Christie Projector Mirage M Series User Manual
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Section 3: Operation Mirage M Series User Manual3-63020-100575-02 Rev. 1 (11-2010) FIGURE 3-47 EXAMPLE OF 3D MULTIPLE DISPLAY SETUP
Mirage M Series User Manual4-1020-100575-02 Rev. 1 11-2010 4 Web User Interface 4.1 Logging On IMPORTANT! Before logging on to the system, ensure that you select the appropriate language required. Your language selection only affects the web user interface. The language used by the projector’s on-screen display (OSD) is not affected. See Figure 4-1. 1. Open your web browser and type the IP address (in the address bar) assigned to your projector. 2. Select the appropriate language from the Language drop-down list, located in the upper left-hand corner. See Figure 4-1. 3. Type your username and password in the User Name and Password (see Figure 4-2) fields respectively. Both entries are case-sensitive. 4. Click the Login button. The Main window (see Figure 4-3) appears. FIGURE 4-3 MAIN WINDOW FIGURE 4-1 LANGUAGE DROP-DOWN LISTFIGURE 4-2 LOGIN
4-2Mirage M Series User Manual020-100575-02 Rev. 1 11-2010 Section 4: Web User Interface The following table describes each area found in the Main window. See Figure 4-3. 4.2 Navigating the Web User Interface It is not recommended that you use the web browser’s navigation functionality (i.e. the Back and Forward functions) as this will cause you to lose your web connection. It is recommended that you navigate using the application interface and related functionality detailed in this section. IMPORTANT: Internet Explorer V6.0 has known performance issues and is not recommended to be used as the primary web browser for the web user interface. It is recommended that you use Internet Explorer V7.0. 4.2.1 Help Text You can move your mouse pointer over most buttons or fields to display related help information or click the Help button, if available. See Figure 4-4. To disable this feature, go to Admin>System>Tooltip: Hide. NOTE: Help text is not available for a disabled button. ASECONDARY TABS (SPECIFIC TO A PRIMARY TAB ) LOCATED ALONG THE BOTTOM OF THE MAIN WINDOW. BACTIVE INPUT WINDOW SEC- TION IS READ -ONLY. CTHESE SECTIONS PROVIDE DROP- DOWN LIST SELECTIONS (REFER TO SECTION 3, OPERATION FOR MORE DETAILS ). DPRIMARY TABS LOCATED ALONG THE TOP OF THE MAIN WINDOW . ECURRENT STATUS BAR PRO- VIDES INFORMATION MESSAGES ACCORDING TO THE CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECTOR . FPROJECTOR INFORMATION SECTION IS READ-ONLY. GSTATUS INDICATOR DISPLAYS THE OVERALL STATUS OF THE PROJECTOR , BASED ON THE 12 CATEGORIES OF INFORMATION AVAILABLE . NOTE: CLICK THE STATUS INDICATOR LED TO DISPLAY THE STATUS WINDOW AND OBTAIN MORE INFORMA- TION ABOUT ANY CURRENT ERRORS AND WARNINGS . SEE 4.3.2 MAIN TABBED PAGE - S TATUS. HLOGOUT BUTTON (LOCATED AT THE TOP RIGHT CORNER OF THE WEB BROWSER ) IS USED TO LOG- OUT YOU OFF OF THE WEB USER INTERFACE AND THE PROJECTOR . IPOWER SECTION CONTAINS AN ON AND OFF BUTTON. ONLY ONE IS ENABLED DEPENDING ON THE CURRENT POWERED STATE OF THE PROJECTOR . JSHUTTER SECTION CONTAINS AN OPEN AND CLOSE BUTTON. O NLY ONE IS ENABLED DEPEND- ING ON THE CURRENT STATE OF THE PROJECTOR ’S SHUTTER. KOSD (ON SCREEN DISPLAY) SECTION CONTAINS AN ON AND OFF BUTTON. ONLY ONE IS ENABLED DEPENDING ON THE CURRENT STATE OF THE PROJEC- TOR ’S ON-SCREEN DISPLAY. FIGURE 4-4 HELP MOUSE OVER EXAMPLE
Section 4: Web User Interface Mirage M Series User Manual4-3020-100575-02 Rev. 1 (11/2010) 4.3 Basic Operation This section discusses the primary tabs located along the top of the application window. Each primary tab also has related secondary tabs which are located along the bottom of each tabbed page as follows: • Main • General • Status • Lens • Tools • Virtual OSD • Admin • System • Users • Advanced •RTE • Serial • About • Version • License 4.3.1 Main Tabbed Page - General Under the Main tabbed page, select the General secondary tab to view general information about Inputs, Channels, Projector Information, Test Pattern, and Color Enable (see Figure 4-3). For detailed information refer to Section 3 Operation. 4.3.2 Main Tabbed Page - Status Under the Main tabbed page, select the Status secondary tab to view the 12 Category LED status lights which indicate the projector’s highest critical state. See Figure 4-5. The LED color of the category indicates that it is in one of the following states: • Green = Good • Yellow = Warning • Red = Error For more information about each LED, click a category for details. FIGURE 4-5 CATEGORY STATUS EXAMPLE
4-4Mirage M Series User Manual020-100575-02 Rev. 1 11-2010 Section 4: Web User Interface 4.3.3 Main Tabbed Page - Lens Under the Main tabbed page, select the Lens secondary tab to define your adjustment settings for the lens. For detailed information, refer to Section 3 Operation. 4.3.4 Tools Tabbed Page - Virtual OSD Under the Tools tabbed page, select the Virtual OSD secondary tab to access to the virtual OSD page. See Figure 4-6. FIGURE 4-6 TOOLS WINDOW The following table describes each area found in the Tools window. See Figure 4-6. AVIRTUAL OSD TABBED PAGE PRESENTS THE MAIN MENU ( REFER TO APPENDIX A, MENU TREE FOR MORE DETAILS). BTHE MAXIMIZE/MINIMIZE BUT- TON TOGGLES DEPENDING ON THE CURRENT STATE OF THE PROJEC- TOR . WHEN MAXIMIZED, THE VIR- TUAL OSD DISPLAYS OVER THE ENTIRE PAGE SO THAT SUBSE- QUENT MENUS CAN BE VIEWED WITHOUT SCROLLING . No access to tabbed pages when maximized. CHELP BUTTON PRESENTS A POP-UP WINDOW WHICH PROVIDES INFOR- MATION TO HELP YOU NAVIGATE WITHIN THE CURRENT MENU . DOSD SECTION CONTAINS AN ON AND OFF BUTTON. ONLY ONE IS ENABLED DEPENDING ON THE CUR- RENT STATE OF THE OSD. CON- TROL OF THE OSD IS ALWAYS AVAILABLE THROUGH THE REMOTE . EAUTO SETUP BUTTON USES THE MANUFACTURE ’S DEFAULT SET- TINGS (REFER TO SECTION 3, O PERATION FOR MORE DETAILS).
Section 4: Web User Interface Mirage M Series User Manual4-5020-100575-02 Rev. 1 (11/2010) Virtual OSD Menu By selecting an option from a menu, its associated window appears, showing related information and input fields. To return to the previous menu, click the menu’s title bar (see Figure 4-7). To return to a previous menu, click on the current menu’s title bar or press ESC. NOTE: It is recommended to click the Maximize button to view the full screen size. There are various types of menu elements (Figure 4-8 and Figure 4-9) which allow you to define various projector settings. These include: • Field entries • Drop-down lists • Check boxes • Sliders IMPORTANT! When a menu option is modified through the Virtual OSD menu, the projector’s setting takes affect immediately. E NTERING A NUMBER IN A NUMERIC FIELD 1. Position your mouse pointer within the numeric field that you wish to edit. 2. Click to highlight the field entry. NOTE: If you click the menu option, the field cannot be edited. 3. Edit the field entry. 4. Press Enter to save your changes. FIGURE 4-8 SELECT NUMERIC FIELD FIGURE 4-7 VIEW PREVIOUS MENU
4-6Mirage M Series User Manual020-100575-02 Rev. 1 11-2010 Section 4: Web User Interface SELECTING A OPTION FROM A DROP-DOWN LIST 1. Click the option drop-down arrow to open the drop-down list. 2. Locate and select the desired option. FIGURE 4-9 TYPES OF MENU ELEMENTS SELECTING OR CLEARING A CHECK BOX To select or clear a check box, click the check box with your mouse pointer. This enables or clears the option respectively. C LOCK SETTING 1. Click within the field (i.e. Lamp Regeneration Start Time option) to allow access. 2. Change the Hour, Minute, and Seconds fields (double-digit field entry) as required. 4.3.5 Admin Tabbed Page - System Under the Admin tabbed page, select the System secondary tab to upgrade, upload, backup and restore specific files, change the Logo position, background color, gamma properties, and select the interrogation level. FIGURE 4-10 ADMIN WINDOW
Section 4: Web User Interface Mirage M Series User Manual4-7020-100575-02 Rev. 1 (11/2010) The following table describes each area found in the Admin window. See Figure 4-10. Uploading a Logo File or Gamma File Important: The projector must be powered on to enable the Upload drop-down list. 1. Click the Upload Browse button to open the Choose file window. 2. Locate and select the file you wish to upload from a Network drive location or from your hard drive. 3. Select the file type (Logo or Gamma) from the Upload drop-down list. NOTE: If you select a Logo file type, it MUST be a 24-bit, bitmap file. This enables the Logo Position and Background Color section. Proceed to Step 3a. If you select a Gamma file type, it MUST be a .csv file with 1024 values (all colors same) or 1024 x 3 for individual colors. This enables the Gamma Properties section. Proceed to Step 4a. a. Enter the Logo position for the X and Y fields. b. Click the Color square to open the Choose Background Color window, choose the desired background color from the color palette, and click OK. The color square changes to the selected color. c. Click the Upload button to display the Logo Upload window. Click Yes or No to confirm or cancel the upload. An Upload in Progress window appears. ARESTORE SECTION ALLOWS YOU TO SELECT THE FILE AND FILE TYPE THAT YOU WISH TO RESTORE . BBACKUP SECTION ALLOWS YOU TO SELECT THE FILE AND FILE TYPE THAT YOU WISH TO BACKUP . C UPLOAD SECTION ALLOWS YOU TO SELECT THE FILE AND FILE TYPE THAT YOU WISH TO UPLOAD . DLOGO POSITION AND BACK- GROUND COLOR SECTION IS ENABLED WHEN YOU SELECT A LOGO FILE TYPE FROM THE UPLOAD SECTION. EGAMMA PROPERTIES SEC- TION IS ENABLED WHEN YOU SELECT A GAMMA FILE TYPE FROM THE UPLOAD SECTION. FSYNC BUTTON IS USED TO SET THE PROJECTOR DATE AND TIME TO MATCH THAT ON YOUR COMPUTER . GUPLOAD, BACKUP, R ESTORE, AND INTERROGA- TOR BUTTONS PERFORM THEIR RESPECTIVE FUNC- TIONS , AFTER THE SETTING FOR THE FUNCTION HAVE FIRST BEEN SELECTED FROM THE DROP -DOWN LISTS, AND OTHER FIELDS ON THE LEFT . HUPGRADE BUTTON, REBOOTS UNIT INTO FAILSAFE MODE FOR UPGRADING . REFER TO THE M S ERIES SOFTWARE UPGRADE INSTRUCTION SHEET P/N 020- 100267- XX. I HIDE BUTTON ALLOWS YOU TO DISABLE THE DISPLAY OF THE HELP TEXT .
4-8Mirage M Series User Manual020-100575-02 Rev. 1 11-2010 Section 4: Web User Interface 4. Click the Upload button to display the Logo Upload window. a. Enter a descriptive name in the Display Name field. b. Click the Upload button to display the Gamma Upload window. Click Yes or No to confirm or cancel the upload respectively. An Upload in Progress window appears. Creating a Backup File 1. Select a file type (All, Preferences, Configuration, Channels, or Users) from the Backup drop-down list. 2. Click Backup to initiate the download. A Backup in Progress bar appears. Once finished, a File Download window appears. 3. Click Save to open a Save As window. 4. Locate and select a folder within your Network drive or hard-drive where you wish to save the file. 5. Click Save. Restoring a File 1. Click the Browse button to open the Choose file window. 2. Locate and select the file you wish to restore from a Network drive location or from your hard drive. 3. Select a file type [All, Preferences, Configuration, Channels, Users or Real Time Events (RTE)] from the Restore drop-down list. NOTE: DO NOT select All unless transferring all files from one projector to another or cloning. 4. Click Restore to initiate the restore. A Restore in Progress bar appears. Once finished, a confirmation message appears. Performing a Diagnostic Test using Interrogator 1. Click Interrogate to initiate the diagnostic test and download the diagnostic test results to your computer. A Interrogator in Progress bar appears. Once the download is complete, a File Download window appears. 2. Click Save to save the diagnostic test results file to your Network drive or hard-drive. 4.3.6 Admin Tabbed Page- Users Under the Admin tabbed page, select the User secondary tab. Options are provided to add to and delete users from accessing the projector, and change passwords. NOTES: 1) Do not use capitalization for usernames or passwords. If capitalization is used for the username or password, it will automatically convert it to lower case. 2) Usernames can be a minimum of 4 and maximum of 32 characters. passwords can be a minimum of 4 and maximum of 128 characters.