Comdial Quick Q Acd Administrators Guide
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Appendix D Reviewing The Programming Road Map Start-up, Technician’s, And System Manager’s Screens Start-up Screens Sign-In ID # XXX Password XXX Technician’s Screens System Setup QuickQ Master Setup Master Extension Master 2 Extension QuickQ OAI Key Code QuickQ Line Setup Name Group Subgroup Line No. Voice Port Config. Voice Port No. Station Type Printer Setup Printer Type Other Epson LQ HP Laser HP DJ 500 HP DJ 550C Printer Port LPT 1 Integration Setup External Overflow Overflow Extension Setup 1st Overflow Extension _ _ _ _ 2ndOverflowExtension____ 3rd Overflow Extension _ _ _ _ 4th Overflow Extension _ _ _ _ Password Technician Password Old Password XXX New Password XXX Diagnostic QuickQ Status Agent Status Scan Line Status Scan Voice Port Status Scan Upgrade ID # XXX Password XXX Agent Size Wallboard System Manager’s Screens System Setup Company Name ID Password Group Name XXXXXXXX Supervisor Name XXXXXXXX ID # XXX Password XXX Time/Date Date dd-mm-yyyy Time HH:MM Intergroup Overflow Group 01-16 Level 01 Level 02 Level 03 Level 04 Announcement Message Message 1-16 Description Current Time MM:SS Limit Time MM:SS Account Code Starting Number Range X Account Code XXX Description Stat Bin Answer Bin Time Bin 1 MM:SS Time Bin 2 MM:SS Time Bin 3 MM:SS Time Bin 4 MM:SS Time Bin 5 MM:SS Time Bin 6 MM:SS Abandon Bin Time Bin 1 MM:SS Time Bin 2 MM:SS Time Bin 3 MM:SS Time Bin 4 MM:SS Time Bin 5 MM:SS Time Bin 6 MM:SS Wallboard Setup Wallboard 01-16 Group 01-16 Type Mono/Color Title Yes No Title Display Summary Yes No Buzzer Yes No Parameter Wallboard 01-16 Group 01-16 Type Mono/Color P1-P6 Group Programming Group 01-16 (Link to Group Supervisor Screens) System Backup Announcement Backup Backup Restore Configuration Backup Backup Restore Stats Backup Cancel Backup System Manager’s Screens. . . . (continued) Management Info Real Time System Agent Status System Line Status Historical Reports Daily Weekly Monthly Current Reports Hourly Report Type (see note) Report Format Numerical Graphical Note Abort Save Print Print Numerical Print Graphical Print All Daily Report Type (see note) Report Format Numerical Graphical Note Abort Save Print Print Numerical Print Graphical Print All Report Schedule Daily Print Type Numerical Graphical Numerical/Graphical Report Type (see note) Print Time HH:MM Weekly/Monthly Print Type Numerical Graphical Numerical/Graphical Report Type (see note) Weekly Report Print Disable Day of Week Monthly Report Print Disable Enable Wallboard Message Add Send Wallboard Schedule Wallboard Alarm Configuration Group System Technician Group 01-16 Print Note:Report Types are— Answer Bins Abandon Bins Incoming Call Total Time Average Time System Capacity Account Code Traffic Analysis SEE NEXT PAGE FOR GROUP SUPERVISOR’S SCREENS GCA70-336 Programming Road Map Software Revision 3.0 A–15

Reviewing The Programming Road Map (continued) Group Supervisor’s Screens Access Group Supervisor’s Screens as follows: 1. SelectMANAGERfrom the Sign-in Screen. 2. SelectGroup Programmingfrom the Manager Screeen. 3. Select a Group (01-16) from the Group Programming Screen. 4. AnswerYesto the question, Sign Through? Group Setup Parameter Setup Overflow Threshold MM:SS Redirect Threshold MM:SS Alarm Threshold MM:SS Alarm Threshold Calls in Queue Priority Override MM:SS Call Screening Yes No Automatic Force Call Yes No Manual Answer Yes No Force Account Code Yes No All Agents Busy Alarm Yes No Calling Line ID Yes No Day to Night Schedule Monday HH:MM Tuesday HH:MM Wednesday HH:MM Thursday HH:MM Friday HH:MM Disable Agent Group-Setup AgGp_01 AgGp_02 AgGp_03 AgGp_04 Agent Group Name XXXXXXX Agent Name XXXXXXX ID # XXX Password XXX Priority 01-04 Wrap-up MM:SS Line Group Setup LnGp_01 LnGp_02 LnGp_03 LnGp_04 Line Group Name XXXXXXX Announcement Assignment First Message X Second Message X Night Message X Special Message X Announcement Time Setup First Msg Int. Delay MM:SS Music Interval MM:SS Line Group Priority 01-04 CLID Customer Setup Add Customer XXXXXXX Phone Number XXXXXXXXXXXXX Priority 1-4 Group 1-16 Night Mode Routing No Yes Abandoned Call Report Current Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Interval Disabled 30 Min. 1,2,4,6,8,12,24 HrsManagement Info. Real Time Setup Incoming Call Parameter Outgoing Call Parameter Busy Time Parameter Real Time Historical Reports Daily Weekly Monthly Current Reports Hourly Report Type (see note) Report Format Numerical Graphical Note Abort Save Print Print Numerical Print Graphical Print All Daily Report Type (see note) Report Format Numerical Graphical Note Abort Save Print Print Numerical Print Graphical Print All Report Schedule Daily Print Type Numerical Graphical Numerical/Graphical Report Type (see note) Print Time HH:MM Weekly/Monthly Print Type Numerical Graphical Numerical/Graphical Report Type (see note) Weekly Report Print Disable Day of Week Monthly Report Print Disable EnableManagement Info. ....(continued) Wallboard Message Add Send Wallboard Schedule Add Day Time MM:SS Message (70 chars.) Wallboard Alarm Add Parameter Function Threshold Configuration Group System Technician Group 01-16 Print Note:Report Types are— Answer Bins Abandon Bins Incoming Call Total Time Average Time System Capacity Account Code Traffic Analysis Prefer Customer Programming Road Map GCA70-336 A–16 Software Revision 3.0

Appendix E Backup Utility What is it? The Backup Utility allows you to make security Backup copies of the statistical data (i.e., the report files) gathered by the ACD. These copies are made to standard 3.5 high-density floppy disks. Once these Backup copies have been made, the Backup Utility can then be used to Delete the old copies of these files from the Hard Disk of the ACD. Why should you use it? As well as providing a measure of security for your data, using the Backup Utility will free up space for the ACD to re-use, and will prevent the ACD from slowing down due to congestion of the Hard Disk with old files. How often should you use it? Typically, you should use the Backup Utility at least once every three months. How Do You Use it? Therearethreesimplesteps. 1. You must tell the system which period you wish to Backup or Delete from. For example you might wish to work with last months files, or the previous quarters files, or files from any arbitrary period, such as the 15th of January to the 15th of March. 2. You then tell the Backup Utility which file types you wish to work with: these may be the Hourly, the Daily, the Weekly or the Monthly files, or all of them. 3. You then tell the Backup Utility to either perform a Backup or a Delete on those files for that period. Using the Backup Utility Running the Backup Utility The Backup Utility is accessed as follows. Sign in at the ACD Call Processor as the System Manager, and then select theSystem Backupoption from the menu bar. A menu with two options on it will appear. Select theReport Backupoption. A dialogue box will appear with two buttons on it. If you select the one markedCancelthe dialogue box will close and nothing will happen. If you select the button markedBackupa further, smaller dialogue box will appear, with buttons markedContinueandCancel. GCA70-336Appendix Software Revision 3.0A-17

Selecting theCancelbutton will take you back to the previous dialogue box.Continuewill close down the ACD and will start the Backup Utility Program. NOTE: The ACD will cease to function whilst you are using the Backup Utility - make sure you are certain that you want to close down the ACD operation before you go to the Backup Utility. Press any key or click the left mouse button to remove the welcome window, and to make the menu at the top of the screen appear. The Backup Utility Help System The Backup Utility contains help screens that can be accessed at any time by pressing theF1key. This will cause a help screen to appear that will either describe the operation you are currently performing, or the currently highlighted menu option. Help screens can be closed by pressing the Esckey. You can also select theHelpmenu option from the main menu to access the Help system menu, where you will find help on the help system itself, on how to use the menus and how to use the mouse. Selecting and using menu options is described in the next section. Interacting with the Backup Utility You interact with the Backup Utility in the same manner as you do with the rest of the ACD system - you can use the keyboard or the mouse, or a mixture of both. When you move the mouse around, a block will move over the screen. This is the mouse cursor. To select a menu option for example, you would position the mouse cursor over the option you wish to use and then click the left mouse button. To use the keyboard you can move the highlight bar along the menu by pressing the LeftorRightArrow keys to highlight the option you wish to use, and then press the Enterkey to activate it, or you can just press the letter which is highlighted in yellow for each option. So, to access theFile Typemenu option,you could just press the Fkey on the keyboard. Some menu options lead to other, smaller menus, like theHelpoption or theQuitoption. To leave a sub-menu like these and to return to the previous menu, you can either press the Esckey, or, with the mouse cursor positioned on the menu line, press the right mouse button. AppendixGCA70-336 A–18Software Revision 3.0

The Backup Utility Main Menu Options Backup Before you can use the Backup option you must first tell the Backup Utility which type of Data Files you wish to Backup and also the Start Date and End Date of the period in which you wish to carry out the Backup. When you have done that and then selected theBackupoption the system will check which files are going to need to be copied, and will tell you how many disks you are going need. NOTE: The disks that you use must be 1.44 Megabyte Hi-density disks, and they must be formatted. You can either buy the disks and format them yourself if you have access to a PC, or you can buy ready formatted disks. The disks must be blank - that is, containing no previous data or files. You will be prompted to enter each disk as they are required. The data files are put onto the disks in sub-directories, called BACK001 on the first disk, BACK002 on the next, and so on, for as many disks as it takes. You should label and date each disk as you remove it from the disk drive. Delete Before you can use theDeleteoption you must first tell the Backup Utility which type of Data Files you wish to delete and also the Start Date and End Date of the period you wish to delete files in. When you have done that and then selected theDeleteoption, the system will check which files are going to be deleted, and will tell you how much disk space you will recover by deleting them. NOTE: Make sure you are CERTAIN that you wish to delete the files before you do so - once they have been removed, if you haven’t already made Backups of them, they will be gone forever! Help This option leads to a further menu offering access to Help screens on the Help system itself, the use of the Backup Utility menus and the use of the mouse. Set File Before you can use the Backup or Delete options, you must first tell the Backup Utility which type of Data Files you wish to work with, and also the Start Date and End Date of the period in which you wish to carry out the Backup or Delete operation. If you select this option, you will be presented with a “popup menu”. On the menu will be the file types you can choose from. There is also an option labeledAll Data Fileswhich will cause the Backup or Delete operation to work with all files of all types, and there is an option labeledAll (Not Hourly). NOTE: Many users wish to set a Start date and an End Date and to then Backup all of the files from that period apart from the hourly ones, but wish to Delete all of the files in that period once the Backup is completed. The All data Files and the All (Not Hourly) options allow you to do this easily. GCA70-336Appendix Software Revision 3.0A-19

To select an option from the popup menu, you can either highlight the option using theHome,EndandUp andDownArrow keys and then pressEnter, or you can use the hotkey method. The hotkey method allows you to choose an option by pressing the keyboard character which corresponds to the highlighted (yellow) letter in the option of your choice. TheEsckey will close the popup menu without making a new selection. Once you have selected a file type, it will be displayed on the bottom border of the main window. The File Type that you pick dictates which files are operated on by the next Backup or Delete operation. Once a File Type has been selected, it will stay set until you change it again. This means you can set the Start and End Dates, set the File Type and then do a Backup and then do a Delete with the same settings. If you pick All Files, data files of all type (Hourly, Daily, Weekly and Monthly) are operated on at once, if you pick All (Not Hourly) the files types operated on will be the Daily, the Weekly and the Monthly files only. NOTE: If Weekly or Monthly files are going to be included in the Backup or Delete operation, the Start Date must be the 1st of a month and the End Date must be the last day in a month (but the Start Date and End Date do not need to be in the same month, so 01/09/1994 and 31/10/1994 is a valid period). This applies to the All Files setting too, as the All Files setting includes the Weekly and Monthly data files automatically. Set Start Before you can use the Backup or Delete options, you must first tell the Backup Utility which type of Data Files you wish to work with, and also the Start Date and End Date of the period in which you wish to carry out the Backup or Delete operation. You enter the Start Date for the work period in the format DD/MM/YYYY, so that February 1st 1994 would be entered as 01/02/1994. Dates are checked as they are entered to make sure that you haven’t asked for the 32nd of a month, or a date next year and so forth. Once you have set the Start Date and the End Date you can use them repeatedly. They stay set until you change them. This means you can set the two dates and say, Backup the Hourly Files, then do a Delete on the Hourly Files in the same period, then do a Backup on the Daily Files and then Delete those too, all with one setting for the Start and End Dates. NOTE: You can’t enter a date in the current month, only full elapsed months can be worked on. Also, if you want to work with Weekly, Monthly, or All Files the Start Date MUST be the first day in a month. AppendixGCA70-336 A–20Software Revision 3.0

Set End Before you can use the Backup or Delete options, you must first tell the Backup Utility which type of Data Files you wish to work with, and also the Start Date and End Date of the period in which you wish to carry out the Backup or Delete operation. You enter the End date for the work period in the format DD/MM/YYYY, so that February 1st 1994 would be entered as 01/02/1994. Dates are checked as they are entered to make sure that you haven’t asked for the 32nd of a month, or a date next year and so forth. Once you have set the Start Date and the End Date you can use them repeatedly. They stay set until you change them. This means you can set the two dates and say, Backup the Hourly Files, then do a Delete on the Hourly Files in the same period, then do a Backup on the Daily Files and then Delete those too, all with one setting for the Start and End Dates. NOTE: You can’t enter a date in the current month, only full elapsed months can be worked on. Also, if you want to work withWeekly,MonthlyorAll Files, the Start Date MUST be the first day in a month. Set Path You will not need to use this option, it is intended for future expansion and is not required in this release of the Backup Utility. Info This option provides a window which shows the Start and End Dates (if they have been set) spelled out with the names of the day and the month so that you can see exactly which two dates you have entered. It also shows how many days there were between the two dates, so you can see how many days worth of data would be affected by a Backup or Delete action. Quit The Quit option from the main menu causes a sub-menu with two options on it to appear. These two options areRemainandQuit. Remainwill keep you in the Backup Utility (in case you have selectedQuitfrom the main menu in error), and theQuitoption will leave the Backup Utility, and the ACD system will restart. NOTE: Remember that once the ACD system has reset itself, and if it is during your normal working hours, instruct your Agents to log back in. GCA70-336Appendix Software Revision 3.0A-21

Appendix F Understanding Emergency Operations QuickQcontains built-in protection to minimize operational problems that could occur as the result of system interruptions such as power failures. This appendix outlines actions that QuickQ causes when these emergencies occur. Notifying Agents Whenever normal operation is interrupted,QuickQnotifies all of the active (signed-in) agents for five seconds. The message,System Rebootingis displayed on each agent’s display telephone along with an audible tone. Rebooting The QuickQ System Within the first 10 seconds, the System Manager can reboot the system manually. After 10 seconds of idling, following a system interruption, the system will reboot itself automatically. Rebooting normally takes a maximum of two minutes. Note:You cannot reboot directly in QuickQ if you are using a swap file. The following actions occur during system rebooting: ·All relevant files are closed. ·Calls that are engaged with agents will remain connected with those agents. ·When the system is using DVA-01 units, all calls in the ACD queue will be dropped. ·When the system is using DVA-16 units, all calls in the ACD queue will be dropped except those that are queued in the music state. Those calls will hear music continuously until they hang up. ·All Do Not Disturb (DND) conditions will be cleared on the active agents’ telephones. This affects DND conditions that are either set manually or automatically. (The system automatically sets the DND condition on agents’ telephones during call transferring.) Signing-In Agents Agents are signed-in automatically up to 30 minutes following a system interruption. Agents will be signed-in in the busy state. If the interruption lasts longer than thirty minutes, the agents are not signed-in automatically. Also, if the automatic day-to-night mode is selected by the group, and the time that the system was rebooted is later than the time set for the day-to-night mode to occur, agents are not signed-in automatically. Printing Screen Information At the time the system operation is interrupted, the system registers along with other information is written to the screen directly. The system manager can print this information. GCA70–336Appendix Software Revision 3.0A-23

Saving Call Statistics All call statistics are saved during a system interruption except for the accumulated current Hourly report up to the time of system reboot. For example, if the system is rebooted at 11:30 and the hourly call statistics are collected on the hour, then no call statistics are saved for the period from 11:00 to 11:30. However, the hourly report will include call statistics for the period from 11:30 to 12:00. QuickQ System Managers Guide GCA70–336 A-24Software Revision 3.0