Dell Inspiron Cp Service Guide
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Initial Procedures 2-1 &+$37(5 ,QLWLDO3URFHGXUHV This chapter describes initial procedures that can help you diagnose a com- puter problem. These procedures can often reveal the source of a problem or indicate the correct starting point for troubleshooting the computer. Dell rec- ommends that you perform these procedures in the order presented here. ,QLWLDO8VHU&RQWDFW When you first contact a user who has a computer problem, ask the user to describe the problem and the conditions under which it occurs. A verbal description can often indicate the cause of a problem or indicate the appropri- ate troubleshooting procedure to use. After the user describes the problem, follow these steps: $VN WKH XVHU WR EDFN XS DQ\ GDWD RQ WKH KDUGGLVN GULYH LI WKH V\VWHP·V FRQGLWLRQ SHUPLWV See “Maintaining Your Computer” in the online Dell Latitude CP and CPi User’s Guide . $VN WKH XVHU WR WU\ WR GXSOLFDWH WKH SUREOHP E\ UHSHDWLQJ WKH RSHUDWLRQV KH RU VKH ZDV SHUIRUPLQJ DW WKH WLPH WKH SUREOHP RFFXUUHG Can the user duplicate the problem? Ye s. Proceed to step 3. No. Proceed to the next section, “Visual Inspection.” 2EVHUYH WKH XVHU WR GHWHUPLQH ZKHWKHU KH RU VKH LV PDNLQJ DQ HUURU VXFK DV W\SLQJ DQ LQFRUUHFW NH\ FRPELQDWLRQ RU HQWHULQJ D FRPPDQG LQFRUUHFWO\ Is the problem a result of user error? Ye s. Instruct the user in the proper procedure, or direct him or her to the appropriate user documentation for a description of the correct procedure. No. Proceed to the next section, “Visual Inspection.”

2-2 Dell Latitude CP and CPi Service Manual 9LVXDO,QVSHFWLRQ The visual inspection consists of a quick inspection of the exterior of the computer and any attached peripherals, including making any necessary cor- rections. For information about the proper removal and installation of computer components, as instructed in the following procedures, see Chapter 4, “Removing and Replacing Parts.” &$87,21 %HIRUH \RX SURFHHG ZLWK WKH YLVXDO LQVSHFWLRQ HQVXUH WKDW WKH XVHU KDV VDYHG DOO RSHQ ILOHV DQG H[LWHG DOO RSHQ DSSOLFDWLRQ SUR JUDPV LI SRVVLEOH To perform a visual inspection, follow these steps: 6DYH DQ\ ZRUN LQ SURJUHVV DQG FORVH DOO RSHQ DSSOLFDWLRQV 7XUQ RII DQ\ DWWDFKHG SHULSKHUDOV HWHUPLQH WKH SUHVHQW SRZHU VWDWH RI WKH FRPSXWHU Look at the indicators to determine which of the following conditions apply. Then turn off the computer, and take the actions listed for that condition: ‡Power indicator is blinking. An error occurred during system POST. ‡Power indicator is off. The system is either off or in suspend (or standby, for the Microsoft Windows 98 operating system) or suspend-to-disk mode. ‡Power indicator is on. The system is in the power-on state. ‡Battery indicator is amber (steadily on or blinking slowly). A low-battery warning occurred. Shut down the operating system; then replace the battery or connect the computer to AC power to charge the battery. ‡Battery indicator is alternating between green and amber. A temporary battery failure has occurred. Press the power button for 4 seconds to turn off the computer, and let the battery and computer cool to room temperature. ‡Battery indicator is amber and blinking rapidly when the power switch is pressed or the AC adapter is connected to the computer. A fatal battery condition exists. Press the power button for 4 seconds to turn off the computer, and then remove the battery or batteries from the system. ‡All indicators remain off. The computer is already turned off or in suspend-to-disk mode.

Initial Procedures 2-3 ,I WKH FRPSXWHU LV GRFNHG LQ D &3RUW $GYDQFHG 3RUW 5HSOLFDWRU $35RU &RFN ([SDQVLRQ 6WDWLRQ XQGRFN WKH FRPSXWHU See the Users Guide that came with the C/Port APR or C/Dock Expansion Station for detailed instructions on undocking the computer. 9HULI\ WKDW WKH H[WHULRU RI WKH FRPSXWHU LV IUHH RI REYLRXV SK\VLFDO GDPDJH ,I WKH FRPSXWHU LV RSHUDWLQJ IURP DQ $& DGDSWHU YHULI\ WKH IROORZLQJ ‡The AC adapter’s AC power cable is connected to both the adapter and a power source. ‡The AC adapter’s DC power cable is properly connected to the com- puter’s DC power input connector. ‡The AC adapter and cables are free of obvious physical damage. ‡The AC power adapter’s green power indicator is on. NOTE: If the computer’s battery indicator flashes alternately green and amber while the computer is connected to AC power, disconnect the com- puter from AC power and move it to a cooler location. When the computer has cooled to room temperature, reconnect it to AC power and continue charging the battery. If the computer is not allowed to cool, the battery stops charging before it reaches full capacity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

2-4 Dell Latitude CP and CPi Service Manual ,I DQ H[WHUQDO PRQLWRU LV FRQQHFWHG YHULI\ WKH IROORZLQJ ‡The monitor’s interface cable is properly attached to the video connec- tor on the I/O panel. ‡The captive screws that secure the connectors at each end of the inter- face cable are secure enough to ensure a firm connection. ‡The monitor’s power cable is attached to a power source and free of obvious physical damage. ‡The monitor’s controls are set according to the instructions in the docu- mentation for the monitor. ‡The monitor and its interface cable are free of obvious physical damage. ,I DQ H[WHUQDO PRXVH LV FRQQHFWHG YHULI\ WKH IROORZLQJ ‡The mouse is properly connected to the PS/2 connector on the com- puter’s I/O panel. ‡The mouse and its cable are free of obvious physical damage. ‡The mouse’s ball and push buttons operate freely. )RU DQ\ DWWDFKHG VHULDO RU SDUDOOHO GHYLFHV YHULI\ WKH IROORZLQJ ‡The device’s interface cable connector is correctly attached to the appropriate port connector on the computer’s I/O panel. ‡The captive screws that secure the connectors at each end of the inter- face cable are secure enough to ensure a firm connection. ‡The attached device and its interface cable are free of obvious physical damage. 7XUQ RQ DQ\ DWWDFKHG SHULSKHUDOV DQG WKHQ WKH FRPSXWHU Does the problem reoccur? Ye s. Proceed to the next procedure, “Observing the Boot Routine.” No. No further steps are necessary. 2EVHUYLQJWKH%RRW5RXWLQH After you perform a visual inspection as described in the previous section, boot the computer from a copy of the diagnostics diskette and, while the boot rou- tine is running, observe the computer for any indications of problems. NOTE: To prevent possible damage to the original Dell Diagnostics Diskette, Dell recommends that users make copies of the diskette and always use a backup copy when servicing a user’s computer. For instructions, see “Before You Start Testing” in Chapter 4 of the Dell Latitude CP Reference and Trouble- shooting Guide .

Initial Procedures 2-5 To observe the boot routine, follow these steps: 7XUQ RII WKH FRPSXWHU DQG DQ\ DWWDFKHG SHULSKHUDOV ,I QHFHVVDU\ LQVWDOO D GLVNHWWH GULYH LQ WKH PHGLD ED\ ,QVHUW D GLDJQRVWLFV GLVNHWWH LQWR WKH GLVNHWWH GULYH 7XUQ RQ DOO SHULSKHU DOV DQG WKHQ WKH FRPSXWHU :DWFK WKH LQGLFDWRUV RQ WKH WRS RI WKH NH\ERDUG $IWHU DOO WKUHH LQGLFDWRUV IODVK PRPHQWDULO\ WKH 1XP /RFN LQGLFDWRU VKRXOG OLJKW XS DQG UHPDLQ RQ Do these indicators light up within approximately 10 seconds after the boot routine starts? Ye s . Proceed to step 4. No. Troubleshoot the power subsystem. :KLOH WKH ERRW URXWLQH LV UXQQLQJ REVHUYH WKH FRPSXWHU IRU DQ\ RI WKH IROORZLQJ ‡Drive access indicator — This indicator lights up in response to data being transferred to or from the drives. If the indicator fails to light dur- ing the boot routine, troubleshoot the diskette-drive or hard-disk drive subsystem, as appropriate. ‡Error codes — If the numbers lock (Num Lock), the capitals lock (Caps Lock), and the Scroll Lock indicators flash simultaneously during the boot routine, refer to Table 3-1. ‡Battery failure codes — If the battery indicator flashes alternately green and amber, or flashes amber four times per second, refer to Table 3-2. ‡System error messages — These messages can indicate problems or provide status information. If a system error message displays, refer to Table 3-3. 2EVHUYH WKH GLVSOD\ IRU WKH LDJQRVWLFV 0HQX Does the Diagnostics Menu display? Ye s . See “Running the Dell Diagnostics” in Chapter 3. No. Proceed to step 6. ,QVHUW D FRS\ RI WKH GLDJQRVWLFV GLVNHWWH LQWR WKH GLVNHWWH GULYH DQG UHERRW WKH FRPSXWHU Does the Diagnostics Menu display? Ye s . See “Running the Dell Diagnostics” in Chapter 3. No. Proceed to the next section, “Eliminating Resource Conflicts.”

2-6 Dell Latitude CP and CPi Service Manual (OLPLQDWLQJ5HVRXUFH&RQIOLFWV Devices within the computer may require dedicated memory spaces, interrupt levels, or DMA channels, all of which must be allocated during installation of the devices. Because devices may be installed at different times, it is possible that the same resource is assigned to two or more devices. Resource conflicts can result in disorderly or erratic computer operation or fail- ure of the computer to operate at all. If you suspect that resource conflicts might exist, check the computer and reassign the resources as necessary. For more information about resolving conflicts, see Chapter 3, “Troubleshoot- ing Your Computer,” in the Reference and Troubleshooting Guide. *HWWLQJ+HOS If none of the procedures in this chapter reveals the source of the problem or leads to the proper troubleshooting steps for determining the source of the problem, call Dell for technical assistance. For instructions, see Chapter 5, “Getting Help,” in the Reference and Troubleshooting Guide.

System Error Messages 3-1 &+$37(5 6\VWHP(UURU0HVVDJHV This chapter describes system error messages that can occur during computer startup or, in the case of some failures, during normal computer operation. The tables in this chapter list POST error codes, battery failure codes, and system error messages, as well as their probable causes. If a faulty computer does not display a POST error code or system error mes- sage to indicate a failure, use the Dell Diagnostics to help isolate the source of the problem. See “Running the Dell Diagnostics” found later in this chapter. 3267(UURU&RGHV If the computer’s display cannot display error messages during the POST, the numbers lock (Num Lock), the capitals lock (Caps Lock), and the Scroll Lock indicators display codes that identify the problem or help you identify a faulty component or assembly. The following table lists the error codes that may be generated during POST. Most error codes indicate a fatal error that requires replacement of the system board or other corrective actions before the com- puter can operate. NOTE: To display an error code, all three system indicators flash simulta- neously (not sequentially). These “flash” codes are the same as the audible “beep” codes used by the Dell Latitude XPi portable computer, for instance.

3-2 Dell Latitude CP and CPi Service Manual 7DEOH 3267 (UURU &RGHV ,QGLFDWRU &RGH (UURU 3UREDEOH &DXVHV 1- 1- 3 N V R A M w r i t e / r e a d failureBIOS corrupted; system board fault y 1- 1- 4 R O M B I O S c h e c k s u m failureBIOS corrupted; system board fault y 1-2-1 Programmable interval timer failureSystem board faulty 1-2-2 DMA initialization failureSystem board faulty 1-2-3 DMA page register write/read failureSystem board faulty 1- 3 - 1 through 1- 1- 1Installed memory module(s) not being properly identified or usedMemory module improperly seated or system memory controller faulty (system board faulty) 3-1-1 3-1-2Slave DMA register failure Master DMA register failureSystem board faulty 3-1-3 3-1-4Master interrupt mask register failure Slave interrupt mask register failureSystem board faulty 3-2-4 Keyboard controller test failureKeyboard assembly faulty or system board faulty 3-3-4 3-4-1 3-4-2Display memory test failure Display initialization failure Display retrace test failureSystem board faulty 4-2-1 4-2-2 4-2-3 4-2-4No timer tick Shutdown failure Gate A20 failure Unexpected interrupt in protected modeSystem board faulty

System Error Messages 3-3 4-3-1 Memory failure above address 0FFFFhMemory module improperly seated or system memory controller faulty (system board faulty) 4-3-3 Timer chip counter 2 failureSystem board faulty 4-3-4 Time-of-day clock stoppedReserve battery faulty or system board faulty 4-4-1 Serial port failure System board faulty 5-1-2 No usable memory Memory module improperly seated or system memory controller faulty (system board faulty) 7DEOH 3267 (UURU &RGHV FRQWLQXHG ,QGLFDWRU &RGH (UURU 3UREDEOH &DXVHV

3-4 Dell Latitude CP and CPi Service Manual %DWWHU\)DLOXUH&RGHV In the event of a battery failure, the battery indicator displays indicator codes that identify the severity of the problem. The following table lists these failure codes. )LJXUH %DWWHU\ ,QGLFDWRU 7DEOH %DWWHU\ )DLOXUH &RGHV %DWWHU\ ,QGLFDWRU &RGH6HYHULW\ RI )DLOXUH 3UREDEOH &DXVHV $FWLRQ Indicator flashes alternately green and amber.Temporary Over temperature; abnormal discharge; abnormal charge; abnormal charge currentTurn off the computer and let the battery and computer cool to room temperature. Indicator flashes amber four times per second.Fatal Cell imbalance; critical dischargeReplace the battery. batter y indicator