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Edimax Router BR-6574n User Manual

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Page 141

You can click ‘’ button to connect to the web administration 
interface of the network device, as shown below. (The following picture 
is an example of connecting to an IP camera, you can input its username 
and password to login). 

Page 142

If you want to rescan UPnP devices, click ‘Refresh’ button. 
If you need to set the detailed information of UPnP devices, please click 
‘Advanced’ button, and the following settings will appear: 
You can click ‘?’ icon and a drop-down list will shown, then you can 
select an icon for the network device you selected. For example, if the 
network device you selected is a computer, you can use the person icon to 
represent it. 

Page 143

Here are descriptions of every setup items: 
Item Name Description 
Add Click this button to add a network device, and 
you can set detailed network information like 
name and IP address for it. Click ‘Apply’ 
button to save changes and new setting will 
take effect until next login. 
DEL  Click this button to delete all settings assigned 
to the network device. 
Device Name  You can give this device a name as memory 
aid. Also, if the type of UPnP device is not 
identified by this broadband...

Page 144

to access the network at certain time period. 
Click ‘Set’ button and a new window will 
appear with three time-selection options: 
No Block: Do not block this UPnP device. 
Time Interval: This UPnP device will be 
blocked during the time period you specified. 
Please input ‘from’ and ‘to’ hour in two 
respective fields of this item by 24 hours 
Always: This UPnP device will be blocked 
Click ‘Apply’ to save changes you made, or 
click ‘Cancel’ to close pop-up window and...

Page 145

When you finished with the settings in this page, you can click ‘Apply’ 
button to save changes you made in this page, or you can click ‘Cancel’ 
to discard changes. After you click ‘Apply’ button, you’ll see the 
following messages: 
Please click ‘Apply’ to save changes you made and restart the broadband 
router, this requires about 30 seconds and the broadband router will stop 
responding (this is normal and is not malfunction). You can reconnect to 
this broadband router and continue on other...

Page 146

Chapter V : Status 
In this menu, you can check the operation status of this broadband router. 
To view the status, follow the following instructions: 
1. Click ‘Status’ button from main menu: 
2. The basic system information will be shown: 

Page 147

You can check the system uptime and firmware version of this broadband 
router. If you need detailed information about Internet connection or 
system usage log, please choose one of them and click ‘Apply’. If you 
want to go back to previous page, please click ‘Previous’. 

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5-1 Internet Connection 
This page shows the current status of Internet connection. 

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5-2 Device Status 
This page shows current wireless LAN and wired LAN configuration. 

Page 150

5-3 System Log 
This page shows all logged system information. You can use scroll bar to 
view the logs, or click ‘Save’ to download the log file to your computer. 
You can also click ‘Clear’ to remove all logs, or click ‘Refresh’ to reload 
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