Dell Appassure 5 User Guide
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Dell AppAssure User Guide Version 5.4.3 Revision B429 ValidateHyperVDiskExists Validates Hyper-V disk exists. URI: export/schedule/hyperv/location/{path} HTTP Method: POST ValidateHyperVRoleIsInstalled Validates Hyper-V credentials. URI: export/schedule/hyperv/role HTTP Method: POST ValidateHyperVUefiPartitionByAgentId Validates if this machine has UEFI partition by agent identifier. URI: export/schedule/hyperv/validateUefiByAgent/{agentId} HTTP Method: POST ValidateHyperVUefiPartitionByRecoveryPointId Validates if this machine has UEFI partition by recovery point identifier. URI: export/schedule/hyperv/validateUefiByRecoveryPoints/{recoveryPointId} HTTP Method: POST ValidateRemoteLinuxMachineCredentials Validates VirtualBox credentials. URI: export/schedule/vbox/credentials HTTP Method: POST ValidateStoragePoolSettings Validates whether Storage Pool feature was enabled on the protected machine. URI: export/schedule/storagepool/{agentId} HTTP Method: POST ValidateSystemVolumeDiskLocation Validates location for virtual machine. URI: export/schedule/systemvolume/location/validate HTTP Method: POST ValidateVirtualBoxInstalled Validates VirtualBox is installed on local/remote machine. URI: export/schedule/vbox/installed?isVirtualMachineUpdating={isVirtualMachineUpdating} HTTP Method: POST

Dell AppAssure User Guide Version 5.4.3 Revision B430 ValidateVirtualBoxUefiPartition Validates whether target VM configuration has UEFI support. URI: export/schedule/vbox/uefi/validate/{agentId}/{recoveryPointId} HTTP Method: PUT ValidateWindowsMachineCredentials Validates VirtualBox Windows credentials. URI: export/schedule/vbox/wincredentials/{path}/{userName} HTTP Method: POST IHyperVAgentManagement This section describes the service operations available for IHyperVAgentManagement at hypervagent/. The URI and HTTP method are provided for each service operation. The service operations include: •AddDvdDrive •AddIsoImage •AddNetworkAdapter •AttachVirtualDisk •DeleteVirtualMachine •DetachVirtualDisk •EndSession •GetAvailableVirtualNetworks •GetMaximumProcessorCount •GetOrCreateVirtualMachineAndAttach •GetSnapshotsCount •GetVirtualDisks •GetVirtualMachineName •InsertIntegrationServices •Pi n gSe ss i on •RenameVirtualMachine •SetProcessorCount •SetRamMegabytes •VerifyConnection AddDvdDrive Adds a DVD drive to current virtual machine. URI: hypervagent/{virtualMachineId}/dvd PUT

Dell AppAssure User Guide Version 5.4.3 Revision B431 AddIsoImage Adds an ISO image to a DVD drive. If DVD drive doesnt exist - creates it. URI: hypervagent/{virtualMachineId}/iso/{isoPath} HTTP Method: PUT AddNetworkAdapter Adds new network adapter to current virtual machine. URI: hypervagent/{virtualMachineId}/nic/{networkAdapterName} HTTP Method: PUT AttachVirtualDisk Attaches a virtual disk to current virtual machine. URI: hypervagent/{virtualMachineId}/disks/{diskPath}/{storageController} HTTP Method: PUT DeleteVirtualMachine Deletes current virtual machine and detaches from it. URI: hypervagent/existent/{virtualMachineId} HTTP Method: DELETE DetachVirtualDisk Detaches a virtual disk from current virtual machine. hypervagent/{virtualMachineId}/disks/{diskPath} HTTP Method: DELETE EndSession Tells Hyper-V Agent to finish session with the virtual machine. URI: hypervagent/{virtualMachineId}/endsession HTTP Method: DELETE GetAvailableVirtualNetworks Gets a list of virtual network adapters on Hyper-V server available for a virtual machine. URI: hypervagent/{virtualMachineId}/availablevirtualnetworks HTTP Method: GET GetMaximumProcessorCount Gets the maximum number of virtual CPUs that could be attached to virtual machine. URI: hypervagent/cpu/{operatingSystemFamily} HTTP Method: GET

Dell AppAssure User Guide Version 5.4.3 Revision B432 GetOrCreateVirtualMachineAndAttach Gets or creates virtual machine specified in request parameter. URI: hypervagent/getOrCreate HTTP Method: POST GetSnapshotsCount Get the count of snapshots for virtual machine. URI: hypervagent/{virtualMachineId}/getSnapshotsCount HTTP Method: GET GetVirtualDisks Gets a list of virtual disks currently attached to current virtual machine. URI: hypervagent/{virtualMachineId}/disks HTTP Method: GET GetVirtualMachineName Gets name of current virtual machine. URI: hypervagent/{virtualMachineId}/name HTTP Method: GET InsertIntegrationServices Mounts the integration services setup disk. URI: hypervagent/{virtualMachineId}/integrationservices HTTP Method: PUT PingSession Indicates that session is still being used. URI: hypervagent/{virtualMachineId}/pingSession HTTP Method: PUT RenameVirtualMachine Renames current virtual machine. URI: hypervagent/{virtualMachineId}/newname/{newVirtualMachineName} HTTP Method: PUT SetProcessorCount Changes number of virtual CPUs in current virtual machine. URI: hypervagent/{virtualMachineId}/cpu/{processorCount} HTTP Method: PUT

Dell AppAssure User Guide Version 5.4.3 Revision B433 SetRamMegabytes Changes amount of RAM in current virtual machine. URI: hypervagent/{virtualMachineId}/ram/{ramValue} HTTP Method: PUT Ve r i f y C o n n e c t i o n Verifies connection to the running HyperV Agent. URI: hypervagent/connect HTTP Method: GET IIsoDatabaseManagement This section describes the service operations available for IIsoDatabaseManagement at bootcdbuilder/. The URI and HTTP method are provided for each service operation. The service operations include: •DeleteIsoEntry •GetAllIsoEntries DeleteIsoEntry Asks service to delete particular entry. URI: bootcdbuilder/isos/{entryId} HTTP Method: DELETE GetAllIsoEntries Returns full list of ISO files which have been created previously. URI: bootcdbuilder/isos HTTP Method: GET ILicenseManagement This section describes the service operations available for ILicenseManagement at license/. The ILicenseManagement service contract is the interface implemented by the core licene management service, which provides license information and functionality. The URI and HTTP method are provided for each service operation. The service operations include: •ChangeGroupKey •ForcePhoneHome •GetAgentLicenseInfo •GetCoreLicenseInfo •GetLicenseConstraintsInfo •GetLicenseInfo •GetLicenseStatesNotifications

Dell AppAssure User Guide Version 5.4.3 Revision B434 •IsKeySpecifiedAndValid •IsPhoneHomeEnable •IsPhoneHomeInProgress ChangeGroupKey Gets new group key from the UI, validates it, and then returns the validation results. URI: license/changeGroupKey/{groupKey} HTTP Method: POST ForcePh oneHome Forces connection with License Portal immediately. URI: license/phoneHome/force HTTP Method: POST GetAgentLicenseInfo Gets licensing information for the given agent. URI: license/agent/{agentId} HTTP Method: GET GetCoreLicenseInfo Gets core licensing information. URI: license/core HTTP Method: GET GetLicenseConstraintsInfo Gets description for all enabled constraints. URI: license/constraintsInfo HTTP Method: GET GetLicenseInfo Gets licensing information for Core and all the agents. URI: license/licenseInfo HTTP Method: GET GetLicenseStatesNotifications Gets license states notifications for Core and all the agents. URI: license/licenseStatesNotifications HTTP Method: GET

Dell AppAssure User Guide Version 5.4.3 Revision B435 IsKeySpecifiedAndValid Gets state of the key. URI: license/key HTTP Method: GET IsPhoneHomeEnable Determines if the phone home operation is enabled. URI: license/phoneHome/isEnable HTTP Method: GET IsPhoneHomeInProgress Determines if the phone home operation is in progress. URI: license/phoneHome/isInProgress HTTP Method: GET ILocalizationManagement This section describes the service operations available for ILocalizationManagement at localization/. The ILocalizationManagement service contract is the interface implemented by the common localization service with a persistent configuration, which maintains, set and gets products current culture. The URI and HTTP method are provided for each service operation. The service operations include: •GetAvailableCultures •GetCurrentCulture •SetCurrentCulture GetAvailableCultures Gets a list of all available resource cultures. URI: localization/availableCultures HTTP Method: GET GetCurrentCulture Gets the current resource culture. URI: localization/currentCulture HTTP Method: GET SetCurrentCulture Sets new culture to all resources. URI: localization/newCulture/{lcid} HTTP Method: POST

Dell AppAssure User Guide Version 5.4.3 Revision B436 ILocalMountManagement This section describes the service operations available for ILocalMountManagement at mounts/. The ILocalMountManagement service contract is the interface implemented by the local mounts management service, used to mount and unmount volume images on the local core. The URI and HTTP method are provided for each service operation. The service operations include: •Dismount •DismountAll •DismountAllAgent •GetAgentMounts •GetMountOptions •GetMounts •IsVolumeFileSystemCompatible •StartMount •Ve r i f y Vo l u m e I m a g e s M o u n t a b i l i t y Dismount Dismounts one mounted volume. URI: mounts/volume/{mountedVolumeName} HTTP Method: DELETE DismountAll Dismounts all mounted volumes. URI: mounts/allvolumes HTTP Method: DELETE DismountAllAgent Dismounts all mounted volumes which came from a specific agent. URI: mounts/agents/{agentId}/allvolumes HTTP Method: DELETE GetAgentMounts Gets the list of currently mounted volumes which came from a specific agent. URI: mounts/agents/{agentId} HTTP Method: GET GetMountOptions Gets options for where to mount recovery points. URI: mounts/options HTTP Method: GET

Dell AppAssure User Guide Version 5.4.3 Revision B437 GetMounts Gets the list of currently mounted volumes. URI: mounts/ HTTP Method: GET IsVolumeFileSystemCompatible Verifies whether volume file system is compatible with current operation system. URI: mounts/supportos/{volumeImageId} HTTP Method: GET StartMount Starts mounting a specified recovery point. URI: mounts/ HTTP Method: POST VerifyVolumeImagesMountability Validates mountability of volume images. URI: mounts/verifyVolumeImagesMountability HTTP Method: POST ILoggingManagement This section describes the service operations available for ILoggingManagement at logs/. The ILoggingManagement service contract represents Replay.Core.Contracts.Logging.ILoggingManagement. The URI and HTTP method are provided for each service operation. The service operations include: •AllRegisteredTraceLogs •EnableTraceLog •GetEnabledTraceLogs •SetEnabledTraceLogs •TraceLogSuggestions •UnregisterTraceLogs AllRegisteredTraceLogs Gets all registered trace logs entries. URI: logs/allRegisteredTraceLogs HTTP Method: GET EnableTraceLog Enables specified trace log. URI: logs/enableTraceLog HTTP Method: PUT

Dell AppAssure User Guide Version 5.4.3 Revision B438 GetEnabledTraceLogs Gets enabled trace logs entries. URI: logs/enabledTraceLogs HTTP Method: GET SetEnabledTraceLogs Applies new set of enabled trace logs. URI: logs/enableTraceLogs HTTP Method: POST TraceLogSuggestions Gets suggestions to enable trace logs. URI: logs/traceLogSuggestions HTTP Method: GET UnregisterTraceLogs Unregisteres trace log by filter name. URI: logs/unregisterTraceLogs HTTP Method: POST ILogTruncationManagement This section describes the service operations available for ILogTruncationManagement at logtruncation/. The ILogTruncationManagement service contract is the interface implemented by core log truncation management service which provides log truncation functionality. The URI and HTTP method are provided for each service operation. The service operations include: •ForceLogTruncation ForceLogTruncation Forces a log truncation job for the specified agent. URI: logtruncation/agents/{agentId}/force HTTP Method: POST INightlyJobsManagement This section describes the service operations available for INightlyJobsManagement at nightlyJobs/. The INightlyJobsManagement service contract is the RESTful API for nightly jobs. The URI and HTTP method are provided for each service operation. The service operations include: •CancelNightlyJobs •GetAgentJobConfiguration