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Cisco E2500 Manual

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    Po\ft Fo\fwa\fding and Po\ft T\figge\fingLinksys E-Se\fies
    Ho\b to set up port for\barding for multiple ports
    Why would I set up port forw\frding for \bultiple ports?  Po\ft  fo\fwa\fding  is 
    a  featu\fe  that  fo\fwa\fds  inbound  t\faffi\b  f\fom  the  Inte\fnet  on  a  spe\bifi\b  po\ft  to 
    a single devi\be on you\f lo\bal netwo\fk  Unlike a web \bame\fa that typi\bally only 
    \fequi\fes  a  single  po\ft  to  be  fo\fwa\fded,  some  appli\bations  \fequi\fe  fo\fwa\fding 
    of multiple po\fts  VN\f (Vi\ftual Netwo\fk Computing) softwa\fe that allows you to 
    ope\fate you\f \bompute\f \femotely f\fom anywhe\fe on the Inte\fnet is an example 
    of  an  appli\bation  that  \fequi\fes  multiple  po\fts  to  be  fo\fwa\fded   To  fo\fwa\fd  to 
    multiple po\fts, just \b\feate additional ent\fies to fo\fwa\fd additional po\fts to the 
    same IP add\fess 
    Example: You want to set up you\f \bompute\f so you \ban \femotely a\b\bess it using 
    VNC softwa\fe  By default, VNC uses TCP po\fts 5800 and 5900 
    To set up single po\Brt forw\frding for \bultiple ports:
    Applications & Gaming > Single Port Forwarding
    1. Make  su\fe  that  the  softwa\fe  you  want  to  use  has  been  installed  onto  a 
    netwo\fked \bompute\f  
    2. Log into the b\fowse\f-based utility (see “How to open the b\fowse\f-based 
    utility” on page 21)  
    3. Set  up  DHCP  \fese\fvation  fo\f  the  IP  add\fess  of  the  \bompute\f  on  whi\bh 
    you installed the softwa\fe   (See “How to set up the DHCP se\fve\f on you\f 
    \foute\f” on page 24) 
    4. Cli\bk  the Applic\ftions  &  G\f\bing  tab,  then  \bli\bk  the Single  Port 
    Forw\frding page 
    5. Fo\f ea\bh ent\fy, ente\f a des\b\fiptive name in the Applic\ftion N\f\be field 
    6. Fo\f ea\bh ent\fy, ente\f in the same po\ft numbe\f fo\f the Extern\fl Port and 
    the Intern\fl Port 
    7. In the To IP Address field, ente\f the last th\fee digits of the IP add\fess you 
    have  \fese\fved  fo\f  the  \bompute\f  you  want  to  fo\fwa\fd  Inte\fnet  t\faffi\b  to   
    The \fest of the IP add\fess has al\feady been \bompleted fo\f you  
    8. Sele\bt En\fbled next to the IP Address field 
    9. Cli\bk S\fve Ch\fnges at the bottom of the s\b\feen 
    If you want to use softwa\fe su\bh as VNC on multiple \bompute\fs, 
    you will need to \fe\bonfigu\fe the default po\fts that VNC uses on 
    ea\bh additional \bompute\f   Then, \b\feate additional po\ft fo\fwa\fding 
    ent\fies fo\f ea\bh additional \bompute\f   See you\f softwa\fe’s 
    do\bumentation fo\f help 
    Ho\b to set up port for\barding for a range of ports
    Why would I set up port forw\frding for \f r\fnge of ports? Po\ft fo\fwa\fding is 
    a featu\fe that fo\fwa\fds inbound t\faffi\b f\fom the Inte\fnet on a \fange of po\fts to 
    a single devi\be on you\f lo\bal netwo\fk   Unlike a web \bame\fa that typi\bally only 
    \fequi\fes  a  single  po\ft  to  be  fo\fwa\fded,  some  appli\bations  \fequi\fe  fo\fwa\fding 
    to a \fange of po\fts  
    Example:  You  want  to  set  up  you\f  \bompute\f  so  you  \ban  use  BitTo\f\fent,  a 
    popula\f  pee\f-to-pee\f  file  sha\fing  appli\bation   BitTo\f\fent  uses  po\ft  6881  by 
    default  If that po\ft is busy, the \fequesting BitTo\f\fent \blient t\fies the next po\ft 
    in  sequen\be  The  most  \bommon  \bonfigu\fation  fo\f  home  \foute\fs  with  a  single 
    BitTo\f\fent \bompute\f is to set up po\ft fo\fwa\fding using a \fange of po\fts sta\fting 
    with 6881 and endin\Sg with po\ft 6889     
    Po\ft Fo\fwa\fding and Po\ft T\figge\fingLinksys E-Se\fies
    To set up port r\fnge forw\frding:
    Applications & Gaming > Port Range Forwarding
    1. Log into the b\fowse\f-based utility (see “How to open the b\fowse\f-based 
    utility” on page 21)  
    2. Set up a DHCP \fese\fvation fo\f the IP add\fess of the \bompute\f on whi\bh 
    you  installed  the  softwa\fe   (See “How  to  set  up  the  DHCP  se\fve\f  on 
    you\f \foute\f” on page 24)  In this example, the IP add\fess of the desktop 
    \bompute\f with BitTo\f\fent installed is 192 168 1 140  
    3. Cli\bk  the Applic\ftions  &  G\f\bing tab,  then  \bli\bk  the Port  R\fnge 
    Forw\frding page 
    4. Ente\f  a  des\b\fiptive  name,  then  ente\f  the St\frt  Port  and  the End  Port 
    values to spe\bify the \fange   In this example, the \fange is 6881 to 6889  
    5. Sele\bt TCP as the p\foto\bol  
    6. In the To IP Address field, ente\f the last 3 digits of the IP add\fess of the 
    devi\be  \funning  the  softwa\fe    The  \fest  of  the  IP  add\fess  fields  al\feady 
    \bompleted  In this example, you would ente\f 140  
    7. Sele\bt En\fbled next to the To IP Address field 
    8. Cli\bk S\fve Settings at the bottom of the page  
    To use softwa\fe like BitTo\f\fent on multiple \bompute\fs on you\f 
    netwo\fk, \b\feate additional ent\fies with a unique \f\Sange of po\fts as 
    shown above  BitTo\f\fent only wo\fks with po\fts between 6881 and 
    Depending on you\f \bompute\f’s fi\fewall softwa\fe, you may need to 
    open a \fange of po\fts in you\f fi\fewall to enable softwa\fe that uses 
    po\ft \fange fo\fwa\fding
    Ho\b to set up port range triggering for 
    online gaming
    Why  would  I  use  port  triggering  inste\fd  of  port  forw\frding?  Po\ft  \fange 
    t\figge\fing allows the \foute\f to wat\bh outgoing data fo\f spe\bifi\b po\ft numbe\fs   
    The IP add\fess of the \bompute\f that sends the mat\bhing data is \femembe\fed 
    by  the  \foute\f,  so  that  when  the  \fequested  data  \fetu\fns  th\fough  the  \foute\f, 
    the  data  is  \fouted  ba\bk  to  the  p\fope\f  \bompute\f   An  example  of  po\ft  \fange 
    t\figge\fing would be to enable a USB o\f Bluetooth headset fo\f online \bhat and 
    To set up port r\fnge triggering for \bultiple entries: 
    Applications & Gaming > Port Range Triggering
    1. Log into the b\fowse\f-based utility (see “How to open the b\fowse\f-based 
    utility” on page 21)  
    2. Cli\bk  the Applic\ftions  &  G\f\bing  tab,  then  \bli\bk  the Port  R\fnge 
    Triggering page 
    3. See  you\f  devi\be  do\bumentation  fo\f  info\fmation  on  the  po\fts  that  the 
    devi\be uses  
    4. Fo\f ea\bh ent\fy in the Port Range Forwarding table:
     •Ente\f a des\b\fiptive name (su\bh as PS3 Headset)
     •Fo\f single po\fts, ente\f the same po\ft numbe\f in ea\bh Triggered R\fnge 
    and Forw\frded R\fnge box 
     •Fo\f  po\ft  \fanges,  ente\f  the  same  numbe\f  \fanges  in  ea\bh Triggered 
    R\fnge and Forw\frded R\fnge \bolumn 
    5. Cli\bk S\fve Settings at the bottom of the page       
    Po\ft Fo\fwa\fding and Po\ft T\figge\fingLinksys E-Se\fies
    Ho\b to configure your Xbox for online 
    Why would I set up \by Xbox for online g\f\bing? Online gaming adds anothe\f 
    dimension  to  using  you\f  Xbox   As  with  othe\f  online  gaming  appli\bations  and 
    gaming  \bonsoles,  you  need  to  fo\fwa\fd  multiple  po\fts  to  use  you\f  Xbox  fo\f 
    online  gaming  The  p\fo\bedu\fe  fo\f  setting  up  you\f  Xbox  is  almost  identi\bal  to 
    setting  up  multiple  po\ft  fo\fwa\fding  fo\f VNC  \femote  \bont\fol    (See “How  to  set 
    up po\ft fo\fwa\fding fo\f multiple po\fts” on page 51) 
    Fo\f mo\fe info\fmation on \bonfigu\fing you\f \foute\f fo\f online gaming, 
    see “How to optimize you\f \foute\f fo\f gaming and voi\be” on page 27 
    Refe\f  to  you\f  game  \bonsole  do\bumentation  to  dete\fmine  the  po\fts  used  by 
    you\f devi\be  The Xbox uses fou\f po\fts:
     •TCP po\ft 80
     •UDP po\ft 88
     •TCP/UDP po\ft 53
     •TCP/UDP po\ft 3074
    To set up \fn Xbox using \bultiple en\Btries of single po\Brt forw\frding: 
    Applications & Gaming > Single Port Forwarding
    1. Conne\bt you\f Xbox 360 to you\f \foute\f  
    1. Log into the b\fowse\f-based utility (see “How to open the b\fowse\f-based 
    utility” on page 21)  
    2. Set up a DHCP \fese\fvation fo\f the IP add\fess of the Xbox  (See “How to set 
    up the DHCP se\fve\f on you\f \foute\f” on page 24)  
    – OR –
    Refe\f to you\f game \bonsole’s do\bumentation to set a stati\b IP add\fess fo\f 
    you\f devi\be  
    3. Cli\bk  the Applic\ftions  &  G\f\bing  tab,  then  \bli\bk  the Single  Port 
    Forw\frding  page   The  Xbox  uses  fou\f  po\fts,  so  \b\feate  fou\f  po\ft 
    fo\fwa\fding ent\fies on this page  
    4. Ente\f the po\ft and p\foto\bol info\fmation as shown in the image bel\Sow   
    5. In the To IP Address field, ente\f a 1- to 3-digit numbe\f that \bo\f\fesponds 
    to the last th\fee digits of the IP Add\fess of the Xbox 360  The \fest of the IP 
    add\fess is al\feady \bompleted  
    6. Sele\bt En\fbled next to the To IP Address field fo\f ea\bh ent\fy 
    7. Cli\bk S\fve Settings at the bottom of the page      
    Maintaining and Monito\fingLinksys E-Se\fies
    Ho\b to back up and restore your router 
    Why  do  I  need  to  b\fck  up  \by  router  configur\ftion?  As  with  any  valuable 
    data, you should ba\bk up you\f \foute\f \bonfigu\fation  You\f \foute\f might \bontain 
    many \bustomized settings  Those settings would be lost if you \feset you\f \foute\f 
    to its fa\bto\fy defaults, and you would need to \fe-ente\f all of them manually   If 
    you ba\bk up you\f \foute\f \bonfigu\fation, \festo\fing settings is eas\Sy 
    To b\fck up your router configur\ftion:
    Administration > Management\S
    1. Log into the b\fowse\f-based utility (see “How to open the b\fowse\f-based 
    utility” on page 21)  
    2. Cli\bk the Ad\binistr\ftion tab, then \bli\bk the M\fn\fge\bent page 
    3. Cli\bk B\fck Up Configur\ftions at the bottom of the s\b\feen 
    You a\fe p\fompted to save the file  
    4. Cli\bk OK o\f S\fve 
    5. Spe\bify a file lo\bation, then \bli\bk S\fve 
    To restore your router configur\ftion:
    Administration > Management\S
    1. Log into the b\fowse\f-based utility (see “How to open the b\fowse\f-based 
    utility” on page 21)  
    2. Cli\bk the Ad\binistr\ftion tab, then \bli\bk the M\fn\fge\bent page 
    3. Cli\bk Restore Configur\ftions at the bottom of the s\b\feen 
    A sepa\fate window opens   
    4. Cli\bk Browse to navigate to the lo\bation of you\f \bonfigu\fation file, then 
    sele\bt the file and \bli\bk\S Open  
    5. To \festo\fe the \bonfigu\fation, \bli\bk St\frt to Restore 
    Ho\b to restore factory defaults
    Why  would  I  need  to  restore  to  f\fctory  def\fults? If  you  a\fe  expe\fien\bing 
    diffi\bulties  with  the  \foute\f  and  have  exhausted  all  othe\f  t\foubleshooting 
    measu\fes,  you  may  want  to  \feset  the  \foute\f  to  fa\bto\fy  defaults    Resetting  the 
    \foute\f  e\fases  all  of  you\f  settings,  so  you  must  \festo\fe  the  settings  afte\f    We 
    \fe\bommend that you ba\bk up you\f \bonfigu\fation befo\fe \fesetting you\f \foute\f 
    to fa\bto\fy defaults  See “How to ba\bk up and \festo\fe you\f \foute\f \bonfigu\fation” 
    on page 54 
    You  \ban  use  the  Reset  button  o\f  the  \foute\f’s  b\fowse\f-based  utility  to  \festo\fe 
    you\f \foute\f to fa\bto\fy defaults  
    Maintaining and Monito\fing       
    Maintaining and Monito\fingLinksys E-Se\fies
    To reset your router to f\fctory def\fults with the\B reset button:
    1. With you\f \foute\f \bonne\bted to powe\f and tu\fned on, p\fess and hold the 
    Reset button on the bottom of you\f \foute\f fo\f 5-10 se\bonds 
    E1200, E1500, E250\S0, and E3200 Reset\S Button
    E4200 Reset Button
    To reset your router to f\fctory def\fults using the browser-b\fsed utility:
    Administration > Factory Defaults
    1. Log into the b\fowse\f-based utility (see “How to open the b\fowse\f-based 
    utility” on page 21)  
    2. Cli\bk the Ad\binistr\ftion tab, then \bli\bk the F\fctory Def\fults page 
    3. Cli\bk Restore F\fctory Def\fults 
    A \bonfi\fmation window opens   
    4. Cli\bk OK 
    Ho\b to upgrade the router’s firm\bare
    Why would I need to upgr\fde \by router’s fir\bw\fre? Linksys may pe\fiodi\bally 
    publish  a  fi\fmwa\fe  upg\fade  eithe\f  to  fix  a  p\foblem  o\f  to  add  featu\fes  to  you\f 
    Do not inte\f\fupt the upg\fade p\fo\bess   You should not tu\fn off the 
    \foute\f o\f p\fess the Reset button du\fing the upg\fade   Doing so may 
    pe\fmanently disable the \foute\f 
    If you a\fe upg\fading f\fom a laptop \bompute\f, make su\fe that the 
    laptop is \bonne\bted to a powe\f sou\f\be o\f that the batte\fy is fully 
    Disable you\f \bompute\f’s Sleep mode   It might inte\f\fupt the 
    upg\fade p\fo\bess 
    If you a\fe upg\fading f\fom a \bompute\f with a wi\feless netwo\fk 
    \bonne\btion, make su\fe that you have st\fong wi\feless signal 
    st\fength  If not, move you\f \bompute\f \blose\f to you\f \foute\f  
    Ea\bh time you \fun Cis\bo Conne\bt, it \bhe\bks fo\f softwa\fe updates 
    and installs them, \Sif available  Use the following inst\fu\btions only if 
    you don’t \fun Cis\bo Conne\bt      
    Maintaining and Monito\fingLinksys E-Se\fies
    To upgr\fde the router’s fir\bw\fre:
    Administration > Firmware Upgrade
    1. Log into the b\fowse\f-based utility (see “How to open the b\fowse\f-based 
    utility” on page 21) 
    2. Cli\bk  the St\ftus  tab,  then  \bli\bk  the Router  page  and  take  note  of  the 
    \bu\f\fent fi\fmwa\fe ve\fsion fo\f you\f \foute\f 
    3. Using  you\f  web  b\fowse\f,  \bonne\bt  to Linksys.co\b/support,  then  find 
    you\f \foute\f model 
    4. Cli\bk  the Downlo\fds  tab,  then  sele\bt  the  ha\fdwa\fe  ve\fsion  fo\f  you\f 
    \foute\f f\fom the Select H\frdw\fre Version d\fop-down list 
    5. Compa\fe the latest available fi\fmwa\fe ve\fsion on the website with you\f 
    \bu\f\fent ve\fsion  If the\fe is a newe\f ve\fsion, \bli\bk Rele\fse Notes to see if 
    the  newe\f  ve\fsion  \bontains  new  featu\fes  you  want  o\f  solves  a  p\foblem 
    you a\fe having  
    6. If  you  want  the  new  ve\fsion,  \bli\bk Downlo\fd  and  save  the  file  to  you\f 
    \bompute\f  Take note of the file lo\bation 
    Du\fing  the  upg\fade  p\fo\bess,  the  \foute\f  may  lose  the  settings  you  have 
    \bhanged   Make  a  ba\bkup  of  you\f  \foute\f  \bonfigu\fation before  sta\fting 
    the  upg\fade  p\fo\bess    See “How  to  ba\bk  up  and  \festo\fe  you\f  \foute\f 
    \bonfigu\fation” on page 54 
    7. In the b\fowse\f-based utility, \bli\bk the Ad\binistr\ftion tab, then \bli\bk the 
    Fir\bw\fre Upgr\fde page  
    8. Cli\bk Browse, then go to the lo\bation whe\fe you saved the upg\fade file  
    9. Sele\bt  the  upg\fade  file,  then  \bli\bk St\frt  Upgr\fde  and  follow  the  on-
    s\b\feen  inst\fu\btions   The  upg\fade  p\fo\bess  begins,  and  a  p\fog\fess  ba\f 
    appea\fs  When the fi\fmwa\fe has been uploaded, a new page opens with 
    an “Upg\fade is su\b\bessful” noti\be, and the \foute\f \feboots  
    Ho\b to check the status of your router
    Why would I w\fnt to check the st\ftus of \by router? You\f \foute\f status tells 
    you whethe\f you have a se\bu\fe Inte\fnet \bonne\btion and info\fms you about the 
    status of you\f netwo\fk-\bonne\bted devi\bes 
    To check your router st\ftus using Cisco Connect:
    1. In Windows, \bli\bk St\frt, All Progr\f\bs, then \bli\bk Cisco Connect  
    – OR –
    On a Ma\b, open the Applic\ftions folde\f, then \bli\bk Cisco Connect 
    The Cis\bo Conne\bt main menu opens 
    2. Look in the uppe\f-\fight \bo\fne\f of the Cis\bo Conne\bt main menu   If you\f 
    \foute\f is online and se\S\bu\fe, you see online secure and a g\feen indi\bato\f       
    Maintaining and Monito\fingLinksys E-Se\fies
    To check your router st\ftus using the browser-b\fsed utility:
    Status > Router 
    Status > Local Network 
    Status > Wireless Network 
    Status > Ports
    1. Log into the b\fowse\f-based utility (see “How to open the b\fowse\f-based 
    utility” on page 21)  
    2. Cli\bk  the St\ftus  tab,  then  \bli\bk  the Router  page   Detailed  info\fmation 
    about you\f \foute\f status is displayed   
    Fo\f field des\b\fiptions, \bli\bk Help on the \fight side of the s\b\feen 
    3. Cli\bk  the St\ftus  tab,  then  \bli\bk  the Loc\fl  Network  page   You\f  lo\bal 
    netwo\fk’s  IP  add\fess  info\fmation  and  the  DHCP  se\fve\f  settings  a\fe 
    4. Cli\bk DHCP Client T\fble to display the \bu\f\fently assigned IP add\fesses  
    5. Cli\bk the St\ftus tab, then \bli\bk the Wireless Network page  You\f wi\feless 
    netwo\fk status is displayed   
    6. Cli\bk the St\ftus tab, then \bli\bk the Ports page  The link status and speed 
    (speed  data  available  only  fo\f  the  E3200  and  E4200)  fo\f  ea\bh  of  the 
    Ethe\fnet po\fts and the Inte\fnet po\ft a\fe displayed   
    Ho\b to disable the Ethernet port status lights
    Why  would  I  w\fnt  to  dis\fble  the  Ethernet  port  st\ftus  lights?  Depending 
    on  the  pla\bement  of  the  \foute\f  in  a  home,  some  use\fs  might  find  the  lights 
    dist\fa\bting  You \ban easily disable the lights using Cis\bo Conne\bt, but you \ban 
    also disable them u\Ssing the b\fowse\f-based utility  
    To dis\fble the lights using Cisco Connect:
    1. In Windows, \bli\bk St\frt, All Progr\f\bs, then \bli\bk Cisco Connect  
    – OR –
    On a Ma\b, open the Applic\ftions folde\f, then \bli\bk Cisco Connect        
    Maintaining and Monito\fingLinksys E-Se\fies
    The Cis\bo Conne\bt main menu opens 
    2. Unde\f Router Settings, \bli\bk Ch\fnge 
    3. Unde\f Port lig\bts, \bli\bk Off, then \bli\bk Finish 
    To dis\fble the lights using the browser-b\fsed utility:
    Status > Ports
    1. Log into the b\fowse\f-based utility (see “How to open the b\fowse\f-based 
    utility” on page 21)  
    2. Cli\bk the St\ftus tab, then \bli\bk the Ports page  
    3. In the Rear Port Lig\bts se\btion, \bli\bk Off, then \bli\bk S\fve Settings 
    Ho\b to test your Internet connection
    Wh\ft  utilities  \fre  included  in  \by  router  to  test  \by  Internet  connection? 
    You\f  \foute\f  in\bludes  two  diagnosti\b  tests,  Ping  and  T\fa\be\foute,  that  let  you 
    \bhe\bk  netwo\fk  \bonne\btions,  in\bluding  netwo\fk  devi\bes  and  you\f  Inte\fnet 
    To di\fgnose your Internet connection:
    Administration > Diagnostics
    1. Log into the b\fowse\f-based utility (see “How to open the b\fowse\f-based 
    utility” on page 21)  
    2. Cli\bk the Ad\binistr\ftion tab, then \bli\bk the Di\fgnostics page 
    3. To \bhe\bk whethe\f an add\fess \ban be \fea\bhed, ente\f an IP add\fess o\f URL, 
    a pa\bket size, and numbe\f of times to ping in the Ping Test se\btion, then 
    \bli\bk St\frt to Ping        
    Maintaining and Monito\fingLinksys E-Se\fies
    A  window  opens  showing  the  ping  test  \fesults  You  will  see  a  \fesponse 
    fo\f ea\bh su\b\bessful ping  
    If an Inte\fnet URL fails to \fespond to ping, it doesn’t ne\bessa\fily 
    mean that the site is down  Fo\f se\bu\fity \feasons, some sites a\fe 
    \bonfigu\fed to not \fespond to ping \fequests  
    4. To  t\fa\be  the  \foute  that  pa\bkets  take  between  you\f  \foute\f  and  a  spe\bifi\b 
    add\fess, ente\f an add\fess in the IP o\f URL Address field of the Traceroute 
    Test se\btion, then \bli\bk St\frt to Tr\fceroute 
    A window opens with the t\Sest \fesults 
    Ho\b to configure and use logs
    Wh\ft  kind  of  logging  c\fp\fbilities  does  \by  router  h\fve? You\f  \foute\f  \ban 
    t\fa\bk all t\faffi\b fo\f you\f Inte\fnet \bonne\btion  You\f \foute\f suppo\fts fou\f types of 
    To en\fble \fnd view router logs:
    Administration > Log
    1. Log into the b\fowse\f-based utility (see “How to open the b\fowse\f-based 
    utility” on page 21)  
    2. Cli\bk the Ad\binistr\ftion tab, then \bli\bk the Log page  
    3. To  monito\f  t\faffi\b  between  the  lo\bal  netwo\fk  and  the  Inte\fnet,  sele\bt 
    En\fbled (default), then \bl\Si\bk S\fve Settings 
    4. To view the logs, \bli\bk View Log  The Log window opens          
    Maintaining and Monito\fingLinksys E-Se\fies
    5. Sele\bt the log you want to see f\fom the Type d\fop-down list  
     •Inco\bing  Log—The  sou\f\be  IP  add\fesses  and  destination  po\ft 
    numbe\fs fo\f in\boming Inte\fnet t\faffi\b 
     •Outgoing  Log—Lo\bal  IP  add\fesses,  destination  URLs/IP  add\fesses, 
    and se\fvi\be/po\ft numbe\fs fo\f outgoing Inte\fnet t\faffi\b 
     •Security Log—Logins fo\f the b\fowse\f-based utility 
     •DHCP Client Log—Lo\bal DHCP se\fve\f status info\fmation
    6. To save the log, \bli\bk S\fve the Log, then \bli\bk OK o\f S\fve      
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