Dell Inspiron Cp Service Guide
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Removing and Replacing Parts 4-35 /&,QYHUWHU%RDUG The following subsections describe how to remove an LCD inverter board from a 12.1-inch or 13.3-inch LCD display. ,QFK/&LVSOD\ )LJXUH /& ,QYHUWHU %RDUG 5HPRYDO ,QFK LVSOD\ 5HPRYH WKH GLVSOD\ DVVHPEO\ EH]HO LVFRQQHFW WKH /&DVVHPEO\ SRZHU FDEOH IURP FRQQHFWRU - RQ WKH /& LQYHUWHU ERDUG LVFRQQHFW WKH GLVSOD\DVVHPEO\ LQWHUIDFH FDEOH IURP =,) FRQQHF WRU - RQ WKH /& LQYHUWHU ERDUG 5HPRYH WKH WZR VLOYHU PP VFUHZV DQG SODVWLF VSDFHUV VHFXULQJ WKH /& LQYHUWHU ERDUG Note the placement of the EMI shield over the lower screw boss, and the routing of the LCD-panel power cable around the upper screw boss. /LIW WKH /& LQYHUWHU ERDUG RXW RI WKH GLVSOD\DVVHPEO\ WRS FRYHU NOTE: When installing the inverter board, connect the LCD interface cable to the board prior to securing the board in the display-assembly top cover. After installing the inverter board, ensure that the LCD-panel power cable is routed around the plastic screw bosses in the display-assembly top cover. LCD inverter board display-assembly top cover connector J1 connector J25-mm screws (2) spacer (2) LCD-assembly power cable
4-36 Dell Latitude CP and CPi Service Manual ,QFK/&LVSOD\ )LJXUH /& ,QYHUWHU %RDUG 5HPRYDO ,QFK LVSOD\ 5HPRYH WKH GLVSOD\ DVVHPEO\ EH]HO 5HPRYH WKH /& SDQHO LVFRQQHFW WKH GLVSOD\DVVHPEO\ LQWHUIDFH FDEOH IURP =,) FRQQHF WRU - RQ WKH /& LQYHUWHU ERDUG 6OLGH WKH /& LQYHUWHU ERDUG RXW RI WKH /& LQYHUWHU ERDUG VKLHOG NOTE: Replace the LCD inverter board in the shield so that the components on the board face towards the display-assembly top cover. display-assembly top cover top cover brace LCD inverter board shield LCD inverter board interface cable
Removing and Replacing Parts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o remove the top cover brace, remove the 3-mm screw securing it. /LIW WKH GLVSOD\DVVHPEO\ LQWHUIDFH FDEOH RXW RI WKH GLVSOD\ DVVHPEO\ WRS FRYHU NOTE: When replacing the display assembly, reinstall the screws securing the left hinge at the locations marked on the hinge by arrows. Ensure that the display-assembly interface cable wraps once around the plastic bobbin before connecting the cable to the system board. display-assembly interface cable connector J1 left hinge plastic bobbin 5-mm screws (2)
4-38 Dell Latitude CP and CPi Service Manual /&LVSOD\+LQJH 5HPRYH WKH /& GLVSOD\ DVVHPEO\ IURP WKH FRPSXWHU 5HPRYH WKH GLVSOD\ DVVHPEO\ EH]HO 5HPRYH WKH IRXU VLOYHU PP VFUHZV VHFXULQJ WKH WZR KLQJH EUDFNHWV WR WKH GLVSOD\DVVHPEO\ WRS FRYHU NOTES: To aid in reinstalling the hinges and display assembly, the right and left hinges are marked by an “R” and an “L,” respectively. Install the four screws securing the hinges at the locations marked by arrows on the face of each hinge. The right bracket on a 12.1-inch display fits above the right hinge (see Figure 4-14).
Removing and Replacing Parts 4-39 LVSOD\$VVHPEO\7RS&RYHU 5HPRYH WKH GLVSOD\ DVVHPEO\ EH]HO 5HPRYH WKH GLVSOD\ DVVHPEO\ 5HPRYH WKH /& SDQHO 5HPRYH WKH /& LQYHUWHU ERDUG 5HPRYH WKH GLVSOD\ DVVHPEO\ ODWFK 5HPRYH WKH OHIW DQG ULJKW KLQJHV 5HPRYH WKH ULJKW EUDFNHW LQFK GLVSOD\ RQO\ 5HPRYH WKH GLVSOD\DVVHPEO\ LQWHUIDFH FDEOH ,I \RX DUH UHPRYLQJ WKH GLVSOD\DVVHPEO\ WRS FRYHU IURP D LQFK GLVSOD\ UHPRYH WKH ULJKW DQG OHIW EUDFHV To remove a brace, remove the 3-mm screw securing the brace to the display-assembly top cover. NOTES: The replacement display-assembly top cover assembly includes two badges, one for Dell Latitude CP and one for the Dell Latitude CPi. Look at the old cover to determine which badge is appropriate, and then attach the appro- priate badge to the new cover. When reinstalling the display assembly, install the four screws securing the hinges at the locations marked by arrows on the face of each hinge.
4-40 Dell Latitude CP and CPi Service Manual %RWWRP&DVH$VVHPEO\ The bottom case assembly consists of the following field-replaceable components: ‡Diskette drive assembly, CD-ROM drive assembly, or travel module ‡Back cover assembly ‡Audio shield ‡Audio board ‡Bottom case bracket ‡Module latch assemblies ‡Speakers ‡System board assembly ‡Thermal cooling assembly ‡Air flow duct ‡Exhaust fan ‡I/R board ‡Reserve battery
Removing and Replacing Parts 4-41 )LJXUH %RWWRP &DVH $VVHPEO\ I/R board modular bay device system board assemblyaudio shield air flow duct thermal cooling assembly bottom case bracket main batteryaudio board module latch assembly (2)
4-42 Dell Latitude CP and CPi Service Manual 0RGXODU%D\HYLFHVLVNHWWHULYH &520ULYH%DWWHU\RU7UDYHO0RGXOH )LJXUH 0RGXODU %D\ HYLFH 5HPRYDO NOTE: You do not need to remove the main battery or hard-disk drive prior to this procedure. &$87,21 0DNH VXUH WKH ZRUN VXUIDFH LV FOHDQ WR SUHYHQW VFUDWFKLQJ WKH FRPSXWHU FRYHU &ORVH WKH GLVSOD\ DQG WXUQ WKH FRPSXWHU RYHU 5HPRYH WKH GHYLFH IURP WKH PRGXODU ED\ Push the modular bay latch away from the center of the computer. Keep holding the latch open while pulling the device out of the modular bay with the other hand. latch lock
Removing and Replacing Parts 4-43 $XGLR6KLHOG 5HPRYH WKH SDOPUHVW DVVHPEO\ 5HPRYH WKH PP VFUHZ VHFXULQJ WKH DXGLR ERDUG VKLHOG VHH )LJ XUH 5HPRYH WKH DXGLR ERDUG VKLHOG NOTE: When replacing the audio shield, ensure that the audio shield is prop- erly seated to prevent it from cutting into the speaker wires or interfering with devices installed in the modular bay. (You can check this by temporarily install- ing a device in the modular bay prior to reinstalling the palmrest assembly.)
4-44 Dell Latitude CP and CPi Service Manual $XGLR%RDUG )LJXUH $XGLR %RDUG 5HPRYDO 5HPRYH WKH SDOPUHVW DVVHPEO\ 5HPRYH WKH PP VFUHZ VHFXULQJ WKH DXGLR ERDUG VKLHOG 5HPRYH WKH DXGLR ERDUG VKLHOG LVFRQQHFW WKH VSHDNHU ZLUHV DQG PLFURSKRQH ZLUHV IURP WKHLU FRQQHFWRUV RQ WKH DXGLR ERDUG The connectors are fragile—do not pull on the wires to disconnect them. 5HPRYH WKH DXGLR ERDUG IURP WKH ERWWRP FDVH NOTE: When replacing the audio shield, ensure that the audio shield is prop- erly seated to prevent it from cutting into the speaker wires or interfering with devices installed in the modular bay. (You can check this by temporarily install- ing a device in the modular bay prior to reinstalling the palmrest assembly.) 5-mm screw audio board audio shield speaker wires