Epson Projector PowerLite 5040UB User Manual
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151 Related references Where toGet Help Projector LightStatus Projector FeatureSettings -Settings Menu Related tasks Replacing theRemote ControlBatteries Unlocking theProjector s Buttons Solutions toProblems withtheRemote Control If the projector doesnotrespond toremote controlcommands, trythe following solutions: • Check thattheremote controlbatteries areinstalled correctly andhave power. Ifnecessary, replace the batteries. • Make sureyouareoperating theremote controlwithinthereception angleandrange ofthe projector. • Make suretheprojector isnot warming uporshutting down. • Check tosee ifa button onthe remote controlisstuck down, causing itto enter sleep mode. Release the button towake theremote controlup. • Strong fluorescent lighting,directsunlight, orinfrared devicesignals maybeinterfering withthe projectors remotereceivers. Dimthelights ormove theprojector awayfromthesun orinterfering equipment. • Ifavailable, turnoffone ofthe remote receivers inthe projectors menusystem, orcheck ifall the remote receivers wereturned off. • Ifyou assigned anIDnumber tothe remote controltooperate multiple projectors, youmay need to check orchange theIDsetting (feature notavailable withallprojectors). • Ifyou lose theremote control, youcanpurchase anotherfromanauthorized Epsonreseller. • Ifyou areusing theWirelessHD buttonsonthe remote, makesureyoupoint theremote atthe WirelessHD transmitter. Parent topic:Solving Projector orRemote ControlOperation Problems Related references Optional Equipment andReplacement Parts Remote ControlOperation Projector FeatureSettings -Settings Menu

152 Related tasks Replacing theRemote ControlBatteries Solutions toPassword Problems If you cannot enterorremember apassword, trythe following solutions: • You may have turned onpassword protection withoutfirstsetting apassword. Tryentering 0000using the remote control. • Ifyou have entered anincorrect password toomany timesandseeamessage displaying arequest code, writedown thecode andcontact Epson.Donot attempt toenter thepassword again.Provide the request codeandproof ofownership forassistance inunlocking theprojector. • Ifyou lose theremote control, youcannot enterapassword. Orderanew onefrom Epson. Parent topic:Solving Projector orRemote ControlOperation Problems Related references Where toGet Help Optional Equipment andReplacement Parts Projector FeatureSettings -Settings Menu Solutions toPanel Alignment Problems If the panel alignment doesnotresult inasatisfactory picture,trythe following solutions: • Make suretheProjection settingmatches theinstallation position. • Make suretheprojection surfaceisnot colored ortextured. Projectonawhite surface withnotexture. • Leave theprojector onfor 10to15 minutes beforeadjusting thepanel alignment. • The projected imagesizeshould beatleast 60inches (152cm)during panelalignment. • Ifthe image contains toomuch magenta, adjustthered and blue panels. • Ifthe pattern lineslookfuzzy orout offocus, adjust thefocus before performing thepanel alignment. Parent topic:Solving Projector orRemote ControlOperation Problems Related references Projection Distance Related tasks Adjusting theColor Convergence (PanelAlignment) Focusing theImage withtheLens Button

153 Solutions WhenUsing HDMILink If you cannot controlanHDMI device usingtheHDMI Linkbuttons, trythe following solutions: • Make sureallnecessary cablesaresecurely connected andthepower ison for the projector and connected videosources. • Make surethecables meettheHDMI standards. • Make suretheconnected devicesupports theCEC standards. • Ifyou connected anew device orchanged anyconnections, youmay need torestart thedevice. • Connect nomore thanthree devices thatsupport HDMILinkatthe same time. • Ifyou have connected aspeaker orreceiver, setthe output toPCM. Parent topic:Solving Projector orRemote ControlOperation Problems Solutions WhenWireless Authentication Fails If you cannot authenticate awireless connection, trythe following solutions: • Make suretheWireless LANPower settingisset toOn . • Check theSecurity settingsandpassphrase inthe Network Configuration menu. • Check theEvent IDnumber displayed inthe Info menu andcheck thelink below toidentify the problem. Parent topic:Solving Problems Related references Projector FeatureSettings -Settings Menu Projector NetworkSettings-Network Menu Event IDCode List Where toGet Help If you need tocontact Epsonfortechnical supportservices, usethefollowing supportoptions. Internet Support Visit Epsons supportwebsite (U.S.) (Canada)forsolutions to common problems withyour projector. Youcandownload utilitiesanddocumentation, getFAQs and troubleshooting advice,ore-mail Epson withyour questions.

154 Speak toaSupport Representative To use theEpson PrivateLine Supportservice,call(800) 637-7661. Thisservice isavailable forthe duration ofyour warranty period.Youmay alsospeak withaprojector supportspecialist bydialing (562) 276-4394 (U.S.)or(905) 709-3839 (Canada). Support hoursare6AM to8PM, Pacific Time,Monday throughFridayand7AM to4PM, Pacific Time, Saturday. Days andhours ofsupport aresubject tochange withoutnotice.Tollorlong distance chargesmay apply. Before youcall, have thefollowing information ready: • Product name • Product serialnumber (located onthe bottom orrear ofthe projector, orinthe menu system) • Proof ofpurchase (suchasastore receipt) anddate ofpurchase • Computer orvideo configuration • Description ofthe problem Purchase SuppliesandAccessories You canpurchase screens,otheroptional accessories, andreplacement partsfromanEpson authorized reseller. Tofind thenearest reseller, call800-GO-EPSON (800-463-7766).Oryou canpurchase online at (U.S.sales) (Canadian sales). To purchase areplacement remotecontrol, call(562) 276-4394 (U.S.)or(905) 709-3839 (fordealer referral inCanada). Parent topic:Solving Problems

155 Technical Specifications These sections listthe technical specifications ofyour projector. General Projector Specifications Projector LampSpecifications Remote ControlSpecifications Projector Dimension Specifications Projector Electrical Specifications Projector Environmental Specifications Projector SafetyandApprovals Specifications Supported VideoDisplay Formats General Projector Specifications Type ofdisplay Poly-silicon TFTactive matrix Resolution 1920 ×1080 pixels (1080p) Lens F=2.0 to3.0 Focal length: 22.5to46.7 mm Color reproduction Full color, upto1billion colors Brightness High Power Consumption mode: White lightoutput 2500lumens (ISO21118 standard) Color lightoutput 2500lumens Note: Colorbrightness (colorlightoutput) andwhite brightness (white lightoutput) willvary depending onusage conditions. Color light output measured inaccordance withIDMS 15.4;white light output measured inaccordance withISO21118. Contrast ratio 1,000,000:1 withAuto Irison, ECO Power Consumption mode, Dynamic ColorMode, WideZoom mode, andLens ShiftVertical: 10:0 andHorizontal: Centered Image size (in native aspect ratio) 50 inches (1.27m)to300 inches (7.62m)

156 Projection distance (in native aspect ratio) 58.3 inches (1.48m)to747.6 inches (18.99m) Projection methods Front, rear,ceiling-mounted Optical aspectratio (width-to-height) 16:9 Focus adjustment Powered Zoom adjustment Optical, powered Zoom ratio (Tele-to-Wide) 1 to 2.1 Noise level 31 dB (High Power Consumption mode) 20 dB (ECO Power Consumption mode) Keystone correction angle ± 30 ºvertical USB Type Bport compatibility USB 1.1and 2.0compliant forservice andfirmware update USB Type Aport compatibility Two USB 1.1and 2.0compliant ports;oneforoptional HDMIcable with 300mA powersupply andtheother forfirmware updateandWi- Fi module with500mA powersupply Parent topic:Technical Specifications Projector LampSpecifications Type UHE (Ultra HighEfficiency) Power consumption 250 W Lamp life High Power Consumption mode: Up toabout 3500hours Medium PowerConsumption mode: Up toabout 4000hours ECO Power Consumption mode: Up toabout 5000hours

157 Note: Turnoffthis product whennotinuse toprolong thelifeofthe projector. Lamplifewill vary depending uponmode selected, environmental conditions,andusage. Brightness decreasesovertime. Parent topic:Technical Specifications Remote ControlSpecifications Reception range 32 feet (10m) Batteries Two alkaline ormanganese AA Parent topic:Technical Specifications Projector Dimension Specifications Height (excluding feet) 17.7 inches (450mm) Width 20.5 inches (520mm) Depth 6.7 inches (170mm) Weight PowerLite HomeCinema 5040UB: 24.3 lb(11 kg) PowerLite HomeCinema 5040UBe : 24.7 lb(11.2 kg) Parent topic:Technical Specifications Projector Electrical Specifications Rated frequency 50/60 Hz Power supply 100 to240 VAC ±10% 3.8 to1.7 A

158 Power consumption (100 to120 V) Operating: High Power Consumption mode:373W ECO Power Consumption mode:283W Standby: 0.27 W(Communication Off),2.3W(Communication On) Power consumption (220 to240 V) Operating: High Power Consumption mode:355W ECO Power Consumption mode:271W Standby: 0.35 W(Communication Off),2.4W(Communication On) Parent topic:Technical Specifications Projector Environmental Specifications Temperature Operating: 41to95 °F (5 to35 °C) Storage: 14to140 °F (– 10 to60 °C) Humidity (relative,non- condensing) Operating: 20to80% Storage: 10to90% Operating altitude Up to4921 feet(1500 m) Up to9843 feet(3000 m)with High Altitude Modeenabled Parent topic:Technical Specifications Related references Projector SetupSettings -Extended Menu Projector SafetyandApprovals Specifications United States FCC Part15BClass B UL60950-1 2ndedition (cTUVus Mark)

159 Canada ICES-003 ClassB CSA C22.2 No.60950-1-07 (cTUVusMark) Parent topic:Technical Specifications Supported VideoDisplay Formats For best results, yourcomputers monitorportorvideo cardresolution shouldbeset todisplay inthe projectors nativeresolution. However,yourprojector includesEpsonsSizeWise chipthatsupports other computer displayresolutions, soyour image willberesized tofitautomatically. Your computers monitorportorvideo cardrefresh rate(vertical frequency) mustbecompatible withthe projector. (Seeyourcomputer orvideo cardmanual fordetails.) The table hereliststhecompatible refreshrateandresolution foreach compatible videodisplay format. Display format Refresh rate(inHz) Resolution (inpixels) Computer signals(analog RGB) VGA 60 640 ×480 SVGA 60 800 ×600 XGA 60 1024 ×768 WXGA 60 1280 ×768 60 1366 ×768 60 1280 ×800 SXGA 60 1280 ×960 60 1280 ×1024 WXGA++ 60 1600 ×900 HDMI inputsignals VGA 60 640 ×480 SDTV (480i/480p) 60 720 ×480 SDTV (576i/576p) 50 720 ×576 HDTV (720p) 50/60 1280 ×720 HDTV (1080i) 50/60 1920 ×1080

160 Display format Refresh rate(inHz) Resolution (inpixels) HDTV (1080p) 24/30/50/60 1920 ×1080 4K ×2K 24/30/50/60 3840 ×2160 24/50/60 4096 ×2160 WirelessHD InputSignal 1, 2 (PowerLite HomeCinema 5040UBe) SDTV (480i/480p) 60 720 ×480 SDTV (576i/576p) 50 720 ×576 HDTV (720p) 50/60 1280 ×720 HDTV (1080i) 50/60 1920 ×1080 HDTV (1080p) 24/30 1920 ×1080 4K ×2K 24/30/50/60 3840 ×2160 50/60 4096 ×2160 4K ×2K (SMPTE) 24 4096 ×2160 WirelessHD InputSignal MHL3, 4 (PowerLite HomeCinema 5040UBe) SDTV (480i/480p) 60 720 ×480 SDTV (576i/576p) 50 720 ×576 HDTV (720p) 50/60 1280 ×720 HDTV (1080i) 50/60 1920 ×1080 HDTV (1080p) 24/30/50/60 1920 ×1080 4K ×2K 24/25/30 3840 ×2160 4K ×2K (SMPTE) 24 4096 ×2160 1 When projecting inWirelessHD, thefollowing signalsdonot support DeepColor: • 2D: 1080p 50/50Hz • 3D: 1080p 24Hz frame packing, 720p50/60 Hzframe packing, 1080p50/60Hzside byside 2 When projecting inWirelessHD, thefollowing signalsarenotsupported: • 4K ×2K: 50/60 Hz • 4K ×2K (SMPTE): 24Hz