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Edimax Router BR-6424n User Manual

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Page 111

3-4-5 Wireless Schedule 
This is a useful function. Because you can setup time and you can 
enable/disable router’s wireless signal to control schedule of Internet 
access .   
Item Name Description 
Enable Schedule 
settings Check this box to enable Schedule function, 
uncheck it to disable Wireless Schedule . 
Weekday  Where you can select a day or several days. 
Time  Enter a start time for the schedule. 
Command  Wireless on or Wireless off (Enable or Disable 
wireless signal for the...

Page 112

3-5 Advance  Settings* 
This router provides various network functionalities like QoS and NAT, 
and you can configure these functions in ‘Advanced Settings’ menu. 
Please select the function you wish to set, then click ‘Apply’ button. If 
you wish to go back to previous page, click ‘Previous’ button.  

Page 113

3-5-1 QoS 
Quality of service provides an efficient way for computers on the network 
to share the internet bandwidth with a promised quality of internet service. 
Without QoS, all computers and devices on the network will compete 
with each other to get internet bandwidth, and some applications which 
require guaranteed bandwidth (like video streaming and network 
telephone) will be affected, therefore an unpleasing result will occur, like 
the interruption of video / audio transfer.   

Page 114

Edit  If you want to modify the content of a specific 
rule, please check the ‘select’ box of the rule 
you want to edit, then click ‘Edit’ button. Only 
one rule should be selected a time! If you 
didn’t select a rule before clicking ‘Edit’ 
button, you’ll be prompted to add a new rule. 
Delete Selected  You can delete selected rules by clicking this 
button. You can select one or more rules to 
delete by check the ‘select’ the box of the 
rule(s) you want to delete a time. If the QoS 
table is...

Page 115

3-5-1-2 Add a new QoS entry 
After you click ‘Add’ button in QoS menu, a new setting page will 
Here are descriptions of every setup items: 
Item Name Description 
Rule Name  Please give a name to this QoS rule (up to 15 
alphanumerical characters). 
Bandwidth  Set the bandwidth limitation of this QoS rule. 
You have to select the data direction of this rule 
(Upload of Download), and the speed of 
bandwidth limitation in Kbps, then select the 
type of QoS: ‘guarantee’...

Page 116

number that will be affected by this rule. If you 
want to apply this rule on port 80 to 90, please 
input ’80-90’; if you want to apply this rule on 
a single port, just input the port number, like 
Remote IP Address  Specify the remote (destination) IP address that 
will be affected by this rule. Please input the 
starting IP address in the left field, and input 
the end IP address in the right field to define a 
range of IP addresses, or just input the IP 
address in the left field to...

Page 117

3-5-2 NAT 
Network address translations solve the problem if sharing a single IP 
address to multiple computers. Without NAT, all computers must be 
assigned with a valid Internet IP address to get connected to Internet, but 
Internet service providers only provide very few IP addresses to every 
user. Therefore it’s necessary to use NAT technology to share a single 
Internet IP address to multiple computers on local network, so everyone 
can get connected to Internet.   
This broadband router...

Page 118

3-5-2-1 Virtual Server 
This function allows you to redirect a port on Internet IP address (on 
WAN port) to a specified port of an IP address on local network, so you 
can setup an Internet service on the computer on local network, without 
exposing it on Internet directly. You can also build many sets of port 
redirection, to provide many different Internet services on different local 
computers via a single Internet IP address. 
Here are descriptions of every setup items: 
Item Name...

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address which will be redirected to the port 
number of local IP address defined above. 
Comment  Please input any text to describe this mapping, 
up to 16 alphanumerical characters. 
Add  Add the mapping to virtual server table. 
Reset  Remove all inputted values. 
All existing virtual server mappings will be displayed in this page. To 
delete one or more mappings, check the box of the mapping, then click 
‘Delete Selected’ button to remove the mapping. To delete all existing 
mappings, click...

Page 120

3-5-2-2 Special Applications 
Some applications require more than one connection a time; these 
applications won’t work with simple NAT rules. In order to make these 
applications work, you can use this function to let these applications 
Here are descriptions of every setup items: 
Item Name Description 
Enable    Check this box to enable support for special 
applications, and uncheck this box to disable 
this support. 
IP Address  Input the IP address of the computer which is...
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