D-Link Router AC1200 User Manual
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Version 1.0 | 02/04\A/2013 Wireless A\f1200 Dual \band Gigabit \floud Router User Manual DIR-850L

i D-Link DIR-850L User Manua\f D-Link reserves the ri\bht to revise this pub\fication and to make chan\bes in the content hereof without ob\fi\bation to notify any person or or\banization of such revisions or chan\bes\u. Manual Revisions Trademarks D-Link and the D-Link \fo\bo are trademarks or re\bistered trademarks of D-Link Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States or other countries. A\f\f other company or product names mentioned herein are trademarks or re\bistered trademarks of their respective companies. Copyri\bht © 2012 by D-Link Systems, Inc. A\f\f ri\bhts reserved. This pub\fication may not be reproduced, in who\fe or in part, without prior expressed written permission from D-Link Systems, Inc. Revision Date Description 1.0 February 04, 2013 • Initia\f re\fease for Revision A1 Preface

ii D-Link DIR-850L User Manua\f Tab\fe of Contents Preface...................\u..................\u..................\u..................\u......... i Manua\f Revisions ..................\u..................\u..................\u..................\u... i Trademarks ..................\u..................\u..................\u..................\u.............. i Product.\fverview...................\u..................\u..................\u........ 1 Packa\be Contents ..................\u..................\u..................\u..................\u. 1 System Requirements ..................\u..................\u..................\u........... 2 Introduction ..................\u..................\u..................\u..................\u........... 3 Features ..................\u..................\u..................\u..................\u.................... 4 Hardware Overview ..................\u..................\u..................\u............... 5 Connections ..................\u..................\u..........................\u............. 5 LEDs ..................\u..................\u..................\u..................\u..................\u. 6 Insta\b\bation...................\u..................\u..................\u..................\u. 7 Before you Be\bin ..................\u..................\u..................\u..................\u... 7 Wire\fess Insta\f\fation Considerations ..................\u..................\u..8 Manua\f Setup ..................\u..................\u..................\u..................\u......... 9 Configuration...................\u..................\u..................\u............. 11 Quick Setup Wizard ..................\u..................\u..................\u.............. 12 QRS Mobi\fe App ..................\u..................\u..................\u..................\u.. 19 D-Link® SharePort™ P\fus ..................\u..................\u..................\u..... 20 SharePort Mobi\fe App ..................\u..................\u..................\u........ 21 Web-based Confi\buration Uti\fity ..................\u..................\u......25 Internet Connection Setup ..................\u..................\u.........26 Internet Connection Setup Wizard ..................\u.............27 Internet (Manua\f) ..................\u..................\u..................\u.......... 33Static (assi\bned by ISP) ..................\u..................\u............ 35 PPPoE (DSL) ..................\u..................\u..................\u................ 36 PPTP ..................\u..................\u..................\u..................\u............ 38 L2TP ..................\u..................\u..................\u..................\u............ 40 DS-Lite ..................\u..................\u..................\u..................\u....... 42 Wire\fess connection setup wizard ..................\u..............43 Wi-Fi Protected Setup Wizard ..................\u..................\u.....46 Manua\f wire\fess network setup ..................\u..................\u.47 Wire\fess Security ..................\u..................\u..................\u........... 58 What is WPA? ..................\u..................\u..................\u............. 58 Network Settin\bs ..................\u..................\u..................\u.......... 59 Router Settin\bs ..................\u..................\u..................\u......... 59 DHCP Server Settin\bs ..................\u..................\u............... 60 DHCP Reservation ..................\u..................\u..................\u... 62 Stora\be ..................\u..................\u..........................\u..................\u... 63 Media Server..................\u..................\u...........................\u.......... 66 IPv6 ..................\u..................\u..........................\u..................\u.......... 68 IPv6 Internet Connection Setup Wizard ................68 IPv6 Manua\f Setup ..................\u..................\u..................\u... 73 myd\fink Settin\bs ..................\u..................\u..........................\u... 82 Advanced ..................\u..................\u...........................\u................ 85 Virtua\f Server ..................\u..................\u..................\u............. 85 Port Forwardin\b ..................\u..................\u..................\u....... 86 App\fication Ru\fes ..................\u..................\u..................\u..... 87 QoS En\bine ..................\u..................\u..................\u................. 88 Network Fi\fters ..................\u..................\u..................\u.......... 90 Table of \fontents

iii D-Link DIR-850L User Manua\f Tab\fe of Contents Access Contro\f ..................\u..................\u..................\u........... 91 Website Fi\fters ..................\u..................\u..................\u........... 94 Inbound Fi\fters ..................\u..................\u..................\u.......... 95 Firewa\f\f Settin\bs ..................\u..................\u..................\u....... 96 Routin\b ..................\u..................\u..................\u..................\u...... 98 Advanced Wire\fess ..................\u..................\u..................\u.. 99 Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) ..................\u................100 Advanced Network Settin\bs ..................\u.................102 Guest Zone ..................\u..................\u..................\u.............. 103 IPv6 Firewa\f\f ..................\u..................\u..................\u............ 104 IPv6 Routin\b ..................\u..................\u..................\u........... 105 Too\fs ..................\u..................\u..........................\u..................\u..... 106 Admin ..................\u..................\u..................\u..................\u...... 106 Time ..................\u..................\u..................\u..................\u......... 107 SysLo\b ..................\u..................\u..................\u..................\u..... 108 Emai\f Settin\bs ..................\u..................\u..................\u......... 109 System ..................\u..................\u..................\u..................\u.... 110 Firmware ..................\u..................\u..................\u..................\u 111 Lan\bua\be Pack ..................\u..................\u..................\u....... 111 Dynamic DNS ..................\u..................\u..................\u......... 112 System Check ..................\u..................\u..................\u......... 113 Schedu\fes ..................\u..................\u..................\u................ 114 Status ..................\u..................\u..........................\u..................\u... 115 Device Info ..................\u..................\u..................\u.............. 115 Lo\bs ..................\u..................\u..................\u..................\u.......... 116 Statistics ..................\u..................\u..................\u..................\u. 117 Internet Sessions ..................\u..................\u..................\u... 118 Routin\b ..................\u..................\u..................\u..................\u... 119Wire\fess ..................\u..................\u..................\u..................\u... 120 IPv6 ..................\u..................\u..................\u..................\u.......... 121 IPV6 Routin\b ..................\u..................\u..................\u........... 122 Support ..................\u..................\u..........................\u................. 123 Connect.a. Wire\bess.C\bient.to.your.Router...................\u.. 124 WPS Button ..................\u..................\u..................\u..................\u........ 124 Windows® 8 ..................\u..................\u..................\u..................\u........ 125 Windows® 7 ..................\u..................\u..................\u..................\u........ 127 WPA/WPA2 ..................\u..................\u..........................\u........... 127 WPS ..................\u..................\u..........................\u..................\u....... 130 Windows Vista® ..................\u..................\u..................\u..................\u. 134 WPA/WPA2 ..................\u..................\u..........................\u........... 135 WPS/WCN 2.0 ..................\u..................\u..................\u.............. 137 Windows® XP ..................\u..................\u..................\u..................\u..... 138 WPA/WPA2 ..................\u..................\u..........................\u........... 139 Troub\beshooting...................\u..................\u..................\u...... 141 Wire\bess.Basics...................\u..................\u..................\u......... 145 What is Wire\fess? ..................\u..................\u..................\u................ 146 Tips ..................\u..................\u..................\u..................\u........................ 148 Wire\fess Modes ..................\u..................\u..................\u..................\u. 149 Networking.Basics...................\u..................\u..................\u... 150 Check your IP address ..................\u..................\u..................\u...... 150 Statica\f\fy Assi\bn an IP address ..................\u..................\u........151 Technica\b.Specifications...................\u..................\u............ 152

1 D-Link DIR-850L User Manua\f Section 1 - Product Overview Product OverviewPackage \fontents Note: Using a power supply with a different \foltage rating than the one included with the DI\b-850L will cause damage and \foid the warranty for this product. If any of the above items are missin\b, p\fease contact your rese\f\fer. DIR-850L Wire\fess AC1200 Dua\f Band Gi\babit C\fou\ud Router Ethernet Cab\fe Power Adapter WI-FI Confi\buration Note CD Wi-Fi Configuration Note

2 D-Link DIR-850L User Manua\f Section 1 - Product Overview Network.Requirements • An Ethernet-based Cab\fe or DSL modem • IEEE 802.11ac, 802.11a, 802.11n\u or 802.11\b wire\fess c\fients • 10/100/1000 Ethernet Web-based.Configuration. Uti\bity.Requirements Computer.with.the.fo\b\bowing: • Windows®, Macintosh, or Linux-based operatin\b system • An insta\f\fed Ethernet adapter Browser.Requirements: • Internet Exp\forer 7 or hi\bher • Firefox 3.5 or hi\bher • Safari 4 or hi\bher • Chrome 8 or hi\bher Windows ®. Users: Make sure you have the \fatest version of Java insta\f\fed. Visit www.java.com to down\foad the \fatest version. myd\bink.Requirements • iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch (iOS 3.0 or hi\b\uher) • Android device (1.6 or hi\bher) • Computer with the fo\f\fowin\b browser requirements: • Internet Exp\forer 7 or hi\bher • Firefox 3 or hi\bher • Safari 5 or hi\bher • Chrome 5 or hi\bher iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch are re\bistered trademarks of App\fe Inc. Android is a trademark of Goo\b\fe, Inc. System Requirements

3 D-Link DIR-850L User Manua\f Section 1 - Product Overview Introduction Now you can monitor and mana\be your home network ri\bht from your \faptop, iPhone®, iPad®, or Android™ device. The c\foud- enab\fed router can be confi\bured to send an emai\f to keep you informed anywhere, anytime when new devices are connectin\b to your network or unwanted access is detected. Monitor in rea\ftime websites that are bein\b visited with recent browser history disp\fayed on the myd\fink™ Lite app – which is \breat for parents. The D-Link C\foud Service can detect and b\fock unwe\fcomed \buests who try to \bet into your wire\fess network and suspicious activities wi\f\f be disp\fayed ri\bht on your myd\fink™ Lite app or browser. The D-Link DIR-850L is a IEEE 802.11ac comp\fiant device that de\fivers up to 3 times faster speeds than 802.11n whi\fe stayin\b backward compatib\fe with 802.11a/\b/b devices. Connect the DIR-850L to a Cab\fe or DSL modem and provide hi\bh-speed Internet access to mu\ftip\fe computers, \bame conso\fes, and media p\fayers. Create a secure wire\fess network to share photos, fi\fes, music, videos, printers, and network stora\be. Powered by the 802.11ac techno\fo\by and equipped with six interna\f antennas, this router provides superior wire\fess covera\be for \far\ber homes and offices, or for users runnin\b bandwidth-intensive app\fications. The DIR-850L a\fso inc\fudes a 4-port 10/100/1000 Gi\babit switch that connects Gi\babit wired devices for enjoyin\b \fa\b-free network \bamin\b and faster fi\fe transfers. D-Link has created SharePort™ techno\fo\by to brin\b more flexibi\fity to your network. With SharePort™ techno\fo\by, you can connect a USB printer and share it throu\bhout your network. You can a\fso share a USB stora\be device, providin\b network stora\be for everyone to share. With some routers, a\f\f wired and wire\fess traffic, inc\fudin\b VoIP, Video Streamin\b, On\fine Gamin\b, and Web browsin\b are mixed to\bether into a sin\b\fe data stream. By hand\fin\b data this way, app\fications \fike video streamin\b cou\fd pause or de\fay. With the D-Link Inte\f\fi\bent QoS Techno\fo\by, wired and wire\fess traffic are ana\fyzed and separated into mu\ftip\fe data streams. The DIR-850L supports the \fatest wire\fess security features to he\fp prevent unauthorized access, be it from over a wire\fess network or the Internet. Support for WPA™ and WPA2™ standards ensure that you wi\f\f be ab\fe to use the best possib\fe encryption re\bard\fess of your c\fient devices. In addition, this router uti\fizes Dua\f Active Firewa\f\fs (SPI and NAT ) to prevent potentia\f attacks from across the Internet for the idea\f centerpiece for your wire\fess network in the home or offic\ue.

4 D-Link DIR-850L User Manua\f Section 1 - Product Overview •. U\btimate .Fast .Wire\bess .Networking - The DIR-850L provides up to 300Mbps wire\fess connection in 2.4GHz band, 900Mbps wire\fess connection in 5GHz with other 802.11ac and draft 802.11n wire\fess c\fients. This capabi\fity a\f\fows users to participate in rea\f-time activities on\fine, such as video streamin\b, on\fine \bamin\b, and rea\f-time audio. The performance of this 802.11ac wire\fess router \bives you the freedom of wire\fess networkin\b at speeds 3x faster than 802.11n. •. Compatib\be. with.802.11a/g/n. Devices - The DIR-850L is sti\f\f fu\f\fy compatib\fe with the IEEE 802.11a, 802.11\b and 802.11n, so it \ucan connect with existin\b 802.11a, 80\u2.11\b and 802.11n P\uCI, USB, and Cardbus adapters. •. Advanced .Firewa\b\b .Features - The Web-based user inter face disp\fays a number of advanced network mana\bement features inc\fudin\b: • Content. Fi\btering - Easi\fy app\fied content fi\fterin\b based on MAC Address, URL, and/or Domain Name. • Fi\bter.Schedu\bing - These fi\fters can be schedu\fed\u to be active on certain days or for a duration of hours or minutes. • Secure. Mu\btip\be/Concurrent. Sessions - The DIR-850L can pass throu\bh VPN sessions. It supports mu\ftip\fe and concurrent IPSec and PPTP sessions, so users behind the DIR-850L can secure\fy access corporate networks. •. User-friend\by. Setup.Wizard - Throu\bh its easy-to-use Web-based user interface, the DIR-850L \fets you contro\f what information is accessib\fe to those on the wire\fess network, whether from the Internet or from your company’s server. Confi\bure your router to your specific settin\bs\u within minutes. * Maximum wire\fess si\bna\f rate derived from IEEE Standard 802.11a, 802.11\b, 802.11n and draft 802.11ac specifications. Actua\f data throu\bhput wi\f\f vary. Network conditions and environmenta\f factors, inc\fudin\b vo\fume of network traffic, bui\fdin\b materia\fs and construction, and network overhead, \fower actua\f data throu\bhput rate. Environmenta\f conditions wi\f\f adverse\fy affect wire\fess si\bna\f ran\be. Features

5 D-Link DIR-850L User Manua\f Section 1 - Product Overview Hardware Overview \fonnections 1 USB Port Connect a USB flash drive to share content throu\bhout your network. 2 WPS Button Press to start the WPS process. The Internet LED wi\f\f start to b\fink. 3 LAN Ports (1-4) Connect 10/100/1000 Ethernet devices such as computers, switches, stora\be (NAS) devices and \bame conso\fes. 4 Internet Port Usin\b an Ethernet cab\fe, connect your broadband modem to this port. 5 Power Button Press the power button to power on and off. 6 Power Receptor Receptor for the supp\fied power adapter. 7 Reset Button Insert a paperc\fip in the ho\fe and \uwait for severa\f seconds to reset the router to defau\ft settin\bs. 1 3 4 5 6 2 7

6 D-Link DIR-850L User Manua\f Section 1 - Product Overview Hardware Overview LEDs 1 Power LED A so\fid \breen \fi\bht indicates a proper connection to the power supp\fy. The \fi\bht wi\f\f b\fink \breen durin\b the WPS process. The \fi\bht wi\f\f b\fink oran\be durin\b boot up. 2 Internet LED A so\fid \fi\bht indicates connection on the Internet port. If the LED is oran\be, the connection is \bood but the router cannot connect to the Internet. 1 2