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Edimax Router BR-6574n User Manual

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Page 101

Here are descriptions of every setup items: 
Item Name Description 
WPA Unicast Cipher 
Suite  Please select a type of WPA cipher suite. 
Available options are: WPA (TKIP), WPA2 
(AES), and WPA2 Mixed. You can select one of 
them, but you have to make sure your wireless 
client support the cipher you selected. 
address Input the IP address of RADIUS authentication 
server here. 
RADIUS Server Port Input the port number of RADIUS 
authentication server here. Most of RADIUS 

Page 102

3-4-3 MAC Address Filtering 
This function will help you to prevent unauthorized users from 
connecting to your wireless router; only those wireless devices who have 
the MAC address you assigned here can gain access to your wireless 
router. You can use this function with other security measures described 
in previous section, to create a safer wireless environment. Up to 20 
MAC addresses can be assigned.   
To enable MAC address filtering, please check ‘Enable Wireless Access 
Control’ box in...

Page 103

All MAC address entries will be listed in this page: 
To delete one or more entries listed here, please check the box of the 
mapping entry (under ‘Select’), and click ‘Delete Selected’ button.   
If you wish to delete all mapping entries, click ‘Delete All’ button. To 
deselect all checked boxes, click ‘Reset’ button. 
When you finished with the settings in this page, you can click ‘Apply’ 
button to save changes you made in this page, or you can click ‘Cancel’ 
to discard changes. After you...

Page 104

3-4-4 WPS 
WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) provides a convenient way to establish the 
connection between this broadband router and wireless clients. Any 
WPS-compatible wireless clients can establish secure connection with 
this broadband router with simple push-button type configuration or 
PinCode type configuration. 
Here are descriptions of every setup items: 
Item Name Description 
Enable WPS  Check this box to enable WPS function, 
uncheck it to disable WPS. 
WPS Status  If the wireless...

Page 105

displayed here. 
Authentication Mode  The wireless security authentication mode of 
this wireless router will be displayed here. 
Passphrase Key  The WPA passphrase will be displayed as 
asterisk here. 
Config Mode  Select the WPS configuration role of this 
broadband router.   
Registrar: This broadband router will act as 
WPS registrar and wait for wireless clients to 
send WPS configuration request. 
Enrollee: This broadband router will act as 
WPS enrollee and send WPS configuration 
request to...

Page 106

3-5 Advance  Settings* 
This router provides various network functionalities like QoS and NAT, 
and you can configure these functions in ‘Advanced Settings’ menu. 
Please select the function you wish to set, then click ‘Apply’ button. If 
you wish to go back to previous page, click ‘Previous’ button.  

Page 107

3-5-1 QoS 
Quality of service provides an efficient way for computers on the network 
to share the internet bandwidth with a promised quality of internet service. 
Without QoS, all computers and devices on the network will compete 
with each other to get internet bandwidth, and some applications which 
require guaranteed bandwidth (like video streaming and network 
telephone) will be affected, therefore an unpleasing result will occur, like 
the interruption of video / audio transfer.   
With this...

Page 108

Edit  If you want to modify the content of a specific 
rule, please check the ‘select’ box of the rule 
you want to edit, then click ‘Edit’ button. Only 
one rule should be selected a time! If you 
didn’t select a rule before clicking ‘Edit’ 
button, you’ll be prompted to add a new rule. 
Delete Selected  You can delete selected rules by clicking this 
button. You can select one or more rules to 
delete by check the ‘select’ the box of the 
rule(s) you want to delete a time. If the QoS 
table is empty,...

Page 109

3-5-1-2 Add a new QoS entry 
After you click ‘Add’ button in QoS menu, a new setting page will 
Here are descriptions of every setup items: 
Item Name Description 
Rule Name  Please give a name to this QoS rule (up to 15 
alphanumerical characters). 
Bandwidth  Set the bandwidth limitation of this QoS rule. 
You have to select the data direction of this rule 
(Upload of Download), and the speed of 
bandwidth limitation in Kbps, then select the 
type of QoS: ‘guarantee’ (guaranteed...

Page 110

number that will be affected by this rule. If you 
want to apply this rule on port 80 to 90, please 
input ’80-90’; if you want to apply this rule on 
a single port, just input the port number, like 
Remote IP Address  Specify the remote (destination) IP address that 
will be affected by this rule. Please input the 
starting IP address in the left field, and input 
the end IP address in the right field to define a 
range of IP addresses, or just input the IP 
address in the left field to define a...
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