Epson Projector PowerLite 5040UB User Manual
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111 Setting Options Description WirelessHD (PowerLite HomeCinema 5040UBe) Connected Device WirelessHD Video Reception Reset Adjusts settings foruse with the WirelessHD transmitter Connected Device:displays a list ofavailable WirelessHD devices WirelessHD :controls whether the projector receives WirelessHD signals Video Reception :displays the strength ofthe WirelessHD signal Reset :resets theWirelessHD settings totheir defaults. Lock Setting Lens Lock Child Lock Control PanelLock Controls projector lensand control panelbutton locking to secure theprojector Lens Lock:locks thefocus, zoom, andlens shiftsettings Child Lock:locks thepower button Control PanelLock: • Full Lock :locks allbuttons • Partial Lock:locks allbuttons except thepower button • Off :no buttons locked User Button Fine/Fast 3D Display 2D-to-3D Conversion Power Consumption Info Display theQRCode Assigns amenu option tothe User button onthe remote control forone-touch access

112 Setting Options Description Memory Load Memory Save Memory Erase Memory Rename Memory Load LensPosition Save LensPosition Erase LensPosition Rename LensPosition Controls thesaved projector settings andlens positions Load Memory :displays thelist of customized settingsentries that youhave created Save Memory :saves thecurrent projector settingstothe projectors memory Erase Memory :displays thelist of customized settingsentries that youhave created Rename Memory:displays the list ofcustomized settingsentries that youhave created Load LensPosition :loads lens adjustment valuessavedwiththe Save LensPosition setting Save LensPosition :saves the focus, zoom, andlens shift adjustments asalens position entry Erase LensPosition :deletes the saved lensposition entry Rename LensPosition : renames asaved lensposition entry Note: TheWirelessHD Resetoption doesnotreset thesettings onthe WirelessHD Transmitter. Toreset the transmitter settings,presstheSetup button onthe WirelessHD Transmitterforfive seconds. Parent topic:Adjusting theMenu Settings

113 Projector SetupSettings -Extended Menu Settings onthe Extended menuletyou customize variousprojector setupfeatures thatcontrol its operation. Setting Options Description Home Screen Home Screen AutoDisp. Custom Function 1 Custom Function 2 Adjust settings onthe Home Screen Home Screen AutoDisp.: controls whether theHome screen displays automatically when theprojector isturned on Custom Function 1/Custom Function 2:let you customize the options displayed onthe Home screen andsave your settings asapreset Display — See theDisplay settingstablein this topic

114 Setting Options Description Projection Front Front/Ceiling Rear Rear/Ceiling Selects theway theprojector faces thescreen sothe image is oriented correctly Operation — See theOperation settingstable in this topic Standby Mode Communication Off Communication On Indicates whethertheprojector can bemonitored overanetwork while instandby mode Language Various languages available Selects thelanguage for projector menuandmessage displays (notchanged byReset option) Display settings Setting Description Menu Position Selects theposition ofthe projector menudisplayed onthe screen Messages Controls whethermessages aredisplayed onthe screen Display Background Selects thescreen colororlogo todisplay whennosignal is received Startup Screen Controls whetheraspecial screenappears whentheprojector starts up Standby Confirmation Displays aconfirmation messageafterpressing theStandby button onthe remote control Panel Alignment Corrects colormisalignment inthe projected image Color Uniformity Adjusts thecolor tonebalance Operation settings

115 Setting Description Direct Power On Turns onthe projector whenyouplug itin Sleep Mode Automatically placestheprojector instandby modeafteran interval ofinactivity Sleep ModeTimer Sets thetime before theprojector automatically turnsoff(Sleep Mode mustbeturned on) Illumination Turns offthe lights onthe projector Trigger Out Outputs aDC 12V signal fromthe3.5mm mini-jack Trigger Out port whenever theprojector isturned on High Altitude Mode Regulates theprojector ’s operating temperature ataltitudes above 4921feet(1500 m) Note: TheReset setting doesnotreset theMemory ,Projection ,High Altitude Mode,Standby Mode or Language settings. Parent topic:Adjusting theMenu Settings Related concepts Projection Modes Related references Available ImageAspect Ratios Related tasks Using theHome Screen Selecting ExternalNetworkDetection Settings Using Picture inPicture Adjusting theColor Convergence (PanelAlignment) Connecting toaTrigger OutPort

116 Projector NetworkSettings-Network Menu Settings onthe Network menuletyou view network information andsetupthe projector formonitoring and control overanetwork. Setting Options Description Wireless LANPower On Off Enable ordisable wireless communication Net. Info-Wireless LAN Connection mode Wireless LANSys. Antenna level Projector Name SSID DHCP IP Address Subnet Mask Gateway Address MAC Address Region Code Displays wirelessnetworkstatus and details

117 Setting Options Description Net. Info-Wired LAN Projector Name DHCP IP Address Subnet Mask Gateway Address MAC Address Displays wirednetwork status and details Display theQRCode — Displays theQR Code Network Configuration Accesses additional network menus Configures yournetwork settings Parent topic:Adjusting theMenu Settings Projector Information Display-Info Menu You candisplay information abouttheprojector andinput sources byviewing theInfo menu. However, you cannot change anysettings inthe menu. Note: Toview thefirmware versionofthe projector orother components, selectVersion .

118 Note: Available settingsdependonthe current inputsource. Thelamp usage timerdoesnotregister any hours untilyouhave usedthelamp foratleast 10hours. Projector Infoinformation Information item Description Lamp Hours Displays thenumber ofhours (H )the lamp hasbeen used Source Displays thename ofthe port towhich thecurrent inputsource is connected Input Signal Displays theinput signal setting ofthe current inputsource Resolution Displays theresolution ofthe current inputsource Scan Mode Displays thescan mode ofthe current inputsource Refresh Rate Displays therefresh rateofthe current inputsource 3D Format Displays theformat ofthe 3Dsignal Sync Info Displays information thatmay beneeded byaservice technician Color Depth Displays thecolor depth andcolor difference Color Format Displays information aboutthecolor space anddynamic range Status Displays information aboutprojector problems thatmay beneeded by aservice technician Serial Number Displays theprojectors serialnumber Event ID Displays theEvent IDnumber corresponding toaspecific projector problem; seethelistofEvent IDcodes Event IDCode List Parent topic:Adjusting theMenu Settings Related tasks Replacing theLamp Resetting theLamp Timer Event IDCode List If the Event IDoption onthe Info menu displays acode number, checkthislistofEvent IDcodes forthe solution tothe projector problemassociated withthecode.

119 Event IDcode Cause andsolution 0022 Unstable networkcommunication. Checkthenetwork communication status,waita few moments, andtryconnecting tothe network again. 0027 0028 0029 0030 0031 0035 0434 0482 0484 0485 0432 Turn theprojector offand then onagain. 0435 0433 Cannot displaythetransferred images.Restartthenetwork software. 0484 Communication withcomputer wasdisconnected. Restartthenetwork software. 04FE The network software quitunexpectedly. Checkthenetwork communication status, then turntheprojector offand then onagain. 0479 04FF A projector systemerrorhasoccurred. Turntheprojector offand then onagain. 0891 Cannot findanaccess pointwiththesame SSID. Setyour computer, accesspoint, and projector tothe same SSID. 0892 The WPA/WPA2 authentication typedoes notmatch. Makesurethewireless network securitysettingsarecorrect. 0894 Communication withunauthorized accesspointwasdisconnected. Contactyour network administrator. 0898 Failed toacquire DHCP.MakesuretheDHCP serverisoperating correctly.Ifyou are notusing DHCP, turnoffthe DHCP setting inthe Network menus.

120 Event IDcode Cause andsolution 0020 Communication error.Turntheprojector offand then onagain. 0026 0032 0036 0037 0038 0899 Parent topic:Projector Information Display-Info Menu Projector ResetOptions -Reset Menu You canreset mostofthe projector settingstotheir default valuesusingtheReset AllConfig optionon the Reset menu. You canreset theprojectors lampusage timertozero when youreplace thelamp using theReset Lamp Hours option, resetthelens position entriesusingtheReset LensPosition option,andreset all memory entriesusingtheReset Memory option.