Dell Appassure 5 User Guide
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Dell AppAssure User Guide Version 5.4.3 Revision B309 Usage The usage for the command is as follows: /restorearchive -core [host name] -user [user name] -password [password] -all | - protectedserver [name | IP address] -repository [name] -archiveusername [name] - archivepassword [password] -path [location] Command Options The following table describes the options available for the RestoreArchive command: Examples: Restore archived data for all protected servers: >aacmd /restorearchive -core -username administrator -password 23WE@#$sdd -all -repository repository1 -path d:\work\archive Restore archived data for specific protected servers: >aacmd /restorearchive -core -username administrator -password 23WE@#$sdd -protectedserver “” “” -repository repository1 -path d:\work\archive Resume [snapshot | vmexport | replication] The administrator can resume snapshots, export to a virtual machine, and replicate. You must specify your need to resume by a parameter. The following parameters are valid: snapshot, vmexport, and replication. See Pause [snapshot | vmexport | replication] for more details. Table 155. RestoreArchive command options Option Description -?Display this help message. -coreOptional. Remote Core host machine IP address (with an optional port number). By default, the connection is made to the Core installed on the local machine. -userOptional. User name for the remote Core host machine. If you specify a user name, you must also provide a password. If none is provided, then the credentials for the logged-on user are used. -passwordOptional. Password to the remote Core host machine. If you specify a password, you also have to provide a user name. If none is provided, then the credentials for the logged-on user are used. -allRestore data for all protected machines from the archive files. -protectedserverProtected machine with recovery points to restore. You can specify several machine names enclosed in double quotes and separated by spaces. -repositoryName of a repository on the Core to which the restored recovery points should be placed. The name must be enclosed in double quotes. -archiveusernameOptional. User name for the remote machine. Required for network path only. -archivepasswordOptional. Password to the remote machine. Required for network path only. -pathLocation of the archived data to be restored; for example: d:\work\archive or network path \\servename\sharename.

Dell AppAssure User Guide Version 5.4.3 Revision B310 Usage The usage for the command is as follows: /resume [snapshot | vmexport | replication] -core [host name] -user [user name] -password [password] -all | -protectedserver [name | IP address] -incoming [host name] | outgoing [host name] -time [time string] Command Options The following table describes the options available for the Resume command: Examples: Resume snapshots for specific protected server: >aacmd /resume snapshot -core -user administrator -password 23WE@#$sdd -protectedserver Resume export to a virtual machine for all protected machines on the core: >aacmd /resume vmexport –core -user administrator -password 23WE@#$sdd - all Resume outgoing replication on the core for a specific protected machine: >aacmd /resume replication -core -user administrator -password 23WE@#$sdd -protectedserver Resume outgoing replication for all protected machines on the target core: >aacmd /resume replication -core -user administrator -password 23WE@#$sdd -outgoing Resume incoming replication for all machines on the target core: >aacmd /resume replication -core -user administrator -password 23WE@#$sdd -incoming Table 156. Resume command options Option Description -?Display this help message. -restore[snapshots], [replication] or [vmexport]. -coreOptional. Remote Core host machine IP address (with an optional port number). By default, the connection is made to the Core installed on the local machine. -userOptional. User name for the remote Core host machine. If you specify a user name, you must also provide a password. If none is provided, then the credentials for the logged-on user are used. -passwordOptional. Password to the remote Core host machine. If you specify a password, you also have to provide a user name. If none is provided, then the credentials for the logged-on user are used. -allResume all agents on the selected Core. -protectedserverResume current protected server. -incomingHost name of the remote core that replicates to the core machine. -outgoingHost name of the remote target core to which data is replicated.

Dell AppAssure User Guide Version 5.4.3 Revision B311 StartExport The StartExport command forces a one-time export of data from a protected machine to a virtual server. You can export to an ESXi, VMware Workstation, Hyper-V, or VirtualBox virtual machine. If exporting to ESXi, you must specify thick or thin disk provisioning. Usage The usage for the command is as follows: /startexport -exporttype [esxi | vm | hyperv | vb] -core [host name] -user [user name] -password [password] -protectedserver [name | IP address] -volumes [volume names] -rpn [recovery point number | numbers] | -time [time string] -vmname [virtual machine name] -hostname [virtual host name] -hostport [virtual hostport number] - hostusername [virtual host user name] -hostpassword [virtual host password] [-ram [total megabytes] | -usesourceram] -diskprovisioning [thin | thick] -diskmapping [automatic | manual | withvm] -targetpath [location] -pathusername [user name] - pathpassword [password] [-uselocalmachine] Command Options The following table describes the options available for the StartExport command: Table 157. StartExport command options Option Description -?Display this help message. -exporttypePerform export of data from protected server to an ESXi server (esxi), VMware Workstation server (vm), Hyper-V server (hyperv), or VirtualBox server (vb). -coreOptional. Remote Core host machine IP address (with an optional port number). By default, the connection is made to the Core installed on the local machine. -userOptional. User name for the remote Core host machine. If you specify a user name, you must also provide a password. If none is provided, then the credentials for the logged-on user are used. -passwordOptional. Password to the remote Core host machine. If you specify a password, you also have to provide a user name. If none is provided, then the credentials for the logged-on user are used. -protectedserverProtected machine with recovery points to be exported. -volumesOptional. List of volume names to be exported. If not specified, all volumes will be exported. Values must be enclosed in double quotes and separated with spaces; for example: “c:” “d:”. Do not use trailing slashes in volume names. -rpnOptional. The sequential number of a recovery point to be exported (use Get- RecoveryPoints command to get the numbers). If neither the ‘time’ nor the ‘rpn’ option is specified, then the most recent recovery point is exported. -timeOptional. Determines the recovery point or points to be selected for export. You need to specify the exact time in the format mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm tt (for example, 2/24/2012 09:00 AM). Be sure to specify the date time values of the time zone set on your PC. Note: if neither the time nor the rpn option is specified, then the most recent recovery point is exported. -vmnameESXi/VMware Workstation export only. Windows name of the virtual machine. -hostnameESXi/Hyper-V export only. Virtual server host name. -linuxhostnameVirtualBox export only. Virtual server host name. -hostportESXi/Hyper-V export only. Virtual server port number. -hostusernameESXi/Hyper-V export only. User name for the virtual server host.

Dell AppAssure User Guide Version 5.4.3 Revision B312 Examples: Export data to an ESXi virtual machine with a specific name and the same amount of RAM and disk size as the source protected server: >aacmd /startexport -exporttype esxi -core -user administrator -password 23WE@#$sdd -protectedserver -vmname Win2008-Smith -hostname - hostport 443 -hostusername root -hostpassword 12QWsdxc@# -usesourceram - diskprovisioning thick Create a VMware Workstation machine file on the local drive with protected data from recovery point #4: >aacmd /startexport -exporttype vmstation -core -user administrator - password 23WE@#$sdd -protectedserver -rpn 4 -vmname Win2008-Smith - targetpath c:\virtualmachines -ram 4096 Create a Hyper-V machine files to be stored on a remote machine: >aacmd /startexport -exporttype hyperv -core -user administrator - password 23WE@#$sdd -protectedserver -vmlocation \\WIN7- Bobby\virtualmachines -hostname -hostport 443 -hostusername root - hostpassword 12QWsdxc@# -ram 4096-hostpasswordESXi/Hyper-V export only. Password to the virtual server host. -ramESXi/Hyper-V export only. Allocate a specific amount of RAM on the virtual server. -usesourceramESXi/Hyper-V export only. Optional. Allocate the same amount of RAM on the virtual server as there is on the source protected machine. -diskprovisioningESXi export only. Optional. The amount of disk space to be allocated on the virtual machine. Specify thick to make the virtual disk as large as the original drive on the protected server, or thin to allocate the amount of actual disk space occupied on the original drive + some extra megabytes. The default selection is thin provisioning. -diskmappingESXi export only. Optional. Available values: auto, manual, withvm. The default value is auto-mapping. -targetpathVMware Workstation or VirtualBox export only. Local or network path (or Linux path for VirtualBox export only) to the folder where the virtual machine files should be stored. -pathusernameVMware Workstation export only. User name for network machine. Only required when you specify network path in -targetpath. -pathpasswordVMware Workstation export only. Password for network machine. Only required when you specify network path in -targetpath. -uselocalmachineHyper-V export only. Optional. Connect to the local Hyper-V server. In this case, options hostname, hostport, hostusername and hostpassword are ignored. Table 157. StartExport command options Option Description

Dell AppAssure User Guide Version 5.4.3 Revision B313 UpdateRepository The UpdateRepository command adds a new storage location to an existing repository. Usage The usage for the command is as follows: /updaterepository -name [repository name] -size [size of the repository] [-datapath [data path] -metadatapath [metadata path] | [-uncpath [UNC path] -shareusername [share user name] -sharepassword [share password] -core [host name] -user [user name] -password [password] Command Options The following table describes the options available for the UpdateRepository command: Examples: Create a new storage location in a local repository: >aacmd /updaterepository -name “Repository 1” -size 200Gb -datapath d: epository - metadatapath d: epository -core -username administrator -password 23WE@#$sdd Create a storage location at a shared location: >aacmd /updaterepository -name “Repository 1” -size 200Gb -uncpath \\share epository -shareusername login -sharepassword 23WE@#$sdd -core -username administrator -password 23WE@#$sdd Table 158. UpdateRepository command options Option Description -?Display this help message. -nameRepository name. -sizeSize of repository storage location. Available units are b, Kb, Mb, Gb, Tb, and Pb. -datapathFor local location only. Determines data path of repository storage location. -metadatapathFor local location only. Determines metadata path of repository storage location. -uncpathFor share location only. Determines data and metadata paths of repository storage location. -shareusernameFor share location only. Determines user name to share location. -sharepasswordFor share location only. Determines password to share location. -coreOptional. Remote Core host machine IP address (with an optional port number). By default, the connection is made to the Core installed on the local machine. -userOptional. User name for the remote Core host machine. If you specify a user name, you must also provide a password. If none is provided, then the credentials for the logged-on user are used. -passwordOptional. Password to the remote Core host machine. If you specify a password, you also have to provide a user name. If none is provided, then the credentials for the logged-on user are used.

Dell AppAssure User Guide Version 5.4.3 Revision B314 Ve r s i o n The Version command displays information about the version of the AppAssure software installed on the specified server. If you do not specify a core or protected server, the information returned applies to the Core on which you are currently working. Usage The usage for the command is as follows: /[version | ver] -protectedserver [name | IP address] Command Options The following table describes the options available for the Version command: Example: Display information about the version of AppAssure installed on the current AppAssure Core: >aacmd.exe /version Localization When running on the same machine on which AppAssure Core is installed, the the AppAssure Command Line Management utility bases its display language on the language set for the AppAssure Core. In this release, supported languages include English, Chinese (Simplified), French, Korean, German, Japanese, Portuguese (Brazil), and Spanish. If the AppAssure Command Line Management utility is installed on a separate machine, English is the only language supported. Table 159. Version command options Option Description -?Display this help message. -coreOptional. Remote Core host machine IP address (with an optional port number). By default, the connection is made to the Core installed on the local machine. -userOptional. User name for the remote Core host machine. If you specify a user name, you must also provide a password. If none is provided, then the credentials for the logged-on user are used. -passwordOptional. Password to the remote Core host machine. If you specify a password, you also have to provide a user name. If none is provided, then the credentials for the logged-on user are used. -protectedserverOptional. The protected machine for which you want to view version information. If you do not specify a protect machine, the return is information about the Core machine on which you are working.

Dell AppAssure User Guide Version 5.4.3 Revision B B 315 Understanding the AppAssure PowerShell module The AppAssure backup and disaster recovery product consists of several software components, including the AppAssure Agent, the AppAssure Core, and the AppAssure PowerShell Module. •The AppAssure Agent is responsible for taking volume snapshots and for fast transfer of the data to the AppAssure Core. •The AppAssure Core stores snapshot data for machines protected by the Agent software, and offers other enhanced features such as bare metal restore to dissimilar hardware, virtual export and replication. •The AppAssure PowerShell Module is a Windows utility that lets users interact with the AppAssure Core server through the use of PowerShell scripts. This module offers some of the same functionality that is provided by the AppAssure Core Console graphic user interface. For example, the AppAssure PowerShell Module can mount AppAssure recovery points or force a snapshot of a protected machine. Figure 10. PowerShell interacts with the AppAssure Core Windows PowerShell is a Microsoft .NET Framework-connected environment designed for administrative automation. This section describes the AppAssure PowerShell module and the cmdlets that can be used by administrators to script certain functions without interaction with the AppAssure Core graphic user interface.

Dell AppAssure User Guide Version 5.4.3 Revision B316 This section includes the following topics: •Prerequisites for using PowerShell •Working with commands and cmdlets Prerequisites for using PowerShell Before using the AppAssure PowerShell module, you must have Windows PowerShell 2.0 or later installed. Due to new features introduced in PowerShell 3.0, including easier access to object properties, PowerShell Web access, and support for REST calls, Dell recommends using PowerShell 3.0 or later. powershell.exe.config Launching PowerShell and importing the module Unlike other system modules, the AppAssure PowerShell Module is not loaded by default. For each session, you can open Windows PowerShell with administrative privileges, and then import the module. Complete the steps in this procedure to launch PowerShell and import the AppAssure PowerShell Module. To launch PowerShell and import the AppAssure PowerShell module 1 Open an elevated command prompt for Windows PowerShell. For example, type Windows PowerShell in the Start menu, and for the resulting Windows PowerShell application, right-click and select Run as administrator. Windows PowerShell opens in a new command window. 2 Enter the following command and then press Enter: Import-Module “AppAssurePowerShellModule” The AppAssure PowerShell module is imported for your current session. You can begin to run cmdlets in the existing command window. NOTE: You can also run PowerShell scripts as pre and post scripts. For more information and sample scripts, see Extending AppAssure jobs using scripting. NOTE: Make sure to place the powershell.exe.config file in the PowerShell home directory. For example, C:\WindowsPowerShell\powershell.exe.config

Dell AppAssure User Guide Version 5.4.3 Revision B317 Working with commands and cmdlets Cmdlets are specialized commands in a Windows PowerShell script that perform a single function. A cmdlet is typically expressed as a verb-noun pair. The result returned by a cmdlet is an object. You can pipeline PowerShell commands, which enables the output of one cmdlet to be piped as input to another cmdlet. As a simple example, you can request the list of commands in the AppAssure PowerShell module, and sort that list by name. The example script for this is: Get-Command -module appassurepowershellmodule | sort-object name Getting cmdlet help and examples Once you have opened PowerShell and imported the AppAssure PowerShell module, you can request additional information at any time by using the Get-Help cmdlet. For example, to get information about the virtual machine export cmdlet, enter the following cmdlet and then press Enter: Get-Help Start-VMExport The object returned includes the command name, synopsis, syntax, and any options you can use with the command. Another method to get help for a specific cmdlet is to type the command name followed by -?. For example: Start-VMExport -? You can also request examples for a cmdlet by executing the following command: >Get-Help Start-VMExport -examples AppAssure PowerShell module cmdlets This section describes the cmdlets and options available in the AppAssure PowerShell Module. The available cmdlets are listed in the following table. Table 160. Cmdlets in the AppAssure PowerShell Module Cmdlet name Description Get-ActiveJobs Retrieve a collection of active jobs Get-Clusters Retrieve a collection of protected clusters Get-CompletedJobs Retrieve a collection of completed jobs Get-ExchangeMailStores Retrieve a collection of Exchange mail stores Get-Failed Get information about failed recovery points Get-FailedJobs Retrieve a collection of failed jobs Get-Mounts Show all mounted recovery points Get-Passed Get information about passed recovery points Get-ProtectedServers Get information about protected servers Get-ProtectionGroups Retrieve a collection of protection groups Get-RecoveryPoints Get information about recovery points Get-ReplicatedServers Get information about replicated servers Get-Repositories Get information about repositories Get-SqlDatabases Retrieve a collection of SQL databases Get-UnprotectedVolumes Retrieve a collection of unprotected volumes Get-VirtualizedServers Get information about virtualized servers

Dell AppAssure User Guide Version 5.4.3 Revision B318 Get-ActiveJobs The Get-ActiveJobs command returns all active jobs from the Core. The -jobtype parameter could be used to observe specific jobs. Usage The usage for the command is as follows: Get-ActiveJobs -core [host name] -user [user name] -password [password] -all | -protectedserver [server name or IP address] -number [all | f[number] |l[number] | number] -jobtype [type] -time [time] Get-Volumes Get information about volumes New-Base Force base image snapshot New-Mount Mount recovery points New-Repository Create new repository New-Snapshot Force snapshot Push-Replication Force replication Push-Rollup Force rollup Remove-Mount Dismount recovery point Remove-Mounts Dismount all mounted recovery points Resume-Replication Resume replication Resume-Snapshot Resume snapshot Resume-VMExport Resume virtual machine export Start-Archive Archive recovery points Start-AttachabilityCheck Force attachability check for protected MS SQL databases Start-EsxiExport Force export to an ESXi server Start-HypervExport Force export to a Hyper-V server Start-LogTruncation Force log truncation Start-MountabilityCheck Force mountability check for protected Exchange mail stores Start-Protect Put a server under protection Start-ProtectCluster Put a cluster under protection Start-RestoreArchive Restore archive with recovery points Start-VBExport Force export to a VirtualBox server Start-VMExport Force export to a VMWare Workstation server Stop-ActiveJobs Cancel active jobs Suspend-Replication Pause replication Suspend-Snapshot Pause snapshot Suspend-VMExport Pause virtual machine export Update-Repository Add extent to repository Table 160. Cmdlets in the AppAssure PowerShell Module Cmdlet name Description