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Christie Projector Mirage Hd8 User Manual

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Page 71

Section 3: Operation  
3-42 020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07) 
* Functions are only active when the Slider Lock is set to Unlocked 
NOTE: It is important to ensure the channels DO NOT overlap another device. 
Good Bad 
Proj1_Base = 0  Proj1_Base = 5 
Proj2_Base = 10  Proj2_Base = 9 
Proj3_Base = 20  Proj3_Base = 11 
 This option is used to name each device; some ArtNet servers support 
querying for devices. 
DEVICE DESCRIPTION: More information that is returned when a “device...

Page 72

 Section 3: Operation 
020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07)  3-43. 
the remaining active sensor to OFF. The projector will no longer respond to an IR 
remote keypad.  
NOTE: Protocols B – G are used for rental staging applications. 
Wired Keypad 
The wired keypad is ON by default to when connected to the rear of the projector. The 
projector will then respond to incoming commands from this port. To disable the 
wired keypad, you must use a different keypad—the built-in or an IR remote 
keypad—to select “off”....

Page 73

Section 3: Operation  
3-44 020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07) 
NOTES: 1) See also 3.10, Using Multiple Projectors for the complete step-by-step 
procedure for achieving uniform brightness in adjacent displays. 2) If Christie TWIST 
module is installed, the enable checkbox changes to a list giving the option to choose 
from several different uniformity maps. Please refer to documentation included with 
your Christie TWIST module. 
Edge Blending 
The Edge Blending submenu provides a range of...

Page 74

 Section 3: Operation 
020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07)  3-45. 
• Color Adjustments by X,Y — Enter known x/y coordinates from the chromaticity 
• Color Saturation
 — Adjust color slide bars and judge image color by eye or 
A user-defined color “adjustment” can be applied by selecting it in the Advanced 
Image Settings menu (“Select Color Adjustment”). 
this submenu if you want to create, 
alter or copy a color gamut (i.e., 
“color adjustment”). Controls in 

Page 75

Section 3: Operation  
3-46 020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07) 
NOTE: Keep new x,y coordinates within the original color gamut triangle shown 
PROCEDURE FOR X,Y ADJUSTMENTS:  See 3.10, Using Multiple Projectors. 
COLOR SATURATION: Use this submenu 
if you do not have specific color 
coordinates in mind and will simply 
judge color performance by eye or 
meter. Like the Color Adjustment by X,Y 
submenu, each color control actually 
defines new x/y coordinates for that 
color and changes its hue—it is...

Page 76

 Section 3: Operation 
020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07)  3-47. 
Black Level Blending — SUBMENU 
Black Level Blending is a feature that eliminates the differences between black levels 
when edge blending multiple projectors. The Black Level Blending submenu provides 
many controls to allow the edges of adjacent images to be smoothly overlapped 
creating a “seamless” image. Edge blending smoothes white levels, and if edge 
blending is not in use, Black Level Blending is disabled. Black Level Blending...

Page 77

Section 3: Operation  
3-48 020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07) 
Test Pattern Grey Level 
Set the desired level of grey for displaying in the full gray field test pattern. 
Freeze Image 
Enter a check mark to freeze (stop) an image on a single frame. This diagnostic tool is 
useful if you need to examine in detail a still version of an incoming image that cannot 
be “frozen” at the source. For example, in moving images it is sometimes difficult to 
observe artifacts such as external de-interlacing/resizing and...

Page 78

 Section 3: Operation 
020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07)  3-49. 
Figure 3.11. Using “Odd Pixel Adjustment” 
NOTES: 1) Adjust offset before gain, since offset affects gain. 2) A value of 128 
represents no change in normal odd pixel offset or gain. 3) Odd Pixel Adjustment 
eliminates “one pixel on, one pixel off” artifact only, not any type of larger artifacts. 
No function. 
Peak Detector 
The “Peak Detector” is a fast method for defining individual input levels, and can 
improve the accuracy of...

Page 79

Section 3: Operation  
3-50 020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07) 
Aspect Ratio Overlay 
Selecting this option with a checkmark will overlay a number of common aspect ratio 
boxes on top of the source image. This is very helpful during the setup of the projector 
and can be turned off after desired specifications have been achieved.  
LiteLOC™ Calibration 
NOTES: 1) LiteLOC™ Calibration takes up to two minutes. 2) For best results, allow 
the projector to warm up for 15 minutes prior to calibration. 

Page 80

 Section 3: Operation 
020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07)  3-51. 
PIP (Picture-in-Picture) and Seamless Switching are independent but related projector 
features that both utilize two image-processing paths within the projector. In the case 
of Picture-in-Picture, this double processing enables you to display two different 
images simultaneously – typically a smaller “secondary” image within a large 
“primary” background.  In a seamless switch, the double processing essentially occurs 
between displays so...
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