Epson Powerlite D6150 Multimedia Projector Users Guide
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Note: Ifyou setStandby ModetoCommunication On,you canuseaWeb browser toselect settings and control projection evenifthe projector isin standby mode.Youcannot selectallofthe projector menu settings orcontrol allprojector functions usingaweb browser. 1. Make suretheprojector isturned on. 2. Start yourwebbrowser onacomputer connected tothe network. 3. Type theprojectors IPaddress intothebrowsers addressboxand press thecomputers Enterkey. You seetheWeb Control screen. 4. Toselect projector menusettings, selectthename ofthe menu andfollow theon-screen instructions to select settings. 5. Tocontrol theprojection remotely,selecttheWeb Remote option. You seethisscreen: 1 Power buttoncontrol 2 Selects Computer portsource 3 Selects Video,S-Video ,and HDMI portsources 4 Freeze buttoncontrol 5 A/V Mute button control 61

6 Page Upand Page Down button controls 7 Searches forsources 8 Selects thenetwork source 9 Selects theUSB device source 10 Volume buttoncontrols 6. Select theicon corresponding tothe projector functionyouwant tocontrol. Parent topic:UsingtheProjector onaNetwork Crestron RoomView Support If you areusing theCrestron RoomView networkmonitoring andcontrol system, youcansetupyour projector foruse onthe system. Crestron RoomView letsyou control andmonitor yourprojector usinga web browser. Note: Youcannot usetheEpson WebControl featureorthe Message Broadcasting plug-inforEasyMP Monitor whenyouuseCrestron RoomView. For additional information onCrestron RoomView, contactCrestron. Setting UpCrestron RoomView Support Controlling aNetworked ProjectorUsingCrestron RoomView Parent topic:UsingtheProjector onaNetwork Setting UpCrestron RoomView Support To set upyour projector formonitoring andcontrol usingaCrestron RoomView system,makesureyour computer andprojector areconnected tothe network. Ifyou areconnecting wirelessly,setupthe projector usingtheAdvanced networkconnection mode. 1. Press theMenu button onthe remote control. 2. Select theNetwork menuandpress Enter. 3. Select Network Configuration andpress Enter. 62

4. Select theOthers menuandpress Enter. 5. SettheRoomView settingtoOn toallow theprojector tobe detected. 6. When youfinish selecting settings,selectComplete andfollow theon-screen instructions tosave your settings andexitthemenus. 7. Turn offthe projector, thenturniton again toenable theRoomView setting. Parent topic:Crestron RoomView Support Controlling aNetworked ProjectorUsingCrestron RoomView Once youhave setupyour projector touse Crestron RoomView, youcancontrol andmonitor projection using acompatible webbrowser. 1. Start yourwebbrowser onacomputer connected tothe network. 2. Type theprojectors IPaddress intothebrowsers addressboxand press thecomputers Enterkey. You seethisscreen: 63

3. Select theinput source thatyouwant tocontrol inthe Sources Listbox. Youcanscroll through available sourcesusingtheupand down arrows inthe box. 4. Tocontrol projection remotely,clicktheon-screen buttonsthatcorrespond tothe projectors remote control buttons. Youcanscroll through buttonoptions atthe bottom ofthe screen. Note: These on-screen buttonsdonot directly correspond tothe projectors remotecontrolbuttons: • OK acts asthe Enter button • Menu displays theConfiguration menu 5. Toview information abouttheprojector, clicktheInfo tab. 6. Tochange projector, Crestron,andpassword settings,clicktheTools tab,select settings onthe displayed screen,andclick Send . 7. When youfinish selecting settings,clickExittoexit theprogram. Parent topic:Crestron RoomView Support 64

Using BasicProjector Features Follow theinstructions inthese sections touse your projectors basicfeatures. Turning Onthe Projector Turning Offthe Projector Selecting theLanguage forthe Projector Menus Adjusting theImage Height Image Shape Resizing theImage WiththeZoom Ring Focusing theImage UsingtheFocus Ring Remote ControlOperation Selecting anImage Source Projection Modes Image Aspect Ratio Color Mode Controlling theVolume WiththeVolume Buttons Projecting aSlide Show Turning Onthe Projector Turn onthe computer orvideo equipment youwant touse before youturn onthe projector soitcan display theimage source. 65

1. Connect thepower cordtothe projectors powerinlet. 2. Plug thepower cordintoanelectrical outlet. The projectors powerlightturns orange. Thisindicates thattheprojector isreceiving power,butis not yetturned on. Note: WithDirect Power Onturned on,theprojector turnsonassoon asyou plug itin. 3. Press thepower button onthe projector orthe remote controltoturn onthe projector. The projector beepsandthepower lightflashes greenasthe projector warmsup.After about 30 seconds, thepower lightstops flashing andturns green. Warning: Neverlookintotheprojector lenswhen thelamp ison. This candamage youreyes andis especially dangerous forchildren andpets. 66

If you donot see aprojected imagerightaway, trythe following: • Turn onthe connected computerorvideo device. • Insert aDVD orother video media, andpress thePlay button (ifnecessary). • Press theSource Searchbuttononthe projector orremote controltodetect thevideo source. Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features Related references Projector SetupSettings -Extended Menu Turning Offthe Projector Before turning offthe projector, shutdown anycomputer connected toitso you canseethecomputer display duringshutdown. Note: Turnoffthis product whennotinuse toprolong thelifeofthe projector. Lamplifewill vary depending uponmode selected, environmental conditions,andusage. Brightness decreasesovertime. 1. Press thepower button onthe projector orthe remote control. The projector displaysashutdown confirmation screen. 2. Press thepower button again.(Toleave iton, press anyother button.) The projector beepstwice,thelamp turns off,and thepower lightturns orange. Note: WithEpsons InstantOfftechnology, thereisno cool-down periodsoyou canpack upthe projector fortransport rightaway. Caution: Donot turn theprojector onimmediately afterturning itoff. Turning theprojector onand off frequently mayshorten thelifeofthe lamp. 67

3. Totransport orstore theprojector, makesurethepower lightisorange (butnotflashing), then unplug thepower cord. Caution: Toavoid damaging theprojector orlamp, never unplug thepower cordwhen thepower light isgreen orflashing orange. Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features Selecting theLanguage forthe Projector Menus If you want toview theprojectors menusandmessages inanother language, youcanchange the Language setting. 1. Turn onthe projector. 2. Press theMenu button. 68

3. Press thedown arrow button toselect theExtended menuandpress Enter. Note: TheNetwork menudoesnotappear onnon-network projectormodels. 4. Press thedown arrow button toselect theLanguage settingandpress Enter. 5. Select thelanguage youwant touse and press Enter. 6. Press Menu orEsc toexit themenus. Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features Adjusting theImage Height If you areprojecting fromatable orother flatsurface, andtheimage istoo high orlow, youcanadjust the image heightusingtheprojectors adjustablefoot. 1. Turn onthe projector anddisplay animage. 69

2. Toadjust thefront foot,pulluponthe foot release leverandliftthe front ofthe projector. The footextends fromtheprojector. 3. Release thelever tolock thefoot. If the projected imageisunevenly rectangular, youneed toadjust theimage shape. Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features Related concepts Image Shape Related references Projector FeatureSettings -Settings Menu Image Shape You canproject anevenly rectangular imagebyplacing theprojector directlyinfront ofthe center ofthe screen andkeeping itlevel. Ifyou place theprojector atan angle tothe screen, ortilted upordown, oroff to the side, youmay need tocorrect theimage shape forthe best display quality. Correcting ImageShape WithQuick Corner Correcting ImageShape WiththeKeystone Buttons Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features Correcting ImageShape WithQuick Corner You canusetheprojectors QuickCorner settingtocorrect theshape andsize ofan image thatis unevenly rectangular onallsides. 70