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Edimax Router BR-6424n User Manual

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Page 131

Here are descriptions of every setup items: 
Item Name Description 
Protocol  Please select the protocol type of this service: 
TCP or UDP, or ‘Both’. 
Port Range  Please input the port range if this service. For 
a single port number, just input the number of 
service port (like ‘110’).   
If this service consists multiple continuous 
ports, you can input ‘110-120’ for port number 
110 to 120, or ’110,115,120’ for port number 
110, 115, and 120. 
Click ‘Add’ to add this IP address...

Page 132

3-5-3-2 URL Blocking 
If you want to prevent computers in local network from accessing certain 
website (like pornography, violence, or anything you want to block), you 
can use this function to stop computers in local network from accessing 
the site you defined here. 
This function is useful for parents and company managers. 
Please follow the following instructions to set URL blocking parameters: 
Please click ‘Firewall’ menu on the left of web management interface, 
then click ‘URL...

Page 133

contained in URL (like pornography, cartoon, 
stock, or anything). 
Add  Click ‘Add’ button to add the URL / keyword to 
the URL / Keyword filtering table. 
Reset  Click ‘Reset’ to remove the value you inputted 
in URL/Keyword field. 
All existing URLs will be displayed in ‘Current URL Blocking Table’: 
If you want to delete a specific URL/Keyword entry, check the ‘select’ 
box of the MAC address you want to delete, then click ‘Delete Selected’ 
button. (You can select more than one MAC...

Page 134

3-5-3-3 DoS 
Denial of Service (DoS) is a common attack measure, by transmitting a 
great amount of data or request to your Internet IP address and server, the 
Internet connection will become very slow, and server may stop 
responding because it is not capable to handle too much traffics. 
This router has a built-in DoS attack prevention mechanism; when you 
activate it, the router will stop the DoS attack for you: 
Here lists four kinds of DoS attacks, please select the type of DoS...

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ping your own router from internet, too. 
Port Scan  Some malicious intruder will try to use a ‘port 
scanner’ to know how many ports of your 
Internet IP address are open, and they can 
collect a lot of valuable information by doing 
so. Check this box and the router will block all 
traffics which are trying to scan your Internet 
IP address. 
Sync Flood  This is another kind of attack, which uses a lot 
of fake connection request to consume the 
memory of your server, and try to make your 

Page 136

box of Ping of Death, and input the frequency 
of threshold (how many packets per second, 
minute, or hour), you can also input the ‘Burst’ 
value, which means when this number of ‘Ping 
of Death’ packet is received in very short time, 
this DoS prevention mechanism will be 
Discard Ping From 
WA N  Check the box to activate this DoS prevention 
Port Scan  Many kind of port scan methods are listed here, 
please check one or more DoS attack methods 
you want to prevent....

Page 137

3-5-4 DDNS 
DDNS (Dynamic DNS) is a IP-to-Hostname mapping service for those 
Internet users who don’t have a static (fixed) IP address. It will be a 
problem when such user wants to provide services to other users on 
Internet, because their IP address will vary every time when connected to 
Internet, and other user will not be able to know the IP address they’re 
using at a certain time. 
This router supports DDNS service of following service providers: 
3322 (http://www.3322.org/

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Here are descriptions of every setup items: 
Item Name Description 
Dynamic DNS If you want to enable DDNS function, please 
select ‘Enabled’; otherwise please select 
Provider  Select your DDNS service provider here. 
Domain Name Input the domain name you’ve obtained from 
DDNS service provider. 
Account / E-Mail Input account or email of DDNS registration. 
Password / Key Input DDNS service password or key. 
If your DDNS provider is ‘DHIS’, the settings will be different:...

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authentication type is password). 
AuthP / AuthQ  Please input the AuthP/AuthQ you applied 
during DHIS registration. 
(This field will appear only when 
authentication type is QRC). 
When you finished with the settings in this page, you can click ‘Apply’ 
button to save changes you made in this page, or you can click ‘Cancel’ 
to discard changes. After you click ‘Apply’ button, you’ll see the 
following messages: 
Please click ‘Apply’ to save changes you made and restart the broadband...

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3-5-5 Port Forwarding 
This function allows you to redirect a single port or consecutive ports of 
Internet IP address to the same port of the IP address on local network. 
The port number(s) of Internet IP address and private IP address (the IP 
address on local network) must be the same.   
If the port number of Internet IP address and private IP address is 
different, please use ‘Virtual Server’ function. 
The port forwarding setting page looks like this: 
Here are descriptions of...
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