D-Link Router AC1750 User Manual
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47 D-Link DIR-865L User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration DHCP \beservation If you want a computer or device to a\fways have the same IP address assi\bned, you can create a DHCP reservation. The router wi\f\f assi\bn the IP address on\fy to that computer or device. Note: This IP address must be within the DHCP I\ffP Address \bange. Check this box to enab\fe the reservation. Enter the computer name or se\fect from the drop-down menu and c\fick

48 D-Link DIR-865L User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Storage This pa\be wi\f\f a\f\fow you to set up access to fi\fes on an externa\f USB hard drive1 or thumb drive that is p\fu\b\bed into the router. You can do this throu\bh \foca\f network or from the Internet usin\b either a web browser or an app on your smartphone or tab\fet. You can create users that can be a\f\fowed access to these fi\fes throu\bh SharePort Mobi\fe services accessib\fe throu\bh a web UI or on mobi\fe devices usin\b the SharePort Mobi\fe app avai\fab\fe for iOS and Android. 1 Supports capacities of up \uto 1TB for USB stora\be drives. Check this box if you wish to be ab\fe to access SharePort throu\bh a browser as we\f\f as the mobi\fe app\u. Enter the port you want to use when accessin\b SharePort usin\b a web browser. Enter the port you want to use when accessin\b SharePort throu\bh a secure connection usin\b a web browser. Check this box if you wish to be ab\fe to access SharePort throu\bh a web browser over the Internet. To \bive a new user access to your SharePort stora\be, enter a User Name and Password here. You can Add new users or choose existin\b users from the drop-down menu if you wish to Edit or De\fete them. Note: The Admin password is the same as the admin password for the router. The Guest password is “guest” and cannot be changed. This \fist disp\fays a\f\f of the users with access to the SharePort Mobi\fe content, what they can access, and their Read/Write Permissions. A\f\f devices you have set up for SharePort access wi\f\f be \fisted here. This area wi\f\f disp\fay the HTTP and HTTPS \finks to connect to your SharePort drive throu\bh a web browser from a device on your network. Enable SharePort Web Access HTTP Access Port: HTTPS Access Port: Allow \bemote Access: User Creation: User List: N\fmber of Devices: SharePort Web Access Link:

49 D-Link DIR-865L User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Media Server This pa\be wi\f\f a\f\fow you to enab\fe a DLNA Media Server. DLNA (Di\bita\f Livin\b Network A\f\fiance) is the standard for the interoperabi\fity of Network Media Devices (NMDs). The user can enjoy mu\ftimedia app\fications (music, pictures and videos) on your network connected PC or media devices. If you a\bree to share media with devices, any computer or device that connects to your network can p\fay your shared music, pictures and videos. Note: The shared media may not b\ffe secure. Allowing any de\fices to stream is recommended only on s\ffecure networks. Check to enab\fe DLNA Media Server functions. Choose a name for your DLNA media server so that it can be found. Choose the \focation of the fo\fder you wish to share or check the box to use the root fo\fder of the entire drive. Check to enab\fe iTunes Server functions. Choose the \focation of the iTunes Library fo\fder you wish to share or check the box to use the root fo\fder if it is \focated on the root fo\fder of the connected drive. Use this settin\b to enab\fe USB 3.0 functiona\fity for the USB port on the back of the router. USB 3.0 provides hi\bh-speed transfer speeds with compatib\fe devices. This settin\b is disab\u\fed by defau\ft, which means that the USB port wi\f\f operate at the USB 2.0 specification. DLNA Server: DLNA Server Name: Folder: iT\fnes Server: Folder: USB 3.0:

50 D-Link DIR-865L User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration IPv6 On this pa\be, you can confi\bure the IPv6 Connection type. There are two ways to set up the IPv6 Internet connection. You can use the Web-based IPv6 Internet Connection Setup Wizard, or you can manua\f\fy confi\bure the connection. If you are a be\binner that has not confi\bured a router before, c\fick on the IPv6.Internet. Connection .Setup .Wizard .button and the router wi\f\f \buide you throu\bh a few simp\fe steps to \bet your network up and runnin\b. If you are an advanced user that has confi\bured a router before, c\fick on the Manua\b. IPv6.Internet.Connection.Setup button to input a\f\f the settin\u\bs manua\f\fy.

51 D-Link DIR-865L User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration IPv6 Internet Connection Set\fp Wizard On this pa\be, the user can confi\bure the IPv6 Connection type usin\b the IPv6 Internet Connection Setup Wizard. C\fick the IPv6.Internet. Connection. Setup.Wizard button and the router wi\f\f \buide you throu\bh a few simp\fe steps to \bet your network up and runnin\b. C\fick Next to continue to the next pa\be. C\fick Cance\b to discard the chan\bes made and return to the main pa\be. The router wi\f\f try to detect whether its possib\fe to obtain the IPv6 Internet connection type automatica\f\fy. If this succeeds then the user wi\f\f be \buided throu\bh the input of the appr\uopriate parameters for the connection type found.

52 D-Link DIR-865L User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration However, if the automatic detection fai\fs, the user wi\f\f be prompt to either Try. again. or to c\fick on the Guide.me.through. the.IPv6. settings button to initiate the manua\f continua\f of the wizard. There are severa\f connection types to choose from. If you are unsure of your connection method, p\fease contact your IPv6 Internet Service Provider. Note: If usin\b the PPPoE option, you wi\f\f need to ensure that any PPPoE c\fient software on your computers has been removed or disab\fed. The 3 options avai\fab\fe on this pa\be are. IPv6.over. PPPoE,. Static.IPv6.address. and.Route, and Tunne\bing. Connection. Choose the required IPv6 Internet Connection type and c\fick on the Next button to continue. C\fick on the Prev button to return to the previous pa\be. C\fick on the Cance\b button to discard a\f\f the chan\bes mad\ue and return to the main pa\be. C\fick on the Next button to continue. C\fick on the Prev button to return to the previous pa\be. C\fick on the Cance\b button to discard a\f\f the chan\bes mad\ue and return to the main pa\be.

53 D-Link DIR-865L User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration IPv6.over.PPPoE After se\fectin\b the IPv6 over PPPoE option, the user wi\f\f be ab\fe to confi\bure the IPv6 Internet connection that requires a username and password to \bet on\fine. Most DSL modems use \uthis type of connection. The fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe for confi\buration: PPPoE Session: Se\fect the PPPoE Session va\fue used here. This option wi\f\f state that this connection shares it’s information with the a\fready confi\bured IPv6 PPPoE connection, or the user can create a new PPPoE connection here. User Name: Enter the PPPoE username used here. If you do not know your user name, p\fease contact your ISP. Password: Enter the PPPoE password used here. If you do not know your password, p\fease contact your ISP. Verify Password: Re-enter the PPPoE password used here. Service Name: Enter the service name for this connection here. This option is option\ua\f.

54 D-Link DIR-865L User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Static.IPv6.Address.Connection This mode is used when your ISP provides you with a set IPv6 addresses that does not chan\be. The IPv6 information is manua\f\fy entered in your IPv6 confi\buration settin\bs. You must enter the IPv6 address, Subnet Prefix Len\bth, Defau\ft Gateway, Primary DNS Server, and Secondary DNS Server. Your ISP provides you with a\f\f this information. Use Link-Local Address: IPv6 Address: S\fbnet Prefix Length: Defa\flt Gateway: Primary DNS Address: Secondary DNS Address: LAN IPv6 Address: The Link-\foca\f address is used by nodes and routers when communicatin\b with nei\bhborin\b nodes on the same \fink. This mode enab\fes IPv6-capab\fe devices to communicate with each other on the LAN sid\ue. Enter the WAN IPv6 address for the router here. Enter the WAN subnet prefix \fen\bth va\fue used here. Enter the WAN defau\ft \bateway IPv6 address used here. Enter the WAN primary DNS Server address used here. Enter the WAN secondary DNS Server address used here. These are the settin\bs of the LAN (Loca\f Area Network) IPv6 interface for the router. The router’s LAN IPv6 Address confi\buration is based on the IPv6 Address and Subnet assi\u\bned by your ISP. (A subnet with prefix /64 is supported in LAN.)

55 D-Link DIR-865L User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration The IPv6 Internet Connection Setup Wizard is comp\fete. C\fick on the Connect button to continue. C\fick on the Prev button to return to the previous pa\be. C\fick on the Cance\b button to discard a\f\f the chan\bes made and return to the main pa\be. Tunne\bing.Connection.(6rd) After se\fectin\b the Tunne\fin\b Connection (6rd) option, the user \ucan confi\bure the IPv6 6rd connection settin\bs. Enter the 6rd IPv6 address and prefix va\fue used here. Enter the IPv4 address used here. Enter the IPv4 mask \fen\bth used h\uere. Disp\fays the IPv6 assi\bned prefix va\fue here. Enter the 6rd border re\fay IPv4 address used here. Enter the primary DNS Server address used here. 6rd IPv6 Prefix: IPv4 Address:Mask Length: Assigned IPv6 Prefix: 6rd Border \belay IPv4 Address: IPv6 DNS Server:

56 D-Link DIR-865L User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Man\fal IPv6 Local Connectivity Set\fp You can set up a \foca\f-on\fy IPv6 Internet connection as we\f\f. If you want to confi\bure an IPv6 connection that wi\f\f not connect to the Internet, c\fick on the Manua\b IPv6.Loca\b.Connectivity.Settings button. Enable ULA:Use Defa\flt ULA Prefix: ULA Prefix: C\frrent IPv6 ULA Settings: C\fick here to enab\fe\u Unique Loca\f IPv6 \uUnicast Addresses s\uettin\bs. Checkin\b this box wi\f\f\u automatica\f\fy confi\bur\ue the ULA prefix for th\ue defau\ft settin\b. If you wish to choose\u your own ULA prefix,\u enter it here. This section with dis\up\fay the current setti\un\bs for your IPv6 U\uLA.