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Garmin 430w Manual

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Page 91

6.  Once all flight plans have been loaded, power 
off the unit. 
7.  Remove the Flight Plan Card from the right card 
slot and place the Terrain Card back into the 
empty card slot. 
 NOTE:  The Flight Plan Card is only to be used on 
the ground. It must be removed prior to flight. 
8.  Apply power to the unit. 
9.  To activate a newly transferred flight plan, refer 
to Section Four “Activating Flight Plans.”
190-00356-00 Rev K  

Page 92

Blank Page
190-00356-00 Rev K  

Page 93

Section 5 - Procedures -  
Approaches, Departures,  & Arrivals
The 400W-series unit allows you to fly non-preci-
sion and precision approaches to airports with pub-
lished instrument approach procedures. All available 
approaches are stored on your Jeppesen NavData® card, 
and are automatically updated when you replace the 
card with a new one. Subscription information for Nav-
Data cards is included in your 400W-series package. 
The Procedures Page is displayed by...

Page 94

Activating Approaches
Not all approaches in the database 
are approved for GPS use. As you 
select an approach, a “GPS” designa-
tion to the right of the procedure 
name indicates the procedure can be flown using 
the GPS receiver. Some procedures will not have 
this designation, meaning the GPS receiver may be 
used for supplemental navigation guidance only. ILS 
approaches, for example, must be flown by tuning the 
VLOC receiver to the proper frequency and coupling 
the VLOC receiver to the external...

Page 95

Basic Approach  Operations
Basic Approach Operations
The 400W series provides precision vertical guid-
ance and non-precision advisory guidance using its 
built in GPS receiver. The moving map pages can also 
be used as a supplemental aid to situational awareness 
for ILS, VOR, and NDB approaches (and non-preci-
sion localizer-based approaches), but the appropriate 
navigational aid MUST be used for primary approach 
course guidance. 
Approaches designed specifically for GPS are often 
very simple and...

Page 96

Procedure Turn Approach
Approach operations on the 400W-series will typi-
cally begin with the same basic steps: 
Select Destination
“Select” and “Load” the 
“Activate” the approach
1.    Select the destination airport using the direct-
to key, or as the last waypoint in the active 
flight plan. 
2.   Choose the “Select Approach?” option from 
the procedures page or from the active flight 
plan options. 
3.   “Load” the approach (often while en route) in...

Page 97

Procedure Turn Approach
4.    Once you are cleared for the approach, press 
the PROC key, select “Activate Approach?” 
and press ENT. 
Lynchburg (VA) Regional VOR or GPS Rwy 04
Flying the Procedure Turn
1.    Within 31 NM of the destination airport, the 
400W-series will switch from “en route” 
mode to “terminal” mode (as indicated in the 
lower left corner of the screen). The switch to 
terminal mode is accompanied by a gradual 
Course Deviation Indicator...

Page 98

Procedure Turn Approach
3.   As you approach the IAF (LYH), a waypoint alert 
(“LT TO 205° x S”) will appear in the lower right 
corner of the screen. As the distance (DIS) to 
the IAF approaches zero, the alert is replaced 
by a turn advisory (“LT TO 205° NOW”). The 
unit will guide you automatically, or you can 
dial the outbound course of 205° into the CDI 
(or HSI) using the OBS knob and initiate a 
standard rate turn to this course heading. 
4.   Fly the outbound course, keeping the CDI 

Page 99

Procedure Turn Approach
7.   After approximately one minute, make a 180° 
right turn to a heading of 340° to intercept 
the inbound course. The unit will sequence to 
the inbound leg to the FAF, the CDI needle will 
swing to the opposite side to provide proper 
sensing along the final course segment and 
“DTK 025° NOW” will appear in the lower 
right corner of the screen. 
8.   As the CDI needle starts to center, make a right 
turn to 025°—the final approach course. 
9.   When within 45° of the final...

Page 100

Missed Approach
pended at the MAP.  A “from” indication will 
be displayed on the CDI and default NAV page, 
but course guidance along the final approach 
course will continue. If a missed approach is 
required, use the OBS key to initiate the missed 
approach sequence. 
Flying the Missed Approach
After you pass the MAP, if the runway isn’t in sight 
you must execute a missed approach. The 400W-series 
continues to give guidance along an extension of the final 
course segment (FAF to MAP) until you...
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