Daewoo Frs 2021 Service Manual
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Page 21
SILENT (Silence Mode) INPUT Control Object 1. CDS SENSOR 5. COMP 6. R -FAN 7. F -FAN 8. CUSTOM -LCD CONTENTS REMARKS 1. Purpose of Silence mode To reduce refrigerator noise at night by decresing fan RPM to a minimum d\ egree 2. Condition to start 1) The optical o r light sensor in top middle of control panel senses surround light and \ Silence mode starts if the amount of light sensed is below the standard \ value for more than 1 minute. ( The mode does not...
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CO NTE N TS R EM ARKS 1. F an volt a g e o f e ach c o ntr o l m ode 2. C ontr o l a gain st ( u nder) lo ad ( L oad C ontr o l) 1 ) P urp o se : To re sto re F /R-te m pera tu re w hic h h a s ris e n b y lo a d (m uch fo od s in o r fr e qu en t d oo r o pen in gs) a s s o o n a s p ossib le 2 ) Dis p la y : S PEED lig hts u ntil t h e m ode a nd s p eed ic o n s flic ker. 3 ) C ondit io ns to s ta rt ( fr o m b oth N orm al a nd S ile nce) a . F o r R d o...
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CONTENTS REMARKS 3. Control Time Chart of Each Mode 1) Start & stop of load control mode (Normal Control) Door F/S F Fan R/S R Fan Door Open 30 sec. after Open Load Mode Start Frz. Load Stop Rez. Load Stop On + 5deg On + 5deg Frz. Overload Input Frz. Start Condition Frz. Stop ; after 20min. 20min. 20min. Ref. Load14V 14V 12V 12V 2) Start & stop of load control mode (Silence Control) Door F/S F Fan R/S R Fan Door Open 30sec. after openLoad Mode StartRef. Load StopFrz. Load Stop On...
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CONTENTS REMARKS 4. Flow Chart of Load Control Mode Sart F/R door open time is over 30 sec. ? F/S ON + 5deg? R-sensor ON + 5deg?Fan RPM F Fan : 12V R Fan : 12V C Fan : 10V Fan RPM Normal Overload F Fan : 10V 12V R Fan : 10V 12V C Fan : 10V 12V Overload of both compartments Y N Freezer Compartment Overload Refrigerator Compartment Overload Y N Y N F load control ; over 20 min. ? F-sensor OFF point ?Overload mode control Overload mode...
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Defrosting Cycle INPUT Control Object 1. Total comp. work time 2. Comp. work rate 3. RT temperature 4. Total door open time 1. Defrosting Mode CONTENTS REMARKS 1. Conditions to start defrosting cycle 1) Total comp. work time : 6, 8, 10 hours 2) C omp. work rate (by the 2 hours ) : over 65% 3) Total door open time : 3 minutes (Any door - F or R – open time is over 3 minutes.) 4) Total time of [comp. ON + comp. OFF] : 60 hours 5)...
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CONTENTS REMARKS 3. Flow Chart of Defrosting Start Start Ambient temp. is over 35C ?Comp. work time is over 10 hours ? Total time is over 60 hours ? Comp. work time is over 6 hours ? Any error ?Comp. work rate is over 65 % ? EndDefrosting mode starts. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No NoNo Comp. work time is over 2 hours ? Total door open time is over 3 minutes ? YesYes No NoComp. work time is over 8 hours ? No No - 26 -
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Defrosting Mode INPUT Control Object 1. Defrosting Cycle 1. COMP 2. F -FAN 3. R -FAN 4. HEATER CONTENTS REMARKS 1. Defrosting Mode 1) Time ; 50 minutes 2) C omp. / F-fan : ON R -fan : Control H eater : OFF 3) If F - senso r < - 27C, PRE-COOL becomes OFF. 1) If D- sensor > 10C, Heater becomes OFF. 2) In case of Heater return by time limit of 40 or 80 min (F3 -E rror ) 3) Heater is ON for 30 minutes (time limit) in case of...
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Error Display (LCD Display of F-PCB) INPUT Control Object 1. Temperature Control Buttons CUSTOM LCD CONTEN TS REMARKS 1. How to start 1) Set “LOCK ON ” first. 2) Push “LOCK ” button 3 times while pushing “REF SET. ” button at the same time . 2. Display E rror code is displayed on Freezer temperature display part. 3. How to stop 1) Push “LOCK ” button 3 times w hile pushing “REF SET. ” button . 2) It stops automatically 4 minutes after the...
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CONTENTS REMARKS 6. Control Way of Errors (if any) 1) F1 ERROR a. Cause : F-sensor disconnection / short (pull-down) b. Control : Comp. / F-fan -> ON for 25min., OFF for 25min. c. if F-sensor is normal, the error is terminated automatically. 2) r1 ERROR a. Cause : R-sensor disconnection / short (pull-down) b. Control : Condition of ambient temperature RT/S I n ERROR Work rate ON/OFF 8 / 12 7 / 13 8 / 12 8 / 12 9 / 11 c. If R-sensor is...
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Forced Defrosting INPUT Control Object 1. “ FRZ SET. ” button 2. “ REF SET. ” button 3. “ LOCK ” button Defrosting Mode CONTENTS REMARKS 1. How to start -> Set “LOCK ON” first, then push “REF SET.” button 5 times while pushing “FRZ SET. ” button simultaneously . 2. How to proceed 1) Delete Pre -cool mode. (Others are same as normal defrosting.) 2) Heater is ON regardless of D -sensor temp. at first 30 seconds. ( Check of defrosting current) 6...