Epson Powerlite D6150 Multimedia Projector Users Guide
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Locking theProjector s Buttons You canlock thebuttons onthe projectors controlpaneltoprevent anyonefromusing theprojector. You can lock allthe buttons orall the buttons exceptthepower button. 1. Press theMenu button. 2. Select theSettings menuandpress Enter. 3. Select theControl PanelLocksetting andpress Enter. 4. Select oneofthese locktypes andpress Enter: • To lock allofthe projectors buttons,selectFullLock . • To lock allbuttons exceptthepower button, selectPartial Lock. You seeaconfirmation prompt. 5. Select Yesandpress Enter. Unlocking theProjector s Buttons Parent topic:Projector SecurityFeatures Unlocking theProjector s Buttons If the projectors buttonshavebeen locked, holdtheEnter button onthe projectors controlpanelfor seven seconds tounlock them. Parent topic:Locking theProjector s Buttons 101

Installing aSecurity Cable You caninstall twotypes ofsecurity cablesonthe projector todeter theft. • Use thesecurity slotonthe back ofthe projector toattach aKensington MicrosaverSecuritysystem, available fromEpson. • Use thesecurity cableattachment pointonthe projector toattach awire cable andsecure itto aroom fixture orheavy furniture. Parent topic:Projector SecurityFeatures Related references Projector Parts-Rear Projector Identification SystemforMultiple Projector Control You canoperate multiple projectors usingoneremote controlformore elaborate presentations. Todo this, youassign anidentification numbertoeach projector andtothe remote control. Thenyoucan operate allthe projectors atonce orindividually. You canalso match thecolors displayed byany projectors youplan touse near each other. Caution: Leaveatleast twofeet (60cm) ofspace between theprojectors toprevent themfrom overheating. Setting theProjector ID 102

Setting theRemote ControlID Matching Multiple-Projector DisplayQuality Parent topic:Adjusting ProjectorFeatures Setting theProjector ID If you want tocontrol multiple projectors fromaremote control, giveeach projector aunique ID. 1. Press theMenu button. 2. Select theExtended menuandpress Enter. 3. Select Projector IDand press Enter. 4. Use thearrow buttons onthe remote controltoselect theidentification numberyouwant touse for the projector. Thenpress Enter. Repeat thesestepsforallthe other projectors youwant tooperate fromoneremote control. Parent topic:Projector Identification SystemforMultiple Projector Control Setting theRemote ControlID The remote controls IDisset tozero bydefault soitcan operate anycompatible projector.Ifyou want to set the remote controltooperate onlyaparticular projector, youneed toset the remote controls IDto match theprojectors ID. 1. Turn onthe projector youwant theremote controltooperate withexclusively. 2. Make sureyouknow theprojectors IDnumber asset inthe Extended menuProjector IDsetting. 103

3. Aim theremote controlatthat projector. 4. Hold down theIDbutton onthe remote controlwhileyoupress thenumeric buttonthatmatches the projectors ID.Then release thebuttons. 5. Press theIDbutton onthe remote controltocheck ifthe ID-setting processworked. You seeamessage displayed bythe projector. • Ifthe remote controlislisted asOn ,the remote controlIDisset tooperate onlythelisted projector. • Ifthe remote controlislisted asOff ,the remote controlIDisnot setproperly. Repeatthesteps above toset the IDtomatch theprojector youwant tocontrol. Note: Youmust setthe remote controlIDtomatch theprojector IDeach timeyouturn onthe projector youhave setitto control. Parent topic:Projector Identification SystemforMultiple Projector Control Matching Multiple-Projector DisplayQuality You canmatch thedisplay qualityofmultiple projectors thatwillproject nexttoeach other. 1. Turn onallthe projectors onwhich youwant tomatch thedisplay quality. 2. SetIDnumbers oneach projector. 3. Make sureallthe projectors areusing thesame Color Mode setting. 4. Itis best tomatch twoprojectors atatime, soset the remote controlIDtomatch thefirst projector. 104

5. Press theMenu button, selecttheExtended menu,andpress Enter. 6. Select theMulti-screen settingandpress Enter. 7. SettheAdjustment Levelsetting to1and press Enter. 8. Settheremote controlIDtomatch thesecond projector. 9. Access theExtended menuMulti-screen settingonthe second projector andsetthe Adjustment Level setting to1. 10. Adjust theBrightness Correct.settingonthe projector withthedarkest displaysoitmatches the lighter display, andpress Enter.(You mayneed toswitch theremote controlIDback andforth to make adjustments toeach projector inall ofthese steps.) 11. Change theAdjustment Levelsetting to5on each projector, butthis time match thelighter display to the darker one. 12. Adjust theBrightness Correct.settingonAdjustment Level2,3 ,and 4in the same way. 13. Adjust theColor Correct. settingsforgreen-to-red (G/R )and blue-to-yellow (B/Y )balance forallthe levels onboth projectors inthe same way. 14. Ifyou need tomatch moreprojectors, repeatthesestepsmatching projector3to projector 2,4to 3, and soon. Parent topic:Projector Identification SystemforMultiple Projector Control 105

Projecting TwoImages Simultaneously You canusethesplit screen feature tosimultaneously projecttwoimages fromdifferent imagesources next toeach other. Youcancontrol thesplit screen feature usingtheremote controlorthe projector menus. Note: Whileyouusethesplit screen feature, otherprojector featuresmaynotbeavailable andsome settings maybeautomatically appliedtoboth images. 1. Press theSplit button onthe remote control. The currently selectedinputsource movestothe leftside ofthe screen. 2. Press theMenu button. You seethisscreen: 3. Toselect aninput source forthe other image, selecttheSource setting,pressEnter,select the input source, selectExecute ,and press Enter.(You canalso change imagesources, ifnecessary.) 4. Toswitch theimages, selecttheSwap Screens settingandpress Enter. 106

5. Tochange theimage sizes,select theScreen Sizesetting, pressEnter,select asizing option, press Enter,and press Menu toexit. Note: Depending onthe video inputsignals, theimages maynotappear atthe same sizeeven ifyou choose theEqual setting. 6. Tochoose theaudio youwant tohear, select theAudio Source setting,pressEnter,select an audio option, pressEnter,and press Menu toexit. Note: Select Autotohear audio fromthelargest screen orthe leftscreen. 7. Toexit thesplit screen feature, presstheSplit orEsc button. Parent topic:Adjusting ProjectorFeatures Related references Input Signal Settings -Signal Menu 107

Adjusting theMenu Settings Follow theinstructions inthese sections toaccess theprojector menusystem andchange projector settings. Note: TheNetwork menudoesnotappear onnon-network projectormodels. Using theProjector s Menus Image Quality Settings -Image Menu Input Signal Settings -Signal Menu Projector FeatureSettings -Settings Menu Projector SetupSettings -Extended Menu Projector NetworkSettings-Network Menu Projector Information Display-Info Menu Projector ResetOptions -Reset Menu Using theProjector s Menus You canusetheprojectors menustoadjust thesettings thatcontrol howyour projector works.The projector displaysthemenus onthe screen. 1. Press theMenu button onthe control panelorremote control. 108

You seethemenu screen displaying theImage menusettings. 2. Press theupordown arrow buttons tomove through themenus listedonthe left. The settings for each menu aredisplayed onthe right. Note: Theavailable settingsdependonthe current inputsource. 3. Tochange settings inthe displayed menu,pressEnter. 4. Press theupordown arrow button tomove through thesettings. 5. Change thesettings usingthebuttons listedonthe bottom ofthe menu screens. 6. Toreturn allthe menu settings totheir default values, selectReset. 7. When youfinish changing settingsonamenu, pressEsc. 109

8. Press Menu orEsc toexit themenus. Parent topic:Adjusting theMenu Settings Image Quality Settings -Image Menu Settings onthe Image menuletyou adjust thequality ofyour image forthe input source youarecurrently using. Theavailable settingsdependonthe currently selectedinputsource. To change settings foraninput source, makesurethesource isconnected andselect thatsource. Setting Options Description Color Mode See thelistofavailable Color Adjusts thevividness ofimage Modes colors forvarious imagetypes and environments Brightness Varying levelsavailable Lightens ordarkens theoverall image Contrast Varying levelsavailable Adjusts thedifference between light anddark areas ofthe image Color Saturation Varying levelsavailable Adjusts theintensity ofthe image colors Tint Varying levelsavailable Adjusts thebalance ofgreen to magenta tonesinthe image 110