Epson Powerlite D6150 Multimedia Projector Users Guide
Have a look at the manual Epson Powerlite D6150 Multimedia Projector Users Guide online for free. It’s possible to download the document as PDF or print. offer 1734 Epson manuals and user’s guides for free. Share the user manual or guide on Facebook, Twitter or Google+. If you usethezlib library inaproduct, wewould appreciate *not*receiving lengthylegaldocuments to sign. Thesources areprovided forfree butwithout warranty ofany kind. Thelibrary hasbeen entirely written byJean-loup GaillyandMark Adler; itdoes notinclude third-party code. If you redistribute modifiedsources,wewould appreciate thatyouinclude inthe fileChangeLog history information documenting yourchanges. libmd5-rfc This projector productincludes theopen source software programlibmd5-rfc whichapplies theterms and conditions providedbyowner ofthe copyright tothe libmd5-rfc. The libmd5-rfc areWITHOUT ANYWARRANTY; withouteventheimplied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ANDFITNESS FORAPARTICULAR PURPOSE. List oflibmd5-rfc programs libmd5-rfc License termsofconditions ofeach program whichareprovided byowner ofthe copyright tothe libmd5-rfc areasfollows. Copyright ©)1999, 2002Aladdin Enterprises. Allrights reserved. This software isprovided as-is,without anyexpress orimplied warranty. Inno event willthe authors be held liable forany damages arisingfromtheuse ofthis software. Permission isgranted toanyone touse thissoftware forany purpose, including commercial applications, and toalter itand redistribute itfreely, subject tothe following restrictions: 1. The origin ofthis software mustnotbemisrepresented; youmust notclaim thatyouwrote theoriginal software. Ifyou usethissoftware inaproduct, anacknowledgment inthe product documentation would be appreciated butisnot required. 2. Altered sourceversions mustbeplainly marked assuch, andmust notbemisrepresented asbeing the original software. 3. This notice maynotberemoved oraltered fromanysource distribution. L. Peter Deutsch Independent implementation ofMD5 (RFC 1321). This code implements theMD5 Algorithm definedinRFC 1321, whose textisavailable at 191

The code isderived fromthetext ofthe RFC, including thetest suite (section A.5)butexcluding therest of Appendix A.Itdoes notinclude anycode ordocumentation thatisidentified inthe RFC asbeing copyrighted. The original andprincipal authorofmd5.h isL. Peter Deutsch .Other authors are noted inthe change historythatfollows (inreverse chronological order): 2002-04-13 lpdRemoved supportfornon- ANSI compilers; removed references toGhostscript; clarifiedderivation fromRFC 1321; nowhandles byteorder either statically or dynamically. 1999-11-04 lpdEdited comments slightlyforautomatic TOCextraction. 1999-10-18 lpdFixed typoinheader comment (ansi2knr ratherthanmd5); added conditionalization forC++ compilation fromMartin Purschke . 1999-05-03 lpdOriginal version. mDNSResponder This projector productincludes theopen source software programmDNSResponder whichapplies the following licensetermsApache LicenseVersion2.0,January 2004. List ofmDNSResponder mDNSResponder-107.6 (onlymDNSResponderPosix isused) License termsApache LicenseVersion2.0,January 2004areasfollows. Apache License Version 2.0,January 2004 TERMS ANDCONDITIONS FORUSE, REPRODUCTION, ANDDISTRIBUTION 1. Definitions. License shallmean theterms andconditions foruse, reproduction, anddistribution asdefined by Sections 1through 9of this document. Licensor shallmean thecopyright ownerorentity authorized bythe copyright ownerthatisgranting the License. Legal Entity shallmean theunion ofthe acting entityandallother entities thatcontrol, arecontrolled by, orare under common controlwiththatentity. Forthepurposes ofthis definition, controlmeans(I) the power, directorindirect, tocause thedirection ormanagement ofsuch entity, whether bycontract or 192

otherwise, or(ii) ownership offifty percent (50%)ormore ofthe outstanding shares,or(iii) beneficial ownership ofsuch entity. You (orYour) shallmean anindividual orLegal Entity exercising permissions grantedbythis License. Source formshall mean thepreferred formformaking modifications, includingbutnotlimited to software sourcecode,documentation source,andconfiguration files. Object formshall mean anyform resulting frommechanical transformation ortranslation ofaSource form, including butnotlimited tocompiled objectcode,generated documentation, andconversions to other media types. Work shallmean thework ofauthorship, whetherinSource orObject form,made available underthe License, asindicated byacopyright noticethatisincluded inor attached tothe work (anexample is provided inthe Appendix below). Derivative Worksshallmean anywork, whether inSource orObject form,thatisbased on(or derived from) theWork andforwhich theeditorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, orother modifications represent, asawhole, anoriginal workofauthorship. Forthepurposes ofthis License, Derivative Works shall notinclude worksthatremain separable from,ormerely link(orbind byname) tothe interfaces of, the Work andDerivative Worksthereof. Contribution shallmean anywork ofauthorship, includingtheoriginal versionofthe Work andany modifications oradditions tothat Work orDerivative Worksthereof, thatisintentionally submittedto Licensor forinclusion inthe Work bythe copyright ownerorby an individual orLegal Entity authorized to submit onbehalf ofthe copyright owner.Forthepurposes ofthis definition, submitted meansanyform of electronic, verbal,orwritten communication senttothe Licensor orits representatives, includingbut not limited tocommunication onelectronic mailinglists,source codecontrol systems, andissue tracking systems thataremanaged by,oron behalf of,the Licensor forthe purpose ofdiscussing andimproving the Work, butexcluding communication thatisconspicuously markedorotherwise designated inwriting by the copyright ownerasNot aContribution. Contributor shallmean Licensor andanyindividual orLegal Entity onbehalf ofwhom aContribution has been received byLicensor andsubsequently incorporatedwithintheWork. 2. Grant ofCopyright License.Subjecttothe terms andconditions ofthis License, eachContributor hereby grantstoYou aperpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge,royalty-free, irrevocable copyright licensetoreproduce, prepareDerivative Worksof,publicly display, publiclyperform, sublicense, anddistribute theWork andsuch Derivative WorksinSource orObject form. 3. Grant ofPatent License. Subjecttothe terms andconditions ofthis License, eachContributor hereby grants toYou aperpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge,royalty-free, irrevocable(exceptas stated inthis section) patentlicense tomake, havemade, use,offer tosell, sell,import, andotherwise transfer theWork, where suchlicense applies onlytothose patent claims licensable bysuch Contributor that arenecessarily infringedbytheir Contribution(s) aloneorby combination oftheir Contribution(s) with the Work towhich suchContribution(s) wassubmitted. IfYou institute patentlitigation againstanyentity 193

(including across-claim orcounterclaim inalawsuit) alleging thattheWork oraContribution incorporated withintheWork constitutes directorcontributory patentinfringement, thenanypatent licenses grantedtoYou under thisLicense forthat Work shallterminate asofthe date such litigation is filed. 4. Redistribution. Youmay reproduce anddistribute copiesofthe Work orDerivative Worksthereof in any medium, withorwithout modifications, andinSource orObject form,provided thatYou meet the following conditions: (a) You must giveanyother recipients ofthe Work orDerivative Worksacopy ofthis License; and (b) You must cause anymodified filestocarry prominent noticesstatingthatYou changed thefiles; and © )You must retain, inthe Source formofany Derivative WorksthatYou distribute, allcopyright, patent, trademark, andattribution noticesfromtheSource formofthe Work, excluding thosenotices thatdonot pertain toany part ofthe Derivative Works;and (d) Ifthe Work includes aNOTICE textfileaspart ofits distribution, thenanyDerivative WorksthatYou distribute mustinclude areadable copyofthe attribution noticescontained withinsuchNOTICE file, excluding thosenotices thatdonot pertain toany part ofthe Derivative Works,inat least oneofthe following places:withinaNOTICE textfiledistributed aspart ofthe Derivative Works;withintheSource form ordocumentation, ifprovided alongwiththeDerivative Works;or,within adisplay generated bythe Derivative Works,ifand wherever suchthird-party noticesnormally appear.Thecontents ofthe NOTICE file are forinformational purposesonlyanddonot modify theLicense. Youmay addYour ownattribution notices withinDerivative WorksthatYou distribute, alongsideoras an addendum tothe NOTICE text from theWork, provided thatsuch additional attribution noticescannotbeconstrued asmodifying the License. You may addYour owncopyright statement toYour modifications andmay provide additional ordifferent license termsandconditions foruse, reproduction, ordistribution ofYour modifications, orfor any such Derivative Worksasawhole, provided Youruse,reproduction, anddistribution ofthe Work otherwise complies withtheconditions statedinthis License. 5. Submission ofContributions. UnlessYouexplicitly stateotherwise, anyContribution intentionally submitted forinclusion inthe Work byYou tothe Licensor shallbeunder theterms andconditions ofthis License, withoutanyadditional termsorconditions. Notwithstanding theabove, nothing hereinshallsupersede ormodify theterms ofany separate license agreement youmay have executed withLicensor regarding suchContributions. 6. Trademarks. ThisLicense doesnotgrant permission touse thetrade names, trademarks, service marks, orproduct namesofthe Licensor, exceptasrequired forreasonable andcustomary usein describing theorigin ofthe Work andreproducing thecontent ofthe NOTICE file. 7. Disclaimer ofWarranty. Unlessrequired byapplicable laworagreed toinwriting, Licensor provides the Work (andeach Contributor providesitsContributions) onanAS ISBASIS, WITHOUT 194

WARRANTIES ORCONDITIONS OFANY KIND, eitherexpress orimplied, including, withoutlimitation, any warranties orconditions ofTITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY,orFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.Youaresolely responsible fordetermining theappropriateness ofusing or redistributing theWork andassume anyrisks associated withYour exercise ofpermissions underthis License. 8. Limitation ofLiability. Inno event andunder nolegal theory, whether intort (including negligence), contract, orotherwise, unlessrequired byapplicable law(such asdeliberate andgrossly negligent acts) or agreed toinwriting, shallanyContributor beliable toYou fordamages, includinganydirect, indirect, special, incidental, orconsequential damagesofany character arisingasaresult ofthis License orout of the use orinability touse theWork (including butnotlimited todamages forloss ofgoodwill, work stoppage, computerfailureormalfunction, orany and allother commercial damagesorlosses), evenif such Contributor hasbeen advised ofthe possibility ofsuch damages. 9. Accepting WarrantyorAdditional Liability.Whileredistributing theWork orDerivative Worksthereof, You may choose tooffer, andcharge afee for, acceptance ofsupport, warranty, indemnity, orother liability obligations and/orrightsconsistent withthisLicense. However, inaccepting suchobligations, You may actonly onYour ownbehalf andonYour soleresponsibility, notonbehalf ofany other Contributor, andonly ifYou agree toindemnify, defend,andhold each Contributor harmlessforany liability incurred by,orclaims asserted against,suchContributor byreason ofyour accepting anysuch warranty oradditional liability. END OFTERMS ANDCONDITIONS APPENDIX: Howtoapply theApache License toyour work. To apply theApache License toyour work, attach thefollowing boilerplate notice,withthefields enclosed bybrackets []replaced withyour ownidentifying information. (Dontinclude thebrackets!) The textshould beenclosed inthe appropriate commentsyntaxforthe fileformat. Wealso recommend that afile orclass name anddescription ofpurpose beincluded onthe same printed pageasthe copyright noticeforeasier identification withinthird-party archives. Copyright [yyyy][name ofcopyright owner] Licensed undertheApache License, Version2.0(the License); you may notuse thisfileexcept incompliance withtheLicense. You may obtain acopy ofthe License at Unless required byapplicable laworagreed toinwriting, software distributed undertheLicense is distributed onanAS ISBASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES ORCONDITIONS OFANY KIND, either express orimplied. See theLicense forthe specific language governing permissions andlimitations undertheLicense. 195

Parent topic:Notices Copyright Notice All rights reserved. Nopart ofthis publication maybereproduced, storedinaretrieval system,or transmitted inany form orby any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording,orotherwise, without theprior written permission ofSeiko Epson Corporation. Theinformation containedhereinis designed onlyforuse with thisEpson product. Epsonisnot responsible forany useofthis information as applied toother products. Neither SeikoEpson Corporation noritsaffiliates shallbeliable tothe purchaser ofthis product orthird parties fordamages, losses,costs,orexpenses incurredbypurchaser orthird parties asaresult of: accident, misuse,orabuse ofthis product orunauthorized modifications, repairs,oralterations tothis product, or(excluding theU.S.) failure tostrictly comply withSeiko Epson Corporations operatingand maintenance instructions. Seiko Epson Corporation shallnotbeliable forany damages orproblems arisingfromtheuse ofany options orany consumable productsotherthanthose designated asOriginal EpsonProducts orEpson Approved ProductsbySeiko Epson Corporation. Copyright Attribution Parent topic:Notices Copyright Attribution This information issubject tochange withoutnotice. © 2011 Epson America, Inc. 1/11 CPD-33699 Parent topic:Copyright Notice 196