Epson Powerlite D6150 Multimedia Projector Users Guide
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Parent topic:Starting aSlide Show orPresentation 91

Adjusting ProjectorFeatures Follow theinstructions inthese sections touse your projectors featureadjustments. Shutting Offthe Picture andSound Temporarily Stopping VideoAction Temporarily Zooming Intoand OutofImages Projector SecurityFeatures Projector Identification SystemforMultiple Projector Control Projecting TwoImages Simultaneously Shutting Offthe Picture andSound Temporarily You cantemporarily turnoffthe projected pictureandsound ifyou want toredirect youraudiences attention duringapresentation. Anysound orvideo action continues torun, however, soyou cannot resume projection atthe point thatyoustopped it. If you want todisplay animage suchasacompany logoorpicture whenthepresentation isstopped, you can setupthis feature usingtheprojectors menus. 1. Press theA/V Mute button onthe remote controltotemporarily stopprojection andmute anysound. 2. Toturn thepicture andsound backon,press A/VMute again. Parent topic:Adjusting ProjectorFeatures Related references Projector SetupSettings -Extended Menu 92

Stopping VideoAction Temporarily You cantemporarily stoptheaction inavideo orcomputer presentation andkeep thecurrent imageon the screen. Anysound orvideo action continues torun, however, soyou cannot resume projection atthe point thatyoustopped it. 1. Press theFreeze buttononthe remote controltostop thevideo action. 2. Torestart thevideo action inprogress, pressFreeze again. Parent topic:Adjusting ProjectorFeatures Zooming IntoandOutofImages You candraw attention toparts ofapresentation byzooming intoaportion ofthe image andenlarging it on the screen. 93

1. Press theE-Zoom +button onthe remote control. You seeacrosshair onthe screen indicating thecenter ofthe zoom area. 2. Use thefollowing buttonsonthe remote controltoadjust thezoomed image: • Use thearrow buttons toposition thecrosshair inthe image areayouwant tozoom into. • Press theE-Zoom +button repeatedly tozoom intotheimage area,enlarging itup tofour times. • To pan around thezoomed imagearea,usethearrow buttons. • To zoom outofthe image, presstheE-Zoom –button asnecessary. • To return tothe original imagesize,press Esc. Parent topic:Adjusting ProjectorFeatures Projector SecurityFeatures You cansecure yourprojector toprevent theftorunintended usebysetting upthe following security features: • Password securitytoprevent theprojector frombeing turned on,and prevent changes tothe startup screen andother settings. • Button locksecurity toblock operation ofthe projector usingthebuttons onthe control panel. • Security cablingtophysically cabletheprojector inplace. Password SecurityTypes Locking theProjector s Buttons 94

Installing aSecurity Cable Parent topic:Adjusting ProjectorFeatures Password SecurityTypes You cansetupthese typesofpassword securityusingoneshared password: • Power OnProtect password preventsanyonefromusing theprojector withoutfirstentering a password. • Users LogoProtect password preventsanyonefromchanging thecustom screentheprojector can display whenitturns onorwhen youusetheA/V Mute feature. Thepresence ofthe custom screen discourages theftbyidentifying theprojector ’s owner. • Network Protectpassword preventsanyonefromchanging thenetwork settingsinthe projector menus. Setting aPassword Selecting Password SecurityTypes Entering aPassword toUse theProjector Saving aUser s Logo Image toDisplay Parent topic:Projector SecurityFeatures Setting aPassword To use password security,youmust setapassword. 1. Hold down theFreeze buttononthe remote controluntilyouseethePassword Protectmenu.This takes about fiveseconds. 2. Press thedown arrow toselect Password andpress Enter. 95

You seetheprompt Change thepassword?. 3. Select Yesandpress Enter. 4. Hold down theNum button onthe remote controlandusethenumeric buttonstoset afour-digit password. The password displaysas**** asyou enter it.Then youseetheconfirmation prompt. 5. Enter thepassword again. You seethemessage Password accepted. 6. Press Esctoreturn tothe Password Protectmenu. 7. Make anote ofthe password andkeep itin asafe place incase youforget it. Parent topic:Password SecurityTypes Selecting Password SecurityTypes After setting apassword, youseethePassword Protectmenu.Selectthepassword securitytypesyou want touse. 96

If you donot see thismenu, holddown theFreeze buttononthe remote controlforfive seconds untilthe menu appears. 1. Toprevent unauthorized useofthe projector, selectPower OnProtect ,press Enter,select On, press Enter again, andpress Esc. 2. Toprevent changes tothe Users Logoscreen orrelated display settings, selectUsers Logo Protect ,press Enter,select On,press Enter again, andpress Esc. 3. Toprevent changes tonetwork settings, selectNetwork Protect,press Enter,select On,press Enter again, andpress Esc. You canattach thePassword Protectstickertothe projector asan additional theftdeterrent. Note: Besure tokeep theremote controlinasafe place; ifyou lose it,you willnot beable toenter the password requiredtouse theprojector. Parent topic:Password SecurityTypes Entering aPassword toUse theProjector If a password isset upand aPower OnProtect password isenabled, youseeaprompt toenter a password whenever youturn onthe projector. 97

You must enter thecorrect password touse theprojector. 1. Hold down theNum button onthe remote controlwhileyouenter thepassword usingthenumeric buttons. The password screencloses. 2. Ifthe password isincorrect, thefollowing mayhappen: • You seeawrong password messageandaprompt totry again. Enterthecorrect password to proceed. • Ifthe password isincorrect threetimes, youseeamessage thattheprojector islocked anda request code.Writedown thecode, turntheprojector off,and disconnect thepower cordfrom the projector. Thenreconnect thepower cord,turntheprojector backon,and enter thepassword again. 98

• Ifthe password isincorrect 30times inarow, theprojector remainslocked.Youmust contact Epson forservice andprovide therequest codedisplayed withthelocking message. Parent topic:Password SecurityTypes Saving aUser s Logo Image toDisplay You cantransfer animage tothe projector andthen display itwhenever theprojector turnson.You can also display theimage whentheprojector isnot receiving aninput signal orwhen youtemporarily stop projection (usingtheA/V Mute feature). Thistransferred imageiscalled theUsers Logoscreen. The image youselect asthe Users Logocanbeaphoto, graphic, orcompany logo,which isuseful in identifying theprojectors ownertohelp deter theft.Youcanprevent changes tothe Users Logoby setting uppassword protection forit. 1. Display theimage youwant toproject asthe Users Logo. 2. Press theMenu button, selecttheExtended menu,andpress Enter. 3. Select theUsers Logosetting andpress Enter. You seeaprompt askingifyou want touse thedisplayed imageasausers logo. 4. Select Yesandpress Enter. You seeaselection boxoverlaying yourimage. 5. Use thearrow buttons onthe remote controltosurround theimage areayouwant touse asthe Users Logoandpress Enter. You seeaprompt askingifyou want toselect thisimage area. 99

6. Select Yesandpress Enter.(If you want tochange theselected area,select No,press Enter,and repeat thelast step.) You seetheUsers Logozoom factor menu. 7. Select azoom percentage andpress Enter. You seeaprompt askingifyou want tosave theimage asthe Users Logo. 8. Select Yesandpress Enter. Note: Ittakes afew moments forthe projector tosave theimage; donot use theprojector, itsremote control, orany connected equipment untilitis finished. You seeacompletion message. 9. Press Esctoexit themessage screen. 10. Select theExtended menuandpress Enter. 11. Select Display andpress Enter. 12. Select whenyouwant todisplay theUsers Logoscreen: • To display itwhenever thereisno input signal, selectDisplay Background andsetitto Logo . • To display itwhenever youturn theprojector on,select Startup Screenandsetitto On . • To display itwhenever youpress theA/V Mute button, selectA/VMute andsetitto Logo . To prevent anyonefromchanging theUsers Logosettings withoutfirstentering apassword, seta password andenable UsersLogosecurity. Parent topic:Password SecurityTypes 100