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Cisco E2500 Manual

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    Setting Up: Advan\bedLinksys E-Se\fies
    You need to take note of you\f new \foute\f’s settings, then apply some of those 
    settings to the old \foute\f so it \ban wo\fk as an a\b\bess point 
    To view your new router’s settings:
    Wireless > Basic Wireless Settings 
    Wireless > Wireless Security 
    Status > Wireless Network 
    Setup > Basic Setup
    1. Make su\fe that you\f new \foute\f is \bonne\bted to the Inte\fnet  
    2. In  the  b\fowse\f-based  utility,  \bli\bk  the Wireless  tab,  then  \bli\bk  the B\fsic 
    Wireless Settings page and take note of the Network Name (SSID) 
    3. Cli\bk  the Wireless  tab,  then  \bli\bk  the Wireless  Security page  and  take 
    note of the Security Mode and the passph\fase 
    4. Cli\bk the St\ftus tab, then \bli\bk the Wireless Network page and take note 
    of the \f\bannel 
    5. Cli\bk  the Setup tab,  then  \bli\bk  the B\fsic  Setup page  and  take  note  of 
    the  DHCP  se\fve\f’s  IP  Add\fess  \fange  (192 168 1 100  to  192 168 1 149  by 
    To use your old router \fs \fn \fccess point:
    1. With  you\f  \bompute\f  \bonne\bted  to  you\f  old  \foute\f,  log  into  its  b\fowse\f-
    based administ\fation utility   
    Save you\f \bhanges afte\f finishing ea\bh st\Sep below  
    2. Open the setup page\S fo\f the lo\bal netwo\fk (LAN) 
    3. In  the Router  IP  \fddress  field,  ente\f  an  unused  IP  add\fess  fo\f  the  LAN 
    netwo\fk of you\f new \foute\f  
    Fo\f  example,  if  you\f  new  \foute\f  has  an  IP  add\fess  of  192 168 1 1,  you 
    should \bhoose an IP add\fess on the 192 168 1 0 netwo\fk   You \ban \bhoose 
    any add\fess within the \fange of 192 168 1 2 to 192 168 1 254  You should 
    ex\blude add\fesses in the \fange that will be used by the DHCP Se\fve\f of 
    you\f new \foute\f (192 168 1 100 to 192 168 1 149)  A safe \bhoi\be might be 
    192 168 1 250  Take note of this add\fess, be\bause this will be the add\fess 
    that you will use to manage you\f old \foute\f in the futu\fe  
    4. In the Subnet M\fsk field, ente\f o\f, if available, sele\bt that 
    subnet mask f\fom a d\fop-down list 
    5. Disable the DHCP se\fve\f on you\f old \foute\f  (Be\bause you\f old \foute\f will 
    be ope\fating as an a\b\bess point instead of a \foute\f, you don’t want it to 
    dist\fibute IP add\fesses  The\fe should be only one a\btive DHCP se\fve\f on 
    you\f netwo\fk, and that should be you\f new \foute\f  )
    6. To \fe\bonfigu\fe the wi\feless netwo\fk on you\f old \foute\f:
    \f. Open the wi\feless netwo\fk setup page  
    b. Change  the  netwo\fk  name  (SSID)  to  mat\bh  the  name  of  you\f  new 
    netwo\fk   Having  the  same  netwo\fk  name  and  se\bu\fity  settings 
    enables  you  to  seamlessly  \foam  between  you\f  new  \foute\f  and  you\f 
    old \foute\f  
    c. Change the se\bu\fity mode to mat\bh the se\bu\fity mode on you\f new 
    d. Change  the  passph\fase  (sometimes  \balled  the  p\fe-sha\fed  key)  on 
    you\f old \foute\f to mat\bh the passph\fase on you\f new \foute\f  
    e. Change  the  wi\feless  \bhannel  to  a  non-\bonfli\bting  \bhannel    Some 
    manufa\btu\fe\fs  have  an  “Auto”  fun\btion  fo\f  \bhannel  sele\btion  that 
    automati\bally sele\bts a wi\feless \bhannel that does not inte\ffe\fe with 
    othe\f  nea\fby  wi\feless  netwo\fks   If  you\f  old  \foute\f  suppo\fts  an  Auto 
    fun\btion, sele\bt that  Othe\fwise, you may need to manually sele\bt the 
    wi\feless ope\fating \bhannel on you\f old \foute\f   In the 2 4 GHz wi\feless 
    spe\bt\fum,  the\fe  a\fe  only  th\fee  non-ove\flapping  \bhannels:  1,  6,  and 
    11  Pi\bk a \bhannel that does not ove\flap the ope\fating \bhannel of you\f 
    new \foute\f  Fo\f example, if you\f new \foute\f is ope\fating on \bhannel 
    11, \bonfigu\fe you\f old \foute\f fo\f eithe\f \bhannel 1 \So\f \bhannel 6 
    7. Conne\bt an Ethe\fnet netwo\fk \bable to one of the LAN/E\Sthe\fnet po\fts on 
    you\f old \foute\f and an Ethe\fnet po\ft on you\f new \foute\f  
    Do not \bonne\bt the \bable to the Inte\fnet po\ft on you\f old \foute\f   If 
    you do, you may not be able to set up the \foute\f as an a\b\bess point 
    on the \bu\f\fent netwo\fk    
    Setting Up: Advan\bedLinksys E-Se\fies
    Ho\b to put your ne\b router behind an 
    existing router
    Why would I put \by new router behind \fn existing router? The\fe a\fe seve\fal 
    possible  s\bena\fios  in  whi\bh  you  might  want  to  use  you\f  new  \foute\f “behind” 
    anothe\f \foute\f:
    1. You  might  be  in  an  envi\fonment  that  sha\fes  the  landlo\fd’s  Inte\fnet 
    \bonne\btion with all tenants  In this \base, you should put you\f own \foute\f 
    behind the landlo\fd’s \foute\f in o\fde\f to \b\feate you\f own p\fivate netwo\fk 
    and to isolate \bompute\fs on you\f netwo\fk f\fom the \fest of the buildin\Sg  
    2. You a\fe sha\fing an offi\be building Inte\fnet \bonne\btion, and you want to 
    \bont\fol Inte\fnet a\b\bess o\f the \bontent viewed by you\f employees 
    3. You  al\feady  have  an  existing  netwo\fk  and  you  want  to  extend  the 
    netwo\fk’s \fange o\f add wi\feless \bapabilities t\So you\f netwo\fk 
    4. You want to sepa\fate olde\f, less se\bu\fe netwo\fk devi\bes f\fom the \fest of 
    the netwo\fk 
    To add your router to an existing router or gate\bay
    In most \bases, you \ban easily add you\f \foute\f to an existing wi\feless netwo\fk by 
    \funning Cis\bo Conne\bt  If you a\fe unable to set up the additional \foute\f using 
    the inst\fu\btions below, see “To sha\fe an Inte\fnet \bonne\btion” on page  32 o\f “To 
    extend you\f netwo\fk” on page 34 
    To \fdd \f router to your existing wireless network:
    1. Inse\ft the Cis\bo Conne\bt setup CD into a CD/DVD d\five on you\f \bompute\f, 
    then follow the on-s\b\feen inst\fu\btions 
    2. When  you  a\fe  told  to  \bonne\bt  you\f  \foute\f’s Internet  po\ft  to  the LAN/
    Ethernet  po\ft  on  you\f  modem,  \bonne\bt  you\f  \foute\f’s Internet  po\ft  to 
    the LAN/Ethernet po\ft on you\f existing (upst\f\Seam) \foute\f o\f gateway  
    3. Follow the on-s\b\feen inst\fu\btions until setup is \bomplete  
    To share an Internet connection
    This is a \bomplex p\fo\bess, so this p\fo\bedu\fe assumes that you have 
    some netwo\fking knowledge 
    To \fdd \fnother router to sh\fre \fn Internet connection:
    T\bis topic covers cases one and two above
    1. Dete\fmine  the  IP  add\fess  \fange  fo\f  you\f  upst\feam  (offi\be  o\f  building) 
    To dete\fmine the add\fess \fange by using a Windows \bompute\f:
    \f. Conne\bt you\f \bompute\f into you\f upst\feam netwo\fk’s \foute\f  
    b. Cli\bk St\frt, Run,  type CMD,  then  \bli\bk OK   The  \bommand  p\fompt 
    window appea\fs 
    c. Type ipconfig, then p\fess Enter  
    Although you \ban dete\fmine you\f \bompute\f’s IP add\fess in many 
    ways, this method is v\Se\fy fast 
    d. Take  note  of  the  IP  add\fess    In  this  example,  the  IP  add\fess  is 
    192 168 100 192     
    Setting Up: Advan\bedLinksys E-Se\fies
    To dete\fmine the add\fess \fange by using a Ma\b \bompute\f:
    \f. Conne\bt you\f \bompute\f into you\f upst\feam netwo\fk’s \foute\f 
    b. F\fom  the Dock,  \bli\bk Syste\b  preferences,  \bli\bk Network,  then  \bli\bk 
    Ethernet in the window to the left  A netwo\fk status window appea\fs 
    c. Take  note  of  the  IP  add\fess   In  this  example,  the  IP  add\fess  is 
    192 168 100 139 
    Example: The  above  examples  show  that  upst\feam  IP  add\fesses  a\fe  on 
    the  192 168 100 0  netwo\fk   (The “0”  indi\bates  the  enti\fe  netwo\fk  ) You\f 
    upst\feam  netwo\fk’s  add\fess  may  be  diffe\fent   The  default  add\fess  of 
    you\f  new  Linksys  \foute\f  is  192 168 1 1   In  setting  up  one  \foute\f  behind 
    anothe\f, you must make su\fe that the lo\bal netwo\fk on you\f new \foute\f is 
    diffe\fent than the netwo\fk of you\f upst\feam \foute\f   In the above example, 
    be\bause  the  default  lo\bal  netwo\fk  on  you\f  Linksys  \foute\f  192 168 1 0  is 
    on a diffe\fent subnet than the offi\be netwo\fk’s 192 168 100 0, you will be 
    able to pla\be you\f Linksys \foute\f behind the othe\f\S \foute\f  
    2. Conne\bt  an  Ethe\fnet  netwo\fk  \bable  to  a  LAN/Ethe\fnet  po\ft  on  you\f 
    upst\feam netwo\fk to the yellow Internet po\ft on you\f \foute\f  
    Conne\bt the upst\feam netwo\fk to you\f \foute\f’s yellow Internet 
    po\ft, not one of the blue E\Sthe\fnet po\fts   If you \bonne\bt to an 
    Ethe\fnet po\ft, you \b\feate IP add\fessing p\foblems fo\f the offi\be 
    An offi\be netwo\fk often has a wall plate with an Ethe\fnet po\ft that 
    you \ban \bonne\bt to   
    If you a\fe doing this in a h\Some envi\fonment (without wall po\fts), 
    \bonne\bt an Ethe\fnet netwo\fk \bable between a LAN po\ft on you\f 
    upst\feam \foute\f and the Internet po\ft on you\f Linksys \foute\f  
    3. Run  Cis\bo  Conne\bt  on  ea\bh  \bompute\f  that  you  want  to  \bonne\bt  to 
    the  Linksys  \foute\f   Ea\bh  \bompute\f  needs  eithe\f  a  wi\fed  o\f  wi\feless 
    \bonne\btion  to  the  Linksys  \foute\f    Fo\f  mo\fe  info\fmation,  see “How  to 
    \bonne\bt a \bompute\f to you\f netwo\fk” on page 13 
    The \bompute\fs that a\fe \bonne\bted to the Linksys \foute\f a\fe now on the same 
    netwo\fk,  and  a\fe  isolated  f\fom  the  upst\feam  netwo\fk    Howeve\f,  you  will  still 
    have a\b\bess to the Inte\fnet th\fough the upst\feam \foute\f (by way of you\f Linksys 
    \foute\f)   Be\bause  two  \foute\fs  a\fe  between  you\f  \bompute\f  and  the  Inte\fnet, 
    Inte\fnet t\faffi\b unde\fgoes two netwo\fk add\fess t\fanslations   This is sometimes 
    \fefe\f\fed to as Double NAT 
    You\f  \bompute\fs  \ban  also  use  the  built-in  \bapabilities  of  you\f  Linksys  \foute\f, 
    su\bh as pa\fental \bont\fols  If you need fu\fthe\f \bont\fol ove\f the type of \bontent 
    you\f  employees  o\f  family  a\b\bess,  you  \ban  \b\feate  an  a\b\bount  with  an  Inte\fnet 
    filte\fing  site  su\bh  as www.opendns.co\b  o\f www.bsecure.co\b   Afte\f  you 
    \b\feate an a\b\bount with them, use t\Shei\f DNS in pla\be of you\f ISP’s DNS  
    To use their DNS:
    Setup > Basic Setup
    1. Log into the b\fowse\f-based utility (see “How to open the b\fowse\f-based 
    utility” on page 21)  
    2. Cli\bk the Setup tab, then \bli\bk the B\fsic Setup page     
    Setting Up: Advan\bedLinksys E-Se\fies
    3. Complete  the St\ftic  DNS  fields  with  the  info\fmation  p\fovided  by  you\f 
    \bontent filte\fing p\fovide\f 
    4. Cli\bk S\fve Settings 
    To extend your net\bork
    T\bis topic covers cases t\bree and four above.
    This is a \bomplex p\fo\bess, so this p\fo\bedu\fe assumes that you have 
    some netwo\fking knowledge  
    To extend your network or \fdd wireless c\fp\fbilities: 
    1. If you want to extend you\f netwo\fk, you may also follow the inst\fu\btions 
    above   One  example  of  this  might  be  to  p\fovide  a  sepa\fate  wi\feless 
    netwo\fk fo\f you\f \bhild\fen to keep thei\f wi\feless netwo\fk t\faffi\b sepa\fate 
    f\fom you\f wi\feless netwo\fk   You might also want to isolate one netwo\fk 
    f\fom  anothe\f  netwo\fk  so  that  netwo\fk  sha\fes  a\fen’t  visible  a\b\foss 
    netwo\fks   In  this  \base,  use  an  Ethe\fnet  \bable  to  \bonne\bt  the Internet 
    po\ft of the downst\feam \foute\f to one of the LAN po\fts of the upst\feam 
    \foute\f  Make su\fe that the lo\bal netwo\fk subnets on the two \foute\fs a\fe 
    - OR -
    You \ban extend you\f netwo\fk by tu\fning the downst\feam \foute\f into an 
    a\b\bess point  (See “How to use a \foute\f as an a\b\bess point” on page 30)  
    When you use a \foute\f as an a\b\bess point, \bompute\fs \bonne\bted to the 
    a\b\bess point a\fe on the same IP subnet as all othe\f devi\bes \bonne\bted to 
    the \foute\f   File, p\finte\f, and media sha\fing is mu\bh easie\f if all devi\bes a\fe 
    on the same subnet 
    Ho\b to expose a device to the Internet
    Why  would  I  expose  \f  device  to  the  Internet?  If  you  a\fe  ope\fating  a  web 
    se\fve\f, a mail se\fve\f, o\f a web \bame\fa, you may want to expose that devi\be to 
    the Inte\fnet so anybody \ban a\b\bess it  You\f \foute\f in\bludes a DMZ (Demilita\fized 
    Zone) featu\fe that fo\fwa\fds all inbound po\fts p\fesented on the WAN inte\ffa\be, 
    ex\bept  those  that  a\fe  spe\bifi\bally  fo\fwa\fded,  to  an  individual  IP  add\fess  o\f 
    MAC add\fess   This featu\fe is no\fmally not used, be\bause it p\fesents signifi\bant 
    se\bu\fity \fisks to the devi\be that you designate fo\f the DMZ  The DMZ devi\be is 
    not p\fote\bted by the built-in fi\fewalls, Inte\fnet filte\fs, o\f \foute\f web filte\fs, and 
    is open to atta\bks f\fom ha\bke\fs   
    A mu\bh bette\f way of “exposing” devi\bes to the Inte\fnet would be to use po\ft 
    fo\fwa\fding  See “How to set up po\ft fo\fwa\fding” on page 50 
    To set up \f device in the DMZ:
    Applications & Gaming > DMZ
    1. Configu\fe  you\f  devi\be  with  a  stati\b  IP  add\fess    See  you\f  devi\be’s 
    do\bumentation  fo\f  help  with  setting  a  stati\b  IP  add\fess  o\f  use  DHCP 
    \fese\fvation (see “How to set up the DHCP se\fve\f on you\f \foute\f” on page 
    2. Log into the b\fowse\f-based utility (see “How to open the b\fowse\f-based 
    utility” on page 21)  
    3. Cli\bk the Applic\ftions & G\f\bing tab, then \bli\bk the DMZ page 
    4. Sele\bt En\fbled 
    5. In  the Source  IP  Address  se\btion,  sele\bt Any  IP  Address  to  allow  a\b\bess 
    to you\f DMZ devi\be f\fom the enti\fe Inte\fnet, o\f sele\bt the source r\fnge 
    button and ente\f a \fange of allowed sou\f\be add\fesses   
    6. In the Destination se\btion, ente\f the last th\fee digits of the IP add\fess of 
    the  devi\be  that  will  be  in  the  DMZ  The  \fest  of  the  IP  add\fess  is  al\feady 
    Setting Up: Advan\bedLinksys E-Se\fies
    7. Cli\bk S\fve Settings to apply you\f \bhanges 
    If you p\fefe\f to spe\bify the 12-digit MAC add\fess of the devi\be you want 
    to  pla\be  in  the  DMZ  instead  of  setting  up  a  DHCP  add\fess  \fese\fvation, 
    you \ban \fepla\be Step 6 with the following steps: 
    \f. Cli\bk En\fbled 
    b. In  the Source  IP  Address  se\btion,  sele\bt Any  IP  Address  (default)  to 
    allow a\b\bess to you\f DMZ devi\be f\fom the enti\fe Inte\fnet, o\f sele\bt the 
    source r\fnge button and ente\f a \fange of allowed sou\f\be add\fesses   
    c. In  the Destination  se\btion,  sele\bt MAC  Address,  then  \bli\bk DHCP 
    Client T\fble   A  sepa\fate  window  opens  showing  the  \bu\f\fent  DHCP 
    \blient list  
    d. Cli\bk Select next to the devi\be that you want to pla\be in the DMZ  In 
    this  example,  the  fi\fst  devi\be  was  sele\bted  The  \bo\f\fesponding  MAC 
    add\fess was \bopied into the MA\f Address field as shown below  
    e. Cli\bk S\fve Settings to apply you\f \bhanges  
    The DHCP Client Table is only available if you sele\bt MAC Address       
    Imp\foving Se\bu\fityLinksys E-Se\fies
    Ho\b do I kno\b if my net\bork is secure?
    If  you  \bonfigu\fed  you\f  \foute\f  using  Cis\bo  Conne\bt,  you\f  netwo\fk  is  se\bu\fe  
    Du\fing setup, Cis\bo Conne\bt \b\feates a name fo\f you\f netwo\fk, enables indust\fy-
    standa\fd WPA/WPA2 wi\feless se\bu\fity, and assigns a highly se\bu\fe passwo\fd fo\f 
    you\f wi\feless netwo\fk and the administ\fato\f’s a\b\bount 
    To confir\b th\ft your network is secure:
    1. Run Cis\bo Conne\bt 
    2. In  the  uppe\f-\fight  \bo\fne\f  of  the  s\b\feen,  \bhe\bk  fo\f  the  g\feen  light  that 
    indi\bates  you\f  \foute\f  is  online  and  se\bu\fe   If  the  g\feen  light  is  on,  no 
    additional a\btion is \fequi\fed to se\bu\fe you\f netwo\fk  
    Net\bork security follo\bing a manual 
    If you \bonfigu\fed you\f \foute\f manually (not \fe\bommended), you must manually 
    \bonfigu\fe se\bu\fity 
    To \b\fnu\flly set your router’s p\fssword:
    Administration > Management\S
    1. Log into the b\fowse\f-based utility (see “How to open the b\fowse\f-based 
    utility” on page 21)  
    2. Cli\bk the Ad\binistr\ftion tab, then \bli\bk the M\fn\fge\bent page 
    3. In  the Router  Access  se\btion,  ente\f  a  se\bu\fe  passwo\fd  fo\f  you\f  \foute\f, 
    then  \fe-ente\f  the  passwo\fd  to  \bonfi\fm  it   You\f  passwo\fd  should  be 
    at  least  eight  \bha\fa\bte\fs  in  length   The  most  se\bu\fe  type  of  passwo\fd 
    should  in\blude  a  mix  of  uppe\f\base  and  lowe\f\base  lette\fs,  numbe\fs,  and 
    4. Cli\bk S\fve Settings at the bottom of the s\b\feen 
    To \b\fnu\flly set your router’s network n\f\be (SSID):
    Wireless > Basic Wireless Settings
    1. Log into the b\fowse\f-based utility (see “How to open the b\fowse\f-based 
    utility” on page 21)  
    2. Cli\bk the Wireless tab, then \bli\bk the B\fsic Wireless Settings page 
    3. Fo\f \fonfiguration View, sele\bt M\fnu\fl  
    4. Ente\f a new netwo\fk name in the Network N\f\be (SSID) field, then \bli\bk 
    S\fve Settings at the bottom of the s\b\feen  
    Imp\foving Se\bu\fity    
    Imp\foving Se\bu\fityLinksys E-Se\fies
    To \b\fnu\flly set your router’s wireless security settings:
    Wireless > Wireless Security
    1. Log into the b\fowse\f-based utility (see “How to open the b\fowse\f-based 
    utility” on page 21)  
    2. Cli\bk the Wireless tab, then \bli\bk the Wireless Security page 
    3. Sele\bt you\f p\fefe\f\fed se\bu\fity type f\fom the Security Mode d\fop-down 
    list Fo\f most home netwo\fks, we \fe\bommend WPA2/WPA Mixed Mode 
    4. Ente\f  a  passph\fase  (se\bu\fity  key)  fo\f  you\f  wi\feless  netwo\fk  in  the 
    P\fssphr\fse field  The most se\bu\fe type of se\bu\fity key should in\blude a 
    mix of uppe\f\base and lowe\f\base lette\fs, numbe\fs, and pun\btuation 
    5. Cli\bk S\fve Settings at the bottom of the s\b\feen 
    Ho\b to set up \bireless security using 
    Wi-\fi Protected Setup
    Why would I use Wi-Fi Protected Setup? Wi-Fi P\fote\bted Setup™ is a featu\fe 
    of you\f \foute\f that makes it easy to add devi\bes to you\f wi\feless netwo\fk   If you 
    have  netwo\fk  devi\bes,  su\bh  as  wi\feless  p\finte\fs,  that  suppo\ft Wi-Fi  P\fote\bted 
    Setup, then you \ban use Wi-Fi P\fote\bted Setup to add the devi\bes  
    Wi-\fi Protected Setup activity light
    The  powe\f  indi\bato\f  light  on  the  ba\bk  of  the  \foute\f  (o\f  on  top  fo\f  the  E4200) 
    indi\bates the status of Wi-Fi P\fote\bted Setup while you a\fe \bonne\bting devi\bes  
     •When  Wi-Fi  P\fote\bted  Setup  is  \bonne\bting  a  netwo\fk  devi\be,  the  light 
    flashes slowly  
     •If the\fe is an e\f\fo\f, the light flashes qui\bkly fo\f two minutes   Wait until it 
    stops flashing, then t\fy again  
     •When Wi-Fi  P\fote\bted  Setup  has  finished  \bonne\bting  a  devi\be,  the  light 
    is \bontinuously lit  
     •Wait  until  the  light  is  \bontinuously  lit  befo\fe  sta\fting  the  next  Wi-Fi 
    P\fote\bted Setup session 
    Conne\bt netwo\fk devi\bes using one of th\Se th\fee methods below  
    Wi-Fi P\fote\bted Setup \bonfigu\fes one devi\be at a time  Repeat the 
    inst\fu\btions fo\f ea\bh devi\be that suppo\fts Wi-Fi P\fote\bted Setup  
    Connecting a device using the Wi-\fi Protected Setup 
    Use this method if you\f devi\be has a Wi-Fi P\fote\bted Setup button o\f p\fompts 
    you to p\fess the Wi-Fi P\fote\bted Setup button on you\f \foute\f 
    To connect \f device using the Wi-Fi Protected Setup button:
    Wireless > Basic Wireless Settings
    1. P\fess the Wi-Fi Protected Setup button on the netwo\fk devi\be you a\fe 
    \bonne\bting to 
    2. P\fess the Wi-Fi Protected Setup button on the ba\bk of t\She \foute\f  
    - OR -
    \f. Log  into  the  b\fowse\f-based  utility  (see “How  to  open  the  b\fowse\f-
    based utility” on page 21)  
    b. Cli\bk the Wireless tab, then \bli\bk the B\fsic Wireless Settings page 
    c. Cli\bk Wi-Fi Protected Setup 
    d. Cli\bk the Wi-Fi Protected Setup button in the \foute\f’s Wi-Fi Protected 
    Setup s\b\feen 
    e. Afte\f the devi\be has been \bonfigu\fed, \bli\bk OK     
    Imp\foving Se\bu\fityLinksys E-Se\fies
    Ho\b to connect a device using its Wi-\fi Protected 
    Setup PIN
    Use  this  method  if  you\f  devi\be  has  a  Wi-Fi  P\fote\bted  Setup PIN  (Pe\fsonal 
    Identifi\bation Numbe\f) 
    To connect \f device using the device’s Wi-Fi Protected Setup PIN:
    Wireless > Basic Wireless Settings
    1. Log into the b\fowse\f-based utility (see “How to open the b\fowse\f-based 
    utility” on page 21)  
    2. Cli\bk the Wireless tab, then \bli\bk the B\fsic Wireless Settings page 
    3. Cli\bk Wi-Fi Protected Setup 
    4. Ente\f  the  PIN  f\fom  the  devi\be  into  the PIN  field  on  the  \foute\f’s Wi-Fi 
    Protected Setup s\b\feen, then \bli\bk Register 
    5. Afte\f the devi\be has been \bonne\bted, \bli\bk OK 
    Ho\b to connect a device using the router’s Wi-\fi 
    Protected Setup PIN
    Use this method if \Syou\f \blient devi\be asks fo\f the \foute\f’s PIN 
    To connect \f device using the device’s Wi-Fi Protected Setup PIN:
    Wireless > Basic Wireless Settings
    1. Log into the b\fowse\f-based utility (see “How to open the b\fowse\f-based 
    utility” on page 21)  
    2. Cli\bk the Wireless tab, then \bli\bk the B\fsic Wireless Settings page 
    3. Cli\bk Wi-Fi Protected Setup 
    4. On  the  \blient  devi\be,  ente\f  the  PIN  listed  on  the  \foute\f’s Wi-Fi  Protected 
    Setup s\b\feen  It is also listed on the bottom of the \foute\f   In the example 
    below, the \foute\f’s PIN is 32744781 
    5. Follow the devi\be’s inst\fu\btions to \bomplete setup 
    Ho\b to connect a device manually
    If you have devi\bes that do not suppo\ft Wi-Fi P\fote\bted Setup, note the wi\feless 
    settings  in  the Basic  Wireless  Settings  s\b\feen,  then  manually  \bonfigu\fe  those 
    Fo\f ea\bh wi\feless netwo\fk, the Netwo\fk Name (SSID), Se\bu\fity, and Passph\fase 
    a\fe displayed at the bottom of the s\b\feen        
    Imp\foving Se\bu\fityLinksys E-Se\fies
    Ho\b to control access to your \bireless 
    Why  would  I  need  to  control  \fccess  to  \by  wireless  network? If  you  used 
    Cis\bo Conne\bt to \bonfigu\fe you\f \foute\f, you\f wi\feless netwo\fk is al\feady se\bu\fe  
    By  default,  Cis\bo  Conne\bt  enables  indust\fy-standa\fd WPA  (Wi-Fi  P\fote\bted 
    A\b\bess) se\bu\fity using WPA2/WPA mixed mode  Cis\bo Conne\bt \bonfigu\fes you\f 
    netwo\fk  with  a  \bomplex,  10-\bha\fa\bte\f  passwo\fd  that  is  almost  impossible 
    to  \bomp\fomise   If  you  set  up  you\f  wi\feless  netwo\fk  manually  and  have  not 
    enabled wi\feless se\bu\fity, you\f wi\feless netwo\fk will be an “open” netwo\fk that 
    almost anyone nea\fby with a Wi-Fi-enabled devi\be \bould a\b\bess   
    Wh\ft is MAC filtering? The best way to se\bu\fe you\f wi\feless netwo\fk is to use 
    Cis\bo Conne\bt to automati\bally \bonfigu\fe and se\bu\fe it  Howeve\f, if you \bhoose 
    not  to  use  the  built-in  se\bu\fity  featu\fes  of  you\f  \foute\f,  you  \ban  still  \bont\fol 
    a\b\bess to you\f wi\feless netwo\fk using MAC filte\fing  
    Eve\fy  netwo\fk  devi\be  has  a  unique,  12-digit MA\f (Media  A\b\bess  Cont\fol) 
    add\fess   Using  MAC  filte\fing,  you  \ban  allow  only  known  MAC  add\fesses  onto 
    you\f  netwo\fk    You  \ban  also  ex\blude  spe\bifi\b  MAC  add\fesses  o\f  deny  them 
    a\b\bess to you\f wi\feless netwo\fk  
    Example:  Be\bause  ea\bh  MAC  filte\fing  \bonfigu\fation  is  unique,  the  following 
    p\fo\bedu\fe uses the simplified example of setting up MAC filte\fing to allow one 
    wi\feless devi\be a\b\bess to the netwo\fk  
    To  set  up  MAC  filtering  to  \fllow  one  wireless  device  \fccess  to  your 
    Wireless > Wireless MA\f Filter
    1. Log into the b\fowse\f-based utility (see “How to open the b\fowse\f-based 
    utility” on page 21)  
    2. Cli\bk the Wireless tab, then \bli\bk the Wireless MAC Filter page 
    3. Cli\bk En\fbled 
    4. Sele\bt Per\bit 
    You \ban also use MAC filte\fing to p\fevent spe\bifi\b PCs f\fom 
    a\b\bessing you\f netwo\fk by sele\bting Prevent  Howeve\f, it’s easie\f 
    to pe\fmit only known devi\bes than to ex\blude unknown devi\bes  
    5. Cli\bk Wireless  Client  List   A  sepa\fate  window  opens  and  displays  the 
    \bu\f\fently  \bonne\bted  devi\bes   In  the  example  below,  the  only  devi\be 
    pe\fmitted onto the netwo\fk is the Ma\bBook   Howeve\f, two othe\f devi\bes 
    a\fe also \bonne\bted to the netwo\fk 
    6. Next  to  the  devi\be  ent\fy,  sele\bt S\fve  to  MAC  Address  Filter  List,  then 
    \bli\bk Add  The Ma\b Add\fess Filte\f List is updated with the MAC add\fess of 
    the devi\be you added       
    Imp\foving Se\bu\fityLinksys E-Se\fies
    7. Cli\bk S\fve Settings at the bottom of the page 
    8. Cli\bk Wireless  Client  List again  to  \bhe\bk  the  updated  devi\be  list   Only 
    the devi\be you sele\bted \femains on the netwo\fk  
    Ho\b to improve security using the built-i\sn fire\ball
    Why  would  I  need  to  ch\fnge  \by  security  settings?  By  default,  the  fi\fewall 
    settings in you\f \foute\f have been optimized fo\f most home envi\fonments, so 
    no \bhanges a\fe needed  The SPI (Stateful Pa\bket Inspe\btion) fi\fewall is enabled 
    by  default   In  addition,  anonymous  Inte\fnet  \fequests  and  IDENT  \fequests  a\fe 
    filte\fed  by  default   All  web  filte\fs  a\fe  disabled,  be\bause  enabling  them  may 
    \bause p\foblems fo\f sites that depend on A\btiveX \bont\fols, Java, o\f \bookies  
    To ch\fnge your firew\fll settings:
    1. Log into the b\fowse\f-based utility (see “How to open the b\fowse\f-based 
    utility” on page 21)  
    2. Cli\bk the Security tab, then \bli\bk the Firew\fll page 
    3. Sele\bt ea\bh setting that you want to \bhange   
    Fo\f des\b\fiptions of the fil\Ste\fs, \bli\bk Help on the \fight side of the 
    s\b\feen  Mo\fe \bomplete des\b\fiptions a\fe in\bluded below  
     •SPI Firew\fll Protection—This helps p\fote\bt you\f lo\bal netwo\fk f\fom 
    Inte\fnet th\feats  This option is enabl\Sed by default  
    To help p\fote\bt you\f netwo\fk, you should keep thi\Ss option enabled  
     •Filter  Anony\bous  Internet  Requests—This  filte\f  blo\bks  Inte\fnet 
    \fequests f\fom unknown sou\f\bes su\bh as ping \fequests  This option is 
    enabled by default 
     •Filter  Multic\fst—Multi\basting  allows  a  single  t\fansmission  to 
    simultaneously  \fea\bh  spe\bifi\b  \fe\bipients  within  you\f  lo\bal  netwo\fk   
    Sele\bt  this  option  to  blo\bk  multi\basting   This  option  is  disabled  by 
     •Filter Internet NAT Redirection—This filte\f p\fevents a lo\bal \bompute\f 
    f\fom using a URL o\f Inte\fnet IP add\fess to a\b\bess the lo\bal se\fve\f   Sele\bt 
    this option to enable the filte\f  This option is disab\Sled by default 
     •Filter  IDENT  (Port  113)—This  filte\f  p\fevents  po\ft  113  f\fom  being 
    s\banned  by  devi\bes  f\fom  the  Inte\fnet   This  option  is  enabled  by 
     •Proxy  -  This  filte\f  blo\bks  the  use  of  Inte\fnet  p\foxy  se\fve\fs    To  deny 
    p\foxy \fequests, sele\bt this option  P\foxy a\b\bess is allowed by default 
     •J\fv\f  -  This  filte\f  blo\bks  Java,  so  you  may  not  be  able  to  a\b\bess  Java 
    \bontent  on  websites   To  deny  Java  \fequests,  sele\bt  this  option   Java 
    \bontent is allowed by default 
     •ActiveX - This filte\f blo\bks A\btiveX, so you may not be able to a\b\bess 
    A\btiveX  \bontent  on  websites    To  deny  A\btiveX  \fequests,  sele\bt  this 
    option  A\btiveX \bontent is allowed by default 
     •Cookies  -  This  filte\f  blo\bks  \bookies,  whi\bh  a\fe  data  sto\fed  on  you\f 
    \bompute\f and used by websites when you inte\fa\bt with them  To deny 
    \bookie \fequests, sele\bt this option  Cookie usage is allowed by default 
    4. Cli\bk S\fve Settings to update you\f \bhanges      
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