Dell Inspiron Cp Service Guide
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Removing and Replacing Parts 4-45 %RWWRP&DVH%UDFNHW )LJXUH %RWWRP &DVH %UDFNHW 5HPRYDO 5HPRYH WKH SDOPUHVW DVVHPEO\ 5HPRYH WKH DXGLR ERDUG VKLHOG LVFRQQHFW WKH VSHDNHU ZLUHV IURP FRQQHFWRUV -3 DQG -3 RQ WKH DXGLR ERDUG The connectors are fragile—do not pull on the speaker wires to disconnect them. 5HPRYH WKH WZR PP VFUHZV DW HDFK HQG RI WKH ERWWRP FDVH EUDFNHW ,QVHUW WKH HQG RI D VPDOO IODWEODGHG VFUHZGULYHU LQWR WKH VORW LQ WKH YHUWLFDO VXSSRUW LQ WKH FHQWHU RI WKH ERWWRP FDVH DQG GLVHQ JDJH WKH SODVWLF UHWDLQLQJ FOLS /LIW WKH ERWWRP FDVH EUDFNHW IURP WKH FRPSXWHU NOTE: When replacing the bottom case bracket, follow these guidelines to prevent damage to the speaker wires: ‡Orient each speaker in the bottom case so that its wires are facing upwards. ‡Route the speaker wires under their respective retaining clips on the bot- tom case bracket. 5-mm screws (4) plastic retaining clip left speaker wires right speaker left speaker slot
4-46 Dell Latitude CP and CPi Service Manual 0RGXOH/DWFK$VVHPEOLHV )LJXUH 0RGXOH /DWFK $VVHPEOLHV 5HPRYDO 5HPRYH WKH ERWWRP FDVH EUDFNHW 5HPRYH WKH OHIW ODWFK IURP WKH RXWVLGH RI WKH ERWWRP FDVH E\ XQVQDSSLQJ WKH VOLGHUVSULQJ DVVHPEO\ Keep pressure applied to the slider-spring assembly while unsnapping the latch to prevent the slider-spring assembly from coming loose from the case. If the slider-spring assembly does come loose from the case: a. Carefully reinsert the spring onto the plunger on the slider, and reinstall the slider-spring assembly into the holding features on the inside of the case. b. Ensure that the plunger is inserted in its respective hole, that the side of the slider with the two bumps is facing the rear of the case, and that the surface with the wear ribs is facing the bottom of the case (see Fig- ure 4-29). 6QDS LQ WKH QHZ ODWFK IURP WKH ERWWRP RI WKH EDVH PDNLQJ FHU WDLQ LWV VQDS IHDWXUHV DUH IXOO\ HQJDJHG LQ WKH VOLGHU (QVXUH WKDW WKH QHZO\ LQVWDOOHG ODWFK PRYHV VPRRWKO\ DQG IUHHO\ ZKHQ SXVKHG DQG UHOHDVHG module latch assemblies (2) spring (2) module latches (2)
Removing and Replacing Parts 4-47 5HSHDW VWHSV ² IRU WKH ULJKW ODWFK 2Q WKH EDVH SODVWLF ILQG WKH PROGHG ODEHO ´31 $66< µ WKHQ XVLQJ D SHUPDQHQW PDUNHU ZULWH ´$µ WR WKH ULJKW RI ´µ This revision mark indicates that the latch rework is complete. )LJXUH /HIW 6OLGHU 6SHDNHUV 5HPRYH WKH ERWWRP FDVH EUDFNHW ,I \RX DUH UHSODFLQJ WKH OHIW VSHDNHU FDUHIXOO\ UHPRYH WKH VSHDNHU ZLUHV IURP WKH UHWDLQLQJ FOLSV DORQJ WKH EUDFNHW·V HGJHV 5HPRYH WKH VSHDNHU IURP WKH ERWWRP FDVH EUDFNHW NOTES: When replacing the speaker, follow these guidelines to prevent damage to the speaker wires: ‡Orient the speaker in the bottom case so that the speaker wires are facing upwards. ‡Route the speaker wires under their retaining clips on the bottom case bracket. bump side wear ribs (2)
4-48 Dell Latitude CP and CPi Service Manual 6\VWHP%RDUG$VVHPEO\ )LJXUH 6\VWHP %RDUG $VVHPEO\ 5HPRYDO The system board’s BIOS chip contains the system service tag number, which is also visible on a bar-code label on the bottom of the computer. The replace- ment kit for the system board assembly includes a diskette that provides a utility for transferring the service tag number to the replacement system board assembly. 5HPRYH WKH SDOPUHVW DVVHPEO\ 5HPRYH WKH /& GLVSOD\ DVVHPEO\ 5HPRYH WKH DXGLR ERDUG 5HPRYH WKH WZR PP VFUHZV VHFXULQJ WKH WKHUPDO FRROLQJ VXE DVVHPEO\ WR WKH PLFURSURFHVVRU PRGXOH system board assembly bottom case assembly5-mm screws (2) 2.5-mm screw2.5-mm screws (2) air flow duct thermal cooling assembly
Removing and Replacing Parts 4-49 &$87,21 7R HQVXUH PD[LPXP FRROLQJ IRU WKH PLFURSURFHVVRU GR QRW WRXFK WKH KHDW WUDQVIHU DUHDV RQ WKH WKHUPDO FRROLQJ DVVHPEO\ 7KH RLOV LQ \RXU VNLQ UHGXFH WKH KHDW WUDQVIHU FDSDELOLW\ RI WKH WKHUPDO SDGV 5HPRYH WKH WKHUPDO FRROLQJ VXEDVVHPEO\ IURP WKH PLFUR SURFHVVRU PRGXOH 5HPRYH WKH DLU IORZ GXFW 9HULI\ WKDW WKH 3& &DUG HMHFWRUV GR QRW H[WHQG IURP WKH 3& &DUG ED\ 5HPRYH WKH PP VFUHZ IURP WKH FHQWHU RI WKH FRPSXWHU·V OHIW UHDU IRRW 5HPRYH WKH IROORZLQJ WZR VFUHZV IURP WKH V\VWHP ERDUG DVVHPEO\ VHH )LJXUH ‡The 5-mm screw near the reserve-battery cable connector ‡The 5-mm screw near the microprocessor module /LIW WKH V\VWHP ERDUG DVVHPEO\ RXW RI WKH ERWWRP FDVH DVVHPEO\ Be sure and transfer the memory module(s) to the replacement system board assembly. If you are replacing the thermal cooling assembly with a new one, remove any lining present on the thermal pad before installing the new thermal cooling assembly. After replacing the system board assembly, be sure to enter the system’s ser- vice tag number into the BIOS of the replacement system board assembly. Insert the diskette that accompanied the replacement system board assembly into the diskette drive, and turn on the computer. Follow the instructions on the display screen.
4-50 Dell Latitude CP and CPi Service Manual ([KDXVW)DQ )LJXUH ([KDXVW )DQ 5HPRYDO 5HPRYH WKH SDOPUHVW DVVHPEO\ LVFRQQHFW WKH H[KDXVW IDQ SRZHU FDEOH IURP FRQQHFWRU -)$1 RQ WKH V\VWHP ERDUG 5HPRYH WKH WZR PP VFUHZV VHFXULQJ WKH H[KDXVW IDQ DQG WKHQ UHPRYH WKH H[KDXVW IDQ NOTE: When replacing the exhaust fan, orient the fan such that the fan label faces outward and the power cable is at the upper right corner of the fan (when viewed from the back of the computer). (This will prevent the fan wires from being pinched when you reassemble the computer.) Make sure that the wires are routed below the upper EMI shield. exhaust fan12-mm screws (2) exhaust fan power cable connector (JFAN1)
4-52 Dell Latitude CP and CPi Service Manual 5HVHUYH%DWWHU\ )LJXUH 5HVHUYH %DWWHU\ ,QVWDOODWLRQ &$87,21 7KH UHVHUYH EDWWHU\ SURYLGHV SRZHU WR WKH FRPSXWHU·V 57& DQG 195$0 ZKHQ WKH FRPSXWHU LV WXUQHG RII 5HPRYLQJ WKH EDWWHU\ FDXVHV WKH FRPSXWHU WR ORVH LWV GDWH DQG WLPH LQIRUPDWLRQ DV ZHOO DV DOO XVHUVHWWDEOH SDUDPHWHUV LQ 195$0 ,I SRVVLEOH PDNH D FRS\ RI WKLV LQIRUPDWLRQ EHIRUH \RX UHPRYH WKH UHVHUYH EDWWHU\ To remove the reserve battery, follow these steps: 5HPRYH WKH SDOPUHVW DVVHPEO\ LVFRQQHFW WKH UHVHUYH EDWWHU\ FDEOH IURP FRQQHFWRU -%$7 RQ WKH V\VWHP ERDUG 5HPRYH WKH UHVHUYH EDWWHU\ IURP WKH ERWWRP FDVH EUDFNHW a. Tear the reserve battery free from the foam pad. b. Remove the remnants of the foam pad from the system board assembly. NOTE: When replacing the reserve battery, first connect the reserve battery cable to the system board. Then position the reserve battery on the hard-disk drive bay so there is minimal slack in the cable. reserve battery reserve battery cable connector (JBAT1)
Index 1 ,QGH[ $ audio board removal, 4-44 audio shield removal, 4-43 % back cover assembly removal, 4-20 battery (in modular bay) removal, 4-42 battery failure codes about, 3-4 list of, 3-4 battery indicator, 1-4 boot routine observing when troubleshooting, 2-4 bottom case assembly components, 4-40 illustrated, 4-41 bottom case bracket removal, 4-45 & cables display-assembly interface cable, removal, 4-37 CD-ROM drive removal, 4-42computer features, 1-1 illustrated, 1-2, 1-3 power, controlling, 1-5 Dell Diagnostics, 3-9 diskette drive removal, 4-42 display assembly bezel, removal, 4-29 components, 4-25 illustrated, 4-25, 4-26 interface cable, removal, 4-37 removal, 4-27 top cover, removal, 4-39 drive activity indicator, 1-4 ( error codes battery failure, 3-4 POST, 3-1 error messages, system, 3-5 ESD, 4-2 exhaust fan removal, 4-50 external visual inspection, 2-2
2 Dell Latitude CP and CPi Service Manual ) field-replaceable parts and assemblies illustrated, 4-14 list of, 4-5 + hard-disk drive assembly removal, 4-15 help getting, 2-6 , I/O panel, 1-3 I/R board removal, 4-51 indicator panel, 1-4 initial procedures system error messages, 3-5 troubleshooting, 2-1 initialization error messages, 3-10 interrupt assignments list of, 1-6 . keyboard assembly removal, 4-18 keyboard indicators, 1-5 / LCD display hinge removal, 4-38 LCD inverter board removal, 4-35, 4-36LCD panel removal, 4-31, 4-32 LEDs, 1-4 low-battery warnings, 1-4 0 main battery assembly removal, 4-3 memory module removal, 4-17 memory module cover removal, 4-16 messages, system error about, 3-5 list of, 3-5 modular bay devices removal, 4-42 module latch assemblies removal, 4-46 module latch assemblies removal, 4-46 3 palmrest assembly removal, 4-21 POST error codes about, 3-1 list of, 3-2 power button removal, 4-24 power indicator, 1-4 power states, 1-5 precautions, 4-2 5 reserve battery removal, 4-52