treatment \gis not administered i\gmmediately\b Transport • The machi\fe is heavy\a a\fd ca\f cause serious\a crushi\fg i\fjuries. B\ae extra cautious whe\a\f it is loaded o\f or u\floaded\a from a vehicle or tra\ailer. • Use a\f approved trailer to tra\a\fsport the machi\fe. Activate the parki\fg\a brake, tur\f off the fuel supply, a\fd faste\f the machi\f\ae with approved faste\fi\fg devices, such as ba\fd\as, chai\fs, or straps,\a whe\f tra\fsporti\fg. • Do \fot operate this \amachi\fe o\f public roadways. • Check a\fd abide by l\aocal traffic regulatio\fs before tra\fsporti\fg the machi\fe o\f \aa\fy road. • Do \fot tow this mach\ai\fe: it may cause dam\aage to the drive system. • Load the u\fit o\fto t\aruck or trailer by \adrivi\fg up ramps of suitable st\are\fgth usi\fg a slow s\apeed. Do \fot lift! The machi\a\fe is \fot i\fte\fded t\ao be lifted by ha\fd. • Whe\f loadi\fg or u\floa\adi\fg this machi\fe, d\ao \fot exceed the maximum \arecomme\fded operatio\a\f a\fgle of 10O. WARNING! Use extreme caution\g when loading the machine into a truc\gk or trailer using \g ramps\b There is the \gpossi\fility of seri\gous injury or death if \gthe machine falls o\gff the ramps\b Towing If machi\fe is equipp\aed with a tow hitch\a, use extreme cautio\f whe\f towi\fg. \aNever allow childre\f or others i\f or o\f towed equipme\a\ft. Make wide tur\fs to avoid jack-k\fi\afi\fg. Travel slowly a\fd allow extra dist\aa\fce to stop. Do \fot \atow o\f sloped grou\fd. The weight o\af the towed equipme\a\ft may cause loss of tracti\ao\f a\fd loss of co\ftr\aol. Follow the ma\fufactur\aer’s recomme\fdatio\f for we\aight limits for towed e\aquipme\ft. Do \fot tow \a\fear ditches, ca\fals, a\fd other haza\ards. Spark Arrestor This mower is equip\aped with a\f i\fter\fal combustio\f e\fgi\fe a\fd should \fot\a be used o\f or \fear \aa\fy u\fimproved forested, bush covered or grassy la\fds u\fless the e\fgi\fe’s \asystem is equipped \awith a spark arrestor meeti\fg appli\acable local or state\a laws (if a\fy). I\f the state of Cali\afor\fia the above is required by law (\bectio\f 4442 of\a the Califor\fia Public Resources Code). Other states may hav\ae similar laws. Fed\aeral laws apply o\f federal la\fd\as. A spark arrestor for the muffle\ar is available through a\fy authorized Husqva\ar\fa dealer. WARNING! This mower is equip\gped with an interna\gl com\fustion engine an\gd should not \fe used on or near \gany unimproved forested, \fush cover\ged or grassy lands \g unless the engine's \gsystem is equipped \g with a spark arrest\ger meeting applica\f\gle local or state law\gs (if any)\b If a sp\gark arrestor is used, i\gt should \fe maintain\ged in effective worki\gng order \fy the operator\b

17 SAFETY Rollover Protectio\gn System (ROPS) The ROP\b i\fcreases the basic wei\aght of the u\fit by \a73 lbs/33 kg. • Do \fot use ROP\b as a l\aifti\fg, attachi\fg or \a a\fchori\fg poi\ft. • Do \fot use ROP\b for w\arecki\fg or towi\fg. • Do \fot exceed Max GV\aW: 2822 lbs/1283 kg\a. • Read machi\fe’s opera\ator ma\fual before each use. • \becurely faste\f the seat \abelt if the u\fit has\a a ROP\b. • Where possible, avoid o\aperati\fg the u\fit \fea\ar ditches, emba\fkme\fts\a a\fd holes. • Reduce speed whe\f t\aur\fi\fg, crossi\fg slopes a\fd o\f rough, slick or muddy\a surfaces. • \btay off slopes too steep\a for safe operatio\f.\a • Watch where you are goi\fg, especially \aat row e\fds, o\f roads a\fd arou\fd trees. • Do \fot permit others to ride\a. • Operate the mower s\amoothly - \fo jerky \atur\fs, starts or stops. • Whe\f mower is stopp\aed, set brakes secur\aely a\fd use park brake. • If a\fy part of ROP\b is damaged\a, the e\ftire ROP\b must be replaced. • Check all bolts i\fc\aludi\fg seat belt for\a correct torque before each use. • Check ROP\b structure for damage before each use. • ROP\b bar is NOT i\fte\a\fded for use i\f sub \azero temperatures. WARNING! The rollover protec\gtion system's capa\filities may \fe\g impaired \fy damage\g if the mower is ove\grturned or if alter\gation to the ROPS occurs\b \gIf these conditions\g take place, the tot\gal structure MUST \fe \g replaced\b

18 CONTROLS This operator’s ma\fu\aal describes the Hu\asqvar\fa Zero Tur\f Rider. The rider is fitt\aed with a four-stroke overhead valve e\fgi\f\ae. Tra\fsmissio\f from the e\fgi\fe is mad\ae via belt-drive\f hydraulic pumps. Usi\a\fg the left a\fd righ\at steeri\fg co\ftrols, the flow is regulated a\fd thereby the directio\f a\fd speed. Control Locations 1 2 3 4 5 6 89 11 12 7 1. Motio\f co\ftrol levers 2. Park brake 3. Tracki\fg k\fob 4. Fuel ta\fk - left 5. Hydro releases levers 6. Choke 7. Ig\fitio\f switch 8. Hour meter 9. Throttle co\ftrol 10. Blade switch 11. Deck lift 12. Deck release 10

19 CONTROLS Motion Control Leve\grs The machi\fe’s speed\a a\fd directio\f are co\fti\fuously variable usi\fg the t\awo steeri\fg co\ftrols. The steeri\fg co\ftrols ca\f be moved fo\arward or backward about a \feutral positio\f. F\aurthermore, there is a \feutral positio\f, which is \alocked if the stee\ari\fg co\ftrols are moved outward. Whe\f both co\ftrols are i\f the \feutral pos\aitio\f (N), the machi\fe sta\fds still\a. By movi\fg both co\ft\arols a\f equal amou\ft fo\arward or backward, the machi\fe moves\a i\f a straight li\fe \a forward or backward respectively. For example, to tur\f right while movi\f\ag forward, move the right co\ftrol towards the \feutral posit\aio\f. The rotatio\f of the righ\at wheel is reduced a\fd the machi\a\fe tur\fs to the right. Zero tur\f ca\f be achieved by\a movi\fg o\fe co\ftrol backward (behi\fd the \feutra\al positio\f) a\fd carefully movi\fg the other st\aeeri\fg co\ftrol forward from its \feutral positio\f. Th\ae rotatio\f directio\f whe\f zero tur\fi\fg is determi\fed by which stee\ari\fg co\ftrol is moved backward behi\fd the \feutral positio\f. If the left steeri\fg co\ftrol is pulled backwar\ad, the machi\fe tur\fs to the left. Use e\axtra care whe\f usi\fg this ma\a\feuver. 8065-0531. Forward 2. Neutral 3. Neutral slot, Neu\atral lock 4. Reverse Motion control lever pattern (right side) WARNING! The machine can turn\g very rapidly if o\gne steering control is\g moved much further \g forward than the ot\gher\b 8065-105Steering controls

20 CONTROLS Parking Brake The parki\fg brake is\a fou\fd o\f the left o\af the machi\fe. Pull the lever back\award to activate the b\arake a\fd push forward to release it. 8058-182Parking brake IMPORTANT INFORMATION The machine must sta\gnd a\fsolutely still\g when applying the parkin\gg \frake\b Always set the parking \frake \fefore\g dismounting\b Releas\ge the parking \frake \fefore\g moving the mower\b Ignition Switch The ig\fitio\f switch\a is placed o\f the c\ao\ftrol pa\fel a\fd is used to start a\fd stop the e\fgi\f\ae. Push i\f a\fd tur\f the key clockwise\a to start the e\fgi\fe. O\f models equipped \awith headlights, tur\a\f the key clockwise to ACCE\b\b\aORY for headlight use\a. 8058-214Ignition switch Blade Switch To e\fgage the mower \adeck, pull the blade\a switch k\fob out. The mower blad\aes are dise\fgaged whe\f th\ae k\fob is pressed dow\f fully. 8058-214 Blade switch IMPORTANT INFORMATION Do not run the star\gter for more than fi\gve seconds each time\b If the engine does not start, wait a\fout 10 secon\gds \fefore retrying\b