D-Link Router DIR-626L User Manual
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37 D-Link DIR-626L User Manual Secti\bn 3 - C\bnfigurati\bn In\berne\b Se\bup DS-Li\be An\bther Internet C\bnnecti\bn type is DS-Lite. DS-Li\be \fonfigura\bion: Select the DS-Lite DHCP\f6 \bpti\bn t\b let the r\buter all\bcate the AFTR IP\f6 address aut\bmatically. Select the Manual C\bnfigurati\bn t\b enter the AFTR IP\f6 address in manually. AFTR IPv6 Address: After selecting the Manual C\bnfigurati\bn \bpti\bn ab\b\fe, enter the AFTR IP\f6 address used here. B4 IPv4 Address: Enter the B4 IP\f4 address \falue used here. WAN IPv6 Address: Once c\bnnected, the WAN IP\f6 address will be displayed here. IPv6 WAN Defaul\b Ga\beway Once c\bnnected, the IP\f6 WAN Default Gateway address will be displayed here. DS-Lite is an IP\f6 c\bnnecti\bn type. After selecting DS-Lite, the f\bll\bwing parameters will be a\failable f\br c\bnfigurati\bn:

38 D-Link DIR-626L User Manual Secti\bn 3 - C\bnfigurati\bn Wireless Se\b\bings If y\bu want t\b c\bnfigure the wireless settings \bn y\bur r\buter using the wizard, click Wire\bess.Security .Setup .Wizard .and refer t\b page 42. Click Add.Wire\bess .Device .with .WPS if y\bu want t\b add a wireless de\fice using Wi-Fi Pr\btected Setup (WPS) and refer t\b page 44. If y\bu want t\b manually c\bnfigure the wireless settings \bn y\bur r\buter click Manua\b Wire\bess. Network. Setup.and refer t\b the next page.

39 D-Link DIR-626L User Manual Secti\bn 3 - C\bnfigurati\bn Check the b\bx t\b enable the wireless functi\bn. If y\bu d\b n\bt want t\b use wireless, uncheck the b\bx t\b disable all the wireless functi\bns. Select the time frame that y\bu w\buld like y\bur wireless netw\brk enabled. The schedule may be set t\b A\bways. Any schedule y\bu create will be a\failable in the dr\bp-d\bwn menu. Click New.Schedu\be t\b create a schedule. Ser\fice Set Identifier (SSID) is the name \bf y\bur wireless netw\brk. Create a name f\br y\bur wireless netw\brk using up t\b 32 characters. The SSID is case-sensiti\fe. Select \bne \bf the f\bll\bwing: 802.11b.\fn\by - Select \bnly if all \bf y\bur wireless clients are 802.11b. 802.11g.\fn\by - Select \bnly if all \bf y\bur wireless clients are 802.11g. 802.11n.\fn\by - Select \bnly if all \bf y\bur wireless clients are 802.11n. Mixed.802.11g.and.802.11b - Select if y\bu are using b\bth 802.11g\l and 802.11b wireless clients. Mixed.802.11n.and.802.11g - Select if y\bu are using b\bth 802.11n\l and 802.11g wireless clients. Mixed.802.11n,.11g,.and.11b - Select if y\bu are using a mix \bf 80\l2.11n, 802.11g, and 802.11b wireless clients. The Auto. Channe\b. Scan setting can be selected t\b all\bw the DIR-626L t\b ch\b\bse the channel with the least am\bunt \bf interference. Indicates the channel setting f\br the DIR-626L. By default the channel is set t\b 6. The Channel can be changed t\b fit the channel setting f\br an existing wireless netw\brk \br t\b cust\bmize the wireless netw\brk. If y\bu enable Auto.Channe\b. Scan, this \bpti\bn will be greyed \but. Enable Wireless: Schedule: Wireless Ne\bwork Name: 802.11 Mode: Enable Au\bo \fhannel Scan: Wireless \fhannel: Manual Wireless Se\b\bings

40 D-Link DIR-626L User Manual Secti\bn 3 - C\bnfigurati\bn Select the Channel Width: Auto.20/40 - This is the default s\letting. Select if y\bu are using b\bth 802.11n\l and n\bn-802.11n wi\lreless de\fices. 20MHz - Select if y\bu are n\bt using any 802.11n wireless clients. Select Invisib\be if y\bu d\b n\bt want the SSID \bf y\bur wireless netw\brk t\b be br\badcasted by the DIR-626L. If In\fisible is selected, the SSID \bf the DIR-626L will n\bt be seen by Site Sur\fey utilities s\b y\bur wireless clients will ha\fe t\b kn\bw the SSID \bf y\bur DIR-626L in \brder t\b c\bnnect t\b it. Refer t\b the next page f\br m\bre inf\brmati\bn regarding wireless security. \fhannel Wid\bh: Visibili\by S\ba\bus: Wireless Securi\by:

41 D-Link DIR-626L User Manual Secti\bn 4 - Security Wireless Securi\by This secti\bn will sh\bw y\bu the different le\fels \bf security y\bu can use t\b pr\btect y\bur data fr\bm intruders. The DIR-626L \bffers the f\bll\bwing types \bf security: • WPA2 (Wi-Fi Pr\btected Access 2) • WPA2-PSK (Pre-Shared Key) • WPA (Wi-Fi Pr\btected Access) • WPA-PSK (Pre-Shared Key) Wha\b is WPA? WPA (Wi-Fi Pr\btected Access), is a Wi-Fi standard that was designed t\b impr\b\fe the security features \bf WEP (Wired Equi\falent Pri\facy). The 2 maj\br impr\b\fements \b\fer WEP: • Impr\b\fed data encrypti\bn thr\bugh the Temp\bral Key Integrity Pr\bt\bc\bl (TKIP). TKIP scrambles the keys using a hashing alg\brithm and, by adding an integrity-checking feature, ensures that the keys ha\fen’t been tampered with. WPA2 is based \bn 802.11i an\ld uses Ad\fanced Encrypti\bn Standard (AES) instead \bf TKIP. • User authenticati\bn, which is generally missing in WEP, thr\bugh the extensible authenticati\bn pr\bt\bc\bl (EAP). WEP regulates access t\b a wireless netw\brk based \bn a c\bmputer’s hardware-specific MAC address, which is relati\fely simple t\b be sniffed \but and st\blen. EAP is built \bn a m\bre secure public-key encrypti\bn system t\b ensure that \bnly auth\brized netw\brk users can access the netw\brk. WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK uses a passphrase \br key t\b authenticate y\bur wireless c\bnnecti\bn. The key is an alpha-numeric passw\brd between 8 and 63 characters l\bng. The passw\brd can include symb\bls (!?*&_) and spaces. This key must be the exact same key entered \bn y\bur wireless r\buter \br access p\bint. WPA/WPA2 inc\brp\brates user authenticati\bn thr\bugh the Extensible Authenticati\bn Pr\bt\bc\bl (EAP). EAP is built \bn a m\bre secure public key encrypti\bn system t\b ensure that \bnly auth\brized netw\brk users can access the netw\brk.

42 D-Link DIR-626L User Manual Secti\bn 4 - Security Wireless Securi\by Se\bup Wizard T\b run the security wizard, click \bn Setup at the t\bp and then click Wire\bess.Network.Setup. Wizard. Type y\bur desired wireless netw\brk name (SSID). Automatica\b\by:. Select this \bpti\bn t\b aut\bmatically generate the r\buter’s netw\brk key and click Next. Manua\b\by: Select this \bpti\bn t\b manually enter y\bur netw\brk key and click Next.

43 D-Link DIR-626L User Manual Secti\bn 4 - Security If y\bu selected Automatica\b\by , the summary wind\bw will display y\bur settings. Write d\bwn the security key and enter this \bn y\bur wireless clients. Click Save t\b sa\fe y\bur settings. If y\bu selected Manua\b\by, the f\bll\bwing screen will appear. Create a passphrase f\br y\bur security passw\brd. Click Next t\b c\bntinue.

44 D-Link DIR-626L User Manual Secti\bn 4 - Security Fr\bm the Setup > Wire\bess. Settings screen, click Add.Wire\bess. Device.with. WPS. Add Wireless Device wi\bh WPS Wizard If y\bu select Manua\b, a settings summary screen will appear. Write d\bwn the security key and enter this \bn y\bur wireless clients. Click \fK t\b finish. Select Auto t\b add a wireless client using WPS (Wi-Fi Pr\btected Setup) and then click Next. Skip t\b the next page.

45 D-Link DIR-626L User Manual Secti\bn 4 - Security PIN: Select this \bpti\bn t\b use PIN meth\bd. In \brder t\b use this meth\bd y\bu must kn\bw the wireless client’s 8 digit PIN and click Connect. PBC:. Select this \bpti\bn t\b use PBC (Push Butt\bn) meth\bd t\b add a wireless client. Click Connect. Once y\bu click .Connect , y\bu will ha\fe a 120 sec\bnd time limit t\b apply the settings t\b y\bur wireless client(s) and successfully establish a c\bnnecti\bn.

46 D-Link DIR-626L User Manual Secti\bn 4 - Security WPA/WPA2-Personal (PSK) It is rec\bmmended t\b enable encrypti\bn \bn y\bur wireless r\buter bef\bre y\bur wireless netw\brk adapters. Please establish wireless c\bnnecti\fity bef\bre enabling encrypti\bn. Y\bur wireless signal may degrade when enabling encrypti\bn due t\b the added \b\ferhead. 1. L\bg int\b the web-based c\bnfigurati\bn by \bpening a web br\bwser and entering the IP address \bf the r\buter ( Click \bn .Setup .and then click. Wire\bess.Settings \bn the left side. 2. Next t\b Security Mode, select WPA-Persona\b. 3. Next t\b WPA Mode, select Auto, WPA2. \fn\by, \br. WPA.\fn\by. Use Auto if y\bu ha\fe wireless clients using b\bth WPA and WPA2. 4. Next t\b Cypher Type, select TKIP.and.AES, TKIP, \br AES. 5. Next t\b Group Key Update Inter\fal, enter the am\bunt \bf time bef\bre the gr\bup key used f\br br\badcast and multicast data is changed (3600 is default). 6. Next t\b Pre-Shared Key, enter a key (passphrase). The key is entered as a pass-phrase in ASCII f\brmat at b\bth ends \bf the wireless c\bnnecti\bn. The pass-phrase must be between 8-63 characters. 7. Click Save. Settings t\b sa\fe y\bur settings. If y\bu are c\bnfiguring the r\buter with a wireless adapter, y\bu will l\bse c\bnnecti\fity until y\bu enable WPA-PSK \bn y\bur adapter and enter the same passphrase as y\bu did \bn the r\buter.