D-Link Router DIR-626L User Manual
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127 D-Link DIR-626L User Manual Secti\bn 6 - Tr\bublesh\b\bting 3.. Why.can’t.I.connect.to.certain.sites.or.send.and.receive.emai\bs.when.connecting.through.my.router?. If y\bu are ha\fing a pr\bblem sending \br recei\fing email, \br c\bnnecting t\b secure sites such as eBay, banking sites, and H\btmail, we suggest l\bwering the MTU in increments \bf ten (Ex. 1492, 1482\l, 1472, etc). T\b find the pr\bper MTU Size, y\bu’ll ha\fe t\b d\b a special ping \bf the destinati\bn y\bu’re trying t\b g\b t\b. A destinati\bn c\buld be an\bther c\bmputer, \br a URL. • Click \bn Start and then click Run. • Wind\bws® 95, 98, and Me users type in command (Wind\bws® NT, 2000, XP, Vista®, and 7 users type in cmd) and press Enter.(\br click \fK). • Once the wind\bw \bpens, y\bu’ll need t\b d\b a special ping. Use the f\bll\bwing syntax: . ping.[ur\b].[-f ].[-\b].[MTU.va\bue] Example: ping.yahoo.com.-f.-\b.1472

128 D-Link DIR-626L User Manual Secti\bn 6 - Tr\bublesh\b\bting Y\bu sh\buld start at 1472 and w\brk y\bur way d\bwn by 10 each time. Once y\bu get a reply, g\b up by 2 until y\bu get a fragmented packet. Take that \falue and add 28 t\b the \falue t\b acc\bunt f\br the \fari\bus TCP/IP headers. F\br example, lets say that 1452 was the pr\bper \falue, the actual MTU size w\buld be 1480, which is the \bptimum f\br the netw\brk we’re w\brking with (1452+28=1480). Once y\bu find y\bur MTU, y\bu can n\bw c\bnfigure y\bur r\buter with the pr\bper MTU size. T\b change the MTU rate \bn y\bur r\buter f\bll\bw the steps bel\bw: • Open y\bur br\bwser, enter the IP address \bf y\bur r\buter ( a\lnd click \fK. • Enter y\bur username (admin) and passw\brd (blank by default). Click \fK t\b enter the web c\bnfigurati\bn page f\br the de\fice. • Click \bn Setup and then click Manua\b.Configure. • T\b change the MTU enter the number in th\le MTU field and click Save.Settings t\b sa\fe y\bur settings. • Test y\bur email. If changing the MTU d\bes n\bt res\bl\fe the pr\bblem, c\bntinue changing the MTU in increments \bf ten.

129 D-Link DIR-626L User Manual Appendix A - Wireless Basics D-Link wireless pr\bducts are based \bn industry standards t\b pr\b\fide easy-t\b-use and c\bmpatible high-speed wireless c\bnnecti\fity within y\bur h\bme, business \br public access wireless netw\brks. Strictly adhering t\b the IEEE standard, the D-Link wireless family \bf pr\bducts will all\bw y\bu t\b securely access the data y\bu want, when and where y\bu want it. Y\bu will be able t\b enj\by the freed\bm that wireless netw\brking deli\fers. A wireless l\bcal area netw\brk (WLAN) is a cellular c\bmputer netw\brk that transmits and recei\fes data with radi\b signals instead \bf wires. Wireless LANs are used increasingly in b\bth h\bme and \bffice en\fir\bnments, and public areas such as airp\brts, c\bffee sh\bps and uni\fersities. Inn\b\fati\fe ways t\b utilize WLAN techn\bl\bgy are helping pe\bple t\b w\brk and c\bmmunicate m\bre efficiently. Increased m\bbility and the absence \bf cabling and \bthe\lr fixed infrastructure ha\fe pr\b\fen t\b be beneficial f\br many users. Wireless users can use the same applicati\bns they use \bn a wired netw\brk. Wireless adapter cards used \bn lapt\bp and deskt\bp systems supp\brt the same pr\bt\bc\bls as Ethernet adapter cards. Under many circumstances, it may be desirable f\br m\bbile netw\brk de\fices t\b link t\b a c\bn\fenti\bnal Ethernet LAN in \brder t\b use ser\fers, printers \br an Internet c\bnnecti\bn supplied thr\bugh the wired LAN. A Wireless R\buter is a de\fice used t\b pr\b\fide this link. Wireless Basics

130 D-Link DIR-626L User Manual Appendix A - Wireless Basics What.is. Wire\bess? Wireless \br Wi-Fi techn\bl\bgy is an\bther way \bf c\bnnecting y\bur c\bmputer t\b the netw\brk with\but using wires. Wi-Fi uses radi\b frequency t\b c\bnnect wirelessly, s\b y\bu ha\fe the freed\bm t\b c\bnnect c\bmputers anywhere in y\bur h\bme \br \bffice netw\brk. Why.D-Link. Wire\bess? D-Link is the w\brldwide leader and award winning designer, de\fel\bper, and manufacturer \bf netw\brking pr\bducts. D-Link deli\fers the perf\brmance y\bu need at a price y\bu can aff\brd. D-Link has all the pr\l\bducts y\bu need t\b build y\bur netw\brk. How.does.wire\bess.work? Wireless w\brks similar t\b h\bw c\brdless ph\bne w\brk, thr\bugh radi\b signals t\b transmit data fr\bm \bne p\bint A t\b p\bint B. But wireless techn\bl\bgy has restricti\bns as t\b h\bw y\bu can access the netw\brk. Y\bu must be within the wireless netw\brk range area t\b be able t\b c\bnnect y\bur c\bmputer. There are tw\b different types \bf wireless netw\brks Wireless L\bcal Area Netw\brk (WLAN), and Wireless Pers\bnal Area Netw\brk (WPAN). Wire\bess.Loca\b.Area.Network.(WLAN) In a wireless l\bcal area netw\brk, a de\fice called an Access P\bint (AP) c\bnnects c\bmputers t\b the netw\brk. The access p\bint has a small antenna attached t\b it, which all\bws it t\b transmit data back and f\brth \b\fer radi\b signals. With an ind\b\br access p\bint as seen in the picture, the signal can tra\fel up t\b 300 feet. With an \butd\b\br access p\bint the signal can reach \but up t\b 30 miles t\b ser\fe places like manufacturing plants, industrial l\bcati\bns, c\bllege and high sch\b\bl campuses, airp\brts, g\blf c\burses, and many \bther \butd\b\br \fenues.

131 D-Link DIR-626L User Manual Appendix A - Wireless Basics Wire\bess.Persona\b.Area.Network.(WPAN) Bluet\b\bth is the industry standard wireless techn\bl\bgy used f\br WPAN. Bluet\b\bth de\fices in WPAN \bperate in a range up t\b 30 feet away. C\bmpared t\b WLAN the speed and wireless \bperati\bn range are b\bth less than WLAN, but in return it d\besn’t use nearly as much p\bwer which makes it ideal f\br pers\bnal de\fices, such as m\bbile ph\bnes, PDAs, headph\bnes, lapt\bps, speakers, and \bther de\fices that \bperate \bn batteries. Who.uses.wire\bess?. Wireless techn\bl\bgy as bec\bme s\b p\bpular in recent years that alm\bst e\fery\bne is using it, whether it’s f\br h\bme, \bffice, business, D-Link has a wireless s\bluti\bn f\br it. Home • Gi\fes e\fery\bne at h\bme br\badband access • Surf the web, check email, instant message, etc. • Gets rid \bf the cables ar\bund the h\buse • Simple and easy t\b use Sma\b\b.\fffice.and.Home.\fffice • Stay \bn t\bp \bf e\ferything at h\bme as y\bu w\buld at \bffice • Rem\btely access y\bur \bffice netw\brk fr\bm h\bme • Share Internet c\bnnecti\bn with multiple c\l\bmputers • N\b need t\b dedicate \bffice space

132 D-Link DIR-626L User Manual Appendix A - Wireless Basics Where.is.wire\bess.used?. Wireless techn\bl\bgy is expanding e\ferywhere n\bt just at h\bme \br \bffice. Pe\bple like the freed\bm \bf m\bbility and it’s bec\bming s\b p\bpular that m\bre and m\bre public facilities n\bw pr\b\fide wireless access t\b attract pe\bple. The wireless c\bnnecti\bn in public places is usually called \l“h\btsp\bts”. Using a D-Link Cardbus Adapter with y\bur lapt\bp, y\bu can access the h\btsp\bt t\b c\bnnect t\b Internet fr\bm rem\bte l\bcati\bns like: Airp\brts, H\btels, C\bffee Sh\bps, Libraries, Restaurants, and C\bn\fenti\bn Centers. Wireless netw\brk is easy t\b setup, but if y\bu’re installing it f\br the first time it c\buld be quite a task n\bt kn\bwing where t\b start. That’s why we’\fe put t\bgether a few setup steps and tips t\b help y\bu thr\bugh the pr\bcess \bf setting up a\l wireless netw\brk. Tips Here are a few things t\b keep in mind, when y\bu install a wireless netw\brk. Centra\bize.your.router.or.Access.Point Make sure y\bu place the r\buter/access p\bint in a centralized l\bcati\bn within y\bur netw\brk f\br the best perf\brmance. Try t\b place the r\buter/access p\bint as high as p\bssible in the r\b\bm, s\b the signal gets dispersed thr\bugh\but y\bur h\bme. If y\bu ha\fe a tw\b-st\bry h\bme, y\bu may need a repeater t\b b\b\bst the signal t\b extend the range. E\biminate.Interference Place h\bme appliances such as c\brdless teleph\bnes, micr\bwa\fes, and tele\fisi\bns as far away as p\bssible fr\bm the r\buter/ access p\bint. This w\buld significantly reduce any interference that the appliances might cause since they \bperate \bn same frequency.

133 D-Link DIR-626L User Manual Appendix A - Wireless Basics Security D\bn’t let y\bu next-d\b\br neighb\brs \br intruders c\bnnect t\b y\bur wireless netw\brk. Secure y\bur wireless netw\brk by turning \bn the WPA \br WEP security feature \bn the r\buter. Refer t\b pr\bduct manual f\br detail inf\brmati\bn \bn h\bw t\b set it up. There are basically tw\b m\bdes \bf netw\brking: • Infrastructure – All wireless clients will c\bnnect t\b an access p\bint \br wireless r\buter. • Ad-Hoc – Directly c\bnnecting t\b an\bther c\bmputer, f\br peer-t\b-peer c\bmmunicati\bn, using wireless netw\brk adapters \bn each c\bmputer, such as tw\b \br m\bre DIR-626L wireless netw\brk Cardbus adapters. An Infrastructure netw\brk c\bntains an Access P\bint \br wireless r\buter. All the wireless de\fices, \br clients, will c\bnnect t\b the wireless r\buter \br access p\bint. An Ad-H\bc netw\brk c\bntains \bnly clients, such as lapt\bps with wireless cardbus adapters. All the adapters must be in Ad-H\bc m\bde t\b c\bmmunicate. Wireless Modes

134 D-Link DIR-626L User Manual Appendix B - Netw\brking Basics Ne\bworking Basics \fheck your IP address After y\bu install y\bur new D-Link adapter, by default, the TCP/IP settings sh\buld be set t\b \bbtain an IP address fr\bm a DHCP ser\fer (i.e. wireless r\buter) aut\bmatically. T\b \ferify y\bur IP address, please f\bll\bw the steps bel\bw. Click \bn Start > Run. In the run b\bx type cmd and click \fK. (Wind\bws® 7/Vista® users type cmd in the Start.Search b\bx.) At the pr\bmpt, type ipconfig and press Enter. This will display the IP address, subnet mask, and the default gateway \bf y\bur adapter. If the address is, check y\bur adapter installati\bn, security settings, and the settings \bn y\bur r\buter. S\bme firewall s\bftware pr\bgrams may bl\bck a DHCP request \bn newly inst\lalled adapters.

135 D-Link DIR-626L User Manual Appendix B - Netw\brking Basics S\ba\bically Assign an IP address If y\bu are n\bt using a DHCP \lcapable gateway/r\buter, \br y\bu need t\b assign a static IP address, please f\bll\bw the steps bel\bw: Step.1 Wind\bws® 7 - Click \bn Start > Contro\b.Pane\b > Network.and.Internet > Network.and.Sharing.Center. Wind\bws Vista® - Click \bn Start > Contro\b .Pane\b > Network .and .Internet > Network .and .Sharing .Center > Manage .Network . . . Connections. Wind\bws® XP - Click \bn Start > Contro\b.Pane\b > Network.Connections. Wind\bws® 2000 - Fr\bm the deskt\bp, right-click My.Network.P\baces > Properties. Step.2 Right-click \bn the Loca\b.Area.Connection which represents y\bur netw\brk adapter and select Properties. Step.3 Highlight Internet.Protoco\b.(TCP/IP) and click Properties. Step.4 Click Use.the.fo\b\bowing. IP.address and enter an IP address that is \bn the same subnet as y\bur netw\brk \br the LAN IP add\lress \bn y\bur r\buter. Example: If the r\buter´s LAN IP address is, make y\bur IP address 192.168.0.X where X is a number between 2 and 99. Make sure that the number y\bu ch\b\bse is n\bt in use \bn the netw\brk. Set the Default Gateway the same as the LAN IP address \bf y\bur r\buter (I.E. Set Primary DNS the same as the LAN IP address \bf y\bur r\buter ( The Sec\bndary DNS is n\bt needed \l\br y\bu may enter a DNS ser\fer fr\bm y\bur ISP. Step.5 Click \fK twice t\b sa\fe y\bur settings.

136 D-Link DIR-626L User Manual Appendix C - Technical Specificati\bns Technical Specifica\bions Standards • IEEE 802.11n • IEEE 802.11g • IEEE 802.3 • IEEE 802.3u Security • WPA™ - Pers\bnal/Enterprise • WPA2™ - Pers\bnal/Enterprise Wire\bess.Signa\b.Rates 1 . IEEE.802.11n.2.4GHz(HT20/40): • 144.4Mbps (300) \l · 130Mbps (270) • 115.6Mbps (240) \l · 86.7Mbps (180) • 72.2Mbps (150) \l · 65Mbps (135) • 57.8Mbps (120) \l · 43.3Mbps (90) • 28.9Mbps (60) · 21.7Mbps (45) •14.4Mbps (30) · 7.2Mbps (15) . .. IEEE.802.11g: • 54Mbps • 48Mbps • 36Mbps • 24Mbps • 18Mbps • 12Mbps • 11Mbps • 9Mbps • 6Mbps • 5.5Mbps • 2Mbps • 1Mbps Frequency.Range 2. • 2.412GHz t\b 2.462GHz • 2.4GHz t\b 2.483GHz \fperating. Temperature • 32°F t\b 104°F ( 0°C t\b 40°C) Humidity • 95% maximum (n\bn-\lc\bndensing) Safety.&.Emissions • FCC • IC • CE • C-Tick • UL Dimensions • L = 11.1 cm • W = 9.3 cm • H = 14.5 cm 1 Maximum wireless signal rate deri\fed fr\bm IEEE Standard 802.11g and 802.11n specificati\bns. Actual data thr\bughput will \fary. Netw\brk c\bnditi\bns and en\fir\bnmental fact\brs, including \f\blume \bf netw\brk traffic, building materials and c\bnstructi\bn, and netw\brk \b\ferhead, l\bwer actual data thr\bughput rate. En\fir\bnmental fact\brs will ad\fersely affect wireless signal range. 2 Frequency Range \faries depending \bn c\buntry’s regulati\bn