Getnet Router GR-524WA User Manual
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63 Parameter Description IP QoS Click the radio button to enable or disable the IP QoS function. Default QoS Select the default mode of QoS from the list. IP Precedence: In QoS, a three-bit field in the ToS byte of the IP header (see RFC 791). Using IP Precedence, a network administrator can assign values from 0(the default) to 7 to classify and prioritize types of traffic. 802.1P: IEEE 802.1p is a 3 bit field within an Ethernet frame header when using tagged frames on an 802.1...
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64 It specifies a priority value of between 0 and 7 inclusive that can be used by Quality of Service (QoS) disciplines to differentiate traffic. Source IP The IP address of the traffic source. Source Netmask The source IP netmask. This field is required if the source IP has been entered. Source Port The source port of the selected protocol. You cannot configure this field without entering the protocol first. Destination IP The IP address of the traffic destination....
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65 packet that match this classification rule. TOS The IP (Internet Protocol) uses the ToS (Type of Service) field to provide an indication of the quality of service desired. These parameters are to be used to guide the selection of the actual service parameters when transmitting an IP datagram through a particular network.0 IP QoS Rules This table lists the rules you have configured. Click “Delete Selected” to delete the selected rules or click “Delete All” to delete all the rules....
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66 Port Forwarding The Port Forwarding allows you to re-direct a particular range of service port numbers (from the Internet) to a particular LAN IP address. It helps you to host some servers behind the router NAT firewall.
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67 Parameter Description Port Forwarding Check this item to enable or disable the port-forwarding feature. Protocol This is the protocol type to be forwarded. You can choose to forward “TCP” or “UDP” packets only or select “Both” to forward both “TCP” and “UDP” packets. Comment Enter the comment for the setting. Enable Check this item to enable this entry. Local IP Address IP address of your local server that will be accessed by Internet. Local IP Port The destination...
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68 allowed. Leave blank for all. Public Port The destination port number that is made open for this application on the WAN side Interface Select the WAN interface on which the port-forwarding rule is to be applied. Current Port Forwarding Table If you want to remove the port forwarding settings from the table, select the items and then click Delete Selected. If you want remove all settings, just click Delete All button. When you finish, click ‘Apply Changes’. You’ll see the...
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69 Parameter Description Disabled/ Enabled Click the radio button to enable or disable the feature. If disabled, all interfaces belong to the default group. Interface groups To manipulate a mapping group: 1. Select a group from the table. 2. Select interfaces from the available/grouped interface list and add it to the grouped/available interface list using the arrow buttons to manipulate the required mapping of the ports. 3. Click “Apply Changes” button to save the changes. When you...
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70 Press ‘Continue’ to save the settings made and back to web management interface; press ‘Apply’ to save the settings made and restart the router so the settings will take effect after it reboots. UPNP When the UPnP function is enabled, the router can be detected by UPnP compliant system such as Windows XP. The router will be displayed in the Neighborhood of Windows XP, so you can directly double click the router or right click the router and select “Invoke” to configure the...
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71 Press ‘Continue’ to save the settings made and back to web management interface; press ‘Apply’ to save the settings made and restart the router so the settings will take effect after it reboots. IGMP Proxy When “IGMP Proxy” (Internet Group Management Protocol Proxy) is enabled, the router can make intelligent multicast forwarding decisions by examining the contents of each frame’s IP header. Without the function, the router will broadcast the multicast packets to each port...
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72 IGMP Proxy Enable or disable IGMP proxy feature. Proxy Interface The upstream WAN interface is selected here. When you finish, click ‘Apply Changes’. You’ll see the following message displayed on web browser: Press ‘Continue’ to save the settings made and back to web management interface; press ‘Apply’ to save the settings made and restart the router so the settings will take effect after it reboots.