Dell Inspiron 3500 Service Manual
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Removing and Replacing Parts 4-5 )LJXUH &RPSXWHU 5HPRYDO )URP 3RUW 5HSOLFDWRU 5. Remove the main battery from the battery bay (see Figure 4-5). :$51,1* 7KH EDWWHU\ LV GHVLJQHG WR ZRUN ZLWK HOO ,QVSLURQ FRPSXWHUV RQO\ R QRW XVH D EDWWHU\ IURP DQRWKHU FRPSXWHU ZLWK WKH HOO ,QVSLURQ FRPSXWHU 5HSODFH WKH EDWWHU\ RQO\ ZLWK WKH VDPH RU HTXLYDOHQW W\SH SXUFKDVHG IURP HOO 8VLQJ WKH ZURQJ EDWWHU\ W\SH PD\ SUHVHQW D ULVN RI ILUH RU H[SORVLRQ :$51,1* 7KH EDWWHU\ PD\ SUHVHQW D ILUH RU FKHPLFDO EXUQ KD] DUG LI PLVWUHDWHG R QRW GLVDVVHPEOH H[SRVH WKH EDWWHU\ WR WHPSHUDWXUHV DERYH ž& ž) RU LQFLQHUDWH .HHS WKH EDWWHU\ DZD\ IURP FKLOGUHQ +DQGOH GDPDJHG RU OHDNLQJ EDWWHULHV ZLWK H[WUHPH FDUH ,I WKH EDWWHU\ LV GDPDJHG HOHFWURO\WHV PD\ OHDN IURP WKH FHOOV DQG FDXVH SHUVRQDO LQMXU\ LVSRVH RI D XVHG EDW WHU\ SURPSWO\ Pull the battery-bay release latch (located on the side of the computer next to the battery bay) toward you. With your thumb, gently rotate the latch out until the battery pops out of the bay. Grasp the battery firmly and remove. )LJXUH 0DLQ %DWWHU\ 5HPRYDO release handles (2) battery battery baybattery-bay release latch (released position)

4-6Dell Inspiron 3500 Portable Computer Service Manual 6. Remove any PC Cards. To remove a PC Card, use your finger to flip the eject button out so that it is perpendicular to the computer. Push in the eject button to release the card (see Figure 4-6). Gently remove the PC Card. . )LJXUH 3& &DUG 5HPRYDO 7. Remove the hard-disk drive. &$87,21 :KHQ WKH KDUGGLVN GULYH LV QRW LQ WKH FRPSXWHUVWRUH LW LQ D KDUGGLVN GULYH FDVH WR SURWHFW LW IURP H[SRVXUH WR VWDWLF HOHFWULFLW\ &$87,21 +DUGGLVN GULYHV DUH H[WUHPHO\ IUDJLOH DQG PXVW EH KDQGOHG FDUHIXOO\ (YHQ D VOLJKW MDU RU EXPS FDQ GDPDJH WKH VSLQQLQJ KHDGV DQG SODWHV WKXV UHQGHULQJ WKH GULYH LQRSHUDEOH :$51,1* 7KH KDUGGLVN GULYH PD\ EH KRW WR WKH WRXFK R QRW WRXFK WKH SODVWLF FDUULHU RI WKH KDUGGLVN GULYH LI \RX UHPRYH WKH GULYH IURP WKH FRPSXWHU ZKHQ WKH GULYH LV KRW Turn the computer over and remove the 4-mm screw securing the hard- disk drive to the bottom of the computer (see Figure 4-7). The screw has an “H” tooled into the plastic beside it. Grasp the plastic tab and pull the hard-disk drive for ward and out. 7\SH RI 6FUHZ 7RUTXH FPH 3 x 4 (1) 2.0–2.5 kgf-cm PC Card eject button

Removing and Replacing Parts 4-7 )LJXUH +DUGLVN ULYH 5HPRYDO 8. Remove the memory door. Remove the two 4-mm screws from the memory door (also known as the memory module cover). Using your finger, lift the door off (see Figure 4-8). )LJXUH 0HPRU\ RRU 5HPRYDO 7\SH RI 6FUHZ 7RUTXH FPH 3 x 4 (2) 2.0–2.5 kgf-cm bottom of computer 4-mm screw hard-disk drive memory door bottom of computer 4-mm screws (2)

4-8Dell Inspiron 3500 Portable Computer Service Manual 9. Remove the memory modules. Carefully spread the inner plastic tabs of the memory module socket to dis- engage the module from the socket. The module should pop up slightly. Gently pull the memory module out of the socket (see Figure 4-9). )LJXUH 0HPRU\ 0RGXOH 5HPRYDO 10. If present, remove the second battery, diskette drive, CD-ROM drive, DVD-ROM drive, or Iomega Zip drive from the options bay. Pull the options-bay release latch (located on the side of the computer next to the options bay) toward you (see Figure 4-10). With your thumb, gently rotate the latch out until the device pops out of the bay. Grasp the device firmly and remove. )LJXUH HYLFH 5HPRYDO IURP 2SWLRQV %D\ memory module bottom of computer plastic tab optional device options-bay release latch (unlocked position)

Removing and Replacing Parts 4-9 NOTE: If the computer is booted with a diskette drive or second battery in the options bay, you must reboot after installing another device in the options bay. NOTE: To remove the media from the CD-ROM drive, DVD-ROM drive, or Zip drive once the power to the drive is off, insert a small, thin object (such as one end of a paper clip) into the pinhole near or in the device’s LED. This will eject the media or the media tray so you can retrieve the CD, DVD, or Zip disk. 5HPRYLQJ)LHOGDQGHSRW5HSODFHDEOH 3DUWVDQG$VVHPEOLHV &$87,21 7KH IROORZLQJ UHPRYDO GLVDVVHPEO\ DQG LQVWDOODWLRQ SUR FHGXUHVPXVWEH SHUIRUPHG E\ HOOFHUWLILHG UHSDLU WHFKQLFLDQV &$87,21 XULQJ WKH IROORZLQJ UHPRYDO DQG UHSODFHPHQW SURFH GXUHV \RX ZLOO VHH .DSWRQ WDSH LQ PDQ\ SODFHV RQ WKH FRPSXWHU :KHQ UHLQVWDOOLQJ RU UHSODFLQJ SDUWV EH VXUH WR UHSODFH WKH .DSWRQ WDSH FRUUHFWO\ WR UHWDLQ WKH HOHFWULFDO SURWHFWLRQ DQG QRLVH UHGXFWLRQ WKH WDSH SURYLGHV

4-10Dell Inspiron 3500 Portable Computer Service Manual =,)&RQQHFWRUV &$87,21 =,) FRQQHFWRUV DUH IUDJLOH 7R DYRLG EUHDNLQJ WKH FRQQHF WRUV WRXFK WKHP FDUHIXOO\ R QRW DSSO\ WRR PXFK SUHVVXUH WR WKH PRYDEOH SDUW RI WKH FRQQHFWRU ZKHQ RSHQLQJ RU FORVLQJ LW Some of the computer’s connectors are zero insertion force (ZIF) connectors. These connectors are not removable; they must be released to disconnect a cable from them. To disconnect a cable from a ZIF connector, follow these steps: 1. Insert a small flat-blade screwdriver or dental pick under the movable part of the connector (see Figure 4-11). For side-lift ZIFs, carefully pry up first one end of the movable part of the connector and then the other end. Center-lift ZIFs have the movable part of the connector in the center. . )LJXUH 5HOHDVLQJ D 6LGH/LIW =,) &RQQHFWRU 2. Pull gently on the movable part(s) of the connector until the cable is released. 3. Grasp the cable and pull it out of the connector. To reconnect a cable to a ZIF connector, follow these steps: 1. Use the flat-blade screwdriver or dental pick to open the movable part(s) of the ZIF connector. 2. Orient the end of the cable with the ZIF connector, and insert the end of the cable into the connector. 3. While holding the cable in place, close the ZIF connector. Make sure that the ZIF connector is completely closed to ensure a firm connection. NOTE: The ZIF connector cap for the keyboard is stocked as a separate part. If the plastic connector cap is broken, a new one can be snapped in place with- out having to replace the entire system board.

Removing and Replacing Parts 4-11 ([SORGHG9LHZRI&RPSRQHQWVDQG$VVHPEOLHV Exploded views of the computer, the 13.3-inch and 14.1-inch display assem- blies, the palmrest assembly, and the base assembly are shown in Figures 4-12, 4-13, 4-14, 4-15, and 4-16, respectively. )LJXUH ([SORGHG 9LHZ³&RPSXWHU display assembly keyboard palmrest assembly base assembly

4-12Dell Inspiron 3500 Portable Computer Service Manual . )LJXUH ([SORGHG 9LHZ³,QFK LVSOD\ $VVHPEO\ LCD panel hinge covers (2)rubber bumpers (2) bezel screw covers (4) EMI pan LED card LED cable LCD cable LCD latch back cover LCD FPC cable inverter signal cable panel rails (2) hinges (2) inverter bottom FPC bobbin top FPC bobbin 5-mm bezel screws (6) 5-mm hinge screws (2) 5-mm panel rail screws (4)

Removing and Replacing Parts 4-13 )LJXUH ([SORGHG 9LHZ³,QFK LVSOD\ $VVHPEO\ hinge covers (2) rubber bumpers (2) bezel screw covers (4) LCD FPC cable inverter signal cable left panel railLCD panel EMI pan LED card LCD cable LCD latch right panel rail back cover bottom FPC bobbin inverter top FPC bobbin hinges (2) LED cable 5-mm bezel screws (6) 5-mm hinge screws (2) 4-mm panel- rail screws (4)

4-14Dell Inspiron 3500 Portable Computer Service Manual )LJXUH ([SORGHG 9LHZ³3DOPUHVW $VVHPEO\ connector cover palmrest touch pad touch pad assembly bottom plastic touch-pad FPC cable keyboard 5-mm screws (3) optional internal modem with 14-mm screw (1) system-board retaining clip with 14-mm screw