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D-Link Router DIR-605L User Manual

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    D-Link DIR-605L User Manua\f
    Section 3 - Confi\buration
    Por\f Forwarding
    This wi\f\f a\f\fow you to open a sin\b\fe por\ut or a ran\be of ports.
    Check the box to enab\fed the ru\fe. 
    Enter a name for the ru\fe.
    Enter  the  IP  address  of  the  computer  on  your  \foca\f 
    network that you want to a\f\fow the incomin\b service 
    Enter the port or ports that you want to open. If you 
    want  to  open  one  port,  enter  the  same  port  in  both 
    Se\fect TCP, UDP, or Any
    IP Address:
    S\far\f Por\f/ End Por\f:
    Traffic Type:DIR-605L  
    D-Link DIR-605L User Manua\f
    Section 3 - Confi\buration
    Applica\fion Rules
    Some app\fications require mu\ftip\fe connections, such as Internet \bamin\b, video conferencin\b, Internet te\fephony and others. 
    These app\fications have difficu\fties workin\b throu\bh NAT (Network Address Trans\fation). Specia\f App\fications makes some of 
    these app\fications work with the DIR-605L.
    Check the box to enab\fe the ru\fe. 
    Enter a name for the ru\fe.
    This is the port used to tri\b\ber the app\fication. It 
    can be either a sin\u\b\fe port or a ran\be of ports.
    This is the port number on the WAN side that wi\f\f 
    be used to access the app\fication. You may define 
    a  sin\b\fe  port  or  a  ran\be  of  ports.  You  can  use  a 
    comma to add mu\ftip\fe ports or port ran\bes.
    Se\fect TCP, UDP, or Any.
    Trigger Por\f:
    Firewall Por\f:
    Traffic Type:DIR-605L  
    D-Link DIR-605L User Manua\f
    Section 3 - Confi\buration
    Access Con\frol
    Se\fect Turn MAC Fi\fterin\b OFF, Turn MAC Fi\fterin\b ON 
    and  ALLOW  computers  \fisted  to  access  the  network, 
    or Turn MAC Fi\fterin\b ON and DENY computers \fisted 
    to access the network. 
    Enter the MAC address you wou\fd \fike to fi\fter.
    To find the MAC address on a computer, p\fease refer to 
    the Networkin\b Basics section in this manua\f.
    Se\fect a DHCP c\fient from the drop-down menu and 
    c\fick the arrow to copy that MAC Address. 
    The schedu\fe of time when the network fi\fter wi\f\f be 
    enab\fed.  The  schedu\fe  may  be  set  to  A\fways,  which 
    wi\f\f a\f\fow the particu\far service to a\fways be enab\fed. 
    You can create your own times in the  Main\fenance > 
    Schedules section.
    Configure MAC 
    MAC Address:  DHCP Clien\f  Lis\f:
    Use MAC (Media Access Contro\f) Fi\fters to a\f\fow or deny LAN (Loca\f Area Network) computers by their MAC addresses from 
    accessin\b the Network. You can either manua\f\f\uy add a MAC address or se\fect the MAC address from the \fist of c\fients that are 
    current\fy connected to the Broadband Router.
    D-Link DIR-605L User Manua\f
    Section 3 - Confi\buration
    Traffic Con\frol
    Traffic contro\f can be used to distribute down\foad bandwidth automatica\f\fy  accordin\b to the requirements of the users,
     and the users a\fso \ucan setup manua\f\fy.
     Enab\fe Traffic Contro\f: Se\fect this function to contro\f the access bandwidth of computer in LAN.
    Se\fect this function to contro\f the access bandwidth 
    of computer in LAN. 
    A\f\f  the  computers  in  LAN  wi\f\f  be  distributed  the 
    bandwidth equa\f\fy.
    Key in the va\fue to setup the bandwidth \umanua\f\fy.
    When  the  option  Automatic  Distribute  Bandwidth  is 
    unchecked, you can contro\f the access bandwidth of 
    the specific IP addr\uess. 
    Enable Traffic 
    Au\foma\fic  Dis\fribu\fe 
    \bey in bandwid\fh  manually: 
    Traffic Con\frol  Rules:DIR-605L  
    D-Link DIR-605L User Manua\f
    Section 3 - Confi\buration
    Se\fup Wizard
    You may run the setup wizard from the openin\b quick\u
     setup window to quick\fy set up your router. You wi\f\f be 
    directed to the first window of the wizard automatica\f\fy.DIR-605L  
    D-Link DIR-605L User Manua\f
    Section 3 - Confi\buration
    Firewall & DMZ
    This section wi\f\f a\f\fow you to set up a DMZ host \uand to set up firewa\f\f ru\fes.
    If you have a c\fient PC that cannot run Internet app\fications proper\fy from behind the DIR-605L, then you can set the c\fient up 
    for unrestricted Internet access. It a\f\fows a computer to be exposed to the Internet. This feature is usefu\f for \bamin\b purposes. 
    Enter the IP address of the interna\f computer that wi\f\f be the DMZ host. Addin\b a c\fient to the DMZ (Demi\fitarized Zone) may 
    expose your \foca\f network to a variety of security risks, so on\fy use this o\uption as a \fast resort.
    Check this to enab\fe SPI.
    Check this box to enab\fe DMZ.
    Enter  the  IP  address  of  the  computer  you  wou\fd  \fike 
    to open a\f\f ports to.
    Choose a name for the firewa\f\f ru\fe.
    Se\fect to  Allow or De\by transport of the data packets 
    accordin\b to the criteria defined in the ru\f\ue. 
    The Source/Destination is the TCP/UDP port on either 
    the LAN or WAN side.
    C\fick  Add New to access the Schedu\fes window. See 
    Main\fenance>Schedules for more information.
    Enter a be\binnin\b and endin\b I\uP address.
    Se\fect the transport protoco\f that wi\f\f be used for the 
    fi\fter ru\fe.
    Enter the desired port ran\be for the fi\fter ru\fe.
    Enable DMZ Hos\f:
    DMZ IP Address:
    IP Address: Pro\focol:
    Por\f Range:  Enable SPI:   DIR-605L  
    D-Link DIR-605L User Manua\f
    Section 3 - Confi\buration
    Set the transmit power of the antennas.
    Beacons are packets sent by an Access Point to synchronize a wire\fess network. 
    Specify a va\fue. 100 is the defau\ft settin\u\b and is recommended. 
    This va\fue shou\fd remain at its defau\ft settin\b of  2346. If inconsistent data flow 
    is a prob\fem, on\fy a minor\u modification shou\fd be made.
    The fra\bmentation thresho\fd, which is specified in bytes, determines whether 
    packets  wi\f\f  be  fra\bmented.  Packets  exceedin\b  the  2346  byte  settin\b  wi\f\f  be 
    fra\bmented before transmission. 2346 is the defau\ft settin\u\b. 
    (De\fivery  Traffic  Indication  Messa\be)  1  is  the  defau\ft  settin\b.  A  DTIM  is  a 
    countdown  informin\b  c\fients  of  the  next  window  for  \fistenin\b  to  broadcast 
    and mu\fticast messa\be\us.
    Se\fect  Short  or  Lon\b  Preamb\fe. The  Preamb\fe  defines  the  \fen\bth  of  the  CRC 
    b\fock  (Cyc\fic  Redundancy  Check  is  a  common  technique  for  detectin\b  data 
    transmission  errors)  for  communication  between  the  wire\fess  router  and  the 
    roamin\b  wire\fess  network  adapters.  Auto  is  the  defau\ft  settin\b.  Note:  Hi\bh 
    network traffic areas shou\fd use the sho\urter preamb\fe type.Transmi\f Power:
    Beacon in\ferval:
    RTS Threshold:
    DTIM In\ferval:
    Preamble Type:
    CTS Mode:
    802.11 Mode:
    Channel Wid\fh: Shor\f GI:
    Advanced Wireless
    This  window  a\f\fows  you  to  chan\be  the  behavior  of  the  802.11\b  wire\fess  radio  from  the  standard  settin\bs.  P\fease  be  aware  that  any 
    chan\bes to the factory defau\ft settin\bs ma\uy adverse\fy affect the behavior of your network.  
    CTS (C\fear To Send) is a function used to minimize co\f\fisions amon\b wire\fess devices on a wire\fess \foca\f area network (LAN). CTS wi\f\f make sure the wire\fess network 
    is c\fear before a wire\fess c\fient attempts to send wire\fess data. Enab\fin\b CTS wi\f\f add overhead and may \fower wire\fess throu\bh put.  None: CTS is typica\f\fy used 
    in a pure 802.11\b environment. If CTS is set to “None” in a mixed mode environment popu\fated by 802.11b c\fients, wire\fess co\f\fisions may occur frequent\fy.  
    Always:  CTS  wi\f\f  a\fways  be  used  to  make  sure  the  wire\fess  LAN  is  c\fear  before  sendin\b  data.  Au\fo:  CTS  wi\f\f  monitor  the  wire\fess  network  and 
    automatica\f\fy decide whether\u to imp\fement CTS based on the amoun\ut of traffic and co\f\fisions that occurs on the wire\fess network.
    Se\fect one of the fo\f\fowin\b:
    Mixed 802.11g and 802\R.11b - Se\fect if you are usin\b both 802.11b\u and 802.11\b wire\fess c\fients.
    802.11n Only - Se\fect on\fy if a\f\f of your wire\fess c\fients are 802.11n.
    Mixed 802.11n, 802.11\Rb, and 802.11g - Se\fect if you are usin\b a mix of 80\u2.11n, 11\b, and 11b wire\fess c\fients.
    Se\fect the Channe\f Width:
    Au\fo 20/40 - Se\fect if you are usin\b both 802.11n\u and non-802.11n wi\ure\fess devices.
    20MHz - Se\fect if you are not usin\b any 802.11n wire\fess c\fients. This is the defau\ft se\uttin\b. 
    Check this box to reduce the \buard interva\f time therefore increasin\b the data capacity.  However, it’s \fess re\fiab\fe and may create hi\bher data \foss.  
    D-Link DIR-605L User Manua\f
    Section 3 - Confi\buration
    To  use  the  Universa\f  P\fu\b  and  P\fay  (UPnP
    ™)  feature 
    tick this checkbox. UPNP provides compatibi\fity with 
    networkin\b equipment, software and periphera\fs.
    Uncheckin\b  the  box  wi\f\f  not  a\f\fow  the  DIR-605L  to 
    respond  to  Pin\bs.  B\fockin\b  the  Pin\b  may  provide 
    some extra security from hackers. Tick this checkbox 
    to a\f\fow the WAN port to be “Pin\bed”.
    You  may  set  the  port  speed  of  the  WAN  port  to 
    10Mbps,  100Mbps, or  10/100Mbps Auto. Some o\fder 
    cab\fe or DSL modems may require you to set the port 
    speed to 10Mbps.
    Enable UPnP:
    Enable WAN
     Ping Respond:
    WAN Por\f Speed:
    Advanced Ne\fwor\b
    This  window  a\f\fows  you  to  chan\be  the  LAN  settin\bs.  P\fease  be  aware  that  any  chan\bes  to  the  factory  defau\ft  settin\bs  may 
    affect the behavior of your network.
    D-Link DIR-605L User Manua\f
    Section 3 - Confi\buration
    Tick this checkbox to enab\fe or disab\fe fixed routes 
    to defined destinations.
    Use  the  drop-down  menu  to  choose  the  WAN  or 
    WAN (Physical Port) Interface the IP packet must use 
    to transit out of the Router.
    The IP address of the packets that wi\f\f take this route.
    The subnet of the IP address of the packets that wi\f\f 
    take this route.
    Specifies the next hop to be taken if this route is used. 
    Subne\f Mas\b:
    This option a\f\fows you to define fixed routes to defined destinations.
    D-Link DIR-605L User Manua\f
    Section 3 - Confi\buration
    Enter a new Lo\bin Name for the Administrator account.
    Enter  a  new  password  for  the  Administrator  Lo\bin  Name 
    and then retype the new password in the Confirm Password 
    textbox. The administrator can make chan\bes to the settin\bs.
    Remote  mana\bement  a\f\fows  the  DIR-605L  to  be  confi\bured 
    from the Internet by a web browser. A username and password 
    is  sti\f\f  required  to  access  the  Web-Mana\bement  interface. 
    In  \benera\f,  on\fy  a  member  of  your  network  can  browse  the 
    bui\ft-in web pa\bes to perform Administrator tasks. This feature 
    enab\fes you to perform Administrator tasks from the remote 
    (Internet) host.
    The Internet IP address of the computer that has access to the 
    Broadband  Router.  If  you  input  an  asterisk  (*)  into  this  fie\fd, 
    then any computer wi\f\f be ab\fe to access the Router. Puttin\b 
    an asterisk (*) into this fie\fd wou\fd present a security risk and 
    is not recommended.
    The port number used to access the DIR-605L. For examp\fe: 
    http://x.x.x.x:8080 \uwhereas x.x.x.x is the WAN IP address of the 
    DIR-605L and 8080 is the port used for the Web-Mana\bement 
    Login Name:
    Adminis\fra\for  Password:
    Enable Remo\fe  Managemen\f:
    IP Allowed \fo  Access:
    Device Adminis\fra\fion
    This window wi\f\f a\f\fow you to chan\be the Administrator password. You can a\fso enab\fe R\uemote Mana\bement.  
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