Global Garden Products
Lawn Mower
Global Garden Products Lawn Mower CR/CS 434 CR/CRL 484 CS/CSL 484 CRC/CSC 534 171505587/1 Instructions Manual
Global Garden Products Lawn Mower CR/CS 434 CR/CRL 484 CS/CSL 484 CRC/CSC 534 171505587/1 Instructions Manual
Here you can view all the pages of manual Global Garden Products Lawn Mower CR/CS 434 CR/CRL 484 CS/CSL 484 CRC/CSC 534 171505587/1 Instructions Manual. The Global Garden Products manuals for Lawn Mower are available online for free. You can easily download all the documents as PDF.
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20 Occorretenerepresente chelamaggior partedellerba è composta dauno stelo eda una opiù foglie{ Selefoglie ven| gono tagliate completamentex ilprato sidanneggia ela ricre | scita saràpiùdifficile{ Inlinea generalex possonovalereleseguenti indicazioniz –un taglio troppo bassoprovoca strappiediradamenti nel tappetoerbosoxconunaspetto “amacchie”y –in estatex iltaglio deveessere piùalto perevitare ildissec | camento delterrenoy –non tagliare lerbaquando èbagnatay ciòpuò ridurre leffi| cienza dellalama...
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21 NORME SDE SÉCURI TÉÀOBSER VERSCR UPULEUSEMENT IMPORT ANT–LIRE ATTENTIVEMEN TAVANT D_UTILIS ER LAMACH INE\C ONSER VERPOURTOUT BESOIN \„UTUR\ 1)Lire attentiv ementles inst ruct ions\ Sefam iliaris eravec les comma ndes etavec unemplo iapproprié dela ton deuse{ Appren dreàar rêter lemot eu rra | pidement{ 2) Utilisez la tond euse excl usivem ent dan sle but pour lequel elle est des tinéex c' es t|à |dire cou per l'herbe etla rama sser{ Tout autre emploipeu tse révéle r dangereux etc au ser des...
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22 NORME SD_ EM PLOI Pou rle mot euret labat te rie (siprévue)Z lire attentivement les manuelsd_in structio nsrelat ifs\ REMA RQUE ]La correspo ndance entre lesré féren cesconten ues dansle texte et le s fig ures respec tives (qui setrouv entaux pages 2–3) est indiqué epa rle numéro quip récède chaq ue paragraph e{ REMARQUE ]La ma chi ne peut être fournie aveccertains com ] posa ntsdéjà monté s\ ATTENTION ]Le déballage et l'a chèvement dumon tage doi] vent être effec tuéssu r une sur face plate...
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23 Ilfaut toujou rsse rap peler quelaplupar td es herb essont comp osées dun etige etdune ou plusieurs feuilles{ Sil on cou pecompl ète ment les feuillesx lapel ous esabîmex etla recr oissan ceser aplus difficile{ E n règ legénéral eles indi cationssuiv antes sont val ab lesz –une cou petropbasse provoq ue des arracheme ntsetdes éclair | cissag esdans legazonx endonna ntun aspect «àtaches» y –en étéx lacoupe doi têt re plus hautepour éviter le dessèch ement duterr ainy –ne pa scou per lherbe quand...
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24 SA\bETYREGULAT IONSTOBE OBS ERV EDSCRUPU LOUSLY IM PORT ANT –READ CARE\bULLYBE\b ORE USING THEMACH INEH KEEP \bOR \bUTU RE RE\bERENCE 1) Rea d9he .3897: c9.438 ca7ef:11yH Become familiar withthecontrols and the prope ruse ofthe lawnm owerjLearnhowto sto pthe engine quic klyj 2)Only useth elawnmower forthepurpose forwhich itwa sdesignedg nam ely mowi ngand collecting grassj Any other usage may be hazk ard ousan dha rm persons and/ordamage things jExamples ofimk proper usemay includ egbut arenot limited...
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25 OPERATING INSTRUCT IONS \b47.3f472a9.43 439he e3g.3e a3d9heba99e7y (.f8:5 I 51.ed)F 7ead9he7e1e;a39 2a3:a18H NOTEIThe number whichprecedes eachparagraph linksthe references inthe text tothe respective figures(listedonthe pages 2k3)j NOTE IThe 2ach.3e ca3be8:551.ed
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26 Thefollowing indications generallyapplyi –cutting toolow tears anduproots thegrassg givingita “spot k ted”appearanceh –inthe summerg cuttingmustbehigher toprevent theground from dryingh –do not cutwet grassh thiscould reduce bladeefficiency duetosticky grassandtear thelawnj –for particularly highgrassg initially mowatthe maximum height allowed bythe machine thenmow again aftertwoor three daysj Theappearance ofthe lawn willimprove ifyou alternate cutk ting inboth directions atthe same heightj Whe3
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