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Edimax Router BR-6424n User Manual

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Page 121

single value, or a range (like 20-50). If you 
need to input more than one port number and 
they’re not contiguous, list all port numbers 
here and separate them by comma ( , ). If the 
application does not use TCP port, leave it 
UDP Port to Open)  Input the UDP port number required by the 
special application, the port number can be a 
single value, or a range (like 20-50). If you 
need to input more than one port number and 
they’re not contiguous, list all port numbers 
here and...

Page 122

When you finished with the settings in this page, you can click ‘Apply’ 
button to save changes you made in this page, or you can click ‘Cancel’ 
to discard changes. After you click ‘Apply’ button, you’ll see the 
following messages: 
Please click ‘Apply’ to save changes you made and restart the broadband 
router, this requires about 30 seconds and the broadband router will stop 
responding (this is normal and is not malfunction). You can reconnect to 
this broadband router and continue on...

Page 123

3-5-2-3 UPnP Settings 
Parameters Default Description 
UPnP Feature Disable You can Enable or Disable UPnP feature 
here. After you enable the UPnP feature, 
all client systems that support UPnP, like 
Windows XP, can discover this router 
automatically and access the Internet 
through this router without any 
configuration. The NAT Traversal 
function provided by UPnP can let 
applications which support UPnP 
smoothly connect to Internet websites 
and avoid any incompatibility problem 

Page 124

3-5-2-4 ALG  Settings 
You can select applications that require “Application Layer Gateway” 
Parameters Default Description 
Enable   You can enable “Application Layer 
Gateway” function, and the router will 
let selected application correctly pass 
though the NAT gateway. 
Click  at the bottom of the screen to save the configurations. 
You can now configure other advance sections or start using the router. 

Page 125

3-5-2-5 Static Routing 
This router provides static routing function, and the static routing can 
work with NAT (IP Sharing) function. With static routing, the router can 
forward packets according to your routing rules.   
Parameters  Description 
Enable Static 
Routing Static routing function is disabled by default. You have 
to enable the static routing function, to make your 
routing rules take effect. 
LAN IP The network address of destination LAN. 
Subnet Mask  The subnet...

Page 126

Remove a 
Rule If you want to remove some routing rules from the 
Static Routing Table, select the rules you want to 
remove in the table and click Delete Selected. If you 
want remove all rules from the table, just click Delete 
All button. Click Reset will clear your current 
Click  at the bottom of the screen to save the configurations. 
You can now configure other advance sections or start using the router. 

Page 127

3-5-3 Firewall 
This broadband router supports several firewall functions which will help 
you to protect your network and computer. In this chapter, instructions for 
using these functions will be given, so you can utilize these functions to 
protect your network from hackers and malicious intruders. 
3-5-3-1 Access  Control   
By using access control, you can restrict your computers from accessing 
improper website, or using disallowed applications. You can even only 
allow computers with...

Page 128

network devices. 
Client PC MAC 
address Please input the MAC address of computer or 
network device here, dash ( - ) or colon ( : ) are 
not required. (i.e. If the MAC address label of 
your wireless device indicates 
‘aa-bb-cc-dd-ee-ff ’ or ‘aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff ’, just 
input ‘aabbccddeeff ’ 
Computer Name  All computer names found by this broadband 
router on local network will be listed here. You 
can select the computer name and click ‘

Page 129

To delete one or more entries listed here, please check the box of the 
mapping entry (under ‘Select’), and click ‘Delete Selected’ button.   
If you wish to delete all mapping entries, click ‘Delete All’ button. To 
deselect all checked boxes, click ‘Reset’ button. 
If you wish to use IP address-based filtering, please use ‘IP Filtering 
Table’ in this page: 
Please check ‘Enable IP Filtering Table’ box first, and select ‘Deny’ or 
‘Allow’ to decide the behavior of IP filtering table...

Page 130

You also have to select the type of Internet services that will be applied to 
this access control rule from the list: 
You can select multiple services here. If you wish to deny or allow all 
services of certain IP address(es), please select both ‘TCP’ and ‘UDP’. 
If the service you wish to deny or allow is not listed, you can use ‘User 
Define Service’ table to add a new service of your own: 
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