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HP Designjet T2300 eMultifunction User Manual

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3.To access your Library, sign in to HP ePrint & Share using your registered email address and
4.Press the white Email address field to enter your email address. A keyboard is displayed so that
you can enter the letters. Press OK when you have finished; then enter your password in the same
5.Select an event category by pressing the category. You can select All events, all Printed events, all
Scanned events, all Shared events, all events Shared by you or all events Shared by others....

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6.Select a particular event from your Library by pressing the event name. The number of files
associated with each event is shown on the right.
7.Select a file from the event by pressing the file name.
8.The default print settings are displayed, and you can change them by pressing the Settings
9.When you are ready to print, press the Start button.
38 Chapter 9   Web-connected printer operations ENWW

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10.After sending one file to print, you can press the Add more icon to select another file.
Alternatively, press the Sign out icon to return to the home screen, or the Job queue icon to go
to the job queue.
Scan to your Library (T2300 only)
If you have an HP Designjet T2300 eMFP, you can scan documents directly into your Library from the
Designjets touchscreen.
1.Press the Scan icon on the touchscreens home screen.
2.Press the HP ePrint&Share icon.
ENWWScan to your Library (T2300 only)

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3.To access your Library, sign in to HP ePrint & Share using your registered email address and
4.Press the white Email field to enter your email address. A keyboard is displayed so that you can
enter the letters. Press OK when you have finished; then enter your password in the same way.
5.The default scan settings are displayed, and you can change them by pressing the Settings
6.When you are ready to scan, press the Start button.
40 Chapter 9   Web-connected printer operations ENWW

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7.Feed the document into the scanner as shown.
8.When the scan is complete, the scan results are displayed. You can press the event name or the
file name to change it.
If the scanned file is within your quota, press the Next button to continue; otherwise, you can
press Scan again to change the scan settings and try again.
9.In the next screen, you can choose to share the scan with any of your contacts. You can also add
new contacts. Press the Send button when ready.
ENWWScan to your Library (T2300 only)...

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10.After adding one document to the scan queue, you can press the Make another scan icon to
scan another document. Alternatively, press the Sign out icon to return to the home screen, or the
Scan queue icon to go to the scan job queue.
11.The scanned document will be available in a Scanned event in your Library, and you can later
print it or share it with other people.
42 Chapter 9   Web-connected printer operations ENWW

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10 Further information
Upload history
When you double-click the Printing Tool task-bar icon or select the Track option from the menu, the
Uploader window appears:
If you press the View Upload Queue button, the Upload History window appears:
This window provides the history of your uploads. The buttons at the bottom provide the following
●Clear Upload History: Delete the upload history.
●Resume Last Upload: Restart the upload process at the first pending file.
●Cancel Last Upload: Delete one...

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Print previews
●To preview a multi-page document, double-click the document name to see an expanded list of all
the pages of the document.
●Two previews are available:
◦The print preview is displayed by default. It shows a preview of how the print will appear
when printed on the loaded paper.
◦The content preview can be requested by clicking its icon. It shows the image as specified in
the file, without regard to the loaded paper.
Multiroll printing
If you have a multiroll printer, you can choose to...

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11 Troubleshooting
●When I right-click a file in Windows Explorer, I dont see the ePrint & Share option.
Answer: Under the 64-bit version of Windows XP, you can access your Library on the Web, but
the Printing Tool is not supported (see 
System requirements on page 4).
Recommendation: Use the 64-bit version of Windows Vista or Windows 7.
●I cannot use HP ePrint & Share from Mac OS.
Answer: Under Mac OS, you can access your Library on the Web, but the Printing Tool is not
supported (see 

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●The Printing Tool cannot detect my printer.
Answer: This may happen for one of the following reasons.
◦The Printing Tool does not detect installed drivers if they point to a file port or local port.
◦You cannot install a driverless printer if it is already installed as a driverless printer with an
old IP address.
◦Print servers are not supported. If a printer is connected to a computer by a USB cable, and
the printer is shared, it will not be detected by the Printing Tool.
●I dont see an option in the...
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